221 Infos zu Meir Wigoder
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- Irit Rogoff
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- Kracauer and Roland
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Meir WigoderOpen Frame / Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain du Languedoc Roussillon / Sète / France 2011, Café Ta´amon, King-George-Street, Jerusalem; official trailer;...
ᐅ Meir Wigoderᐅ Sie suchen Informationen zum Künstler Meir Wigoder? Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes für Ihre Künstler-Recherche zu Meir Wigoder.
Bell Gallery examines War in Iraq | News from BrownThe David Winton Bell Gallery presents two exhibitions examining the Iraq War. The American premier of The Ashes Series by Iraqi-American artist Wafaa Bilal...
For My Children | San Francisco Film FestivalIsrael, 2002, 65 min. Shown in CREDITS. dir: Michal Aviad; prod: Michal Aviad; cam: Meir Wigoder, David Gurfinkel, Eytan Harris; editor: Dan Itshaki
3 Bilder zu Meir Wigoder

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Meir Wigoder | FacebookLinkedIn: meir wigoder - Professor - Sapir College - LinkedIn› meir-wigo...
LinkedIn: meir wigoder | LinkedInView meir wigoder's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like meir wigoder discover inside ...
LinkedIn: meir wigoder | LinkedInView meir wigoder's (Israel) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like meir wigoder discover ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Act of State - Exhibition - Ariella's Cargocargocollective.com › AriellaAzoulay › Act-of-St...... Rick, Israel Simionski, Giora Salmi, Avi Simchoni, Andrew Snow, Ian Vogler) / Meir Wigoder / Oded Yedaya, Anat Zakai. (2,885 views) Filed under Exhibitions.
Meir Wigoder | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Meir Wigoder is ranked among the Top 1,000,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
Act of State - Exhibition - Ariella's Cargo... Edi Israel, Havakuk Levinson, Rick, Israel Simionski, Giora Salmi, Avi Simchoni, Andrew Snow, Ian Vogler) / Meir Wigoder / Oded Yedaya, Anat Zakai. › filter
1 Business-Profile
Meir WIGODER | Professional profile - ResearchGate› Mei...
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Photography and imagination in SearchWorks catalogStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
CPS | Image Gallery — Center for Palestine Studies | Columbia...Meir Wigoder's photo-essay “The Blocked Gaze: A User's Guide to Photographing the Separation Barrier-Wall” was published in the Spring issue of Public ...
Image Gallery - Center for Palestine StudiesWall Project Meir Wigoder Construction of the separation wall in the West Bank, Abu-. Wall Project Meir Wigoder. Construction of the separation wall in the ... › ...
7 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Meir WigoderCinematographer, Carousel
Meir Wigoder | Credits | AllMusicwww.allmusic.com › artist › meir-wigoder-mn00...Justin Bieber tried to FaceTime wife Hailey during playback session. Read More. Video Player is loading. Play Video. Play. Unmute. Duration -:-. Toggle Close ...
1 Projekte
HKW | Curator's SelectionKurzfilm von Meir Wigoder, 5 min., Amit Goren: Makom Project, Israel 2002, ...
40 Bücher zum Namen
Everywhere: Landscape and Memory in Israelvon Drora; Lebee-Nadav, France; Wigoder, Meir (Ed.) Dominey, Xargol Books, 2002, Gebundene Ausgabe
Blowing Up the Pose: The Politics of Photography ...von M Wigoder · · Zitiert von: 1 — Meir Wigoder. Right in the Eyes. Two persons, looking at each other in the eye, see not their eyes but their looks. (The reason why. › doi › pdf
Meir Wigoder | Get Textbooks | New Textbooks | Used Textbooks ...› ...
Meir Wigoder (Contributor of Unwatchable) - Goodreads› show
8 Dokumente
Wigoder, Meir [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Meir Wigoder. <> by Drora Dominey( Book ) 4 editions published in in Hebrew and English and held by 18 WorldCat member ...
Meir Wigoder - Academia.edu› ...
The Blocked Gaze: A User's Guide to Photographing the Separation...Meir Wigoder's account of photographing the Separation-Wall, in Israel-Palestine , over a period of three years, offers a critique of the very ...
Beyond Representation: Photography, Humans & Computersvon T Stephens · — Meir Wigoder (Sapir College / Tel Aviv University). The digitised death of Colonel Kaddafi and the end of photography. Leili Sreberny-Mohammadi (freelance ... › eprint › conf...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Activestills: Photography as Protest in Palestine/Israel on JSTORIn 2005, a group of photographers took a stand alongside the people of the small town of Bil’in, and documented their fight to stop the Israeli government...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Meir Wigoder PRESENT-ABSE - Yumpu› view
Fr - Canadian Centre for Architecture... David Bate -- The digitized death of Colonel Gaddafi and the end of photography / Meir Wigoder -- The new interval / Nicholas Muellner -- II. › details › library › publication
photography, digital technologies and the internet | WorldCat.org... and Arabella Plouviez -- The emancipation of photography / David Bate -- The digitized death of Colonel Gaddafi and the end of photography / Meir Wigoder. › oclc
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Art and War in Iraq Meir Wigoder - YouTube› watch
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Ut on Twitter: "Ut in London, Photo by Meir Wigoder ...› status
Meir Wigoder - Re: Bell› ...
Re: Wafaa Bilal | The Ashes Series | Re: BellPosts about Re: Wafaa Bilal | The Ashes Series written by David Winton Bell Gallery
The Wall & All Its Friends: Documenting the Absurd | butheina...''Hypocritical council with an automatic majority against Israel,'' said Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, aka. Bibi, describing the United Nations...
121 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alert - Irit Rogoff & Meir Wigoder | V2VAlert - Irit Rogoff & Meir Wigoder. Dictionary of War. An occupation, military or civilian, is lived out at many different levels, modalities and distances. The suffering ...
Books by Meir Wigoder - Bookshop.org› contributors
Irit Rogoff and Meir Wigoder (Decreasing the Visibility Series #1) —...Irit Rogoff and Meir Wigoder (Decreasing the Visibility Series #1). Bildet er opprinnelig fra flickr _0491e45fe2. Samtidig et annet sted…
Meir Wigoder - Third Text› meir-wi...
Meir Wigoder | The Electronic Intifada› tags
Meir Wigoder - filmserver.czMeir Wigoder
Meir Wigoder - artist, news & exhibitions - photography-now.comeNews. Sign up for daily and / or weekly eNews about upcoming international exhibitions and events!
Bibliography - Meir WIGODER, « Trailing the shadow, The Initiale› biblio
Initiale - Bibliographie - Meir WIGODER, « Trailing the shadow, The ...Référence Meir WIGODER, « Trailing the shadow, The aesthetics of ' disappearance' in street », The metamorphosis of marginal images. From Antiquity to ...
Meir Wigoder Photographe | Actuphoto› meirwigoder
Meir Wigoder | BFI› films-tv-...
Meir Wigoder | The National Library of Israel› a-topic
Search results for Meir Wigoder - Southern Adirondack Library ...› search
A to Z: The Precarious Alphabet of War | Dictionary of WarA to Z: The Precarious Alphabet of War. War, in the broadest sense, ... Israeli photographer Meir Wigoder und theorist Irit Rogoff from London; Soenke Zehle, ...
Buchrezension: Fotografie als Protest – M – Menschen Machen Medien...Der israelische Fototheoretiker Meir Wigoder arbeitet in seinem Essay heraus, wie dies den Beweischarakter der Bilder stärkt, da es zeigt, ...
Exposures: Photography at the Gate of Phenomenology (Tel Aviv,Meir Wigoder Gestured Sight: Cellular Phone Photography and the Notion of the Event Coffee break Round Table. Tuesday
H-Net Discussion Networks - Revue de presse internationale, séléction...... Leb?e-Nadav, edited by Meir Wigoder, Xargol Books, 110 pages Ha'aretz In France, Glory Meets Fear PARIS LAST week, French viewers were mesmerized ...
Alert | Dictionary of WarMeir Wigoder teaches the History of Photography at the Communications School, Sapir College and at the Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University.
Meir Wigoder - Centre Photographie Genève› ...
Michalis Pichler on Artmap.comArtist page for Michalis Pichler - art, artworks, exhibitions
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Meir
Meir ist ein hebräischer Name. Er bedeutet "der, welcher das Licht entfacht".
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