86 Infos zu Michaela Gummerum
Mehr erfahren über Michaela Gummerum
Infos zu
- Psychology
- Monika Keller
- Moral
- Research
- Yaniv Hanoch
- Development
- Children
- Tara Hollins
- Malti
- Plymouth University
- Economic
12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Adolescents’ Riskier Online Behavior Suggests Need for Age-Based...Adolescents who have engaged in past risky online behavior such as providing personal information and befriending strangers are much more likely to repeat such
People Switch Morality in the Heat of the Moment - Neuroscience NewsThis study is the result of collaboration between Kathryn, Dr Sylvia Terbeck, Dr Michaela Gummerum, Dr Giorgio Ganis and Grace Anderson in the University's School of Psychology, and Dr Ian Howard and Charles Howard of the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems. The research suggests that Oculus ...
Making People Feel Bad Can Be a Strategy for Helping Them –...People may try to make someone else feel negative emotions if they think experiencing those emotions will be beneficial in the long run.
Sacrificing one life to save others -- resear | EurekAlert!New research shows that people would sacrifice one person to save a larger group of people -- and in addition, the force with which they carry out these...
1 Bilder zu Michaela Gummerum

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dr Michaela Gummerum will be talking Plymouth ...Bebo: Michaela Gummerumweiblich, Alter: 48
Michaela Gummerum | International Max Planck Research School on the...Contact; Imprint; Login; International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) · Max Planck Institute for Human Development ·
Michaela Gummerum - GtRThe Gateway to Research: The Research Councils of the UK portal onto publicly funded research.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Michaela Gummerum & Maria T. Chu, Outcomes and intentions in...Clare Llewellyn, Susan Carnell & Jane Wardle (2011). Eating Behavior and Weight in Children. In Luis Moreno, Iris Pigeot & Wolfgang Ahrens ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Children's and adolescents' decisions about sharing money with others...@article{58266ac1b3b348c ff33620aeca,. title = "Children's and adolescents' decisions about sharing money with others",. keywords = " Distributive justice, Gender, Moral reasoning, Sharing",. author = "Patrick Leman and Monika Keller and Masanori Takezawa and Michaela Gummerum",. year = " 2009",. month = "8" ...
1 Projekte
Project MUSE - Consulting EditorsKristin Bernard. Daniel Berry. Federica Bianco. Robert Bradley. Jude Cassidy. A. H. N. (Toon) Cillessen. Michael Crowley. Dawn DeLay. Michaela Gummerum.
14 Bücher zum Namen
Freundschaft. , Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung, Heftvon Michaela Gummerum, Hamburger Edition, HIS, 2008, Taschenbuch
Preschoolers’ allocations in the dictator game : the role of moral...Preschoolers' allocations in the dictator game : the role of moral emotions. Michaela Gummerum; Yaniv Hanoch; $3212; Katie Parsons; Alegra Hummel ...
Moral Development, Self, and Identity - Google BooksThis volume examines the psychological, social-relational, and cultural foundations of the most basic moral commitments. It begins by looking at the seminal...
7 Dokumente
Curriculum Vitae - Max Planck SocietyKeller, Monika, Michaela Gummerum, Masanori Takezawa (2003). How children negotiate economic decisions in Ultimatum and Dictator Games. Paper presented
sozialer sinn 4 (2003) H1 AbstractsHomepage der wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift sozialer sinn mit Informationen zu den erschienenen Heften, Themenschwerpunkten und Bezugsbedingungen.
Interpersonal behaviour in most human cultures is regulated by social ...Michaela Gummerum. School of Psychology, Cognition Institute. Plymouth University. Drake Circus. Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, UK. Telephone: (+44) (0) Fax: (+44) (0) uk. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by grant number ES/K from ...
INTERPERSONAL EMOTION REGULATION Developmental ...Developmental Differences in Children's Interpersonal Emotion Regulation. Belén López-Pérez, Ellie Wilson, Giulia Dellaria & Michaela Gummerum. Plymouth ...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Journal of Economic Psychology | Economic Socialization |...... dog: Roles of moral reasoning in group decision making. Original research article: Pages Masanori Takezawa, Michaela Gummerum, Monika Keller.
To Give or Not to Give: Children's and Adolescents' Sharing and JstorTo Give or Not to Give: Children's and Adolescents7 Sharing and Moral. Negotiations in Economic Decision Situations. Michaela Gummerum, Monika Keller, ...
Alcohol treatment programs prove effective in cutting reoffending,...Offenders enrolled in alcohol treatment programs as part of their sentence are significantly less likely to be charged or reconvicted in the 12 months...
Making people feel bad can be a strategy for helping themPeople may try to make someone else feel negative emotions if they think experiencing those emotions will be beneficial in the long run, according to new...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Preschoolers' allocations in the dictator game: The role...By Michaela Gummerum, Yaniv Hanoch, Monika Keller, Katie Parsons and Alegra Hummel; Abstract: Economic research has proposed that ...
socialnet Rezensionen: Brigitte Latzko, Tina Malti: Moralische...Rezension von Brigitte Latzko, Tina Malti: Moralische Entwicklung und Erziehung in Kindheit und [...]
Prospects behind bars: Analyzing decisions under risk in a prison...Criminal activity often involves considerable risks. It is therefore not surprising that criminals have been speculated to differ from noncriminals in risk
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Sympathy - WikipediaSympathy is the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another life Jump up ^ Buchmann, Marlis, Michaela Gummerum, Monika Keller, and Tina Malti. "Child's Moral Motivation, Sympathy, and Prosocial Behaviour.
The relationship between moral judgment and cooperation in children...Article
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Michaela Gummerum Psychology With Plymouth Psychology podcastMichaela Gummerum Psychology with Plymouth. 5+ y ago. ➕ Subscribe ➕ Sub ✓ Subscribed ✓ Sub'd. Play. Playing. Share. + Play Later. Play Later. + Lists. Like.
Malti, Tina, Michaela Gummerum, and Marlis Buchmann. Contemporaneous...Malti, T; Gummerum, M (2007). Malti, Tina, Michaela Gummerum, and Marlis Buchmann. Contemporaneous and 1-Year Longitudinal Prediction ...
Michaela Gummerum Archives | The Science of PsychotherapyMaking people feel bad can be a strategy for helping them. by NPT | Jun 8, | News. People may try to make someone else feel negative emotions if they ...
Michaela GummerumOrganization: Plymouth University (School of Psychology). Web page: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/staff/michaela-gummerum ...
Collaboration in Primary Aged Children: Can it Benefit Subsequent...Author(s): Tara Hollins (presenting), Michaela Gummerum. Conference: ECER 2014, The Past, the Present and the Future of Educational Research. Network: 21.
Network Sessions as ECER | EERANetwork Sessions at ECER Network: 21. Emerging Researchers' Group (for presentation at Emerging Researchers' Conference) ... Tara Hollins, Michaela Gummerum.
Session Information | EERATara Hollins, Michaela Gummerum. Further Mechanisms Employed by Primary School Children to Establish and Maintain Collaboration and Achieve Exploratory Talk.
Refubium - SucheDipl.-Psych. Michaela Gummerum Erstgutachterin: PD Dr. Monika Keller ... On a more personal level, I want to thank my parents Brigitte and Peter Gummerum,
Children’s and Adolescents’ Conceptions of Happiness |...Previous research on children’s and adolescents’ happiness has mainly focused on the different variables that may contribute to it. However, very few
Braving Difficult Choices Alone: Children's and Adolescents' Medical...Braving Difficult Choices Alone: Children's and Adolescents' Medical Decision Making
CURRICULUM VITAE PD Dr. Tina Malti Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie...... European Journal of Developmental Science (mit Michaela Gummerum und New Directions for Youth Development, No Malti, T., Gummerum, M. & Keller, M. (Hrsg.) (2008) Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt Verlag Malti, T. (2007, August) megadigitale media based teaching and learning at the Goethe-Universität ...
Cognitive Innovation: From Cell to Society| Europe’s Journal of...Home > Vol 10, No 4 (2014) > Gummerum. Cognitive Innovation: From Cell to Society. Michaela Gummerum, Susan Denham. Abstract. No abstract available.
Entwicklungswissenschaft ScheithauerGummerum, Michaela: The development of prosocial behaviour: Integrating psychological, economic and evolutionary perspectives. Keller (MPI) Scheithauer: …
British Journal of Developmental PsychologyPublished on behalf of the British Psychological Society
To give or not to give: Children's and adolescents' sharing and moral...Autor: Gummerum, Michaela et al.; Genre: Zeitschriftenartikel; Im Druck veröffentlicht: 2008; Titel: To give or not to give: Children's and...
The development of the friendship concept in different cultures : A...Autor: Gummerum, Michaela et al.; Genre: Hochschulschrift; Titel: The development of the friendship concept in different cultures : A comparison between China,...
Our people - Hollins, Dr Tara | Plymouth Marjon UniversityThe project funding was awarded to Dr Michaela Gummerum (Plymouth University) and Professor Patrick Leman (University of London, Royal Holloway) by The ...
Journal of Happiness Studies | springerprofessional.deChildren's and Adolescents' Conceptions of Happiness. Belén López-Pérez, Janice Sánchez, Michaela Gummerum | Research Paper | Ausgabe
Early Sympathy and Social Acceptance Predict the Development of...Sharing is a fascinating activity of the human species and an important basis for the development of fairness, care, and cooperation in human social...
Ludzie zmieniają swoją moralność pod wpływem chwili | Koło Naukowe...Zgodnie z badaniami z Plymouth University technologia wirtualnej rzeczywistości może pokazać nam, jak człowiek rzeczywiście zachowałby się w trudnej sytuacji
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Michaela
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Holländisch, Englisch): Michaela; Wer ist wie Gott?; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); miy = wer; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Michael:; im Alten Testament ist Michael einer der vier Erzengel; Schutzpatron des alten Deutschen Reiches
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