290 Infos zu Miles Chalcraft
Mehr erfahren über Miles Chalcraft
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Tornau vor der heide
Infos zu
- Director
- Gob Squad
- Anette Schäfer
- Trampoline
- Simon
- Festival
- Design
- Harris
- Laura
- Sarah
- Tracing Mobility
- Gorbat
- Kostüme
- Sebastian
47 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Der kurze Riese ist müde - taz.detaz.de › Archiv· Gewitzter war der zweite Preis: Lisa and Jean von Miles Chalcraft (Foto). Drei Preise vergab die internationale Jury: den Animationspreis ...
Paean to a great DaneDavid Fanning reviews the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, various venues
ART / So what did they leave out?: There's a bit of this, a bit of...It is often said that East London contains the largest and most concentrated population of visual artists in Europe. This impressive if unverifiable statistic...
LABOR BERLIN - Last Edition, Haus der Kulturen der Welt,...Haus der Kulturen der Welt, The 12th and final edition of LABOR BERLIN celebrates Berlin's artistic wealth. With the series begun in 2010, Valerie S…
2 Bilder zu Miles Chalcraft

18 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Miles ChalcraftLinkedIn: Miles ChalcraftSchöne Künste, Berlin und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Miles ChalcraftKunstgewerbe, Berlin und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Miles Chalcraft | LinkedInMiles Chalcrafts berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Miles Chalcraft dabei ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Western Society - lenamodyWestern Society is a portrait of civilisation in the 21st century, like a frame through which we can peep into the living room of an unknown family, and...
Miles Chalcraft | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Miles Chalcraft is ranked among the Top 1,000,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
"Creation (Pictures for Dorian)" von Gob Squad (Berlin) im SCHAUSPIEL...Leipzig-Premiere am 12. Juni 2018, 19:30, Große Bühne
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Who's Who? – Gob SquadWe have an ongoing collaboration with sound designers Sebastian Bark and Catalina Fernandez as well as with video/computer whizzkid Miles Chalcraft and jack ...
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft, artist. projects: contact: links ...
Miles Chalcraft Projectscontact : miles AT mileschalcraft.net
ImprintEmployees: Elisabeth Sinn, Miles Chalcraft, Oliver Dehn, Marcos Garcia Peréz, Martin Gehrmann, Daniel Gierlich, Viktor Haberkorn, Achim Haigis, Matthias ... Employees: Elisabeth Sinn, Miles Chalcraft, Oliver Dehn, Marcos Garcia Peréz, Martin Gehrmann, Daniel Gierlich, Viktor Haberkorn, Achim Haigis, Matthias ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
alumni | Slade Centre for Electronic Media in Fine ArtOn a wasteland at the centre of Berlin there is a strange apparition – Mobile Nicole Arendt/ Miles Chalcraft/ Jeroen Offerman/ Rafael/ Ralph Meiling/ Jo Kelly
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Miles ChalcraftExplore music from Miles Chalcraft. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Miles Chalcraft on Discogs. Explore music from Miles Chalcraft. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Miles Chalcraft on Discogs.
Miles Chalcraft | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Miles Chalcraft auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Miles Chalcraft auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
8 Projekte
1984: Back to No Future - Kulturstiftung des BundesVideodesign: Miles Chalcraft, Noam Gorbat Kostüme: Ingken Benesch Bühnenbild: Amina Nouns Lichtdesign und Technische Leitung: Chris Umney Dramaturgie und Produktionsleitung: Christina Runge VR Beratung, Entwicklung und Design: Joris Weijdom Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Mat Hand Regieassistenz: Valeria Germain Kostümassistenz: Simon Kernen
HKW | Love and Ethnology: Partners and TeamGeneral Coordination: Gernot Ernst Assistance Executive Architectur: Kerstin Meyer-Ebrecht Exhibition Set-Up: Miles Chalcraft, Krum Chorbadziehv, Oliver Büchi, Aiks Dekker, Oliver Dehn, Laura Drescher, Paul Eisemann, Simon Franzkowiak, Martin Gehrmann, Stefan Geiger, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Gabriel Kujawa, Matthias Kujawa, Simon Lupfer ...
First Play Berlin - Kulturstiftung des BundesKünstlerische Leitung: Anette Schäfer, Miles Chalcraft (GB) Künstler: Blast Theory (GB), Active Ingredient (GB), Daniel Belasco Rogers (GB,D), Michelle Teran (CDN), Simon Heijdens (NL) Veranstaltungsort: Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
HKW | Tracing MobilityTracing Mobility sets out to examine how electronic networks and mobile media are transforming our conceptions of time, space and distance.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Theater und Internet: Zum Verhältnis von Kultur und Technologie im...... and a friend online is a friend for never, so come join The Finalists as they compete for ... Gob Squad with Miles Chalcraft and Anette Schäfer: The Finalists.
Interfaces of Performance - Google BooksThis collection of essays and interviews investigates current practices that expand our understanding and experience of performance through the use of...
Morgenvogel Real Estate - Helmut Höge, Wolfgang Müller, Axel Roch,...104 Seiten. Mai Künstlerbuch mit 180 Zeichnungen und Abbildungen von Maria-Leena Räihälä und Texten von Manuel Bonik. Mit wissenschaftlichen und...
Theater und Internet: Zum Verhältnis von Kultur und ...books.google.com › booksGob Squad (mit Miles Chalcraft und Anette Schäfer): Projekt-CD-ROM. Berlin der einzelnen Homepages verrieten jedoch als zweite Ebene, welcher der ...
9 Dokumente
Billups CV Studio and Exhibition July 2016Paula Billups Resume Exhibition and Studio Work Residencies , Quedlinburg, Germany Siena Art Institute, Siena, Italy Solo Exhibitions 201…
Christopher Miles CHALCRAFT personal appointmentsChristopher Miles CHALCRAFT ; THESHOP.FAMILY LTD ( ) · Appointed on: 10 November ; YELLOW YAMAS LIMITED ( ) · Appointed on: 3 March ; CADMIUM ... Christopher Miles CHALCRAFT ; THESHOP.FAMILY LTD ( ) · Appointed on: 10 November ; YELLOW YAMAS LIMITED ( ) · Appointed on: 3 March ; CADMIUM ...
Chalcraft, Miles [WorldCat Identities]... works by Miles Chalcraft. Dancing about by Gob Squad( Visual ) 1 edition published in in English and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Miles CHALCRAFT personal appointments - Companies HouseMiles CHALCRAFT. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: August RADIATOR FESTIVAL ... Miles CHALCRAFT. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: August RADIATOR FESTIVAL ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
GMU:Istanbul - Medien WikiKrzysztof Wodiczko · Yolande Harris · Michelle Teran · Miles Chalcraft · Michael Rakowitz · Walid Raad · Dionisio Gonzalez · Rafael Lozano- ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
AUSSERDEM IM PROGRAMM - Issuuvon Henrik Ibsen Ein Taten-Drang-Drama von John Bock und Lars Eidinger
Miles Chalcraft | Music Video Wiki | FandomMiles Chalcraft is a music video director July, August and Winter. Miles Chalcraft is a music video director July, August and Winter.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Miles Chalcraft - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
Gob Squad: Show Me A Good Time – Theatertreffen der Berliner...Eine 12-stündige Livestream-Performance des deutsch-britischen Künstler*innenkollektivs Gob Squad aus dem Theatertreffen der Berliner Festspiele.
14 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: miles chalcraftConversation. miles chalcraft · @berlinmilo. yes i am. http://bit.ly/DJnJY. 6:10 PM · Aug 20, Conversation. miles chalcraft · @berlinmilo. yes i am. http://bit.ly/DJnJY. 6:10 PM · Aug 20,
Wikipedia: Monty Adkins - WikipediaMonty Adkins (born 29 March 1972) is a composer, performer and lecturer in electroacoustic ... Still Time (2001) for the flutist Alejandro Escuer, Symbiont (2002) a multimedia collaboration with Miles Chalcraft, and nights bright daies (2003) ...
JISCMail - CREATIVE-ROBOTICS-NETWORK-INFO ArchivesThe symposium is a collaboration between the Radiator Festival for New Technology Art (Miles Chalcraft and Anette Sch=E4fer, Trampoline) and the Digital ...
Miles Chalcraft | milano arte expo teatro&concertiArticoli su Miles Chalcraft scritti da Francesco Tadini
167 Webfunde aus dem Netz
currentMiles Chalcraft DJ Boshpool Rocket Shop celebrates three years of exhibitions ... Miles Chalcraft shows recent videos of his unique customized trajectories ...
URBAN MEDIA SALONDer Urban Media Salon ist ein monatliches Treffen eines engen Berliner Expertennetzwerks. Es bringt Interessenten aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen zusammen ...
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft ; Artist: Sonic Circuits Festival of Electronic Music and Art ; Composers: Ultra Milkmaids, Beequeen, Richard Francis ; Performers: Ultra Milkmaids ... Miles Chalcraft ; Artist: Sonic Circuits Festival of Electronic Music and Art ; Composers: Ultra Milkmaids, Beequeen, Richard Francis ; Performers: Ultra Milkmaids ...
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft. Information. (Objekt ID 7867). Object type, Person. Functions, Film/video maker. Gender, Male. Involved in productions (1) ... Miles Chalcraft. Information. (Objekt ID 7867). Object type, Person. Functions, Film/video maker. Gender, Male. Involved in productions (1) ...
Actualités de Miles Chalcraft, actualités, textes, spectacles,...Toutes les informations et l'actualité de Miles Chalcraft : biographie, textes, publications, spectacles et dates de représentations à l'affiche et archivées,...
Miles Chalcraft | Arts CatalystMiles Chalcraft. Projects by Miles Chalcraft. Artists Airshow September Makrolab Scotland May Share this page. Twitter logo Twitter · Print HTML ...
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft. Por Editores da Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural. Habilidades. Artista visual. Exposições 3. Abrir módulo. Vivo Arte.Mov Vivo ... Miles Chalcraft. Por Editores da Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural. Habilidades. Artista visual. Exposições 3. Abrir módulo. Vivo Arte.Mov Vivo ...
Miles Chalcraft – ScenewebOm Miles Chalcraft. Miles Chalcraft hadde video i forestillingen Gob Squad's Kitchen av Gob Squad. Medvirkende i. Gob Squad's Kitchen (Gob Squad) - Video/ ...
Miles Chalcraft - UnDo.Net undo.net/it/persone/Miles+ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft. Germania. Labor Berlin 12. Haus der Kulturen der Welt - HKW chiuso il Germania. Tracing Mobility. Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft. share. tweet · share. Related events: TRANSITformations Salon Panel. about · press · jobs · newsletter · telegram. Miles Chalcraft. share. tweet · share. Related events: TRANSITformations Salon Panel. about · press · jobs · newsletter · telegram.
Miles Chalcraft, Company and Director Search.Miles Chalcraft search results on at 07:49: Director search results
Miles Chalcraft - LUXWorks by Miles Chalcraft · Drum · Peanuts. Works by Miles Chalcraft · Drum · Peanuts.
MR MILES CHALCRAFT director information. Free director information....MR MILES CHALCRAFT - INACTIVE - Director ID is And address is , Berlin, A free Director Summary including all company...
Miles Chalcraft | BFIwww2.bfi.org.uk › films-tv-peopleMiles Chalcraft · Filmography · Latest from the BFI · Films, TV and people · Sight & Sound magazine.
Miles ChalcraftMiles Chalcraft. Credits. Designer. Production, Theatre, Opened, Credit. 1, Gob Squad's Kitchen (You've Never Had It So Good) · Joseph Papp Public Theater/ ...
Miles Chalcraft | artist | ARTLINKART | Chinese contemporary ...www.artlinkart.com › overviewMILES CHALCRAFT. is an artist. OVERVIEW · EXHIBITIONS(1); ARTWORKS(0); ARTICLES(0); PUBLICATIONS(0); MISCELLANEOUS(0). Follow Us.
Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft)71 Followers, 22 Following, 2 Posts - Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft) on Instagram: "" 71 Followers, 22 Following, 2 Posts - Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft) on Instagram: ""
Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft) • perfil do Instagram71 seguidores, 22 seguindo, 2 publicações — Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft) no Instagram: "" 71 seguidores, 22 seguindo, 2 publicações — Miles Chalcraft (@mileschalcraft) no Instagram: ""
Miles Chalcraft Archives - LADA Live Art Development AgencyThis small publication marks the 20th anniversary year of The Arts Catalyst. It celebrates some of the 120 artists' projects commissioned over those two decades.
Miles Chalcraft | alcramer [Alfredo Cramerotti]Posts about Miles Chalcraft written by alcramer
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Miles
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Miles; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); miles = der Soldat (Lateinisch); von den Normannen nach England gebrachter Name; Bedeutung nicht sicher bekannt, vielleicht zu lateinisch 'miles' (Soldat); könnte auch eine alte Koseform von 'Michael' sein
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Berit Stumpf
- Daniel Belasco
- Bastian Trost
- Tatiana Saphir
- Jeff McGrory
- Christina Runge
- Chris Umney
- Ingken Benesch
- Anette Schäfer
- Sarah Thom
- Sebastian Bark
Personensuche zu Miles Chalcraft & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Miles Chalcraft und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.