74 Infos zu Michael Loewenhaupt
Mehr erfahren über Michael Loewenhaupt
Lebt in
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Institut
- Neutron
- Professor
- Frank Steglich
- Physik
- Andreas Kreyssig
- Braun
- Clemens Ritter
- Dertinger
- Doerr
- Festkörper
- Gutachter
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Veranstaltungen | Institut | Institut für Physik | Fak. NW | TU...Institut für Physik: Veranstaltungen
PDF ( MB) - Europhysics NewsMichael Loewenhaupt, Dr. Anke Kirchner and their co-workers and associates deserve our thanks and congratulations.We are very grateful for the hospitality, ...
TU Dresden wesentlich am Hochfeldlabor Dresden beteiligtInformationen für Journalisten: Prof. Michael Loewenhaupt , -dresden.de
1 Bilder zu Michael Loewenhaupt

3 Persönliche Webseiten
ImprintProf. Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt TU Dresden Dresden: secretary (local) Dr. Anke Kirchner IFW Dresden P.O. Box: Dresden Germany Phone: +49 …
Sponsors - cpfs.mpg.deMichael Loewenhaupt (Dresden) Mohamed Zbiri (Grenoble) Sponsors ...
ImpressumProf. Dr. Ludwig Schultz Institut für Metallische Werkstoffe IFW Dresden Dresden: Prof. Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt TU Dresden Dresden
9 Bücher zum Namen
UB Braunschweig - results/shortlistGLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information AccessGLORIA - GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel)
Crystalline Electric Field and Structural Effects in f-Electron...Perhaps the title of this conference
Rare Earth Transition Metal Borocarbides (Nitrides): Superconducting...... Michael LOEWENHAUPT Institut fur Angewandte Physik, TU Dresden D Dresden GERMANY ...
8 Dokumente
[cond-mat ] Evidence for the coexistence of low-dimensional...Submission history. From: Michael Loewenhaupt [view email] [v1] Wed, 18 Jun :40:31 GMT (417kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable MathJax (What is MathJax?) Link back to: arXiv, form interface, contact. Twitter.
De: Michael LoewenhauptDe: Michael Loewenhaupt &-dresden.de> Envoyé: lundi 17 octobre :53 À: Objet: [Neutron] ...
[cond-mat ] Superconductivity, magnetic ordering, and its...Authors:Armin Dertinger, Andreas Kreyssig, Clemens Ritter, Michael Loewenhaupt, Hans F. Braun. (Submitted on 22 Jun (v1), last revised 22 Jul
Phys. Rev. B 84, (2011) - Crystallographic superstructure in...... Matthias Zschornak, Robert Mietrach, Jens-Uwe Hoffmann, Wolfgang Löser, Sibylle Gemming, Dirk C. Meyer, and Michael Loewenhaupt.
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt - Gepris - DFGProfessor Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt. Projekte. Als Teilprojektleiter abgeschlossene Projekte. Intrinsische magnetische Eigenschaften und magnetische ...
Concentration effects on crystal fields in diluted intermetallics -...EFFECTS ON CRYSTAL FIELDS IN DILUTED INTERMETALLICS. Bernhard FRICK and Michael LOEWENHAUPT. Institut ff4r FestkOrperforschung, Kernforschungsanlage JMich GrnbH, Postfach 1913, D JMich, Fed. Rep. German),". The magnetic excitation spectrum of intermetallic systems with localized 4f-electrons ...
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Loewenhaupt — Institut für...Professor für Experimentalphysik Arbeitsgruppe: Magnetismus und Neutronenstreuung Kontakt Physikgebäude D-Flügel, Zimmer Tel.:...
LandOfFree - Scientist - Michael LoewenhauptCheck out Michael Loewenhaupt. Rate and share your experience with other people.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Interplay of structural distortions, dielectric effects and magnetic...Multiferroic materials are characterized by simultaneous magnetic and ferroelectric ordering making them good candidates for magneto-electrical application
Neutron scattering study on R_1tn2PdSi_1tn3 (R=Ho, Er, Tm) compounds...Gutachter: Professor Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt 2. Gutachter: Professor Dr. Frank Steglich Eingereicht am: Verteidigt am:
Neutron Studies of CEF Excitations and Linewidths of Dilute Systems |...The CEF splitting of the Hund’s rule ground state of 4 f ions diluted in metallic systems has a great influence on their macroscopic and microscopic...
Nuclear charge radii of Al and Si from elastic electron scattering...Authors; Authors and affiliations. Hans Alfred Bentz; Michael Loewenhaupt; Horst Theissen. Hans Alfred Bentz. 1. Michael Loewenhaupt. 1. Horst Theissen
32 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Michael Loewenhaupt"We investigated the low-temperature properties of polycrystalline HoNi_2^11B_2C by means of ac-susceptibility and neutron powder diffraction in the ...
Physics Tree - Michael LoewenhauptPhysics Tree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for researcher
Physics Tree - Michael Loewenhaupt Family TreePhysics Tree: academic genealogy for researcher
ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg
Editorial. Editors: M. Müller, K. Pranzas, P. Staron, K. Griewatsch,...Session Chair: Michael Hofmann Location: Hörsaal C 0:30-0:55: Orientation Philipp Geselbracht, Mathias Doerr, Martin Rotter, Michael Loewenhaupt, Gernot Synchrotron Soleil L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin - BP Gif-sur-Yvette, ...
A high-energy inelastic neutron scattering investigation of the Gd-Co...Inelastic neutron scattering is used to quantify the Gd-Co exchange interaction in GdCo4B. A significant reduction is observed in comparison with the GdCo5...
ACNS User Portal: Talks24 January (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Robert Robinson Prof. Michael Loewenhaupt Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Supplément au Journal de Physique ColloquesSupplément au Journal de Physique Colloques, Journal de Physique Archives représente une mine dinformations facile à consulter sur la manière dont la physique...
Physik seit EinsteinDeutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
Field Dependence of the Magnetic Propagation Vector of the Heavy...[9] Michael Loewenhaupt, Enrico Faulhaber, Astrid Schneidewind, Micha Deppe, and Klaudia Hradil. Journal of Applied Physics, 111:07E124,
Neutron scattering study on R 2 PdSi 3 (R = Ho, Er, Tm) compounds -...Gutachter: Professor Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt. Gutachter: Professor Dr. Frank Steglich Eingereicht am: Verteidigt am: ii
Interplay of structural distortions, dielectric effects and magnetic...Interplay of structural distortions, dielectric effects and magnetic order in multiferroic GdMnO3. Mathias Doerr, Michael Loewenhaupt, Aditya A. Wagh, P. S. Anil ...
June NIST Center for Neutron ResearchPlace: Building 235, Room E100. Title: Time dependent neutron and magnetization results on Er2PdSi3. Speaker: Michael Loewenhaupt (Technical University ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft... single crystals — •Mathias Doerr, Wolfram Lorenz, Dona Cherian, Sahana Rößler, Steffen Wirth, Philipp Materne, and Michael Loewenhaupt.
Global ETD SearchDr. Michael Loewenhaupt, PD Dr. Christoph Geibel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Brückel. Publisher, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek ...
McPhase2011www.mcphase.de › McPhase2011_gijonD. T. Adroja (ISIS, Didcot). Keith McEwen (London). Martin Rotter (Dresden). Duc Manh Le (Berlin). Andrea Severing (Cologne). Michael Loewenhaupt (Dresden).
NCNR Seminar Archives 2006Title: Magnetic Order and Spin Dynamics in (RareEarth)2PdSi3 compounds. Speaker: Professor Michael Loewenhaupt, Technical University Dresden. Contact ...
PPMS157, [9] Cristina Bormio-Nunes, Claudio Teodoro dos Santos, Mateus Botani de Souza Dias, Mathias Doerr, Sergey Granovsky, Michael Loewenhaupt.
Metamagnetic-like transition in the cubic heavy fermion compound...We report on low-temperature magnetisation measurements on single crystals of the cubic heavy fermion compound CeIn −x Sn x A...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Michael
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Michael; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); in den USA auch als weiblicher Name in Gebrauch, aber nur selten; Informationen zur Herkunft siehe männliche FormMännlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Michael; Wer ist wie Gott?; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); miy = wer; el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Michael einer der vier Erzengel; Schutzpatron des alten Deutschen Reiches
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Frank Steglich
- Mathias Doerr
- Enrico Faulhaber
- Clemens Ritter
- Christoph Geibel
- Martin Rotter
- Rolf Loewenhaupt
- Kai Loewenhaupt
- Bernd Loewenhaupt
Personensuche zu Michael Loewenhaupt & mehr
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