116 Infos zu Minka Aduse-poku

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10 Aktuelle Nachrichten

die wohngemeinschaft

— Minka Aduse-Poku, PhD candidate @ the Institute for Didactics in Biology, Title: “Green Infrastructure: A Lifeline/necessity for Climate Change ...


— • Minka Aduse-Poku (Германия), "Потенциал на увивните растения за намаляване на замърсяването (азотен диоксид, озон и CO₂)". • Manuel ...


Edelmann, Hans Georg; Minka Aduse Poku: Effekte und Parameter von Efeu bewachsenen Fassaden im Vergleich zu blanken Hausfassaden In: Biodiversität und Klima

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

— Edelmann und Minka Aduse-Poku. Auch im ersten Stock befinden sich grüne Flächen. Copyright ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Fahrschule74 - Minka Aduse-Poku es hat richtig Spaß mit... | Facebook

Facebook: Minka Aduse-Poku | Facebook

Facebook: Fahrschule74 - Minka Aduse-Poku es hat richtig Spaß mit ...Facebook · Fahrschule749 Reaktionen

LinkedIn: Minka Aduse-Poku – Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland ...de.linkedin.com › minka-aduse-poku-50b9321b4 › de-de

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Minka Aduse-Poku auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Minka Aduse-Poku dabei ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Prezihttps://prezi.com › experiencia-en-...experiencia en alemania - alexia gabriela taboada pajuelo

Green Deal: "Neutralidad climática para 2050". Krebs&Conrads. Colaboradores. Instituto de Didáctica de la Biología de la Universidad de Colon. Minka Aduse-Poku ...

1 Business-Profile


Minka Aduse-Poku. Minka Aduse-Poku. University of Cologne | UOC · Institute of Biology Education. Master of Science. PhD Candidate.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Minka Aduse-Poku's Email & Phone NumberContactOut

View Minka Aduse-Poku's business profile as Environmental Services Professional. Get Minka Aduse-Poku's , phone, and more.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

at - Automatisierungstechnik | Scholars Portal JournalsScholars Portal Journals

Minka Aduse-Poku · Wibke Niels · Annalisa Pacini · Jörg Großschedl · Hans Georg Edelmann · Kirsten Schlüter. Source Information. July 2024, Volume72(Issue7) ... Minka Aduse-Poku · Wibke Niels · Annalisa Pacini · Jörg Großschedl · Hans Georg Edelmann · Kirsten Schlüter. Source Information. July 2024, Volume72(Issue7) ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Directory of Open Access Journals

Minka Aduse-Poku,; Franz Rohrer,; Benjamin Winter,; Hans G. Edelmann. Affiliations. Minka Aduse-Poku: Universität Köln, Institut für Biologiedidaktik, Herbert ...

Neo-Panafricanism Foreign Powers and Non-State Actorsgoogle.com

... Minka Aduse-Poku, University of Trier, Department of Geography; and my research Assistant, Miss Ruth Karczewski. I thank my department's senior research ...

Neo-Panafricanism Foreign Powers and Non-State Actorsgoogle.de

... Kintampo, Ghana; Mr. Kwame Minka Aduse-Poku, University of Trier, Department of Geography; and my research Assistant, Miss Ruth Karczewski.

Neo-Panafricanism Foreign Powers and Non-State Actors - Francisco...

... Mr. Michael Bamfo-Tanor (Msc) Research Associate Kintampo Health Research Centre, Kintampo, Ghana; Mr. Kwame Minka Aduse-Poku, University of Trier, ...

9 Dokumente

SSRNhttps://papers.ssrn.com › papersand Pollutant Gases by Climbing Plants Commonly Used in Façade ...

von M Aduse-Poku · Zitiert von: 1 — Minka Aduse-Poku. University of Cologne ; Franz Rohrer. Research Centre Jülich ; Benjamin Winter. Research Centre Jülich ; Hans Georg Edelmann.


Presented by: Minka Aduse – Poku. International Master of Environmental Science. University of Cologne. Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Hans G. Edelmann. Department of ...

FEBS Press

von F Baumann · — cities” (Minka Aduse-Poku, PhD candidate, Institute for Didactics in Biology), “Time to take time seriously. – how the environment is affecting our internal ...

Referent*in Speaker Kontaktdaten / Contact information

WebHerr Minka Aduse-Poku Institute für BiologiedidaktikUniversität zu Köln Adresse: D Köln Germany …

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


Minka Aduse-Poku, Franz Rohrer, Benjamin Winter, Hans G. Edelmann. Article : View PDF. Article preview. select article Hydrogeochemistry and human health ...

DBLPhttps://dblp.org › PersonsMinka Aduse-Poku

List of computer science publications by Minka Aduse-Poku.

DBLPhttps://dblp.org › PersonsKirsten Schlüter

— Minka Aduse-Poku, Wibke Niels, Annalisa Pacini, Jörg Großschedl, Hans Georg Edelmann, Kirsten Schlüter: Façade greening - from science to ...

Science in School

— Minka Aduse-Poku for his support. We thank the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft for providing the estimation tables.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


— Minka Aduse-Poku (Germany). Naturverträgliches Bauen: Wie kann man. Biodiversität messen? Dipl.-Ing. Christian Tuschen & Willem van Strien.

Stellungnahme Entwurf Freiflächengestaltungssatzung Stadt Coburg

WebQuelle: Edelmann, Hans Georg; Minka Aduse Poku:→ Biodiversität und Klima - Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland XIV : Dokumentation der 14. Tagung. - Bonn : Deutschland / …

Compilation of Henry's law constants (Version 4.0) for ...ResearchGate

Minka Aduse-Poku · F. Rohrer · Benjamin Winter · Hans Georg Edelmann · View · Plasma nitrogen fixation for plant cultivation with air‐derived dinitrogen ... Minka Aduse-Poku · F. Rohrer · Benjamin Winter · Hans Georg Edelmann · View · Plasma nitrogen fixation for plant cultivation with air‐derived dinitrogen ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel


Themen in diesem Bereich ; Rayman softwareRayman software. erstellt von: Minka Aduse-Poku : Minka Aduse-Poku ; PET and UTCI Result ...

Google Groups: Google Groups

Minka Aduse-Poku's profile photo. Minka Aduse-Poku. unread,. Apr 10, 2012, 11:37:22 PM Reply to author. Sign in to reply ...

Google Groups: Update of climate change activities

the Western region. Could we also have an update of what is happening in the other regions? Thanks. Minka Aduse-Poku's profile photo ...

Minka Aduse-PokuForumProfi.de

Minka Aduse-Poku. 1Beiträge Registriert seit online ... Über Minka Aduse-Poku. Registriert am: Geschlecht: keine Angabe ... Minka Aduse-Poku. 1Beiträge Registriert seit online ... Über Minka Aduse-Poku. Registriert am: Geschlecht: keine Angabe ...

49 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Instagram · minkaadusepokuCa FollowerMinka Aduse-Poku (@minkaadusepoku)

152 Followers, 111 Following, 17 Posts - Minka Aduse-Poku (@minkaadusepoku) on Instagram: ""

ORCIDhttps://orcid.org › ...Minka Aduse-Poku ( )

Minka Aduse-Poku · · Personal information · Activities.


Get Minka Aduse-Poku's email address () and phone number () at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.


minkaadusepoku. •. Follow. Rheinbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Photo by Minka Aduse-Poku in Rheinbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksA Literature Review on Facade Greening: How Research Findings ...

Minka Aduse-Poku, Wibke Niels, Annalisa Pacini, Jörg Großschedl, Hans Georg Edelmann, Kirsten Schlüter. https://doi.org auto , at ...

Plant Identifier

Minka Aduse-Poku - Pl@ntNet Minka Aduse-Poku. مشاهدات; Groups. فیلترها. show map. مرتب سازی بر اساس. Recently created, Recently observed, Recently updated ...

RSC Publishing

Minka Aduse-Poku, Franz Rohrer, Benjamin Winter and Hans G. Edelmann. Environmental Advances, 2024, 17, DOI: j.envadv Passive ...


Pub talks topics. Minka Aduse-Poku, PhD candidate @ Institute for Didactics in Biology Green Infrastructure: a lifeline/necessity for Climate change ...


— Minka Aduse-Poku. Franz Rohrer. Benjamin Winter. Hans G. Edelmann. SID: e5oR4VWG. DOI: j.envadv Abstract. Unavailable ...


Bild Kwamé Minka Adusé Poku (Minka Aduse Poku) SV Schwarz-Weiß Merzbach Sturm Fussball-Talente.com beinhaltet eine Datenbank von weltweiten ...


Minka Aduse Poku · Profile · Клубы · Галерея · Видео · редактировать этот игрок · Послал изображение · Предложите видеоего. Mahdi Houssein Mahabeh - Клубы ...

ORCIDhttps://orcid.org › ...Franz Rohrer ( )

Contributors: Minka Aduse-Poku; Franz Rohrer; Benjamin Winter; Hans G. Edelmann. Show more detail. Source: check_circle. Crossref. Observational evidence ...

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksFaçade greening – from science to school

Minka Aduse-Poku; Wibke Niels; Annalisa Pacini; Jörg Großschedl; Hans Georg Edelmann; Kirsten Schlüter. Abstract. Abstract The growing need for cities to adapt ...

Minka Aduse-Poku - KlimawandelLinkedIn

Minka Aduse-Poku's Post. View profile for Minka Aduse-Poku, graphic · Minka Aduse-Poku. PhD Candidate: Ecological Benefits of the Plant components of Green ...

Minka Aduse-Poku's PostLinkedIn

Minka Aduse-Poku's Post ... Well it is now confirmed. The question is how are we going to cope with the effects of this? how adaptive are our cities? View ...

Minka Aduse-Poku's Postlinkedin.com

Minka Aduse-Poku's Post. View profile for Minka Aduse-Poku. Minka Aduse-Poku. PhD Candidate: Ecological Benefits of the Plant components of ... Minka Aduse-Poku's Post. View profile for Minka Aduse-Poku. Minka Aduse-Poku. PhD Candidate: Ecological Benefits of the Plant components of ...


Minka Aduse-Poku5/56 years ago on Google. Great guesthouse and Alfter is a few train stops away from Bonn train station.Good for relaxation and quiet plus ...

Minka Aduse-Poku on LinkedIn: Given the fact that plants are ...bridalacquai.net

Minka Aduse-Poku's Post ... Given the fact that plants are constantly purifying ( through ad/absorption) at one of the main sources of pollution (NO2) and other ... Minka Aduse-Poku's Post ... Given the fact that plants are constantly purifying ( through ad/absorption) at one of the main sources of pollution (NO2) and other ...

Minka Aduse-Poku on LinkedIn: Given the fact that plants are ...matiinee.net

View profile for Minka Aduse-Poku, graphic · Minka Aduse-Poku. PhD Candidate: Ecological Benefits of the Plant components of Green Architecture in the built ... View profile for Minka Aduse-Poku, graphic · Minka Aduse-Poku. PhD Candidate: Ecological Benefits of the Plant components of Green Architecture in the built ...

Kwamé Minka Adusé Poku (Minka Aduse Poku) SV Schwarz-Weiß â€¦

SPLETMinka Aduse Poku Geburtsdatum : Jahrgang Grösse 0 Nationalität Ghana Position Sturm Verein SV Schwarz-Weiß Merzbach 1933

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Minka

Weiblicher Vorname (Polnisch): Minka; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); willio = der Wille, die Entschlossenheit; helm = der Helm, die Bedeckung, die Deckung, der Schutz; Information zur männlichen Form Wilhelm:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter in ganz Europa beliebt; Name mehrerer berühmter Könige, z.B. von Wilhelm dem Eroberer, dem ersten normannischen König Englands

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