160 Infos zu Michael Viehs
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17 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NZZ: Die ewig Unterschätzten | NZZInvestoren, die nachhaltige Anlagen links liegenlassen, begründen dies oft mit der Sorge, auf Rendite verzichten zu müssen. Die Fakten sprechen eine andere...
Dr. Michael Viehs Archives - ESG News› tag › dr-mic...
Isabella Szroeter war ganz einfach unschlagbar | Kölner Stadt-AnzeigerMichael Viehs (TV Germania Obermaubach) 7,52 sec.; 2. Christian Felder (Dürener TV) 7,53 sec.; 3. Sebastian Stadler (Dürener TV) 7,79 sec.; ...
Financial Data Science | An conference organized by the Financial...Financial Data Sciecne is a new conference on the intersection between data science and finance.
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dr. Michael Viehs, research director ACRN Oxford ...www.facebook.com › acrnoxford › photos › dr-...LinkedIn: Dr. Michael Viehs | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Dr. Michael Viehs discover ...
LinkedIn: Michael Viehs - United Kingdom | LinkedInMichael Viehs is as a Research Fellow at University of Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. His research focuses on Corporate Finance, ...
Dr Michael Viehs and Anna Chong explore two mining company case...Dr Michael Viehs and Anna Chong explore two #ESG profiles influence their view on how instruments should be priced
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Partners Capital appoints new Public Equities and ...— Michael Viehs have joined the firm as Head of Public Equities and Global Head of Sustainable Investing, respectively. Partners Capital is a ... › part...
1 Business-Profile
Michael VIEHS | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | OX› Mic...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Michael Viehs - Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance› team › michael-viehs
Lectors - Accounting, Controlling and Financial ManagementLectors · Dipl.-Ing. DDr. Manfred Stallinger MBA · Ing. Dr. Mario Steinkellner · Dr. Michael Viehs · Conny Walchshofer BSc MSc · Mag. Ingrid Winter. › ... › Lectors
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Itzhak (Zahi) Ben-David - Fisher College of BusinessBen-David, Itzhak, Yeejin Jang, Stefanie Kleimeier, and Michael Viehs, Exporting Pollution: Where Do. Multinational Firms Emit CO2? › people › ben-david.1
14 Bücher zum Namen
Michael Viehs | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.de› Michael Viehs
Carbon disclosure, emission levels, and the cost of debt - EconBiz... Michael Viehs. Year of Publication: 15 January 2016: Authors: Kleimeier, Stefanie: Contributors: Viehs, Michael: Publisher: Maastricht : Graduate School of ...
Philanthropy in Democratic Societies: History, Institutions, Values -...Philanthropy is everywhere. In the US alone, philanthropic activity supports more than one million nonprofit organizations, accounting for approximately ten...
Re-Imagining Capitalism - Google BooksCapitalism has been an unprecedented engine of wealth creation for many centuries, leading to sustained productivity gains and long-term growth and lifting an...
12 Dokumente
Who Withdraws Shareholder Proposals and Does It Matter? An Analysis...Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: We study more than 12,000 shareholder proposals that were filed to S&P1500 companies from to 2009, and
ECCE – USB... Centre for Economic Policy Research, UK. Jenke ter Horst, Tilburg Univ, The Netherlands. Discussant: Michael Viehs, Maastricht Univ, The Netherlands
EURO Working Group on Efficiency and Productivity AnalysisMichael Viehs, University of Oxford, UK & ECCE. 2. Cost of Capital and the Role of Institutional Ownership. Abdullah A. Alshwer, King Saud ...
Carbon Disclosure, Emission Levels, and the Cost of Debt by Stefanie...Do banks charge an environmental premium when lending to publicly listed firms? Using CDP’s unique and comprehensive database on carbon emissions, we study whet
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Gastvorlesung Dr. Michael Viehs - wiwi.uni-muenster.de› fakultaet › termine
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Re-Imagining Capitalism... of Tata Sons from to Matthew Thomas is the founder of Prospect Madison Michael Viehs is Research Director at the Smith School of Enterprise and ...
Annals in Social Responsibility: Vol. 1 Iss Emerald InsightGordon L. Clark, Sarah McGill, Yukie Saito, Michael Viehs. The purpose of this paper is to explore how shareholder engagement on environmental, social, ... › issn › iss
from the stockholder - Rain Capital ManagementMICHAEL VIEHS. Research Fellow, Smith School of. Enterprise and the Environment,. University of Oxford. Page 2. "Momentum building." Paul Polman. › uploads ›
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Call for papers: “From Awareness to Impact: Mechanisms of Change in...I am hoping to persuade the readers of Socializing Finance to submit a paper to a conference that I am co-organizing:
Deadline extended: PRI Academic Network Workshop call for papers...The PRI Call for Papers is now open – EXTENDED DEADLINE 18 MAY From awareness to impact: mechanisms of change in responsible investment We are delighted...
Top dollar | National AffairsRob Bauer, Frank Moers & Michael Viehs Corporate Governance, forthcoming. Research Question/Issue: We study more than 12,
88 Webfunde aus dem Netz
ECCE Seminar by Andrea Chegut and Michael ViehsECCE Seminar by Andrea Chegut and Michael Viehs (both Maastricht University) Title paper Andrea: The Economics of an Information Based Economy: the ...
Finance Seminar by Michael ViehsFinance Seminar by Michael Viehs (Maastricht University). When. Wed Mar 21, :30am – 12pm GMT (no daylight saving). Where. TS 53; C (map)
Lecture Dr Michael Viehs NOTE Free downloadDownload this document for Corporate Governance at Maastricht University for free and find more useful study materials for your courses.
Michael Viehs Archives - RIA Channel› tag
Login | Asset TV CanadaMichael Viehs. Companies. - Any -, CFA Institute. - Any -. People. - Any -, Michael Viehs. - Any -. Asset Class. - Any -, Responsible Investment, Value Investing.
Sign in | Asset TV U.S.Michael Viehs. Content Type. All. Company. All. People. All. Asset Class. All. 40:05. Fundamentals of ESG: Concepts and Principles. November ...
Partners Capital Appoints Michael Viehs as Global ESG Investing› partners...
Tag: Michael Viehs - NordSip› tag › michael...
Partners Capital Appoints Michael Viehs as ESG Today› partne...
Michael Viehs (@michaelviehs) Twitter Profile • sTwityMedias and Tweets on @michaelviehs ( Michael Viehs )' s Twitter Profile.London, Oxford, Maastricht.
Dr Michael Viehs - Oxford TalksDr Michael Viehs. plain text version. Events this person is speaking at: Webinar: Carbon Disclosure and the Cost of Debt - in partnership with the European ...
Author Page for Michael Viehs :: SSRN - SSRN Papers› cf_dev
Michael Viehs - SRI-Connect› ...
Michael Viehs | ECGI - European Corporate Governance Institute› users › michae...
Michael Viehs - VoxDev› users › micha...
Michael Viehs Archives - Corporate GovernanceWho Withdraws Shareholder Proposals and Does It Matter? An Analysis of Sponsor Identity and Pay Practices is the title of an import study in ...
Do social factors influence investment behavior and performance?...The financial support of MISTRA is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Michael Viehs the referee, seminar participants at University of Exeter (Business School ...
Michael Viehs on Instagram: “Beautiful #bratislava at sunset ...› mich...
Re-Imagining Capitalism | Edited by Dominic Barton | |...Re-Imagining Capitalism - By Edited by Dominic Barton, Dezso Horváth and Matthias Kipping from Oxford University Press Canada
Dr Michael Viehs - Oxford Talkstalks.ox.ac.uk › talks › personsEvents this person is speaking at: Wednesday 11 March (8th Week, Hilary Term). 15:00 - Webinar: Carbon Disclosure and the Cost of Debt - in partnership ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Michael
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Michael; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); in den USA auch als weiblicher Name in Gebrauch, aber nur selten; Informationen zur Herkunft siehe männliche FormMännlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Michael; Wer ist wie Gott?; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); miy = wer; el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Michael einer der vier Erzengel; Schutzpatron des alten Deutschen Reiches
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