72 Infos zu Matilde Igual
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- Hermann
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- Capdevila
- Adrijan Karavdic
- Benedict Endler
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- Anna Sophie
- Venice
- n+1
13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Arquitectura a mano | Cultura | EL PAÍSArquitectura a mano. El maratón del cómic invita a los alumnos de la Politécnica a dibujar durante 10 horas y reencontrarse con la vertiente artística de su...
ABC MADRID página Archivo ABC... NOTAS TEATRALES ACADEMIAS 3 E ¿L Anoche se cantó nuevamente Aída V con poY CENTROS. pular Matilde igual éxito grande para laFaz- de Lertna, ...
AKTUELLES – Hidden Institute... Matilde Igual Capdevilla (Architektin und Künstlerin) sowie Elke Krasny (Kuratorin, Stadtforscherin und Professorin für Kunst und Bildung an der Akademie der ...
BIOSPHERE n+1 | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien,Models and Realities: Versions of Sustainability
1 Bilder zu Matilde Igual

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Matilde Igual - via... | FacebookFacebook: Matilde Igual | FacebookMatilde Igual is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Matilde Igual and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ...
vk.com: Matilde Igual | VKMatilde Igual, Montréal, Kanada. Melden Sie sich an oder registrieren Sie sich, um Matilde Igual zu kontaktieren oder weitere Freunde zu finden.
Frau Matilde Igual Capdevila | Art & ScienceMatilde Igual Capdevila, born in Valencia, Spain. Studied architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura in Valencia and at the Ecole ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
matilde igual capdevilaCosmic nature. The geometry in nature is the end result of invisible forces influencing matter. Nowhere is this reality more obvious than in the geometry of a snowflake.
Matilde Igual CapdevilaDid you know? Research, animation / award competition (2016). together with Adrijan Karavdic. “Did you know?” takes you on a tour around the world and ...
2 Projekte
basis wien - Matilde Igual Capdevilabasis wien | Kunst Information und Archiv
Biosphere n+1 - Projekt | Widrichfilm... Andrea Hermann, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Adrijan Karavdic, Mathias Kirchner, Martina Lang, Tamara Mitrofanenko, Hermine Mitter, Gerardo ...
8 Bücher zum Namen
aebersold samuel janina flueckinger lex schaul red u a - ZVAB196 S. Parallels in the Zeptospace. Gian Francesco Giudice -- Year Matilde Igual -- Venice Martin Hartung & Mejrema Zatric -- Subtil. Mascha ...
trans 25 spekulativ - ZVABtrans 25. Spekulativ von trans Redaktion: und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf ZVAB.com.
Trans 25. spekulativ. - Fachmagazin des Departements Architektur der... Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur S. Parallels in the Zeptospace. Gian Francesco Giudice -- Year Matilde Igual -- Venice
Sucedió en la ciudad: 16 cronistas en Bogotá - Colectivo I-Letrados -...“En conjunto, los autores de este libro trazan el mapa de una ciudad opaca, a medio camino entre las nostalgias del pasado y las certezas de una modernidad...
1 Dokumente
matilde igual capdevila LABORATORIOS centro de arte ...matilde igual capdevila LABORATORIOS centro de arte INTRODUCCI?N 01. MEMORIA DESCRIPTIVA EL LUGAR AN?LISIS URBAN?STICO ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Announcement: Biosphere n+1 | Doktoratskolleg nachhaltige Entwicklung...... Benedict Endler, Andrea Hermann, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Adrijan Karavdic, Mathias Kirchner, Martina Lang, Tamara Mitrofanenko, Hermine Mitter,
Aktuelles | Doktoratskolleg nachhaltige Entwicklung II | Nachhaltige...Michael Braito, Kerstin Böck, Margit Busch, Ana Daldon, Benedict Endler, Andrea Hermann, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Adrijan Karavdic, Mathias Kirchner, ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
About – Towards a Politics of Care. Bodies.Place.MatterThis website has been produced by an interdisciplinary group of students as a part of the exercise Public Life. Part of the organisation of the symposium, the...
Consequential choices: Versions of atlas making | rave utopiaMargit Busch, Benedict Endler, Christian Fries, Ruben Gutzat, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Kilian Jörg, Adrijan Karavdic, Stefanie Koemeda, Mato Lagator, Ivana Miloš, Christoph Perl, Nemanja Popadic, Michaela Putz, Marwa Sarah, Denise Schellmann, Maria Trabulo, Chin Tsao. Scientific support by:.
PROPUESTA 12: RASKOLNIKOV 2 | atmospheresLema: RASKOLNIKOV. Raskol. Escisión Autores: MATILDE IGUAL, ABRAHAM SANCHA Raskol: (en ruso) escisión. Raskólnikov es víctima de una serie de ...
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Matilde Igual Capdeviladérive
Matilde Igual Villanueva | Comarcaacomarca.comMatilde Igual Villanueva. Librería en Sarrión, comarca de Gúdar-Javalambre (Teruel). Contacte mediante su ficha en Comarcaacomarca.com.
Stream Matilde Igual by grzbnv | Listen to similar tracks online for...Discover and play tracks similar to Matilde Igual by grzbnv on desktop and mobile.
Igual - Names EncyclopediaMatilde Igual (1) Manuela Igual (1) Luisa Igual (1) Lidia Igual (1) Lluis Igual (1) Valeriano Igual (1) Maximo Igual (1) Higinio Igual (1) Nerea Igual (1) Nemesio
Stream Matilde Igual by grzbnv | Listen online for free on SoundCloudStream Matilde Igual by grzbnv on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
Matilde Igual | Preço Venda Compra - MF RuralMF Rural Matilde Igual Comprar Vender matilde igual Compra de matilde igual Preço matilde igual Venda matilde igual Comércio de matilde igual Mercado matilde ig
Conferencia | Matilde Igual Capdevila | Departamento de Proyectos...Cross-country Experiments in Architecture | Walking, Writing and Building in Lichtenstein and Venice. Fecha: Lugar: Aula 401 ETSA – Universitat ...
contemporary | gallery Cargo ControlCARGO CONTROL Exhibition developed as part of a research project by the department of Art&Science, University of Applied Arts Vienna. Matilde Igual Capdevila
Consequential Choices: Versions Of Atlas Making – eSeL.at| AIL – Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab / Café Exchange | Eröffnung, Art and Science, Angewandte, Atlas
The Green Storm - Margareten· Idee: Benedict Endler, Matilde Igual Es spielen: Florian Bösel, Thomas Erlmoser, Anna-Sophie Fritz, Carmen Jahrstorfer, Johannes Krenner
Radio derive: My place – Their place – Our place | cba – cultural...... Christina Biret, Martin Fellner, Dominik Hoelzl, Matilde Igual, Maximilian Jaeger, Evelyn-Ingrid Kocsis, Thomas Leimer, Jesus Lopez Baeza, Alejandro Pealver,
marquise_adele · model-kartei.deWeibliches Model marquise_adele aus Wien in Österreich
Luis Hilti Cross Country Experiments in Architecture... experimental approach to education found in easa into the more formal environment of a university. Lecture held on by Matilde Igual Capdevila and ...
e-artnow.org: Announcement archiveCall for Applications: M.A. Art & Science
BIOSPHERE n+1 – Opera transdisciplinare in tre atti.The Green Storm di Ana Daldon, Benedict Endler, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Adrijan Karavdic, Gerardo Montes de Oca Valadez, 2014, (c) Solmaz Fahrang. EXPERT•PROJECTion di Ana Daldon e Anna-Sophie Santner, 2014, (c) Solmaz Fahrang. Taste the abstract di Martina Lang, 2014, (c) Virgil Widrich.
BOARD » MONU #22 – TRANSNATIONAL URBANISMUnderstanding “Transnational Urbanism” as an urban culture that needs to remain in motion continuously, reinvent itself perpetually, in order to sustain itself, might lead to the fulfilment of our desires and cosmopolitan visions for a better future, and a world without borders, as Matilde Igual Capdevila dares ...
Caring. Enactments of Heterogeneous Relationships - dieAngewandteDuring the academic year students of the Art & Science master’s study programme investigated the topic ‘Caring’. They got support from...
Barbara Holub - NEWSPerformances and installations in a parking garage. Bild. Curated by: Barbara Holub Artists/ students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna: Joanna Zabielska, Lisa Puchner, Hana Krizanova, Oliver Alunovic, Kollektiv OutSight, Matilde Igual, Feng Lei, Sarina Scheidegger, Marie Huth www.wipark.at · www.angewandte.at
Elke Krasny » PUBLIC LIFE – TOWARDS A POLITICS OF CARE | BODIES....Krasny is a cultural theorist, curator, urbanist and author, based in Vienna. She researches on the interrelations of architecture, urban space, issues of...
Episdio n A Lenda da Gara - Telenovelas - RTPEpisódio n.85, A Lenda da Gara - Telenovelas - Ainda no ?Toxinas?, Ana lvida responde que no pergunta de Cristina, mas esta insiste dizendo que ele era uma...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Matilde
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Matilde; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); maht = die Macht, mächtig; hiltja = der Kampf; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; in Deutschland verbreitet durch die hl. Mathilde, Gemahlin Heinrichs I. und Mutter Ottos des Grossen
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