181 Infos zu Michael Mateas
Mehr erfahren über Michael Mateas
Infos zu
- Games
- Andrew Stern
- Computer Science
- Façade
- Expressive
- University of California
- Drama
- UC Santa Cruz
- Artificial Intelligence
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
ᐅ Michael Mateasᐅ Sie suchen Informationen zum Künstler Michael Mateas? Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes für Ihre Künstler-Recherche zu Michael Mateas.
Virtuelles TheaterVirtuelles Theater, Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Cyberkultur, Robert Wilson, Monsters of Grace, Oz Project, Biomechanics, Theaterwissenschaft, virtuelle Realität,...
dichtung-digitaldichtung digital. Magazine of digital literature and digital art
39 Bilder zu Michael Mateas

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Michael MateasLinkedIn: Michael Mateas | LinkedInMichael Mateas' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Michael Mateas dabei hilft, ...
Twitter Profil: Michael Mateas (mmateas)Ort: UC Santa Cruz
Alle bøger af Michael Mateas - Saxo. Læs Lyt LevLeder du efter bøger skrevet af Michael Mateas? SAXO.com har alle dine yndlingsforfattere. Find alle bøger af forfatteren Michael Mateas her.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS - BNAIC The 22nd Benelux Conference on...jusmeum - Mein gutes Recht!
Michael Mateas Video Game Credits and Biography - MobyGamesMichael Mateas has been credited on games developed by the following companies: Procedural Arts LLC and Choice of Games LLC. This does not imply employment by...
Michael Mateas | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Michael Mateas is ranked among the Top on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Michael Mateas at University of California Santa Cruz -...Rating and reviews for Professor Michael Mateas from University of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA United States.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Untitled DocumentSteffi Domike: . Michael Mateas: .edu. Paul Vanouse: . TERMINAL TIME LINKS. Steffi Domike
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
CV | Ben SamuelBen Samuel, Dylan Lederle-Ensign, Mike Treanor, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Josh McCoy, Aaron Reed and Michael Mateas. “Playing the Worlds of Prom Week.
2 Projekte
Project MUSE - Expressive AI: A Hybrid Art and Science PracticeAbstract: Expressive AI is a new interdiscipline of AI-based cultural production, combining art practice and AI-research practice. This article ...
Story Generators | jan christoph meister1) Birte Lönneker, Jan Christoph Meister, Pablo Gervás, Federico Peinado and Michael Mateas (2005): “Story Generators: Models and Approaches for the ...
22 Bücher zum Namen
Proceedings: The Third Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference: 6-8 June 2007, Stanford, Californiavon Jonathan Schaeffer, Michael Mateas Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, American Association for Artificial Intellige, 2007, Taschenbuch
Michael Mateas ( of 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); )Michael Mateas is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Michael Mateas is the author of 10 PRINT CHR$(
Michael Mateas | The Online Books PageMichael Mateas. [Info] Mateas, Michael: 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2012), also by Nick Montfort, ...
Interactive Drama, Art and Artificial Intelligence - Michael Mateas -...Title, Interactive Drama, Art and Artificial Intelligence [Research paper] / Carnegie Mellon University. School of Computer Science. Author, Michael Mateas.
2 Songs & Musik
Full text of "10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10"5+RHD(i) ) ; The sort of weird languages Michael Mateas and Nick Montfort (2005) in London, and the Allianz in Zurich (Max Bill, Richard Paul Lohse, et al.).
5 Dokumente
[ ] Automated Game Design LearningAuthors:Joseph C Osborn, Adam Summerville, Michael Mateas. (Submitted on 11 Jul 2017). Abstract: While general game playing is an active field of research, ...
User talk:Eusebius/Archives Wikimedia CommonsAbout the company, apparently the Maschinnenfabrik Esslingen was bought by Daimler AG. In any Commons:Deletion requests/File:Michael Mateas.jpg.
80Days: Melding Adaptive Educational Technology and ...link can never be made. Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern [17], in turn, provided a first 'almost' working interactive storytelling system. The question is how to ...
A Behavior Language for Story-based Believable AgentsMichael Mateas. Carnegie Mellon University Forbes Avenue. Pittsburgh, PA edu www.cs.cmu.edu/~michaelm. Andrew Stern.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Façade - Interaktives Drama oder bloße Spielerei? | Masterarbeit,...Façade - Interaktives Drama oder bloße Spielerei? - Bachelor of Arts Marco Hadem - Seminararbeit - Theaterwissenschaft, Tanz - Arbeiten publizieren:...
dblp: Michael MateasList of computer science publications by Michael Mateas
Search results for "Michael Maher" – FacetedDBLPSearching for phrase Michael Maher (changed automatically) with no syntactic (15) (16) (17) …
Visualisierung - Medien Wiki... Zachary Pousman, John T. Stasko and Michael Mateas - Casual Information Visualization - Infovis for everyday use · Fernanda B. Viégas and ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Natural Language Understanding in Façade: Surface-Text Processing |...Façade is a real-time, first-person dramatic world in which the player, visiting the married couple Grace and Trip at their apartment, quickly becomes...
GDC 2013: Michael Mateas - "Game Educators Rant" : Free Download,...This session will consist of a series of enlightening rants by veteran educators and game scholars. Experience different perspectives on students, schools,...
Kommentar (Programmierung) – Jewiki↑ Michael Mateas und Nick Montfort: A Box, Darkly: Obfuscation, Weird Languages, and Code Aesthetics. Dieser Artikel basiert ursprünglich auf dem Artikel Kommentar ...
6 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Gaming and Visualization for Medicine Michael MateasMichael Mateas, "Expressive AI for Serious Games" Artificial Intelligence-based Art and Entertainment My work is in Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based art and entertainment , YouTube
BlinkX Video: Playing Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern's FacadeA one-act interactive drama, now on display/ playable at Krannert Art Museum at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Runs until July 26. www.kam.uiuc.edu , YouTube
BlinkX Video: Expressive Intelligence: AI, Games and New MediaOctober 20, lecture by Michael Mateas for the Stanford University Human Computer Interaction Seminar (CS547). "Expressive AI (Artificial Intelligence)", a process occurring , YouTube
Façade, Michael Mateas, Andrew Stern, Vidéo 2 | ALN | NT2Façade, Michael Mateas, Andrew Stern, Vidéo 2. Suite du jeu durant lequel le joueur assiste à une dispute en crescendo entre ses hôtes. Le jeu se termine par ...
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Façade (video game) - WikipediaFaçade is an artificial-intelligence-based interactive story created by Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern. It was the winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the
fonix tut gut !! Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 2)Seite 2 der Diskussion 'fonix tut gut !!' vom im w:o-Forum 'OTC-BB / Pinksheets'.
Thought Leaders: Michael Mateas | Animation World NetworkWwe talk to Michael Mateas, associate professor of computer science at University of California, Santa Cruz, about the intersection of artificial intelligence,...
if-de :: Forum ~ Thema anzeigen - FaçadeForum für Textadventures und Interactive Fiction
64 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Michael Mateas | LinkedInView Michael Mateas's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Michael Mateas discover ...
Bücher von Michael Mateas bei Google PlayViel Spaß mit Millionen aktueller Android-Apps, Spielen, Musik, Filmen, Serien, Büchern und Zeitschriften – jederzeit, überall und auf allen deinen Geräten.
façade bekommt einen nachfolger: the partyFlo  nun wollen die beiden autoren von façade, andrew stern und michael mateas, ein noch umfangreicheres drama produzieren. während façade ein forschungsprojekt war und nur ungefähr 15 minuten lief, soll das neue werk pro durchlauf
Game playtesting, Gameplay metrics (Based on slides by Michael...Game playtesting, Gameplay metrics (Based on slides by Michael Mateas, and Chapter 9 (Playtesting) of Game Design Workshop, Tracy Fullerton) UC Santa ...
UCSC adds video game major to its curriculum | EngadgetThe class of will have a new major to consider when they hit the UCSC campus for the first time this fall: video game design.
Publications for Michael MateasClara Fernandez-Vara, Jose Zagal and Michael Mateas, “Evolution of Space ... Jose Zagal, Michael Mateas, Clara Fernandez-Vara, Brian Hochhalter and Nolan ...
MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing | "Michael Mateas"UC-Santa Cruz's Michael Mateas on automated support for game generation, autonomous character conversations, story management, and tools for interactive ...
Michael Mateas & Andrew Stern – Electronic Literature and Its...Michael Mateas' work explores artificial intelligence-based art and entertainment, forging a new research discipline called Expressive AI. He is Director of the ...
Michael Mateas talk on Facade | The GameshelfThis past Thursday, I went to a talk by Michael Mateas: "The Authoring Challenge for Interactive Storytelling". Mateas runs the Expressive ...
| Emka.sina Emka.si. Največji izbor uspešnic, novosti in nagrajenih knjig v Sloveniji. Izbirajte med slovenskimi in angleškimi knjigami.
Michael Mateas | esc medien kunst labor... Künstler_innen · Newsletter · Materialien · Anfahrt · Kontakt · Impressum · esc medien kunst labor · esc medien kunst labor. Michael Mateas. Deutsch; English ...
Michael Mateas, "The Authoring Challenge for Interactive...Stream Michael Mateas,
Michael Mateas » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of...Articles tagged Michael Mateas (2). June 18, Knight News Challenge: The Cartoonist wants to make a digital game of visual commentary. June 16,
Michael Mateas – h+ MediaRegister Sign In. h+ Magazine | Michael Mateas Archives - h+ Magazine. h+ Magazine · Current Issue · Transhumanism · Futurism · Optimism ...
Façade (2005), Michael Mateas & Andrew Stern | Language and the...Façade (2005), Michael Mateas & Andrew Stern Games of make-believe, Character impersonation. Façade is an artificial intelligence-based ...
Mateas, Michael | ALN | NT2Michael Mateas holds diplomas in Engineering Physics and Computer Science. He is associate professor in the department of Computer Science at the ...
Michael Mateas responds in turn | electronic book reviewTo Brenda Laurel I am thrilled with Brenda Laurel's positive response to both the theoretical model and technical agenda presented in the chapter. This work
Michael Mateas Home PageMichael Mateas. Associate Professor Computer Science Department University of California, Santa Cruz High Street M/S SOE3 Santa Cruz CA
Michael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers (eds) Narrative Intelligence...Welcome to e-content platform of John Benjamins Publishing Company. Here you can find all of our electronic books and journals, for purchase and download or...
Michael Mateas | Electronic Literature DirectoryMichael Mateas. No author biography available. E-lit works by this author. Façade · John Grieve · Andrew Stern · Michael Mateas
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Michael
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Michael; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); in den USA auch als weiblicher Name in Gebrauch, aber nur selten; Informationen zur Herkunft siehe männliche FormMännlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Michael; Wer ist wie Gott?; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); miy = wer; el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Michael einer der vier Erzengel; Schutzpatron des alten Deutschen Reiches
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