82 Infos zu Matthias Wienroth
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Infos zu
- Northumbria
- Research
- Sciences
- Eugénia Rodrigues
- Veronika Lipphardt
- Genetics
- Forensic
- Knowing New Biotechnologies
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Experten bezweifeln Zuverlässigkeit der erweiterten DNA-Analysen |...Baden-Württemberg will, dass zukünftig DNA-Material zur Feststellung von Augen-, Haar- und Hautfarbe verwendet werden kann, was umstritten und zuverlässig...
Fahndung nach dem genetischen Phantom: Bayern will umstrittene...Matthias Wienroth ist Postdoc Fellow am Policy, Ethics & Life Sciences Research Centre der Newcastle University (UK). Die AutorInnen sind Mitglieder der interdisziplinären Wissenschaftlerinitiative STS@Freiburg ...
Los análisis de ADN de la escena del crimen no son infaliblesNi es posible reconstruir los rasgos faciales a partir del material genético, pero sí averiguar el color de los ojos y el pelo
Fachveranstaltung: Racial Profiling & erweiterte DNA-Analysen in...Dr. Matthias Wienroth ist Sozialwissenschaftler an der Newcastle University (UK). Er analysiert Wissenschaft und Technologie als gesellschaftliche Phänomene, mit dem Ziel verantwortungsbewusster Innovation. Sein besonderes Interesse gilt den sozialen und ethischen Aspekten, sowie den Regulierungsmechanismen, durch die Wissen und …
8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Matthias Wienroth - Author | FacebookLinkedIn: Matthias Wienroth - Research & Innovation Fund Research Associate ...View Matthias Wienroth's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Matthias has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Matthias' connections and jobs at similar companies.
Dr Matthias Wienroth | Ada Lovelace Institutewww.adalovelaceinstitute.org › person › dr-matthias...Home /; About /; Our people. Matthias Wienroth. VC Senior Fellow. Northumbria University. Featured work. Blog. 16 July
Wienroth, Matthias | CSPO - Consortium for Science, Policy ...cspo.org › people › wienroth-matthiasMatthias Wienroth. Biography. 1 PublicationView All Publications. Wienroth, Matthias. August 26, "Strategic Science: Research Intermediaries and the ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Matthias Wienroth, Pauline McCormack & Thomas J. Joyce, Precaution,...Hip implants have provided life-changing treatment, reducing pain and improving the mobility and independence of patients. Success has encouraged manufacturers...
UK Research Intermediaries and the Politics of Impacts [Book Review]philpapers.org › rec › KEATOTTools of the Trade: UK Research Intermediaries and the Politics of Impacts [Book Review]. Matthew Kearnes & Matthias Wienroth.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dr Matthias Wienroth - Northumbria Universitywww.northumbria.ac.uk › about-us › our-staff › ma...I am particularly interested in how technologies shape the ways we know and (un)know human beings and relationships, individuals, communities and society. The ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
coordination committee | STS MIGTECMatthias Wienroth. The next meeting of the Coordination Committee takes place during the STS MIGTEC paper workshop in September 09, 2021, 13:00-15:00 (CET).
Über & Kontakt | STS@FreiburgThis is just a short excerpt for the about page.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Matthias Wienroth - Research Portal, King's College, LondonDr Matthias Wienroth: · Research Outputs. Dr Matthias Wienroth. Former staff. End date: Department. Population Health Sciences ...
2 Projekte
ATRIA: A Sound Installation Exploring the Interface between Art ...muse.jhu.edu › article › pdfMatthias Wienroth. The ATRIA project was founded out of the joint desire of Deborah Robinson and Simon Rundle to produce an artwork that emerged from a ...
Project MUSE - Facilitating Creative Equality in Art-Science: A...MAtthiAS WiEnroth and PiPPA GoldSChMidt hybrid SPACES And outCoMES. The art-science interface can provide a level playing field for stakeholders ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Knowing New Biotechnologies - Matthias Wienroth - Innbundet...Vår pris 1875,-(portofritt). The areas of personal genomics and citizen science draw on - and bring together - different cultures of producing and managing ...
bokus.com: Knowing New Biotechnologies - Matthias Wienroth, Eugenia Rodrigues -...Köp Knowing New Biotechnologies av Matthias Wienroth, Eugenia Rodrigues. Skickas inom vardagar. Fri frakt över 199 kr. Välkommen till Bokus bokhandel!
Knowing New Biotechnologies - Eugénia Rodrigues,...Knowing New Biotechnologies. Find all books from Eugénia Rodrigues, Matthias Wienroth. At find-more-books.com you can find used, antique and new books, compare...
Handbuch der Ausländer- und Zuwanderungspolitik: von Afghanistan bis...Saudi-Arabien (Guido Steinberg) 537 Schweden ( Erik Magnus Sund) 547 Schweiz (Maurice Voyane) 557 Senegal (Heike Heim) 564 Singapur (Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Theresa Wong) 567 Slowakei (Matthias Wienroth) 576 Slowenien (Miran Komace, Steling Yates) 582 Spanien (Andreas Baumer) 586 Sri Lanka (Jakob Rösel) ...
2 Dokumente
Wienroth, Matthias [WorldCat Identities]Knowing new biotechnologies : social aspects of technological convergence by Matthias Wienroth( Book ) 7 editions published in in English and held by 36 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. The areas of personal genomics and citizen science draw on - and bring together - different cultures of producing and ...
Thema und Hintergrunderweiterter DNA-Analysen in der Forensik | Dr. Matthias Wienroth Pause mit Mittagsimbiss PANEL 3 | Welches Diskriminierungspotential hat DNA-Profiling? |
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
FSIGEN | Forensic Science International: Genetics | Vol 34, Pages...... to Caliebe, Krawczak and Kayser (2017). Pages e13-e14. Nicholas Buchanan, Fabian Staubach, Matthias Wienroth, Peter Pfaffelhuber, ... Veronika Lipphardt.
Vol. 49, No. 2, June of Minerva on JSTORMinerva
Technological Innovations in Forensic Genetics: Social, Legal and...:...Matthias Wienroth. 1. , Niels Morling. 2 and Robin Williams. 3,*. 1Northumbria University Centre for Forensic Science, Faculty of Health and Life ...
Justizminister von Bund und Ländern diskutieren über erweiterte...Sollen in Zukunft DNA-Spuren von Tatorten dazu genutzt werden dürfen, um die Augenfarbe, Haarfarbe, Hautfarbe, das biologische Alter und/oder die...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
DNA Technology and Police Investigations | SpringerLinkDNA databasing; DNA fingerprinting; DNA profiling; Forensic genetics A forensic DNA profile is constructed by measuring highly polymorphic sequences of DNA in...
Thema und Hintergrund - zentralrat.sintiundroma.deDr. Matthias Wienroth ist Sozialwissenschaftler an der Newcastle University (UK). Er analysiert Wissenschaft und Er analysiert Wissenschaft und Technologie als gesellschaftliche Phänomene, mit dem Ziel verantwortungsbewusster Innovation. Sein besonderes Interesse
Minerva | Volume 49, issue 2Volume 49, issue 2 articles listing for Minerva
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Matthias Wienroth: The Ethical Governance Imperative: Forensics &...Keynote of Day 1 of the webinar DNA in police work September 2020: Matthias Wienroth, VC Senior Fellow, Centre for Crime & Policing, Department of Soci...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Forensic genetics and ethics | Interviews | Naked Scientistswww.thenakedscientists.com › articles › forensic-ge...· According to Matthias Wienroth from the Policy, Ethics & Life Sciences Research Centre at Newcastle University, there are still some key ...
JISCMail - PEALS ArchivesWith best wishes, Matthias Wienroth And in the name of Robin Williams, Jackie Leach Scully, Erica Haimes, Ernesto Schwartz-Marin and ...
Editors | Humanities and Social Sciences CommunicationsEditors
2. Weitere Diskussionsveranstaltungen zu erweiterten DNA-Analysen |...Vortrag von Dr. Anna Müllner zu erweiterten DNA-Analysen beim CCC34, Erweiterte DNA-Analysen waren auch Thema beim Jahrestreffen des Chaos Comupter...
28 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Matthias Wienroth - Google ScholarVC Senior Fellow - 589 lần trích dẫn - Social Studies of Science and Technology - Forensics - Biometrics - Governance - Criminal Justice
Knowing New Biotechnologies: Social Aspects of Technological...E-Book
Matthias Wienroth · OverDrive: ebooks, audiobooks, and more for...Matthias Wienroth. Sort. Title · Release date · Popularity. Filter. Subjects ... Genetics and Society (Series). Matthias Wienroth Editor Eugénia Rodrigues Editor
Matthias Wienroth's tweet - "Out now: our comment @Nature on ethical...· Matthias Wienroth · @photomao | 658 followers. Out now: our comment @Nature on ethical issues with some collection + sharing practices of ...
Matthias Wienroth | Northumbria University - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Matthias Wienroth | LeonardoATRIA: A Sound Installation Exploring the Interface between Art, Science and Technology by Remapping Cardiovascular Development. Leonardo, Volume
Dies ist eine ausgearbeitete Version unseres Vortrags bei der...Dies ist eine ausgearbeitete Version unseres Vortrags bei der Expertenanhörung zu erweiterten DNA- Analysen im BMJV am Referenten: Veronika Lipphardt, Matthias Wienroth 1 Unsere Argumentation
Knowing New Biotechnologies : Eugénia Rodrigues, Matthias Wienroth -...All.
The messiness of convergence: Remarks on the roles of two visions of tIn a workshop on convergence at Edinburgh University in September 2012, the editors of this volume drew attention to recent discourse on ‘converging technologie
Zülsdorf, Coenen, Ferrari, Fiedeler, Milburn, Wienroth (Hrsg.):...Torben B.Zülsdorf, ChristopherCoenen, Arianna Ferrari, Ulrich Fiedeler, Colin Milburn, Matthias Wienroth (Hrsg.) Quantum Engagements Social reflections of nanoscience and emerging technologies
About – Jennifer Rogers-Brown, Ph. D.“Exploring ambivalence: Techno-enthusiasm and skepticism in US nanotech deliberations.” In Quantum Engagements: Social Reflections of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies. Ed. Torben B. Zülsdorf, Christopher Coenen, Arianna Ferrari, Ulrich Fiedeler, Colin Milburn, & Matthias Wienroth. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
An analysis of the learning health system in its first decade in practiceexperts.illinois.edu › publications › an-analysis-of-th...An analysis of the learning health system in its first decade in practice: Scoping review. Jodyn E. Platt, Minakshi Raj, Matthias Wienroth.
C03: Empirical bioethics in STS. Making science, technology and...Convenors: Matthias Wienroth (Newcastle University) Ilke Turkmendag (Newcastle University) Jackie Leach Scully (Newcastle University) Madeleine Murtagh ...
Consortium publications - euroforgenwww.euroforgen.eu › dissemination-activities › cons...Dr Denise Syndercombe Court, Kristiina Reed, Prof Robin Williams and Dr Matthias Wienroth. Since their first appearance in the 1980's, forensic DNA ...
Call for papers: ‘Conceptualising Health Research Participation in...This collection is being edited by: Dr David Wyatt (King's College London, UK), Dr Matthias Wienroth (Newcastle University, UK), Professor ...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayMatthias Wienroth. Rafaela Granja. Veronika Lipphardt. Emmanuel Nsiah Amoako. Carole McCartney. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...
Archive ouverte HAL - How to Trust a Molecule? The Case of...This contribution emerged from an open, and continuing, discussion between a chemist and a philosopher, which resulted in a common awareness of the importance...
Routledge and CRC Press Genetics - Sociology BooksView our complete catalog of authoritative Genetics - Sociology related book titles and textbooks published by Routledge and CRC Press.
Knowing New Biotechnologies: Social Aspects of Technological...Description
Making Sense of Forensic Genetics – Declaration of Interests – Sense...Matthias Wienroth. I have no competing interests to declare. Christopher Phillips. I have no competing interests to declare. Peter Schneider. University professor ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Matthias
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Matthias; Gabe Jahwes; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); mattath = das Geschenk, die Gabe; jahwe = (Name Gottes); im Neuen Testament ist Matthäus einer der 12 Apostel Jesu und zugleich einer der 4 Evangelisten; im Neuen Testament ist Matthias der Name des Apostels, der durch das Los dazu bestimmt wurde, Judas Ischariot zu ersetzen
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Matthias Wienroth und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.