83 Infos zu Masha Mcconaghy

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19 Aktuelle Nachrichten

SLUICE_SCREENS — Islington Mill

Home of artist-led endeavour

Media und Adtech: Diese 10 Blockchain-Experten sollte man kennen

Vor allem in den Bereichen Media und Adtech gibt es hierzulande interessante Blockchain-Gründer, die man kennen sollte. Gemeinsam mit dem Netzwerk Blockchain...

NewsBTC Partners with ascribe

NewsBTC has partnered with ascribe.io to secure and track ownership of all its digital content using the Bitcoin blockchain.

DACS - News - Going digital: Understanding the impact of digital...

Watch or listen to DACS and Carroll / Fletcher’s special panel debate exploring new technologies such as blockchain and their potential to change the way we...

1  Bilder zu Masha Mcconaghy

Bild zu Masha Mcconaghy

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Masha McConaghy, Founder / CCO, BigchainDB

› ...

Masha McConaghy | republica

› member

weiterlesen.de - kostenlose eBook-Leseproben von »Masha McConaghy«

Auf weiterlesen.de finden Sie insgesamt eine eBook-Leseprobe von »Masha McConaghy« (Stand ). weiterlesen.de führt Sie ganz einfach zu Ihrem ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter


› m...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Masha McConaghy's Email & Phone - Berlin Area, Germany

› Masha-Mc...

Our Mission - Ocean Protocol

Core Team · Bruce Pon · Trent McConaghy · Razvan Olteanu · Cristina Pon · Sheridan Johns · Masha McConaghy · Matthias Kretschmann · Mihai Scarlat ... › about

7 Bücher zum Namen

Masha McConaghy (Author of The Krypto Economy)

Masha McConaghy is the author of The Krypto Economy (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews)

The Krypto Economy von Manouchehr Shamsrizi; Masha McConaghy; Alexa...

The Krypto Economy elaborates on the underlying dynamics of our digital era to better create a responsible technological future. Living in a world of...

The Krypto Economy | Andrea Bauer Jacob Appelbaum Angela ...

The Krypto Economy | Andrea Bauer Jacob Appelbaum Angela Richter Tomàš Sedláček Alexa Clay Raúl Krauthausen Cristina Riesen Elizabeth Markevitch Geraldine de Bastion Manouchehr Shamsrizi Marek Tuszynski Masha McConaghy Monika Frech Vinay Gupta Boris Moshkovits Shermin Voshmgir

Breaking van Gogh: Saint-Rémy, Forgery, and the $95 Million Fake at...

In Breaking van Gogh, James Grundvig investigates the history and authenticity of van Gogh’s iconic Wheat Field with Cypresses, currently on display at the...

3 Dokumente

Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an SlideShare

Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an ownership layer on the Internet, de Masha McConaghy | Greg McMullen | Glenn Parry | Trent McConaghy | David ... › eraser

Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an ownership layer on the I…

Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an ownership layer on the Internet, de Masha McConaghy | Greg McMullen | Glenn Parry | Trent McConaghy | David Holtzm…

Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an ownership Library

Masha McConaghy is Founder and CMO at BigchainDB GmbH and ascribe.io. A Professional Curator and Researcher with a PhD in Arts from Paris I University, ... › Other

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

Interview with Masha McConaghy, Ascribe | Dutch Blockchain Conference...

Masha McConaghy is the CCO of Ascribe.Ascribe is a project that started in and is now a rapidly expanding startup in Berlin. Ascribe is the outcome of a...

Masha McConaghy, Ascribe - Blockchain

› video › masha-...

Provenance and the Digital by Masha McConaghy | The State of The...

The invention of the Web changed therules for sharing information online. Digital files are easily copied and can be spreadon the internet in seconds. New em...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Interview: Masha McConaghy from ascribe

› ...

NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, NEW Forum #1, Dirk Baecker, Elisa Badii, Sabria...

NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, NEW Forum #1, Dirk Baecker, Elisa Badii, Sabria David, Mari Bastashevski, Armen Avanessian, David Weinberger, Guido Segni, Kim Asendorf,...

41 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Ocean Protocol

Detailed page of project Ocean Protocol

Strategic Change - Terkko Navigator

Terkko Navigator is a medical library community for the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital. Personalize your own library of feeds,...

Lana Smiley and Masha McConaghy: Blockchain Technology and the Arts -...

Lana Smiley a journalist at CoinTelegraph, has written a great piece called Blockchain and Arts: TOP-5 Projects Applying Blockchain in She talked to...

Masha McConaghy | Spike Art Magazinewww.spikeartmagazine.com › subjects › masha-mcc...

With Fabrice Stroun, Alexi Kukuljevic, Yilmaz Dziewior, Nik Kosmas, Masha McConaghy, and Dirk Paesmans. Content. People · Discourse · Views · Things we ...

Masha McConaghy | SFAQ / NYAQ / LXAQ

International Art and Culture

Leaders Series: Masha McConaghy @ BigchainDB | by Meltem Demirors |...

› women-in-bl...

Masha McConaghy, Co-founder of Ascribe.io

› ...

Masha McConaghy - Dutch Blockchain Conference

› ...


– Masha McConaghy, Mitgründerin von ascribe und BigchainDB „Urheberrechtsverletzungen können vor allem dort zum Geschäftsmodell werden, wo die Kopie das Original ersetzt. Die Tonträgerindustrie kann ein Lied davon singen. Anders in der (analogen) Kunst: Hier spielt die Musik beim Original. Man darf vermuten, dass die Funktion des ...


Inspiriert von August Sanders Meisterwerk „Menschen des 20. Jahrhundert“ zeigt Frank Nürnberger rund 90 Jahre nach Sander die heutige Arbeitswelt und ihre...

Women in Blockchain: Masha McConaghy @ BigchainDB  – RightsTech...

We made digital art be the initial focus, because we understood that community and its specific pain point — which we could solve. ascribe was ...


Upcoming: Spike Conversations at NADA/Art Cologne with Fabrice Stroun, Nik Kosmas, Masha McConaghy, Yilmaz Dziewior, and others. more from Spike Art Magazine Issue 58 "Magic" out now February 4, Issue 56 "Culture Wars" out now ...

#MTFLabs Blockchain – MTF Labs

Masha McConaghy. Vaughn McKenzie-Landell Elén Leoni Meißner Anish Mohammed Hélène Muddiman Tom Nieuweboer. Turo Pekari Benji Rogers Yasmin Sabuncu Eva Shon › mtflabs-blockc...

ART OWNERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL AGE | nonberlin - Wix.comjoons212.wixsite.com › nonberlin ›

16-17: 'The Physical Past and Digital Future of Art Provenance' by Dr. Masha McConaghy, www.ascribe.io : Jazmina Figueroa conversation with artist, ...

Art Ownership in the Digital Age - Andrzej Raszyk

Program by Dr. Masha McConaghy, Jazmina Figueroa in cooperation with Berlinerpool. (Date: , Venue: Berlinerpool Arts Network). › art-owne...

Ascribe - Berlin startup for Digital Rights Management

Great portrait of Berlin based Startup Ascribe - manage your valuable digital creations. Founded in by Masha McConaghy, Trent McConaghy and Bruce Pon. › startups

Ascribe — 3D Printing Business Directory

Founded in August by Trent McConaghy, Bruce Pon and Masha McConaghy in Berlin, ascribe was built to foster the engagement of digital art with the art ... › ...

Ralf Tekaat | Ausstellungsansicht

Curated by: Stephanie Han, Rebecca Heidenberg, Masha McConaghy, Inês Oliveira, Juliette Premmereur, Raphael Rogenmoser, Patrícia Rosas, Charlotte Van ...

Das Beta Manifest Thesen zur Zukunft des Kunstmarkts

— Doerte Achilles | artnet; Thea Dymke | BVDG; Dirk Herzer | artbutler; Klaus Hillmann | Tandem Kunst GmbH; Masha McConaghy | ascribe ... › aktuelles_beta_manifesto_zukun...

Dutch Blockchain Conference visions.tvapp.visions.tv › Jonathan

Interview with Masha McConaghy, Ascribe | Dutch Blockchain Conference #​dbc min. Maxresdefault. Collin Vine, co-founder Colony | Dutch Blockchain ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Masha

Weiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Masha; Verbitterung (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); mirjam = die Bitterkeit, die Verbitterung (Aramäisch); mry = der Geliebte (Ägyptisch); als Name der Mutter Jesu Symbol für reine und tiefe Liebe; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt; eine Möglichkeit: 'Verbitterung'; eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein ägyptischer Ursprung und eine Ableitung von 'mry' (die/der Geliebte, im Sinne von: die, welche geliebt wird/der, welcher geliebt wird); 'Maria' ist die griechische/lateinische Ursprungs-Form, 'Mirjam' die ältere aramäische/hebräische; wohl der am weitesten verbreitete christliche weibliche Name

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Masha Mcconaghy & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Masha Mcconaghy und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.