48 Infos zu Maximilian Ebbinghaus
Mehr erfahren über Maximilian Ebbinghaus
Infos zu
- Appert-Rolland
- Cécile
- Ludger Santen
- Stochastic
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Student der Saar-Uni gewinnt Preis für Physik-Diplomarbeit· Maximilian Ebbinghaus hat den mit 500 Euro dotierten Diplompreis der Stiftung ME Saar des Metall- und Elektroindustrie-Verbandes für seine …
Student der Saar-Uni gewinnt Preis für Physik …Student der Saar-Uni gewinnt Preis für Physik-Diplomarbeit (idw) Universität des Saarlandes Maximilian Ebbinghaus hat den mit 500 Euro dotierten Diplompreis …
Informationen Berichte Termine Kirchliche Nachrichten - PDF...... Melissa Julie Breinich, Lene Röthel, Celina Hackel, Lina Sophie Andresen Hintere Reihe von links nach rechts: Melvin Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Niklas Tams, ...
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
MTCylinder/Axon.h at master · snikolov/MTCylinder · GitHubSimulation of axonal microtubule dynamics and self-organization. - MTCylinder/Axon.h at master · snikolov/MTCylinder
MTCylinder/Filament.h at master · snikolov/MTCylinder · GitHubSimulation of axonal microtubule dynamics and self-organization. - MTCylinder/Filament.h at master · snikolov/MTCylinder
2 Business-Profile
Hilhorst, Hendrik-janL’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...
Santen, Ludger - IdRefwww.idref.fr › ...... bidirectional transport and microtubule dynamics / Maximilian Ebbinghaus ; sous la direction de Cécile Appert-Rolland, [thèse].
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
STAR - Dépôt national des thèses électroniques - Stochastic modeling...This thesis uses methods and models from non-equilibrium statistical physics to describe intracellular processes. Bidirectional microtubule-based transport...
1 Bücher zum Namen
Cellular Automata: 9th International Conference on Cellular Automata...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2010, held in Ascoli...
9 Dokumente
[ ] Absence of logarithmic scaling in the ageing behaviour of...Authors:Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Helene Grandclaude, Malte Henkel. (Submitted on 20 Sep (v1), last revised 30 May (this version, v2)). Abstract: The ...
Ebbinghaus, Maximilian [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Maximilian Ebbinghaus ... of intracellular processes bidirectional transport and microtubule dynamics by Maximilian Ebbinghaus( )
Intracellular transport driven by cytoskeletal motors: General...Authors: Cecile Appert-Rolland, Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Ludger Santen. Publication date (Created): ... Maximilian Ebbinghaus. Ludger Santen ...
[ ] Intracellular transport driven by cytoskeletal motors:...... driven by cytoskeletal motors: General mechanisms and defects. Authors: Cecile Appert-Rolland, Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Ludger Santen.
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Biophysical Journal | Vol 100, Issue 4, Pages , L19-L24 (16...Theoretical Modeling of Aging Effects in Microtubule Dynamics. Open archive - Original research article: Pages Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Ludger ...
LandOfFree - Scientist - Maximilian EbbinghausCheck out Maximilian Ebbinghaus. Rate and share your experience with other people.
dblp: Maximilian EbbinghausList of computer science publications by Maximilian Ebbinghaus
dblp: Cécile Appert-RollandList of computer science publications by Cécile Appert-Rolland
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Ebbinghaus, Maximilian [WorldCat Identities]Stochastic modeling of intracellular processes bidirectional transport and microtubule dynamics by Maximilian Ebbinghaus ( ) 1 edition published in in ...
Ludger Santen | PubFactsLudger Santen
Bidirectional Traffic on Microtubules | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › chapterBidirectional Traffic on Microtubules. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Maximilian Ebbinghaus; Cécile Appert-Rolland; Ludger Santen. Maximilian Ebbinghaus.
Modélisation stochastique de processus intracellulaires : transport...Modélisation stochastique de processus intracellulaires : transport bidirectionnel et dynamique de microtubules, Stochastic modeling of intracellular processes...
18 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Maximilian Ebbinghaus"maximilian ebbinghaus 1. SHOW DETAILS. RELEVANCE, VIEWS, TITLE ... Sep 21, by Maximilian Ebbinghaus; Helene Grandclaude; Malte Henkel ...
Bidirectional Traffic on Microtubules | springerprofessional.deIntracellular transport involves the processive displacement of molecular motors on microtubules. These motors are specialized to walk in one or the
Herren 2: MTSV Schwabing II – TSV Milbertshofen III (a.K.) 34:18...... Stefan Maschek (2), Maximilian Ebbinghaus (2/1), Julian Zips (8/2), Michael Fleischhauer (5), Felix Keis (1), Philipp Klautke, Stefan Wechsler ...
Amtsfeuerwehrtag in Jübek (Bericht auf den Seiten 9 und 10) -...... Melvin Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Jason Maurice Ettingshausen, Momme Hansen, Luca Leon Maurer, Connor Alexander Neitzke, Lucie Emely Onur, Nils Ovens ...
Catalogue SUDOCStochastic modeling of intracellular processes [Ressource électronique] : bidirectional transport and microtubule dynamics / Maximilian Ebbinghaus ; sous la ...
Bidirectional Traffic on Microtubules | springerprofessional.dewww.springerprofessional.de › bidirectional-traffic-on-...Information Transfer among Coupled Random Boolean Networks Erstes Kapitel lesen. Autoren: Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Cécile Appert-Rolland, Ludger Santen.
Cellular Automata: 9th International Conference on Cellular Automata...Lecture Notes in Computer Science Commenced Publication in Founding and Former Series Editors: Gerhard Goos, Juris ...
Absence of logarithmic scaling in the ageing behaviour of the 4D...Science-advisor.net is a free science articles search engine and online forum.
Herren 2: MTSV – TSV Forstenried 23:27 – MTSV Schwabing – HandballDabei waren: Matthias Brust, Sebastian Jung, Tobias Maurer, Felix Keis, Sascha Sperlich (1), Stefan Maschek (1), Maximilian Ebbinghaus (1), ...
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme... Maximilian Ebbinghaus (Saarbrücken, Germany), Oliver Fackler (Heidelberg, Germany), Horatiu Fantana (Dresden, Germany), Marco Fritzsche (London, UK), ...
Program Book - Page 1021822-P os B oard #B552 THE ROLE OF THE CORTEX AND THE CYTOPLASM IN DEFORMATIONS OF THE PLASMA MEMBRANE. Kristina Haase , Tyler N. Shendruk, Andrew E. Pelling 18
Cellular Automata: 9th International Conference on Cellular Automata...Cellular Automata: 9th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2010, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, September , 2010,...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft11:30, DY 2.3, Stochastic models for efficient intracellular transport — •Maximilian Ebbinghaus and Ludger Santen. 11:45, DY 2.4, Statistical ...
Transport in Physical Space: The Example of Pedestrians, Cars, and...Transport systems in physical space exhibit various phenomena which may have some counterparts in socio- or econo-systems. We review here several of them. In...
Workshop_TCA | ACRI2010Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Cecile Appert-Rolland and Ludger Santen - Bidirectional traffic on microtubules Atsushi Kamimura ...
au:Ebbinghaus_M in:physics - SciRate SearchCecile Appert-Rolland, Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Ludger Santen. Jul physics.bio-ph q-bio.SC arXiv: v1. Scited Scite! 0. @misc{
Postscript - SEMPARISOrateur : Maximilian Ebbinghaus ( LPT - Orsay / Dpt Theoretical. Physics - Sarrebruck ). Résumé : Intracellular transport along microtubules is bidirectional ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maximilian
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Maximilian; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); maximus = sehr gross, am grössten; bekannt als Heiligenname und als Name diverser Herrscher; entstanden aus dem römischen Namen 'Maximinianus'; 'Maximinianus' bedeutet 'der aus dem Geschlecht Maximinus'; der Familienname 'Maximinus' ist eine Bildung zum lateinischen Wort 'maximus' (sehr gross, am grössten'
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