119 Infos zu Marvin Bratke
Mehr erfahren über Marvin Bratke
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Furth im wald
Infos zu
- Design
- Paul Bart
- Architect
- Pavilion
- Horten
- Alexander
- Christian
- Paul Clemens Bart
- Tor-Magnus
- Graft
- Matthijs la Roi
8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Graft Brandlab für Hyundai Motor Company, Graft Brandlab ...www.pressebox.de › Graft Brandlab· Marvin Bratke, Head of Architecture bei Graft Brandlab sieht enormes Potenzial in der neuartig gestalteten Guideline, die analog mit digital ...
Marvin Bratke » Zukunft MobilitätGemini - Singapur in Bewegung halten.
Marvin Bratke UPDATE // ACCELERATE Enabling for Resilient ...muthesius-kunsthochschule.de › veranstaltungen › marvin-bratke-update-a...· Marvin Bratke studierte an der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und der Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapur.
Choreographic Coding Lab: Motion Bank Report | MOTION BANKChoreographic Coding Lab: Motion Bank Report. Creative coding refers to the growing community of digital artists who use the language of code as ... Marvin Bratke, ...
11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Marvin Bratke aus DelmenhorstStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Marvin BratkeFacebook: Motion Bank - Marvin Bratke just shared a nice schema of ...LinkedIn: Marvin Bratke
Design, München und Umgebung, Deutschland
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Marvin Bratke in der Creditreform FirmendatenbankMarvin Bratke gehört zu den Managern oder Eigentümern der aufgeführten Unternehmen. Informieren Sie sich detailliert auf Creditreform FirmenWissen.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
About | Now We Bar.NOW//WE//BAR | Profile Our agenda is to develop a non-linear, cross linking, open field, one that questions the established hierarchies that operate within...
Judges-Marvin-Bratke-1 - Laka Perspectiveslakaperspectives.com › homepage › judges-m...Copyright by Laka™ © All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Contact | Site by Brisbane · twitter · facebook · pinterest · linkedin · youtube · instagram.
2 Projekte
Ritterstrasse - Cloud Space – GraftGRAFT ist ein in Berlin ansässiges Studio für Architektur, Stadtplanung und Design, gegründet von Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz und Thomas Willemeit.
Общественная зона на площади Революции Розавторский коллектив. Project Architect: Thomas Grabner; Design Team: Marvin Bratke, Agata Glubiak, Philippe Grotenrath ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
New MOVE: Architektur in Bewegung - Neue dynamische Komponenten und...Innovation in der Architektur: Vorteil durch Bewegung.
Staatspreis Design 2013: Projekte der Preisträgerinnen und...The Staatspreis Design – Austrian National Design Award – is awarded in recognition of the best, most creative and innovative solutions for consumer goods,...
The Design of Material, Organism, and Minds: Different Understandings...Design is eminent throughout different disciplines of science, engineering, humanities, and art. However, within these disciplines, the way in which the term...
Unbuilding Walls: Vom Todesstreifen zum freien Raum / From Death...... Laura Harnisch, Ameli Klein, Verena Otto Design Team/Design team Marvin Bratke, Raluca Ana Maria Constantin, Alexander Liu Cheng, Moritz Hanshans, ...
1 Songs & Musik
Paul C. Bart and Marvin Bratke on technology and future architecture...Paul C. Bart and Marvin Bratke on technology and future architecture (Q&A). By Laka Perspectives. In this episode, we are presenting a recording of the Q&A ...
2 Dokumente
Continental Climatic ZoneCase Study of Continental Climate
Marvin Bratke Architectural Portfolio | Vebuka.comA free to use tool for downloading any book or publication on ISSUU.
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
US Patent for Exterior of a vehicle Patent (Patent # D 676,787 issued...... Paul Clemens Bart (München), Marvin Bratke (München), Berna Erenoglu (Munich), Patric Wolfgang Freund (München), Michael Fuderer ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Marvin Bratke Architectural Portfolio by Marvin Bratke - IssuuMarvin Bratke is German architect and designer, currently based in Berlin. He has received his diploma in architecture top of the semester at Techn...
programm // program - Architektur im Foyerarchitektur-im-foyer.com › wp-content › uploads ›paul clemens bart + marvin bratke bart//bratke, london | berlin. 17:30 break. 18:00. “design that educates awards” prize giving and opening of the exhibition.
architektur im foyer - Solarlux GmbHwww.solarlux.gmbh › uploads › sites › › AiF_inv_screen_DE_3· Unter Anleitung der Architekten und Designer Paul Clemens Bart und Marvin Bratke. (Bart//Bratke, Berlin) arbeiten sie interdisziplinär mit den ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Marvin Bratke, Design Architect at GRAFT in Munich, Germany- www.marvinbratke.com - Marvin Bratke is German architect and designer, currently based in Berlin. He has received his diploma in architecture top of the...
China & Singapore – Areas of Study (Transport) – Contemporary Silk...China - Land Airbus To solve the terrible congestion problems that occur on a day to day basis in some of China's major cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and...
Epiphyte Pavillon von Marvin Bratke mit Tor-Magnus Horten - DETAIL -...Epiphyte ist ein komplett autarker modularer Sommer-Pavillon - gestaltet, um moderne und ökologische Bausysteme via einer architektonischen Erfahrung zu...
luccicamediamateriality: Group 4: Mikolaj Scibisz, Christian Tschersich, Marvin Bratke, Jakub Grochulski, Stefanie Pesel
71 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Marvin Bratke on LinkedIn: #standwithukraine› posts
Marvin Bratke on LinkedIn: BauNetz-Stellenangebot: Urban Beta ...› posts › marvinbratke_baunetz...
Marvin Bratke on LinkedIn: TH Köln Vorlesungsrunde mit Annabelle ...› posts › marvinbratke_th-köln...
Marvin Bratke's Post - Robert Habeck - LinkedIn› posts
Beyond immediate function — Paul Clemens Bart & Marvin ...— Paul Clemens Bart & Marvin Bratke (BART//BRATKE) www.bartbratke.com. Images © BART//BRATKE, Team noMad (AADRL); 'noMad': a self-assembling ... › pulse
Nhà thiết kế Đức Marvin Bratke lò nướng dùng năng lưNhà thiết kế Đức Marvin Bratke đã sáng tạo mẫu lò nướng dùng năng lượng mặt trời mới có thể phục vụ tiệc nướng ngoài trời hoàn toàn thân ...
Epiphyte Travelling Pavilion / Marvin Bratke + Tor-Magnus Horten -...Architecture and Design Magazine for the 21st Century. Organizer of the Annual Skysc…r Architectural Competition.
EPIPHYTE TRAVELLING PVILION | Marvin Bratke, Tor Magnus Hwww.arch2o.com/epiphyte-travelling-pvilion-marvin-bratke-tor-magnus-horten/ Epiphyte is a complete self sufficient, modular summer pavilion, created to travel...
Marvin Bratke | Design Educates AwardsMarvin Bratke. Architect, BART//BRATKE, visiting professor at Muthesius Academy of Arts. Previous Project · Next Project. © by ...
Epiphyte Travelling Pavilion by Marvin Bratke & Tor-Magnus HortenCreated to travel around the globe Epiphyte Travelling Pavilion project is work of Marvin Bratke & Tor-Magnus Horten
Laka Perspectives Webinar with Paul Bart and Marvin Bratke | ArchDailyOpen webinar hosted by Laka Perspectives: a discussion on predictive urban planning for the creation of future-proof architecture with Marvin Bratke...
Marvin Bratke Archives - Planet CustodianTag Archives: Marvin Bratke ... “TUM Create” Electromobility Program in Singapore four students Paul Bart, Marvin Bratke, Simon Rauchbart, ...
marvin bratke – tobihaptik.comBeiträge über marvin bratke von tobihaptik
Epiphyte Pavilion / Marvin Bratke+Tor-Magnus Horten Epiphyte is a...Epiphyte Pavilion / Marvin Bratke+Tor-Magnus Horten Epiphyte is a complete self sufficient, modular summer pavilion, created to travel around the world ...
Marvin Bratke | ArchinectArchinect profile for Marvin Bratke.
Marvin Bratke's Art Shop | CurioosMarvin Bratke’s Official Shop featured by Curioos : Numbered & Signed Art Prints, Canvas, Metal Prints, Exclusive T-shirts. Certificates of Authenticity...
FORMAKERS - Marvin Bratke projectsPosted in Architecture - Pavilion by Marvin Bratke. Loading photos (16 of 17)... ‹ › Epiphyte is a complete self sufficient, modular summer pavilion, created to ...
Tags - DETAIL - Magazin für Architektur + BaudetailMarvin Bratke. Suche. Start; Themen; Research; Veranstaltungen; Blog; Produkte; Service; Newsletter; Heftarchiv; Mediadaten; Impressum; Englische Version; Architektur.
Youth Hostel Munich City by Marvin Bratke, via Behance | Youth...Youth Hostel Munich City by Marvin Bratke, via Behance. Find this Pin and more on Bytovky - Housing by A B. Tags. Stair Detail · Roof Detail.
Go hard or go home by Marvin Bratke on SoundCloud - Hear the ...m.soundcloud.com › marvin-bratke › sets › go-h...Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marvin
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Marvin; Walisisch (Familienname als Vorname); mer = das Mark; der ursprünglich walisische Name 'Merfyn' war in England lange als Familienname im Gebrauch; ein walisischer König im 9. Jh. hiess 'Merfyn'; die Bedeutung des Namens ist nicht sicher bekannt, vielleicht enthält der Name das Wort 'mer' (Mark)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Bratke
- Kurzform zum Rufnamen "Bratomil" -> "Bruder" - Bratke (um 1310)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Clemens Bart
- Paul Clemens Bart
- Paul Bart
- Paul Clemens
- Stephan Markus Albrecht
- Markus Albrecht
- Simon Rauchbart
- Tobias Wallisser
- Alexander Rieck
- Christian Tschersich
- Motion Bank
Personensuche zu Marvin Bratke & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Marvin Bratke und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.