92 Infos zu Matthias Efing
Mehr erfahren über Matthias Efing
Infos zu
- Harald Hau
- Evidence
- Patrick Kampkötter
- German
- University of Geneva
- HEC Paris
- Incentive
- Johannes Steinbrecher
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Brown Bag Seminar with Matthias Efing, SFI, University of Geneva |...Upcoming Brown Bag Seminar with Matthias Efing, Swiss Finance Institute, University of Geneva The Department of Finance is happy to announce the upcoming Brown
Matthias Efing – U. Geneva & SFI | Finance Seminars and Conferences...Arbitraging the Basel Securitization Framework: Evidence from German ABS Investment
Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German,...Banks -- by Matthias Efing, Harald Hau, Patrick Kampkoetter, Johannes ...
SFI placement « Economics Job Market RumorsStefano Colonnello - Placed at University Magdeburg. Matthias Efing - Placed at HEC Paris. Kagba Kousse - Placed at African School of Economics.
1 Bilder zu Matthias Efing

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Matthias Efing | FacebookLinkedIn: Matthias Efing - Schweiz | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Matthias Efing (Schweiz) auf LinkedIn an. Berufserfahrung von Matthias Efing: PhD Candidate in Finance, Universität Genf.
LinkedIn: Matthias Efing - Assistant Professor Of Finance - HEC Paris | LinkedInVoir le profil complet de Matthias Efing. C'est gratuit. Vos collègues, vos amis et plus de 500 millions de professionnels sont sur LinkedIn. Voir le profil complet ...
LinkedIn: Matthias Efing | LinkedInMatthias Efings berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Matthias Efing dabei ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Bank Bonus Pay as a Risk...· Speaker: Matthias Efing, HEC Paris. Abstract. We argue that risk sharing motivates the bank-wide structure of bonus pay.
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Matthias Efing | HEC Parismatthiasefing.comI am Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Paris. My areas of research are financial intermediation and corporate finance. Please download my CV.Missing: IBOR GmbH" I am Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Paris. My areas of research are financial intermediation and corporate finance. Please download my CV. Missing: IBOR GmbH"
Presentations | Matthias Efing2016 Research seminar Univ. of Virginia (McIntire School), Research seminar Ohio State Univ. (Fisher College), Research seminar Toulouse School of ... Es fehlt: atlantik elektronik
Research | Matthias EfingPUBLICATIONS: Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of Interest Journal of Financial Economics, 116, 2015with Harald Hau. (Award for best ... Es fehlt: ibor
Ieke-van-den-Burg-PreisAusgezeichnete Arbeiten. Arbitraging the Basel Securitization Framework: Evidence from German ABS Investment Matthias Efing. Liquidity Transformation in ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
CV - Harald Hau96 (2015), S123-S140, with Matthias Efing, Patrick Kampkötter, and Johannes Steinbrecher. “Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of Interest”, Journal ...
10 Bücher zum Namen
Bank capital regulation with an opportunistic rating agency - EconBizMatthias Efing. This paper models the strategic interaction between a rating agency, a banking sector and a bank regulator who lacks information about bank ...
Freeze! : financial sanctions and bank responses - EconBizWe study the effects of financial sanctions on cross-border credit supply. Using a differences-in-differences approach to analyze eleven sanctions episodes...
Incentive pay and bank risk-taking : evidence from Austrrial, German,...... pay and bank risk-taking : evidence from Austrrial, German, and Swiss banks. Matthias Efing, Harald Hau, Patrick Kampkötter, and Johannes Steinbrecher ...
Three Important Financial Stability Issues in Banking - Matthias...... Three Important Financial Stability Issues in Banking. Author, Matthias Efing. Published, Length, 142 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...
11 Dokumente
Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of Interest by...This paper tests for conflicts of interest in the rating process of asset- and mortgage-backed securities based on a new aggregation method for a deal's differe
Efing, Matthias [WorldCat Identities]Incentive pay and bank risk-taking : evidence from Austrian, German, and Swiss banks by Matthias Efing( ) 14 editions published in in English and held by ...
Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking(Englische Version) von Matthias...Access a free summary of Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking, by Matthias Efing et al. and 20,000 other business, leadership and nonfiction books on getAbstract.
Reaching for Yield in the ABS Market: Evidence from German Bank...If regulation fails to differentiate between priced and idiosyncratic risk, it incentivizes investors to reach for yield. Studying securitization exposures on t
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Journal of International Economics | 37th Annual NBER International...Incentive pay and bank risk-taking: Evidence from Austrian, German, and Swiss banks. Matthias Efing, Harald Hau, Patrick Kampkötter, Johannes Steinbrecher.
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of InterestBy Matthias Efing and Harald Hau; Abstract: This paper tests for conflicts of interest in the rating process of European asset- and mortgage-backed securities.
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Credit rating agencies and the subprime crisis - WikipediaCredit rating agencies (CRAs) — firms which rate debt instruments/securities according to the Jump up to: Corrupted credit ratings: Standard & Poor's lawsuit and the evidence| Matthias Efing, Harald Hau, 18 June 2013; Jump up ^ Standard ...
Bankers’ bonuses and performance sensitivity « Föhrenbergkreis...Matthias Efing, Harald Hau, Patrick Kampkötter, Johannes Steinbrecher 13 November 2014, voxeu Bankers’ bonuses are increasingly regulated but we know little...
48 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Matthias Efing | LinkedInView Matthias Efing's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Matthias Efing discover inside ...
Matthias Efing - Google ScholarHEC Paris & CEPR & CESifo - 268-mal zitiert - Financial Intermediation - Financial Regulation - Corporate Finance
philippkrueger(with Matthias Efing, Ruediger Fahlenbrach, and Christoph Herpfer) Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment Winner of the ...
Workshop Program - genevaSFIworkshopPresenter: Matthias Efing (University of Geneva). Discussant: Yuan Zhang (EPFL) – Executive Compensation Structure and Credit Spreads.
Incentive Pay and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German...Incentive Pay and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German and Swiss Banks 1 Matthias Efing University of Geneva and SFI Patrick Kampkötter University.
Matthias EFING, Assistant Professor | HEC Pariswww.hec.edu › faculty-research › faculty-directory › faculty-member › efi...Matthias EFING obtained his Ph.D. from the Swiss Finance Institute and the University of Geneva ... Matthias teaches corporate finance in the spring term.Missing: IBOR | Must include:IBOR Matthias EFING obtained his Ph.D. from the Swiss Finance Institute and the University of Geneva ... Matthias teaches corporate finance in the spring term. Missing: IBOR | Must include:IBOR
Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of Interest - ppt...Research Question Did CRAs grant rating favors to issuers in which they had a large business interest? US Justice Department files lawsuit against S&P S&P...
Citation profile for Matthias EfingMatthias Efing: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS/CitEc
Autori Aracne editrice - Matthias EfingMatthias Efing.
Dr Matthias Efing | Network member | CESifowww.cesifo.org › nodeMatthias Efing · Affiliated Research Network Area · Fields of Interest · CESifo Working Papers.Missing: IBOR | Must include:IBOR Matthias Efing · Affiliated Research Network Area · Fields of Interest · CESifo Working Papers. Missing: IBOR | Must include:IBOR
Matthias Efing Archives - International Bankerinternationalbanker.com › tag › matthias-efingSuspicion that bankers' compensation, especially in the form of bonuses, affects a bank's profitability and risk-taking has led to regulation being imposed ...
B1 erkämpft sich Remis in Emmerich! – DJK TuS Stenern... B1 mit dem Punktgewinn zufrieden geben und nach dem ersten Spieltag steht das Team um Michael Gastrop, Tim Hesler und Matthias Efing auf dem fünften ...
Jugen Forscht - Münster - MedallienspiegelMatthias Efing 16 Matthias Bruns 15: Wie funktionieren Klebstoffe?
Einmalig in der Vereinsgeschichte – DJK TuS Stenern„Für die Jungs und das Trainerteam Thomas Derksen und Frank Lappe mit Begleiter Matthias Efing ist das sicherlich ein einmaliges Spiel, ...
jugendbuchUnd in der Besprechung von Matthias Efing : ist schon besprochen. möchte ich kaufen : nach oben. Die Erwählten. Scott Westerfeld Kosmos Seiten 16,95 Euro
Best Paper in Corporate Finance - Society for Financial Studiessfs.org › cavalcade-best-paper-in-corporate-financeMatthias Efing, Stefan Goldbach, and Volker Nitsch North America, $1000 “The Capitalization of Consumer Financing into Durable Goods Prices”
Koautoren - Harald HauMatthias Efing. Swiss Finance Institute. William Killeen. State Street Global Advisors. Hélène Rey. London Business School. Sandy Lai © Copyright - Harald ...
Best paper Paris Meeting | EUROFIDAIwww.eurofidai.org › best-paper-paris-meetingMatthias EFING (HEC Paris), Harald HAU (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute), Patrick KAMPKOTTER (University of Tübingen) and Jean-Charles ROCHET ...
Efing - Kontrollgemeinschaft Deutsches Kalbfleischwww.deutsches-kalbfleisch.de › Die KDK › LandwirteJeder übernimmt einen Stall. Matthias Efing ist nach einer kaufmännischen Lehre im Jahr in den Betrieb eingestiegen.
Structured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of Interest - Harald...with Matthias Efing. Abstract. We test if issuers of asset- and mortgage-backed securities receive rating favors from agencies with which they maintain strong ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Matthias
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Matthias; Gabe Jahwes; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); mattath = das Geschenk, die Gabe; jahwe = (Name Gottes); im Neuen Testament ist Matthäus einer der 12 Apostel Jesu und zugleich einer der 4 Evangelisten; im Neuen Testament ist Matthias der Name des Apostels, der durch das Los dazu bestimmt wurde, Judas Ischariot zu ersetzen
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