138 Infos zu Marvin Frommhold
Mehr erfahren über Marvin Frommhold
Lebt in
- Leipzig
Infos zu
- Sebastian Tramp
- Sören Auer
- Niklas Petersen
- Michael Martin
- Natanael Arndt
- Linked
- Semantic Web
- Anwendungsfall Vakantieland
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
An der Kasse - Bei Aldi ändert sich ab Oktober etwas Entscheidendes!...Sowohl Aldi Nord, als auch Aldi Süd wollen ab Oktober schrittweise eine entscheidende Änderung an ihren Kassen einführen, die bis bundesweit...
2 Bilder zu Marvin Frommhold

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Hi! Was ist denn heut die Tagessuppe? - Marvin Frommhold ...MySpace: Marvin Frommhold ( )depressiveRobot (Marvin Frommhold) · GitHubdepressiveRobot has 9 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Marvin Frommhold | Semantic Web Dog FoodResource URI on the dog food server: http://data.semanticweb.org/person/marvin-frommhold. Email Hash: 28c15891bddb96c61f69962c007b242c5a
1 Hobbys & Interessen
EläkeläisetThe Great Comeback of the Kings of Humppa VVK AK erm
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Marvin FrommholdAngestellter / Leipzig / OWL, Git, Hypermedia, Functional Programming, Spring Integration, Semantic Web / , Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
User Marvin Frommhold - Stack Overflow› users
java - How to pass JVM options from bootRun - Stack OverflowThis should pass all JVM options to the app started via bootRun . share|improve this answer. answered Oct 1 '14 at 12:52. Marvin Frommhold.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Test... LinkedIn: http://fr.linkedin.com/pub/antoine-zimmermann ; DBLP Irlán Grangel-González, Gökhan Coskun, Sören Auer, Marvin Frommhold, ...
2 Projekte
Re: [Virtuoso-devel] Alleged faulty behavior using FROM...Kind regards > Marvin Frommhold ... Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers On 22 May 2014, at 16:11, Marvin Frommhold <frommhold@.
OpenLink Virtuoso (Open-Source Edition) / [Virtuoso-devel]...RDF_DATATYPE_OF_OBJ and DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE_OF_OBJ do not work. From: Marvin Frommhold <frommhold@in...>
6 Bücher zum Namen
Learning Semantic Web technologies with the web-based SPARQLTrainer -...Learning Semantic Web technologies with the web-based SPARQLTrainer. Daniel Gerber; Marvin Frommhold, Michael Martin; Sebastian Tramp; Sören Auer ...
Business Information Systems: 19th International Conference, BISThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2016, held in Leipzig, Germany, in July...
The Semantic Web – ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic ...... Jean-Philippe Fauconnier Javier D. Fernández Mariano Fernández-López Giorgos Flouris Marvin Frommhold Irini Fundulaki Andrés García-Silva Camilo Garrido ...
The Semantic Web – ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web...... Mariano Fernández-López Giorgos Flouris Marvin Frommhold Irini Fundulaki Andrés García-Silva Camilo Garrido Alain Giboin Kalpa Gunaratna Karl Hammar ...
4 Dokumente
Towards Versioning of Arbitrary RDF Data - SlideShareMarvin Frommhold | AKSW, Universität Leipzig Presentation at Semantics in Leipzig in the context with the results of the LEDS project. Read more. › toward...
Publish and Subscribe for RDF in Enterprise Value Networks Marvin...Publish and Subscribe for RDF in Enterprise Value Networks Marvin Frommhold Natanael Arndt. Add to Reading List. Source URL: events.linkeddata.org.
Publish and Subscribe for RDF in Enterprise Value Networksevents.linkeddata.org › papers › LDOW2016_paper_05Publish and Subscribe for RDF in Enterprise Value Networks. Marvin Frommhold. Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web. Institute of Computer ...
25 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: ESWC Satellite EventsBibliographic content of ESWC Satellite Events
BIS : de / Abschlussarbeiten Marvin FrommholdMarvin Frommhold: Ontology Evolution am Anwendungsfall Vakantieland (Masterarbeit) Die RDF Wissensbasis der semantischen Web Applikation Vakantieland wurde durch Transformation der ehemals genutzten relationalen Datanbank nach RDF erstellt.
dblp: Marvin FrommholdList of computer science publications by Marvin Frommhold
dblp: LDOW@WWW 2016Bibliographic content of LDOW@WWW 2016
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Distributed Linked Data Business Communication Networks: The LUCID...With the LUCID Endpoint, we demonstrate how companies can utilize Linked Data technology to provide major data items for their business partners in a timely...
Joint Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 12th ...... EnvironmentNico Moeller, Gunther Heidemann. [doi] · Enforcing scalable authorization on SPARQL queriesJörg Unbehauen, Marvin Frommhold, Michael Martin. › publication
Towards Federated, Semantics-Based Supply Chain Analytics |...Supply Chain Management aims at optimizing the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer. Closely interconnected enterprises that align...
Informatik 2010: Service Science - Neue Perspektiven für die...[doi] · Modellierung von touristischen Merkmalen am Anwendungsfall VakantielandMarvin Frommhold ; Entwicklung eines mobilen Social ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Marvin Frommhold - YouTube› channel › channels
5 Meinungen & Artikel
cgi06.puretec.deDatum: um 15:13:04: : Name: Marvin Frommhold: Inhalt der Mitteilung: Viele Grüße von eurem Junghornusser
SCORVoc: Vocabulary-Based Information OpenReviewvon N Petersen · · Zitiert von: 13 — Niklas Petersen, Irlán Grangel-González, Gökhan Coskun, Sören Auer, Marvin Frommhold, Sebastian Tramp, Maxime Lefrançois, Antoine Zimmermann. › forum
Structured Feedback: A Distributed Protocol for Feedback and Patches...Natanael Arndt, Kurt Junghanns, Roy Meissner, Philipp Frischmuth, Norman Radtke, Marvin Frommhold, Michael Martin (modified: 15 Jul ...
Re: [ontowiki-user] SPARQL problem with isUri Filter - Marvin...Subject: Re: [ontowiki-user] SPARQL problem with isUri Filter · permalink. From: Marvin Frommhold (). Date: May 21,
74 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Marvin Frommhold - Google ScholarPh.D., University of Leipzig - อ้างอิงโดย 65 รายการ - Semantic Web - Knowledge Management
Natanael Arndt - Google Scholar CitationsMarvin Frommhold Ph.D., University of Leipzig Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei informatik.uni-leipzig.de. Thomas Riechert Agile Knowledge Engineering and ...
Sebastian Tramp - Google Acadêmicoeccenca GmbH - Citado por - Distributed Semantic Social and B2B Networks - Semantic Web - data web technologies - Web data integration -...
Discussion about the Semantic Web - Yahoo GroupsMarvin Frommhold, Michael Haschke, Michael Martin, Michael Niederstätter, Natanael Arndt, Norman Heino, Philipp Frischmuth and Tim Ermilov best regards
Linked Open VocabulariesYour entry point to high quality and reusable Vocabularies to describe Linked Data.
Sebastian Tramp - Google ScholarMarvin Frommhold · Jakub Klímek · Afficher tous les coauteurs. Sebastian Tramp. AKSW @ University of Leipzig. Distributed Semantic Social Networks ...
Sebastian Tramp - Академия Googleeccenca GmbH цитирований - Distributed Semantic Social and B2B Networks - Semantic Web - data web technologies - Web data integration - architecture of...
Sebastian Tramp - Google विद्वानeccenca GmbH - 2,378 जगहों पर ज़िक्र हुआ - Distributed Semantic Social and B2B Networks - Semantic Web - data web technologies - Web data...
Marvin Frommhold RIP TutorialDocumentation contributed by Marvin Frommhold
Sebastian Tramp - Google 学术搜索引用... Norman Heino,; Sebastian Hellmann,; Timofey Ermilov,; Lorenz Bühmann,; Steffen Lohmann,; Orri Erling,; Marvin Frommhold,; Stefan Otto,; Natanael Arndt, ...
Timofey Ermilov - Google Scholar Citations... Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo,; René Speck,; Daniel Gerber,; John Domingue,; Andreas Thalhammer,; Ruben Navarro Piris,; Marvin Frommhold,; Ivan Ermilov, ...
Marvin Frommhold | SEMANTiCS 2018Marvin Frommhold received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from Leipzig University. He is currently working at eccenca GmbH in Leipzig as Linked Data ...
Marvin Frommhold (depressiveRobot) - Developer | DevHub.iodevhub.io › developer › depressiveRobotMarvin Frommhold follows 9 other users and is followed by 8 users. Data for Marvin Frommhold was last updated 3 years after. Marvin Frommhold use TeX, Java ...
Marvin Frommhold (depressiveRobot) - Libraries.iolibraries.io › github › depressiveRobotMarvin Frommhold. Tracking 334 commits to 134 open source packages. Linked Data Engineer at @eccenca PhD at @AKSW. Homepage: depressiverobot.com.
User Marvin Frommhold - Stack ExchangeWe make Stack Overflow and 170+ other community-powered Q&A sites.
Marvin Frommhold - GitLab› depressiveRobot
Perfil de usuario de Marvin Frommhold - Iteramos.com› usuario
Marvin Frommhold — Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW)Current Projects. LEDS – Linked Enterprise Data Services; Past Projects. OntoWiki – a tool providing support for agile, distributed knowledge engineering scenarios
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW)Proceedings of the Workshop on Linked Data on the Web co-located with 25th International World Wide Web Conference ... Marvin Frommhold Michael Martin;
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Joint Proceedings of the Posters and Demos...Joerg Unbehauen, Marvin Frommhold, Michael Martin; Extracting Geo-Semantics About Cities From OpenStreetMap Mónica Posada-Sánchez, Stefan Bischof, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marvin
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Marvin; Walisisch (Familienname als Vorname); mer = das Mark; der ursprünglich walisische Name 'Merfyn' war in England lange als Familienname im Gebrauch; ein walisischer König im 9. Jh. hiess 'Merfyn'; die Bedeutung des Namens ist nicht sicher bekannt, vielleicht enthält der Name das Wort 'mer' (Mark)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Frommhold
- althochdeutscher Rufname "fruma-walt" -> "Nutzen, Vorteil, Segen +
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ruben Navarro
- Philipp Frischmuth
- Daniel Gerber
- Niklas Petersen
- Giorgos Flouris
- Sebastian Tramp
- Irini Fundulaki
- Sören Auer
- Marcus Michalski
- Sebastian Frommhold
- Marina May
Personensuche zu Marvin Frommhold & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Marvin Frommhold und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.