383 Infos zu Maya Indira Ganesh
Mehr erfahren über Maya Indira Ganesh
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Karlsruhe
Infos zu
- Tactical Technology Collective
- University
- Media
- Media.ccc.de
- Franklin
- Leuphana
- Autorin
- Brian
- Holmes
- Nervöse Systeme
- Machines
44 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: 33C3: Hohe Hürden auf dem Weg zu einer Ethik fürs autonome Fahren |...Die Kulturwissenschaftlerin Maya Indira Ganesh hat auf dem Hackerkongress das Bestreben hinterfragt, moralische Entscheidungen in Programme einzubauen....
Maya Ganesh – netzpolitik.orgDatenforscherin Maya Ganesh erklärt im Video, was Big Data mit Diskriminierung zu tun hat und welche persönlichen Konsequenzen ein vermeintlich harmloses Thema wie Machine Learning haben kann.
Indira Ganesh Photos | Images of Indira Ganesh - Times of IndiaCheck out for the latest photos of Indira Ganesh along with Indira Ganesh gallery, recent images of Indira Ganesh at Times of India
Comment Berlin est devenue la capitale des hackersLa capitale allemande est devenue un passage obligé des hackers et activistes du net, en s'imposant comme une anti-Silicon Valley.
15 Bilder zu Maya Indira Ganesh

23 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Maya GaneshFacebook: mySociety - Maya Indira Ganesh from Tactical Tech on... | FacebookFacebook: „Was ist überhaupt Intelligenz?“ Maya Indira Ganesh ist Forscherin ...LinkedIn: Maya Ganesh | LinkedInView Maya Ganesh's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Maya Ganesh discover inside ...
9 Hobbys & Interessen
Nächsten Freitag Konferenz in Berlin: Energize, Polarize, Mobilize –...Maya Indira Ganesh, Tactival Technologie Collective Reem Al-Masri, 7iber.com, Jordanien Sheena Gimase Magenya, Sister Namibia, Windhoek
DigiGes Newsletter Juni – Digitale GesellschaftTactical Tech Vorstellung, Maya Ganesh (Tactical Technology Collective) Kultur-Hackthon „Coding da Vinci“ – Helene Hahn (Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland) Grillabend (Ihr …
media.ccc.de - Search for "Maya Indira Ganesh (Tactical Technology...Search for "Maya Indira Ganesh (Tactical Technology Collective)" 19 min Big data bodies: Machines and algorithms in the world
media.ccc.de - Search for person "Maya Indira Ganesh (Tactical...Search for person "Maya Indira Ganesh (Tactical Technology Collective)". Big data bodies: Machines and algorithms in the world. 19 min ...
1 Business-Profile
Maya Indira Ganesh on Sourcelist - Sourcelist (Women+)womenplus.sourcelist.org › expertsMaya Indira Ganesh is a freelance researcher and scholar working on machine learning, ethics and accountability. She has two Masters degrees and is a ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team - Our Data Our SelvesContributors: Emily Deans, Cade Diehm, Andrea Figari, Maya Indira Ganesh, Jan Griffiths, Semanur Karaman, Caroline Kent, Kei Kreutler, Rose Regina ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
AboutNervous Systems is an exhibition that asks how the enormous amounts of data captured by billions of sensors from our everyday communications and movements are...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Diversity and design : understanding hidden consequences - University...Communicating Gender: The Challenges of Visualizing Information for Advocacy / Maya Indira Ganesh and Gabriela Sobliye; 8. Overwriting Hate: The Queer ...
Maya Ganesh - Leuphana Universität LüneburgMaya Ganesh Am Sande Lüneburg .de. Maya works at the intersection of digital technologies, human rights, visual advocacy, cybersecurity and privacy as a researcher, writer and information-activist.
5 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: "Web Therapy" Arguing in Agreement (Fernsehepisode 2014) - IMDbArguing in Agreement: Regie: Don Roos Mit Lisa Kudrow, Dan Bucatinsky, Billy Crystal, Victor Garber Fiona and Kip Wallice are rekindling their marriage, albeit...
Gwyneth Paltrow: Filme, Serien und BiografieGwyneth Paltrow ist eine US-Schauspielerin, die für Shakespeare in Love und Iron Man bekannt ist. Bio und News auf Serienjunkies.de
7 Projekte
Mobilize! Barriers and Dangers: How to deal with repression,...International Workshop Conference / Energize, Polarize, Mobilize! / Human Rights. Participation. Activism. Internet. March 22nd Berlin A brief overview...
Mobilize! Barriers and Dangers: How to deal with repression ...www.boell.de › index.php › media › soundcloud › mobilize-barriers-an...Panel: Christian Mihr, Reporter ohne Grenzen Jérémie Zimmerman, La Quadrature du Net Maya Indira Ganesh, Tactical Technology Collective Reem Al-Masri, ...
HKW | How Do You Know It When You See It?Luis Campos, Maya Indira Ganesh, Noël Yeh Martín, Sascha Pohflepp While recognition is at the heart of understanding, the kinds of objects, people, and life that make it possible often mislead one into think something is what it isn’t or isn’t what it is. The recognition of life in the sciences – that is, the determination of whether ...
HKW | Partners and creditsCan our inner thoughts be transmitted by our eye movements? Can our future actions be predicted by our current behavior? Julien Prévieux’s film Patterns of...
43 Bücher zum Namen
maya indira ganesh - ZVABNervöse Systeme von Ganesh, Maya Indira; Franklin, Seb; Holmes, Brian; Pasquinelli, Matteo; Teixeira Pinto, Ana; Majaca, Antonia und eine große Auswahl...
: Sprenger, F: Nervöse Systeme - ZVAB - Ganesh, Maya...Sprenger, F: Nervöse Systeme von Ganesh, Maya Indira; Franklin, Seb; Holmes, Brian; Pasquinelli, Matteo; Teixeira Pinto, Ana; Majaca, Antonia beim ZVAB.com -...
AbeBooks: : Nervöse Systeme - AbeBooks - Ganesh, Maya Indira;...Nervöse Systeme de Ganesh, Maya Indira; Franklin, Seb; Holmes, Brian; Pasquinelli, Matteo; Teixeira Pinto, Ana; Majaca, Antonia sur AbeBooks.fr - ISBN 10 : ...
Maya Indira Ganesh Seb Franklin - AbeBooksNervöse Systeme by Ganesh, Maya Indira; Franklin, Seb; Holmes, Brian; Pasquinelli, Matteo; Teixeira Pinto, Ana; Majaca, Antonia and a great selection of...
1 Songs & Musik
SolarPunk and going Post-Post-Apocalyptic - re:publica 18 | Podcast...Listen to this episode from re:publica Alle Sessions on Spotify. Steve Lambert, Andrew Hudson, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Maya Indira Ganesh How can we use data...
5 Dokumente
Civic tech for housing and urban development in Johannesburg: what wo…This was presented by Maya Indira Ganesh from the Tactical Technology Collective at the Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC2016) in Barcelona on ...
Defending the Unquiet Mind by Indira Maya Ganesh :: SSRNMedical sciences have created a system of beliefs about the threat posed to society by people with psychosocial disabilities. With a heavy reliance on drugs and
File:Re publica Day 3 ( ).jpg - Wikimedia ...commons.wikimedia.org › wiki... SolarPunk and going Post-Post-Apocalyptic Speaker: Steve Lambert, Andrew Hudson, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Maya Indira Ganesh, Geraldine de Bastion.
Maya Indira Ganesh - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: FAT* 2020Bibliographic content of FAT* 2020
Francien Dechesne - DBLPdblp.org › Persons· Maya Indira Ganesh, Francien Dechesne , Zeerak Waseem: Two computer scientists and a cultural scientist get hit by a driver-less car: a ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Moderation conference “A City as Smart as its Citizens”, 24 Oct....left to right: Merel Noorman, Chris Sigaloff, Saskia Beer, Maya Indira Ganesh. How do we go beyond the “smart city” and build a smart society?
podMAST / Maya Indira Ganesh Plus - Internet Archivearchive.org › details › podmastmayaindiraganeshplus· podMAST / Maya Indira Ganesh PlusNo autonomous cars without autonomous humans. https://bodyofwork.in.
Can the Cultural Logic of the Digital Era Be Exhibited? A Tale of Two ...www.fkawdw.nl › review › desk › can_the_cultural...· Inside “Nervous Systems,” the collective Tactical Tech (Maya Indira Ganesh, Stephanie Hankey, and Marek Tuszynski) staged a mock costumer ...
dilemmas in tech use by marginalised communities - Making All ...www.makingallvoicescount.org › publication › priv...· Authors Maya Indira Ganesh, Jeff Deutch, Jennifer Schulte,. Publication type Research report. Publication year Page length40 pages.
3 Video- & Audioinhalte
Maya Indira Ganesh, Nishant Shah: Datendiskriminierung, Dystopie und...Englische Originalversion Gespräch,
re:publica – Maya Indira Ganesh: A problem with ...world-lecture-project.org › video31:13Maya Indira Ganesh https://tacticaltech.org/ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany ...
Maya Indira Ganesh and Nishant Shah: Data Discrimination, Dystopia,...English original version Conversation, Mar 17, 2018
15 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview mit Maya Ganesh: „How are we seen through Machines?“ (mit...Gespräch mit Maya Ganesh vom Tactical Technology Collective über Daten und Diskriminierung. Wie werden Menschen von Maschinen beurteilt? Und welche...
Beyond Artificial Intelligences Interview with / mit Maya Indira Ganeshreboot.fm › › a-is-for-an-other-beyond-artificial-intelligences-i...A is for An Other: Beyond Artificial Intelligences Interview with / mit Maya Indira Ganesh. Written by nora. Posted on June 7,
Maya Indira Ganesh | BabewynPosts about Maya Indira Ganesh written by
Online Feminist Summit – Terry Reintkewith Maya Indira Ganesh (tactical technology collective) at the European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, room ASP 3G3. 11:00 am // short croissant-break. 11:30 am // making it our revolution: feminist activist projects online (presentation by Maya Indira Ganesh) at the European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, room ASP 3G3
197 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Maya Ganesh | LinkedInView Maya Ganesh's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Maya Ganesh discover inside ...
ALW Program Committee... University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; Darja Fiser, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Lucie Flekova, Alexa AI, Germany; Maya Indira Ganesh, Leuphana University, ...
i for INDIA The Indian Cultural Group - Yahoo GroupsBy Maya Indira Ganesh. PART -1. Fundamentalisms and women's bodies. “In overwhelming chaos Krishna, women of the family are corrupted; ...
Akteur*in: Maya Indira Ganesh | LEANDER WATTIGMaya Indira Ganesh – Aktivitäten und Erwähnungen
MAYA INDIRA GANESH | OKCon - Open Knowledge ConferenceMaya Indira Ganesh is Programme Director at Tactical Technology Collective and will speak in the session on Data-driven storytelling as part of the Evidence ...
Datastudio: Maya Indira Ganesh over data-empowerment - Innovation...Maya Indira Ganesh doet onderzoek naar digitale veiligheid en privacy en in de conferentie zal ze ingaan op de vraag hoe burgers data-empowered kunnen ...
Maya Indira Ganesh | transmediale festival 2019Maya Indira Ganesh is a technology researcher and writer who works with industry, arts and culture organizations, academia, and NGOs.
Lecture by Maya Indira Ganesh HfG research group KIM – Juli 9, 2019,...Maya Indira Ganesh is a new research associate at KIM and HfG Karlsruhe in the new project “AI and the Society of the Future” that is funded by Volkswagen Stiftung. The lecture takes place in the framework of the course "The Moral Machine: On the Automation of Ethics" by Matteo Pasquinelli.
Maya Indira Ganesh - mikrotextDiscussion 5 February 2017, pm Transmediale Haus der Kulturen der Welt Together with Geraldine Juárez and Alan Mills, Maya Indira Ganesh will be part of the panel „Hegemonic Media and Their Opponents“, moderated by Geert Lovink.
Life Forms: Hu Fang + Maya Indira Ganesh + More | GoOutgoout.net › other-events › nyldeLife Forms: Hu Fang + Maya Indira Ganesh + More in Berlin. Schedule and tickets for the upcoming event. , . Find latest news, tickets, current info on Goout.
Maya Indira Ganesh - Digital Earthwww.digitalearth.art › maya-indira-ganeshMaya Indira Ganesh is a technology researcher whose work investigates the social, cultural, metaphoric, and political implications of the 'becoming-human' ...
Maya Indira Ganesh Archieven - Innovation OriginsDatastudio: Maya Indira Ganesh on data empowerment. Eindhoven wants to become a smart society. But how does that work? What's going on in a society like ...
Maya Indira Ganesh Archieven - Innovation Originsinnovationorigins.com › tag › may...Datastudio: Maya Indira Ganesh over data-empowerment. Eindhoven wil een smart society worden. Maar hoe gaat dat? Wat gebeurt er al? En van welke ...
Maya Indira Ganesh – spheresMaya Indira Ganesh is a technology researcher and writer and speaker who works with arts and cultural organisations, academia and NGOs.
Maya Indira Ganesh | MUTEK Montrealmontreal.mutek.org › SpeakersMaya Indira Ganesh (she/her) is a tech and digital cultures theorist, researcher, and writer.
Maya Indira Ganesh | The Communication Initiative Networkwww.comminit.com › content › maya-indira-ganeshMaya Indira Ganesh. Network Contact: Anja Venth. August 17, Select rating, Give it 1/5, Give it 2/5, Give it 3/5, Give it 4/5, Give it 5/5.
Beden - Veri - Ayrımcılık, Maya Indira Ganesh | Çeviriwww.ceviri.info › ceviriler › beden-veri-ayrimcilik-...· “Deniz Gül'ün Kazı ve Yüzey sergisinin bir parçası olan Çeviri projesi için Maya Indira Ganesh'in 'Beden-Veri-Ayrımcılık' başlıklı sunumunu ...
Maya Indira Ganesh | Brighton Digital Festivalbrightondigitalfestival.co.uk › may...Maya Indira Ganesh @. This event is for... Event Organiser. Donate: Sign Up To Newsletter · Contact · Image credits · Cookies Policy · Privacy Policy.
Nervöse Systeme - Maya Indira Ganesh, Seb Franklin, Brian Holmes -...Nervöse Systeme von Maya Indira Ganesh, Seb Franklin, Brian Holmes - Buch aus der Kategorie Sozialwissenschaften allgemein günstig und portofrei bestellen im...
Datastudio: Maya Indira Ganesh on data empowerment - Innovation ...innovationorigins.com › datastudio-maya-indira-gan...· Maya Indira Ganesh is one of the programme directors of the Tactical Technology Collective, in short, Tactical Tech, and is the keynote ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maya
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Maya; Amme, Hebamme (?); Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); maia = die Amme, die Hebamme (Altgriechisch); mai- = gross; der Mai (Deutsch); 'Maia' ist in der griechischen Mythologie die schönste der Plejaden und die Mutter des Merkur; der Name 'Maia' bedeutet vielleicht Amme, Hebamme; 'Maja', später mit der griechischen 'Maia' gleichgesetzt, ist in der römischen Mythologie eine Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin, die Göttin des Wachstums im Frühling; der Monatsname 'Mai' ist vom Name Maja der römischen Göttin abgeleitet
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Indira
Weiblicher Vorname (Hindi): Indira; Schönheit; Sanskrit (Religion); indira = die Schönheit, der Glanz; Beiname der Göttin Lakschmi, der Gattin Wischnus; bekannt durch Indira Gandhi, Premierministerin von Indien Frau von Gandhi. Indischer Name: Bedeutet Schönheit, Glanz. Hauptgottheit der wedischen Inder.
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Ganesh
Die Bedeutung von "Ganesh" ist "Mercy".
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Maya Indira Ganesh und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.