76 Infos zu Matjaz Pecovnik
Mehr erfahren über Matjaz Pecovnik
Infos zu
- EUSA Secretary General
- President
- Adam Roczek
- Association
- European Universities
- European University Sports
20 Aktuelle Nachrichten
EUSA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING IN BELGRADE – FISU AmericaExecutive Committee members first received a general overview and office report by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, followed by financial report ...
2nd European Universities Judo Championship | EUSAEUSA was represented by its president Mr Roczek, Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik and the Technical Delegate Mr Branislav Crnogorac. The event took ... Es fehlt: bildende künste
EUSA Audit meeting | EUSAEUSA Auditors Mr Zoltan Rakaczki and Mr Marian Matac Liviu met with EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor for the annual Audit..
EUSA Conference | EUSAEUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik presenting the European Universities Games On behalf of the Organisers of the European ... Es fehlt: hotel magita
4 Bilder zu Matjaz Pecovnik

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Matjaz Pecovnik | FacebookLinkedIn: Matjaz Pecovnik | LinkedInSehen Sie sich Matjaz Pecovniks vollständiges Profil an – völlig kostenlos. Ihre Kollegen, Kommilitonen und 500 Millionen weitere Fach- und Führungskräfte ...
LinkedIn: Matjaz Pecovnik | LinkedInView Matjaz Pecovnik's full profile. It's free! Your colleagues, classmates, and 500 million other professionals are on LinkedIn. View Matjaz's Full Profile ...
LinkedIn: Matjaz Pecovnik | 领英 - LinkedIn查看Matjaz Pecovnik的完整档案。注册完全免费! 加入领英,找找同事同学,结识业界同行,与全球500,000,000 位职场人士一起驰骋职场。 查看Matjaz的完整档案 ...
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Matjaz Pecovnik a Ljubljana da Slovenia | MoneyhouseMatjaz Pecovnik a Ljubljana da Slovenia ✓ ha un mandato presso European University Sports Association - collegato con più di 3 persone ✓
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Una representacion de Eusa visita la UCOwww.uco.es una-representacion-de-...... presidente de EUSA, Matjaz Pecovnik, secretario general y Adam Roczek, director deportivo, han visitado Córdoba durante el pasado fin de ...
Una representacion de Eusa visita la UCOGabinete de Comunicación - Universidad de Córdoba
2 Dokumente
EUSA Convention EUSA Convention Ljubljana, Slovenia;...Slide 1EUSA Convention EUSA Convention Ljubljana, Slovenia; November 8, Slide 2 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION Slide 3 EUROPEAN...
Page EUSA Year Book 2013Page EUSA Year Book 2013
1 Meinungen & Artikel
European Union Sport Forum 2016The University Sport representatives: Kolë Gjeloshaj, Hilkka Laitinen, Christoph Fischer, Matjaz Pecovnik & Andrej Pisl. FISU is particularly ... Es fehlt: hella
41 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Fisu - FISU und EUSA in Ungarn - Yahoo Sport - Eurosport... Vize-Präsident des Weltverbands FISU und des Europa-Verbandes EUSA, sowie EUSA-Generalsekretär Matjaz Pecovnik Budapest besucht.
Elemek megjelenítése címkék szerint: Matjaz PecovnikMEFS.hu - Magyar Egyetemi-Főiskolai Sportszövetség - ©
Rektori i UT Prof. Dr. Mynyr Koni Takon Sekretarin e Përgjithshëm të...Rektori i UT Prof. Dr. Mynyr Koni Takon Sekretarin e Përgjithshëm të Organizatës Sportive të Universiteteve Evropiane z. Matjaz Pecovnik.
A Great BEC Congress in Podcetrtekbadmintoneurope.com - Official website for European Badminton
9th Conference on Youth Sport in Ljubljana | dualcareer.eu... Board Mr Zoran Verovnik, the Members of EUSA Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Ms Sara Rozman, Mr Andrej Pisl, the key note speakers Prof.
AUSFMatjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General of the European University Sports Association,was the third speaker who gave an overview of the ...
Announcements for Tuesday, July 12 — Europske sveučilišne igre...... Ivica Lovrić, M.Sc, the Head of the Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sports, Mr. Matjaz Pecovnik, the Secretary-General of the European University ...
FADU - Bruno Barracosa integra grupo de trabalho para revisão dos...A Federação Académica do Desporto Universitário é uma federação desportiva que foca o desporto como uma ferramenta na formação e educação.
EOC President honoured EUSA Order of Merit – The ...www.eurolympic.org › eoc-president-honoured-e...The award was handed over to Kocijančič by EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik during a visit in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 5 December ...
Czy w Trzebnicy odbędą się Europejskie Igrzyska Akademickie? - Gmina...EURO 2012, Matjaz Pecovnik - sekretarz generalny EUSA, Kemal Tamer - członek zarządu EUSA, Alberto Gualtieri - prezydent EUSA, Marek ...
EUSA... Treasurer: Lorenz Ursprung (SUI); Secretary General: Matjaz Pecovnik (CRO); Members: Bruno Barracosa (POR), Francis M.M. Cirianni (ITA), Ivana Ertlova ...
EUSA Executive Committee Meeting in Belgrade - EurosportFrom our partner Fisu.net
EUSA sveikinimasLietuvos studentų sporto asociacija | LSSA | Studentų sportas |Studentai sportininkai
EUSA a partner of the European Week of Sporteusa.mailee.net/public/nview/WN7XS8FYEUSA delegation consisting of its President Mr Adam Roczek, Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl ...
EUSA representatives impressed with renovated student dormitories —...... Mr Kemal Tamer and Mr Arie Rosenzweig and Kemal Tamer as well as Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Sports Director Mr Patrik ...
European Universities Games in Belgrade tipped to be “most ...www.britic.co.uk › ...... was jointly chaired by Tamer and fellow EUSA vice president Haris Pavletic, Executive Committee member Milan Zvan and secretary general Matjaz Pecovnik .
European University Sports Association holds team-building weekend...European University Sports Association (EUSA) secretary general Matjaz Pecovnik was among the staff who attended a team-building ...
DUOL - Elismerték Mihók Attila munkásságátBudapest - A Magyar Egyetemi és Főiskolai Sportszövetség ünnepi közgyűlést tartott pénteken. Újra elnökké választották Dr. Kiss Ádámot és különböző díjakat...
EUSA's Supervision Commission last visit to Coimbra | EUG 2018EUSA Supervision Commission visited Coimbra on May 6 and 7, overseeing the Games' progress, and also preparing for the NUSA coordination meeting, which will...
MoU between EUSA and BEC signed - Badminton Europewww.badmintoneurope.com › cmsOn behalf of EUSA, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General and Mr Bastian Kruse , EUSA Badminton Technical Delegate attended the event.
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