138 Infos zu Matthieu Haefele

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Atelier optimisation de code ( May 2019)

Speakers. Dr. Matthieu HAEFELE. Primary authors. Dr. Matthieu HAEFELE (Maison de la Simulation). Co-authors. Mr. Bastien DI PIERRO ...

Events – EoCoE 2www.eocoe.eu › events

EXA2PRO-EoCoE joint workshop Co-organized with EXA2PRO Organizing committee: Lazaros Papadopoulos (ICCS/NTUA) Edouard Audit (MdlS/CEA) Matthieu Haefele (CNRS) ...

Journee précision numérique (28 June 2019)

Presented by Dr. Matthieu HAEFELE on 28 Jun at 11:05. Floating-point profiling of ACTS with Verrou. Presented by Hadrien GRASLAND on 28 Jun

[PDF] Introduction to serial HDF5 - praceevents.prace-ri.eu › event › attachments › talk_HDF5

Matthieu Haefele. Introduction to serial HDF5. Saclay, April 2018,. Parallel filesystems and parallel IO libraries PATC@MdS. Matthieu Haefele. Page 2. Matthieu ...

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Matthieu Haefele | Facebook

LinkedIn: Matthieu Haefele | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Matthieu Haefele (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

LinkedIn: Matthieu Haefele | LinkedIn

Matthieu Haefeles berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Matthieu Haefele dabei ...

LinkedIn: 查看Matthieu Haefele的完整档案。 - LinkedIn

上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Matthieu Haefele的职业档案。Matthieu的职业档案列出了1 个职位。查看Matthieu的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的 ...

1 Business-Profile

Matthieu Haefele Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | IPP · NMPPwww.researchgate.net › profile › Matthieu-Haefele

Matthieu HAEFELE | Cited by 115 | of Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching bei München (IPP) | Read 17 publications | Contact Matthieu HAEFELE.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Matthieu Haefele - Laboratoire de mathématiques et de leurs ...lma-umr5142.univ-pau.fr › ... › Membres

Matthieu HaefeleIngénieur de recherche CNRS en calcul scientifique. Service commun. LMAP Bâtiment IPRA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

Matthieu Haefele - Authorea

Matthieu Haefele, Affiliation: Service d'Astrophysique, IRFU/DSM/CEA Saclay

Service d'Astrophysique, IRFU/DSM/CEA Saclay - Authorea

The Service d'Astrophysique, IRFU/DSM/CEA Saclay organization homepage on Authorea.

Michael Gutnic - INSPIREinspirehep.net › authors

,. Michael Gutnic. ,. Matthieu Haefele. ,. Jean‐Louis Lemaire. (Jun 10, 2005). Published in: AIP Conf.Proc (2005) 1, •. Contribution to: HB , 155.

Service d'Astrophysique, IRFU/DSM/CEA Saclay - Authoreawww.authorea.com › inst

... Saadia Dhouib · cedric · Selma Kchir · Matthieu Haefele · BIGEON · Turck-Chièze.

9 Dokumente

Phys. Rev. X 8, (2018) - Blue Energy and Desalination with...

Michele Simoncelli, Nidhal Ganfoud, Assane Sene, Matthieu Haefele, Barbara Daffos, Pierre-Louis Taberna, Mathieu Salanne, Patrice Simon, ...

Confinement, Desolvation, And Electrosorption Effects on the OATAO

Matthieu Haefele,. §. Pierre-Louis Taberna,. ‡,∥. Patrice Simon,. ‡,∥ and Mathieu Salanne*. ,†,‡,§. †Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, ...

From vermaas at astron.nl Tue Apr 1 06:57: From: vermaas at ...

Thanks in advance Matthieu HAEFELE From xliu6 at nd.edu Tue Apr 1 11:25: From: xliu6 at nd.edu (Xiangyi Liu) Date: Tue, 1 Apr

FPGA Acceleration for HPC Supercapacitor Simulationsdl.acm.org › doi › abs

· Matthieu Haefele. Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, E2S UPPA ... Matthieu Haefele, Benjamin Rotenberg, and Mathieu Salanne

16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Effect of the carbon microporous structure on the capacitance of ...www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii

Nidhal Ganfoud a , Assane Sene b c , Matthieu Haefele d , Abel Marin-Laflèche d , Barbara Daffos b c , Pierre-Louis Taberna b c , Mathieu Salanne a c ...

dblp: Matthieu Haefele

List of computer science publications by Matthieu Haefele

Matthieu Haefele - DBLPdblp.org › Persons

List of computer science publications by Matthieu Haefele.

Energy Storage Materials | Vol 17, Pages (February 2019) |...

... supercapacitors: Comparing graphene with disordered materials. Trinidad Méndez-Morales, Nidhal Ganfoud, Zhujie Li, Matthieu Haefele, ... Mathieu Salanne.

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] Effect of the carbon microporous structure on the COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdf

Nidhal Ganfoud a, Assane Sene b,c, Matthieu Haefele d, Abel Marin-Lafl`eche d, Barbara Daffos b,c,. Pierre-Louis Taberna b,c, Mathieu Salanne a,c,d, Patrice ...

Matthieu Haefele - Theses.frwww.theses.fr › ...

Matthieu Haefele. est l'auteur d'une thèse. Données -- Compression Ondelettes Simulation par ordinateur Théorie du transport. Fullscreen. Données -- Compression ...

2 - IOS Press Ebooks

Add PDF to cart. NEMORB's Fourier Filter and Distributed Matrix Transposition on Petaflop Systems. Authors. Tiago Ribeiro, Matthieu Haefele. Pages

Simulation adaptative et visualisation haute performance de ...www.theses.fr › ...

Simulation adaptative et visualisation haute performance de plasmas et de faisceaux de particules. par Matthieu Haefele. Thèse de doctorat en Informatique.

6 Video- & Audioinhalte

matthieu HAEFELE - YouTube

For now, videos dedicated to teaching the basics of computer science.* Basics of Shell programming to be comfortable with a terminal* Basics of Makefile to c...

Présentation du Groupe Calcul | UMS GRICAD

Matthieu Haefele, Maison de la Simulation

matthieu HAEFELE - YouTubewww.youtube.com › channel

matthieu HAEFELE. Home. Shorts ... matthieu HAEFELE. @matthieuhaefele6245‧48 subscribers‧48 videos‧. For now, videos dedicated to teaching the basics of computer ...

Forum des utilisateurs de GENCI CC-Webcast IN2P3/CNRSwebcast.in2p3.fr › video › table-ronde-2-1-genci

· ... Matthieu Haefele (MdS, plusieurs codes) - 1 représentant IDRIS (Denis Girou) - 1 représentant ...Gepostet:

76 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Matthieu Haefele | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

View Matthieu Haefele's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Matthieu has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Anne-Laure Thomas Derepas - Compétences numériques

Un très grand merci aux organisateurs et intervenants : Violaine Louvet matthieu HAEFELE, François PELLEGRINI, Patrick MOREAU, Jean Marc ... Un très grand merci aux organisateurs et intervenants : Violaine Louvet matthieu HAEFELE, François PELLEGRINI, Patrick MOREAU, Jean Marc ...

Guillaume Latu 1, Matthieu Haefele 2,3, Julien Bigot 3, Virginie...

... Campos Pinto and F. Charles, Editors EVALUATING KERNELS ON XEON PHI TO ACCELERATE GYSELA APPLICATION Guillaume Latu 1, Matthieu Haefele.

怎么发音Matthieu Haefele | HowToPronounce.comzh.howtopronounce.com › matthieu-haefele

Matthieu Haefele · 流行集 · Commonly mispronounced words in English · Useful German travel phrases audio pronunciation · Money Heist cast actual and screen name.

19- Matthieu Haefele - Calcul scientifique sur FPGAmediaserveur.u-bourgogne.fr › videos › 19-matthie...

· 19- Matthieu Haefele - Calcul scientifique sur FPGA. Audio mode. Chargement. 0: x. Volume. Mute. Subtitles. Audio. -. Controls.

Matthieu Haefele - GitLab Inriagitlab.inria.fr › mhaefele

... Matthieu Haefele. Matthieu Haefele. @mhaefele. User ID: Member since August 26, :59 PM. Overview · Activity · Groups ...

Matthieu Haefele / website-content-example · GitLab - PLMlabplmlab.math.cnrs.fr › mhaefele › website-content-ex...

Commits · Issue Boards. Collapse sidebar. Close sidebar. Matthieu Haefele · website-content-example. W. website-content-example. Project ID: Star 0 ·

Milestones · Matthieu Haefele / website-content-example - PLMlabplmlab.math.cnrs.fr › ... › website-content-example

Matthieu Haefele · website-content-example · Milestones. Use milestones to track issues and merge requests over a fixed period of time. Organize issues and ...

Wiki · Matthieu Haefele / website · GitLabgitlab.math.unistra.fr › Matthieu Haefele › website

Matthieu Haefele · website · Wiki. This project has no wiki pages. You must be a project member in order to add wiki pages. If you have suggestions for ...

Matthieu Haefele · GitLab

@mhaefele Member since October 20, Saclay. Maison de la Simulation. 0 followers · 0 following · Overview · Activity · Groups · Contributed projects ...

Matthieu Haefele / carrot_juice_C · GitLab

Grow some carrots, harvest them and make some carrot juice out of them... A bit funnier hands on on git and software engineering than bar foo baz... Everything ...

Matthieu Haefele - Redmine MCIAredmine.mcia.fr › users

; primary: uppa; Inscrit le: ; Dernière connexion: Demandes.

A dedicated Compression Scheme for Large Multidimensional Functions...

Matthieu Haefele, Florence Zara, Guillaume Latu, Jean-Michel Dischler. A dedicated Compression Scheme for Large Multidimensional Functions Visualization.

Archive ouverte HAL - A geological application in immersive virtual...

Brandel Sylvain, Matthieu Haefele, Dominique Bechmann. A geological application in immersive virtual environments. Simon Richir, Paul Richard, Bernard ...

A dedicated Compression Scheme for Large Multidimensional ...hal.inria.fr › inria

Matthieu Haefele 1 Florence Zara 2 Guillaume Latu 3 Jean-Michel Dischler 3. Détails. 1 IRMA - Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée. 2 SAARA ...

Archive ouverte HAL - Evaluating Kernels on Xeon Phi to accelerate...

Guillaume Latu, Matthieu Haefele, Julien Bigot, Virginie Grandgirard, Thomas Cartier-Michaud, et al.. Evaluating Kernels on Xeon Phi to accelerate GYSELA ...

Applying StarPU runtime system to scientific applications:...

Task-based runtime systems are adopted by application developers for their valuable features including flexibility of execution and optimized resource...

Confinement Effects on an Electron Transfer Reaction in Nanoporous...

Confinement Effects on an Electron Transfer Reaction in Nanoporous Carbon Electrodes

Euforia integrated visualization; Elektronski vir :: COBISS+

Euforia integrated visualization; Elektronski vir

Confinement, Desolvation, And Electrosorption Effects on the...

Supercapacitors are electrochemical devices which store energy by ion adsorption on the surface of a porous carbon. They are characterized by high power...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Matthieu

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Matthieu; Gabe Jahwes; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); mattath = das Geschenk, die Gabe; jahwe = (Name Gottes); im Neuen Testament ist Matthäus einer der 12 Apostel Jesu und zugleich einer der 4 Evangelisten; im Neuen Testament ist Matthias der Name des Apostels, der durch das Los dazu bestimmt wurde, Judas Ischariot zu ersetzen

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Matthieu Haefele & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Matthieu Haefele und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.