161 Infos zu Maryam Sadeghi-jalyani

15 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Traditional Wedding in Iran - Slideshow - UPI.com

Iranian bride Maryam Sadeghi bids farewell to close family and friends before marrying her husband Seyed Javad Jafari in Ghale Sarvillage in north eastern...

Maryam Sadeghi takes dermatology digital with MoleScope - The Globe...

The MoleScope, which helps smartphone users track and monitor suspicious moles, could hit the market as early as next year

Maryam Sadeghi - DermEngine Blog

› topic

Köln/Aachen: 33-jährige Frau aus Köln vermisst

Seit dem 18. Oktober wird Maryam Sadeghi Jalyani aus Köln-Lindenthal vermisst. Ermittler glauben, dass die Frau sich auch im Raum Aachen aufhalten könnte. Die...

22 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Maryam Sadeghi | Facebook

Facebook: Maryam Sadeghi | Facebook

LinkedIn: Maryam Sadeghi | LinkedIn

berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Maryam Sadeghi dabei  ...

LinkedIn: Maryam Sadeghi | LinkedIn

View Maryam Sadeghi's (Canada) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Maryam Sadeghi ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Maryam Sadeghi (Deutsch) - Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

 Researcher in the field of Artificial intelligence in Digital pathology. S… in Computer Science, Medical Image processing, Applying machine learning...

Our Team | MetaOptima

Maryam Sadeghi, PhD. CEO and Co-founder ; Majid Razmara, PhD. CTO and Co-founder ; Aaron Hersh. Head of Business Development - North America ; Parminderjit Singh ... › team

1 Persönliche Webseiten


Swedish University essays about MARYAM SADEGHI REINEH. Search and download thousands of Swedish university essays. Full text. Free.

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Maryam Sadeghi Zadeh - TV Guide

› marya...

7 Bücher zum Namen

Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: 5th International Workshop,...

Maryam Sadeghi, Majid Razmara, Paul Wighton, Tim K. Lee, and M. Stella Atkins  ...

Computer Vision Techniques for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer - Google...

The goal of this volume is to summarize the state-of-the-art in the utilization of computer vision techniques in the diagnosis of skin cancer. Malignant...

Computer Vision Techniques for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer

Pigment Network Detection and Analysis Maryam Sadeghi, Paul Wighton, Tim K. Lee, David McLean, Harvey Lui and M. Stella Atkins Abstract We describe the ...

ICCAP 2021: Proceedings of the First International Conference on

This proceeding constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December...

1 Dokumente

Procrastination: Pathology in Students

1*, Maryam Sadeghi Kheyrabadi2 Department of Educational Psychology, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran. 2.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Maryam Sadeghi

List of computer science publications by Maryam Sadeghi

dblp: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 35

Bibliographic content of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 35

dblp: M. Stella Atkins

List of computer science publications by M. Stella Atkins

dblp: Maryam Sadeghi Reineh

List of computer science publications by Maryam Sadeghi Reineh

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Maryam Sadeghi

SPIE Profile of Maryam Sadeghi, Simon Fraser Univ. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.

Automatic Detection of Blue-White Veil by Discrete Colour Matching in...

Skin lesions are often comprised of various colours. The presence of multiple colours with an irregular distribution can signal malignancy. Among common...

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Rapid Diagnosis - Maryam Sadeghi, MetaOptima - YouTube

Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer yet it often goes undetected. MetaOptima Co-Founder & CEO Maryam Sadeghi discusses how artificial intel...

حافظ شیرين سخن(10) دکتر مریم صادقی.Hafez. Dr. Maryam Sadeghi - video...

حافظ شیرين سخن(10) دکتر مریم صادقی.Hafez. Dr. Maryam Sadeghi.

8 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Maryam Sadeghi - Wikipedia

› wiki › M...

Resume – Maryam.Sadeghi

MARYAM SADEGHI Morningside Dr.Frisco TX | | EDUCATION Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ...

Maryam Sadeghi, PhD - MoleScope

› blog › bio

Maryam.Sadeghi – Teaching Portfolio


77 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Maryam Sadeghi | LinkedIn

View Maryam Sadeghi's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Maryam Sadeghi discover ...

‪Maryam Sadeghi Reineh‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Applied Materials‬ - ‪‪Cited by 92‬‬ - ‪Control Systems and Dynamics‬

‪Maryam Sadeghi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Simon Fraser University‬ - ‪‪Sinipi ng 804‬‬ - ‪Medical Image Analysis‬ - ‪Dermoscopy‬ - ‪Image Processing‬ - ‪Computer Vision‬ - ‪Mobile Applications‬

Maryam Sadeghi 1,3, Majid Razmara 1, Martin Ester 1, Tim K. Lee 1,2,3...

3 Dermoscopy

10 - Dr Maryam Sadeghi, MetaOptima - Health Podcast Network

› ...

‪Maryam Sadeghi‬ - ‪Google Академик‬

‪Simon Fraser University‬ - ‪‪Цитирано пута‬‬ - ‪Medical Image Analysis‬ - ‪Dermoscopy‬ - ‪Image Processing‬ - ‪Computer Vision‬ - ‪Mobile Applications‬

‪Maryam Sadeghi‬ - ‪Μελετητής Google‬

‪Simon Fraser University‬ - ‪‪Παρατίθεται από 804‬‬ - ‪Medical Image Analysis‬ - ‪Dermoscopy‬ - ‪Image Processing‬ - ‪Computer Vision‬ - ‪Mobile Applications‬

Maryam Sadeghi - Google Scholar Citations

M Sadeghi, TK Lee, D McLean, H Lui, MS Atkins. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 32 (5), Intrinsic melanin and hemoglobin ...

10 - Dr Maryam Sadeghi, MetaOptima - Talking HealthTech

› ...

Dr Maryam Sadeghi, Chirurgien-dentiste à Toulouse

Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr Maryam Sadeghi: Chirurgien-dentiste. Adresse : 61 Avenue Maurice Bourges-Maunoury, Toulouse.

Dr. Maryam Sadeghi - Emergency Medicine, Los Angeles CA

Detailed profile of Maryam Sadeghi, an Emergency Medicine spe…t in Los Angeles CA, providing phone numbers, practice locations, specialties and more

Dr. Maryam Sadeghi, MD – Long Beach, CA - Doximity

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› case › ca-la2...

Maryam Sadeghi - CIHR Skin Research Training Centrewww.skinresearch.ca/page/scholars-maryam-sadeghi

Maryam Sadeghi received her BSc in Computer Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in She is currently pursuing a PhD in ...

Maryam Sadeghi - Engineering Career Centre

› ...

Maryam Sadeghi - Universités au Canada

Une application permet de suivre les nævus potentiellement cancéreux. Le cancer de la peau est courant, et potentiellement mortel s'il est détecté tard. Soucieuse des délais d'attente pour les patients avant de savoir si un nævus est malin, Maryam Sadeghi a créé MoleScope. Mme Sadeghi a élaboré cette application avec ...

Maryam Sadeghi - SoundCloud

› maryam-...

Maryam Sadeghi - Universities Canada

› innovators

Maryam Sadeghi - | Business in Vancouver

Maryam Sadeghi’s career is noteworthy for, among other things, a fearless approach to tackling outsized challenges such as moving across the globe, getting her...

Maryam Sadeghi Archives - KHRN | Kurdistan Human Rights ...

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Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maryam

Weiblicher Vorname (Arabisch): Maryam; Verbitterung (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); mirjam = die Bitterkeit, die Verbitterung (Aramäisch); mry = der Geliebte (Ägyptisch); als Name der Mutter Jesu Symbol für reine und tiefe Liebe; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt; eine Möglichkeit: 'Verbitterung'; eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein ägyptischer Ursprung und eine Ableitung von 'mry' (die/der Geliebte, im Sinne von: die, welche geliebt wird/der, welcher geliebt wird); 'Maria' ist die griechische/lateinische Ursprungs-Form, 'Mirjam' die ältere aramäische/hebräische; wohl der am weitesten verbreitete christliche weibliche Name

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Maryam Sadeghi-jalyani & mehr

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