13 Infos zu Meltem Sahinbas

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Meltem Sahinbas | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Meltem Sahinbas, with 3 highly influential citations and 1 scientific research papers.

1 Hobbys & Interessen


... Şanlı · Fatma ℓܓܓ Yıldız · Zehra Cnbz · Ebru Anık · Deniz Ermiş · Esra Gür · Meltem Sahinbas · Seda Ermiş · Aslı Güneş Kaya · Ela Satiroglu.

3 Bücher zum Namen

HEIDI: Weger, Benjamin D.: The light responsive transcriptome of the...

Verf.angabe: Benjamin D. Weger, Meltem Sahinbas, Georg W. Otto, Philipp Mracek, Olivier Armant, Dirk Dolle, Kajori Lahiri, Daniela Vallone, Laurence Ettwiller, ...

The Light Responsive Transcriptome of the Zebrafish: Function and...

Most organisms possess circadian clocks that are able to anticipate the day/night cycle and are reset or “entrained” by the ambient light. In the zebrafish,...

heiBIB: Dolle, Dirk-Dominik

DOI: ng.790; Weger, Benjamin D.: The light responsive transcriptome of the zebrafish : function and regulation / Benjamin D. Weger, Meltem Sahinbas, ...

1 Dokumente

Investigation Title Zebrafish Light Pulse Comment[Submitted ...

... Benjamin D. Weger, Meltem Sahinbas, Philipp Mracek, Olivier Armant, Cristina Santoriello, Kajori Lahiri, Daniela Vallone, Robert Geisler, ...

5 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Bioluminescence traces of Pac2 cells containing reporter constructs...

Bioluminescence traces of Pac2 cells containing reporter constructs with concatemerised Trawler motifs.

Bioluminescence traces of single larvae injected with E- and D-box...

Bioluminescence traces of single larvae injected with E- and D-box reporter constructs.

Experimental design of the study.

Experimental design of the study.

[PDF] The Light Responsive Transcriptome of the Zebrafish: Function...

Light induced gene transcription in the zebrafish is characterized at several organizational levels and Morpholino-mediated knock-down studies of two...

The Light Responsive Transcriptome of the Zebrafish: Function and...

includes The Light Responsive Transcriptome of the Zebrafish: Fu by Benjamin D. Weger, Meltem Sahinbas, Geo. Click to explore.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Meltem

Weiblicher Vorname (Türkisch): Meltem; Brise;; meltem = die Brise

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