199 Infos zu Melanie Vollmar

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Data Study Group Final Report: Dstl – Anthrax and nerve ...

Melanie Vollmar, Diamond Light Source Phillippa McCabe, Liverpool John Moores University Kate Highnam, Imperial College London Leila Yousefi, Brunel ...

My protein crystal and its data quality ( )

Le thème de ce webinaire est My protein crystal and its data quality (Melanie Vollmar, Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK). Inscriptions ici. Protein crystals ...

Melanie Vollmar - Star

Melanie Vollmar. Melanie Vollmar. Filme mit Melanie Vollmar : Schiri im Abseits · Übersicht · Tagestipps · Sender · IMPRESSUM KONTAKT AGB.

Visual Diagnostics for Macromolecular X-Ray Diffraction

... Nicholls, MRC-LMB Cambridge, UK. Melanie Vollmar, EBI Hinxton, UK. Gwyndaf Evans, Diamond, UK. James Parkhurst, Rosalind-Franklin Institute, UK. @thornlab.

23 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Melanie Vollmar aus Essen

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Facebook: Melanie Vollmar

Facebook: Melanie Vollmar

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Supplemental Information Crystal Structures of Malonyl- ...

Tran, Melanie Vollmar, Yi Seul Kim,. Scott Lew, Helen Neely, Jayaraman Seetharaman, Yang Shen, Rong Xiao, Thomas. B. Acton, John K. Everett, Giuseppe Cannone ...

Formationswochenende am und in Moers

Es ist wieder soweit Der Grafschafter TSC Moers lädt zum Moerser Formationswochenende am 15 und 16 Februar welches dieses Ja...

Schiri im Abseits Besetzung | Schauspieler & Crew | Moviepilot.de

Schiri im Abseits Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. Liste der Besetung: Alexander Hanfland, Melanie Vollmar, Marek Zedek u.v.m.

5 Business-Profile

Melanie VOLLMAR | Fellow | PhD | EMBL-EBI, Cambridge | EBI -...

Melanie VOLLMAR, Fellow | Cited by 1,604 | of EMBL-EBI, Cambridge (EBI) | Read 37 publications | Contact Melanie VOLLMAR

Melanie Vollmar, Research Fellow (ARISE/Marie Curie)

Melanie Vollmar. Protein Data Bank in Europe | EMBL-EBI. Protein Data Bank in Europe. Research Fellow (ARISE/Marie Curie). Melanie Vollmar.

Melanie Vollmar, Research Fellow (ARISE/Marie Curie)

Melanie Vollmar. Research Fellow (ARISE/Marie Curie). melaniev [at] ebi.ac.uk. ORCID: Teams. Protein Data Bank in Europe ...

vollfilm - Melanie Vollmar

Hier präsentieren sich Schauspieler, Produzenten, Agenten, Caster, Regisseure, Kameramänner ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Gwyndaf Evans Diamond Light Source

Jose Trincao; Pierre Aller; Anna Warren; James Parkhurst; Luis Fuentes-Montero; Richard Gildea; Melanie Vollmar. PhD Students. Matt Rodriguez (University of ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Our fellows – ARISE

Melanie Vollmar. Velankar Team. EMBL-EBI Hinxton. I have a degree in biochemistry from the University of Regensburg, Germany, and did my PhD in structural ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Past ECA Lunch Webinars

Melanie Vollmar Andrea Thorn ... Melanie Vollmar – My protein crystal and its data quality. Protein crystals are used in X-ray diffraction experiments ...

7 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Melanie Vollmar | Moviepilot.de

Alle Infos zu Melanie Vollmar

Melanie Vollmar - Infos und Filme


2 Projekte

Thread: [Apbs-users] electrostatic surface within a membrane | APBS

Thanks a lot Melanie -- Dipl-Biol Melanie Vollmar Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf Department for Plant Biochemistry AG Prof.

apbs-users Mailing List for APBS

Thanks, Nathan On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Melanie Vollmar wrote: > Hi all, > > I try to calculate the electrostatic surface of a 120kDa membrane > protein ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

Machine learning applications in macromolecular X-ray ...

von M Vollmar · · Zitiert von: 13 — Melanie Vollmar. Melanie Vollmar did her doctoral studies in structural biology at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, and was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. in ...

Melanie Vollmar - Diamond Publications - Search Results

... Melanie Vollmar , Helen Walden , David Waterman , Keith S. Wilson , Martyn Winn , Graeme Winter , Marcin Wojdyr , Keitaro Yamashita · Acta ...

Melanie Vollmar | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.de

Hier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Melanie Vollmar . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke.

Background modelling of diffraction data in the presence of ...Directory of Open Access Journals

James M. Parkhurst,; Andrea Thorn,; Melanie Vollmar,; Graeme Winter,; David G. Waterman,; Luis Fuentes-Montero,; Richard J. Gildea,; Garib N. Murshudov, ... › article

12 Dokumente

Melanie Vollmar

Melanie Vollmar. ARISE fellow/EMBL fellow/ Marie Curie fellow. EMBL-EBI. Page 2. embl.org/arise · •. Problem statement. •. Proposed solution.

3D-BioInfo ISCB 3D-SIG ELIXIR Czech Republic

Melanie Vollmar. European Bioinformatics Institute, UK. Eric Westhof. Institut de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire du CNRS, France. Speakers confirmed.

Draft Schedule

Melanie Vollmar. 10:45 – 11:15 Tea/coffee. Practical session :15 – 12:00. Data processing. David Waterman & Ed Lowe. 12:00 – 12:45. Data processing ( ...

The predictive power of data-processing statistics

von M Vollmar · · Zitiert von: 10 — Melanie Vollmar,a* James M. Parkhurst,a,b Dominic Jaques,a Arnaud BaslИ,c. Garib N. Murshudov,b David G. Watermand,e and Gwyndaf Evansa*. aDiamond Light ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Accelerating the discovery of new materials with deep ...

von M Vollmar · · Zitiert von: 2 — Scientific Commentaries. Accelerating the discovery of new materials with deep learning. Author links open overlay panel. Melanie Vollmar a.

IUCrJ | Vol 9, Part 1, Pages (2022)

von EN Baker · Zitiert von: 3 — Melanie Vollmar. Pages Article preview. select article Using crystallography tools to improve vaccine formulations. https://doi.org

Structure | Vol 21, Issue 7, Pages (2 July 2013) |...

D. Sean Froese, Farhad Forouhar, Timothy H. Tran, Melanie Vollmar, ... Liang Tong. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview.

Background modelling of diffraction data in the Shelxshelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de › ~athorn › pdf › parkhurst2017

James M. Parkhurst,a,b Andrea Thorn,a,b,c Melanie Vollmar,a Graeme Winter,a. David G. Waterman,d,e Luis Fuentes-Montero,a Richard J. Gildea,a Garib N.

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

(PDF) Human-in-the-loop approach to identify functionally ...

— ... Melanie Vollmar · Santosh Tirunagari · Deborah Harrus; [...] Sameer Velankar. We present a novel system that ...

Melanie Vollmar | PubFacts

Melanie Vollmar

MR Case Studies - CCP4

MR Case Studies - Read more about resolution, domain, sequence, molecular, models and phasing.

Crystallisation and structure solution of the c-ring of F_1tnoF_1tn1...

Lisez Crystallisation and structure solution of the c-ring of F_1tnoF_1tn1 ATP synthase from spinach chloroplasts [Elektronische Ressource] / vorgelegt von...

7 Video- & Audioinhalte

Wrap up/final discussion - Rob Nicholls, Melanie Vollmar and ...

This content isn't available. Wrap up/final discussion - Rob Nicholls, Melanie Vollmar ...

AI4Proteins Seminar Series MelanieVollmar

... Melanie Vollmar: Proteins are the core machinery in any living organism. Understanding their structure means understanding their function ...

AI4Proteins: Machine learning for biological sequence design ...

AI4Proteins: ML applications 4 macro-molecular X-ray crystallography at Diamond – Dr Melanie Vollmar AI 4 Scientific Discovery

Melanie Vollmar - YouTube

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9 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Europe PMC Developer Forum

Melanie Vollmar's profile photo. Melanie Vollmar, … Islam Hassan3. May 13. Missing PubMed ID. Hi Melanie, The PubMed ID is missing in the full-text XML that we ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: Protein Data Bank

Melanie Vollmar is an ARISE fellow, working across PDBe, EuropePMC and UniProt teams. Her project uses Deep Learning methods to determine ...

Dataset from a human-in-the-loop approach to identify ...

von M Vollmar · — Dataset from a human-in-the-loop approach to identify functionally important protein residues from literature. Melanie Vollmar ORCID: orcid ...

Melanie Vollmar

Découvrez toutes les infos sur Melanie Vollmar, sa biographie, sa filmographie complète, son actualité. Découvrez aussi toutes les photos et vidéos de ...

79 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Melanie Vollmar

Melanie Vollmar. ARISE Fellow. Verified email at ebi.ac.uk. ArticlesCited byPublic access. Title. Sort. Sort by citationsSort by yearSort by title.

Melanie Vollmar | EMBL Content Hub

Full name. Melanie Vollmar

meli_ Melanie Vollmar

344 Followers, Following, 51 Posts - Melanie Vollmar (@meli_3820) on Instagram: "❤️❤️❤️❤️"

AI3SD Video: Machine learning applications for macro ...

von M Vollmar · — Melanie Vollmar is a postdoctoral researcher within the macromolecular X-ray (MX) crystallography village at Diamond Light Source, the UK's ...

AI4Proteins: Protein Structure Prediction Agenda

Session 2: Session Chair: Dr Melanie Vollmar (Diamond). – 11:30-11:50 BST, So you predicted a protein structure – What now? Dr Thomas Steinbrecher ...

AUSPEX: a graphical tool for X‐ray diffraction data analysis

Nicholls, Melanie Vollmar, Gwyndaf Evans, Garib N. Murshudov [show]. Abstract. In this paper, AUSPEX, a new software tool for experimental X-ray data analysis ...

Crystal Structures of Malonyl-Coenzyme A Decarboxylase ...

Structure, June · j.str · · D. Sean Froese, Farhad Forouhar, Timothy H. Tran, Melanie Vollmar, Yi Seul Kim, Scott Lew, Helen ...

Dataset from a human-in-the-loop approach to identify ...

von M Vollmar · — Melanie Vollmar , Santosh Tirunagari , Deborah Harrus , David Armstrong , Romana Gáborová , Deepti Gupta , Marcelo Querino Lima ...

Description of the X-ray diffraction data analysis software ...

Gildea, Markus Gerstel, Luis Fuentes-Montero, Melanie Vollmar, Tara Michels-Clark, Iris D. Young, Nicholas K. Sauter, Gwyndaf Evans. Acta Crystallographica ...

Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology (GRS)

Melanie Vollmar (EMBL-EBI, United Kingdom); Diana Monteiro (Hauptman-Woodward MRI, United States). 2:20 pm - 2:30 pm. General Discussion. 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm.

ECA Lunch webinar

Melanie Vollmar from Diamond Light Source. Participation is free, and you can register via the following link: Uncategorized. Meta. Log in · Entries RSS ...

Human UTY(KDM6C) Is a Male-specific Nϵ-Methyl Lysyl ...

Hopkinson, Melanie Vollmar, Sarah K. Madden, Carina Gileadi, Udo Oppermann, Christopher J. Schofield, Catrine Johansson. Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Human-in-the-loop approach to identify functionally ...

Melanie Vollmar, Santosh Tirunagari, +6 authors. S. Velankar · Published in bioRxiv 13 March · Computer Science, Biology.

Investigator / Supervisor details - BBSRC - UKRI

Dr Melanie Vollmar. Current Institution, Diamond Light Source. Current Department, Science Division. Institution website, http://www.diamond.ac.uk. Previous ...

Jan 23, at 11:48 AM

Photo by Melanie Vollmar on October 23, May be an image of flower.


Sources, n/a. License, n/a. Author, Melanie Vollmar. Label Scheme. View label scheme (20 labels for 1 components). Component, Labels. ner, "bond_interaction", " ...

Ribosomal oxygenases are structurally conserved from ...

Fox, Joao R. C. Muniz, Melanie Vollmar, Claire Phillips, Ewa S. Pilka, Kathryn L. Kavanagh, Frank von Delft, Udo Oppermann, Michael A. McDonough, Aidan J ...

SCD SciML Seminars

Dr Melanie Vollmar – Diamond Light Source – Machine learning for molecular crystallography; Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro and Arnau Quera-Bofarull – University of ...

Structure of the c14 Rotor Ring of the Proton Translocating ...

von M Vollmar · · Zitiert von: 167 — Structure of the c14 Rotor Ring of the Proton Translocating Chloroplast ATP Synthase*. Melanie Vollmar. Melanie Vollmar. Affiliations. Institut für Biochemie ...

Welcoming two new Co-editors - IUCr Journals

von CS Bond · — Dr Melanie Vollmar is currently an ARISE/Marie Curie/EMBL-EBI Fellow based at Hinxton in the UK. She is a structural biologist who has complemented her ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Melanie

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch): Melanie; die Dunkle, die Schwarze; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); melas = schwarz; in der griechischen Mythologie ist Melania ein Beiname der Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin Demeter

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Vollmar

- althochdeutscher Rufname "folk-mari" -> "Volk + bekannt, berühmt" - Volcmer (um 822/875), Volcmar(i) (um 1269), Volmar (um 1359) - Volgmar (um 1418)

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