91 Infos zu Maxim Dolgushev

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

IOP Conferences - Physical Aspects of Polymer Science 2015

Maxim Dolgushev, University Freiburg, Germany [view abstract pdf]. 10:25, Molecular dynamics and slip-spring model simulations of branched polymer

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Maxim Dolgushev | Facebook

Facebook: Maxim Dolgushev | Facebook

About Maxim Dolgushev: Researcher (1983-) | Biography ...peoplepill.com › people › maxim-...

Maxim Dolgushev: Researcher (1983-), Researcher, Scientist, Physicist | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Aider Svetlana Bakhmina

Maxim Dolgushev, Freiburg, PhD Student :21 GMT; Бодров Павел Борисович, Москва, служащий :22 GMT: Освободите их все, они уже все поняли. Дайте условку Гаранов Игорь Анатольевич, г.Отрадный, экономист :22 GMT; Ганьшина Анастасия ...

Помочь Светлане Бахминой

Maxim Dolgushev, Freiburg, PhD Student :21; Бодров Павел Борисович, Москва, служащий :

10 Bücher zum Namen

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Treffer von 10 für Suche: 'Maxim Dolgushev', Suchdauer: 0.2s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur ...



Dynamics of Dual Scale-free Polymer Networks - Mircea Galiceanu, Luan...

Dynamics of Dual Scale-free Polymer Networks. Front Cover. Mircea Galiceanu, Luan Tota de Carvalho, Oliver Mülken, Maxim Dolgushev. MDPI,

Dynamics of Internally Functionalized Dendrimers - Jonas Grimm, Maxim...

Abstract: The internally functionalized dendrimers are novel polymers that differ from conventional dendrimers by having additional functional units which do...

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "Enhancing the spreading of quantum walks on star graphs...

We also thank Piet Schijvcn and Maxim Dolgushev for fruitful discussions. [1] Alexander, S., Orbach, R.: Density of states on fractals: "fractons". J. Phys. (Paris)  ...

14 Dokumente

[ ] Directed transport in quantum star graphs

Authors: Jambul Yusupov, Maxim Dolgushev, Alexander Blumen, Oliver Muelken . (Submitted on 8 Mar 2015). Abstract: We study the quantum dynamics of ...

Abstracts ( pdf , KB. ) - University of the Basque ...

Maxim Dolgushev (University of Freiburg, Germany). Anomalous dynamics of semiflexible polymers. 3. Roberto Garra (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy).

[ ] Contact Kinetics in Fractal Macromolecules

From: Maxim Dolgushev [view email] [v1] Mon, 26 Oct :14:33 GMT ( 4174kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...

EBSCOhost | | Dynamics of Dual Scale-Free Polymer Networks.

Mircea Galiceanu 1, Luan Tota de Carvalho 1, Oliver Mülken 2 and Maxim Dolgushev 2,*. 1. Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, ...

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Polymer | Vol 144, Pages (23 May 2018) | ScienceDirect.com by...

Denis A. Markelov, Florian Fürstenberg, Maxim Dolgushev. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Effect of chain architecture on properties ...

dblp: Maxim Dolgushev

List of computer science publications by Maxim Dolgushev

Maxim Dolgushev - dblpdblp.org › Persons

List of computer science publications by Maxim Dolgushev.

dblp: Oliver Mülken

List of computer science publications by Oliver Mülken

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Directed transport in quantum star graphs | SpringerLink

We study the quantum dynamics of Gaussian wave packets on star graphs whose arms feature each a periodic potential and an external time-dependent field. As

Contact Kinetics in Fractal Macromolecules : Maxim Dolgushev : Free...

We consider the kinetics of first contact between two monomers of the same macromolecule. Relying on a fractal description of the macromolecule, we develop...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Dynamics of semiflexible recursive small-world polymer networks |...

One of the fundamental issues in polymer physics is to reveal the relation between the structures of macromolecules and their various properties. In this...

47 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Maxim Dolgushev - Google Scholar Citations

Create alert. Cancel. Maxim Dolgushev. Theoretical Polymer Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany. polymer physics, statistical physics, networks, fractals.

Maxim Dolgushev - Google 学术搜索引用

合著作者查看全部… Denis A. Markelov,; Thomas GUERIN,; Raphael Voituriez,; Olivier Bénichou,; Oliver Mülken,; Zhongzhi Zhang (章忠志),; Hongxiao Liu,; Yuan Lin (林苑),; Jambul Yusupov · 标题1–20, 引用次数, 年份 · Dynamics of semiflexible chains, stars, and dendrimers. M Dolgushev, A Blumen. Macromolecules

‪Oliver Mülken‬ - ‪Академия Google‬

СоавторыВсе соавторы… Jens Harting,; Elena Agliari,; Anastasiia Anishchenko ,; antonio volta,; Matthias Weidemüller,; Eberhard R. Hilf,; Maxim Dolgushev, ...

How to pronounce Maxim Dolgushev | HowToPronounce.com

How to say Maxim Dolgushev in English? Pronunciation of Maxim Dolgushev with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Maxim Dolgushev.

DOLGUSHEV Maxim - LPTMC - Sorbonne Universitéwww.lptmc.jussieu.fr › users › dol...

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique. de la Matière Condensée. DOLGUSHEV Maxim. DOLGUSHEV Maxim · maxim.dolgushev. Maxim Dolgushev.

au:Dolgushev_M in:quant-ph - SciRate Search

We study the transport efficiency of excitations on complex quantum networks with loops. For this we consider sequentially growing networks with different ...

Oliver Mülken - Google Tudós Hivatkozások

Jens Harting,; Elena Agliari,; Anastasiia Anishchenko,; antonio volta,; Matthias Weidemüller,; Eberhard R. Hilf,; Maxim Dolgushev,; Zoltán Darázs,; Tamás Kiss ...

au:Dolgushev_M in:cond-mat - SciRate Search

We study the dynamics of local bond orientation in regular hyperbranched polymers modeled by Vicsek fractals. The local dynamics is investigated through the ...

Coherent Dynamic Structure Factor of a Polymer Chain Confined Into a...

Maxim Dolgushev, Margarita Krutyeva : Journal: Macromolecular Theory and Simulations : Year: : Pages: n/a ...

Dynamics of internally functionalized dendrimers -

Internally functionalized dendrimers are novel polymers that differ from conventional dendrimers by having additional functional units which do not branch out...

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Dynamics of semiflexible treelike polymeric networks — • Maxim Dolgushev and Alexander Blumen: 100% | Mobil ...

13 C NMR relaxation and reorientation dynamics in imidazolium-based...

Helpful discussions with Dr Maxim Dolgushev are gratefully acknowledged. The work was partly supported by RFBR (grant No ) ...

SFB Seminars - SFB TR 6 - Collaborative Research Centre SFB TR 6

SFB Seminars. top: 2012: 2011: 2010: 2009: 2008: 2007: 2006: 2005: 2004: 2003: 2002: top : date: lecturer: home institute: time : title: ... Maxim Dolgushev ...

Condensed Matter authors/titles Jun 2017arxiv-export-lb.library.cornell.edu/list/cond-mat/1706?show=1599

Authors: Maxim Dolgushev, Adrian L. Hauber, Philipp Pelagejcev, Joachim P. Wittmer. Comments: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in PRE.

The European Physical Journal E (EPJ E)

Semiflexibility Highlights the Polymers' Topology: Monte Carlo Studies. Ganna Berezovska, Maxim Dolgushev and Alexander Blumen Macromolecular Symposia 316 (1) 1 (2012) DOI: masy See this article ...

Article cité par - Journal de Physique Lettresjphyslet.journaldephysique.org › jphyslet:

Maxim Dolgushev, Adrian L. Hauber, Philipp Pelagejcev and Joachim P. Wittmer Physical Review E 96 (1) (2017) DOI: PhysRevE

Journal de Physique Lettres

Journal de Physique Letttres, Journal de Physique Archives représente une mine dinformations facile à consulter sur la manière dont la physique a été publiée...

Complex quantum networks: From universal breakdown to optimal...

We study the transport efficiency of excitations on complex quantum networks with loops. For this we consider sequentially growing networks with different...

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_display

mechanical relaxation. eigenvalue problem. By following authors. Mircea Galiceanu. Luan Tota de Carvalho. Oliver Mülken. Maxim Dolgushev. With settings.

Dynamics of Dual Scale-Free Polymer Networks[v1] | Preprints

Mircea Galiceanu , Luan Tota de Carvalho , Oliver Mülken , Maxim Dolgushev *. Version 1 : Received: 22 September Approved:

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maxim

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch): Maxim; der Grösste; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); maximus = sehr gross, am grössten; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname, der später auch als Vorname gebraucht wurde; im Mittelalter verbreitet als Heiligenname, vor allem als Name des Theologen Maximus Confessor (6./7. Jh.)

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