91 Infos zu Mirella Kleijnen
Mehr erfahren über Mirella Kleijnen
Infos zu
- Marketing
- University
- Mobile
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Research
- Customer Experience Management
- Faculty
- Business
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Paper by Mirella Kleijnen just published in the Journal of Marketing...The paper “How Association with Physical Waste Attenuates Consumer Preferences for Rescue-Based Food
"How Association with Physical Waste Attenuates Consumer Preferences...John Peloza's paper with Mirella Kleijnen and Anna De Visser-Amundson, has been published online in the Journal of Marketing Research.
Consumers and Producers - Events - Research - Erasmus Research...Promotor. Gerrit van Bruggen. Professor of Marketing. Member Doctoral Committee. Steffen Giessner. Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Change. Member Doctoral Committee. Mirella Kleijnen. Member Doctoral Committee. Fred Langerak. Member Doctoral Committee. Marion Poetz. Member Doctoral Committee.
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Had a fabulous chef's menu last night, Mirella Kleijnen - FacebookTwitter Profil: Mirella Kleijnen (mirellakleijnen)Author: Mirella Kleijnen | IxDFMirella Kleijnen: Publications, bio, bibliography, etc
Mirella Kleijnen – Businessdatascience.nlbusinessdatascience.nl › person › mirella-kleijnenMirella Kleijnen. Faculty. University. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. E-mail. . Research field. Marketing. Interests.
17 Bücher zum Namen
Mobile shopper marketing : key issues, current insights, and future...Venkatesh Shankar & Mirella Kleijnen & Suresh Ramanathan & Ross Rizley & Steve Holland & Shawn Morrissey. Year of publication: May
Kleijnen, Mirella | SAGE Publications IncDue to global supply chain disruptions, we recommend ordering print titles early. Mirella Kleijnen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands ...
Always Ahead im Marketing: Offensiv, digital, strategischDie Nutzenwerte, die Kunden und Unternehmen vom Netzwerk ableiten, sind dabei meist unterschiedlich (Mirella Kleijnen, de Ruyter, & Wetzels, 2007).
Food Waste Management: Solving the Wicked Problem - Google BooksThis book focuses on the crucial sustainability challenge of reducing food waste at the level of consumer-society. Providing an in-depth, research-based...
7 Dokumente
Marketingdag Podiumkunsten Presentatie Mirella KleijnenMultimedia = Multitheater? Mirella Kleijnen 9 maart Marketingdag voor de Podiumkunsten
Mobile SHOPPER MARKETING Venky Shankar, Suresh Cupdfcupdf.com › document › mobile-shopper-marketing...Slide 1Mobile SHOPPER MARKETING Venky Shankar, Suresh Ramanathan, Mirella Kleijnen, Ross Rizley, Shawn Morrissey, and Steven Holland Slide 2 Agenda What is ...
An Exploratory Investigation into the Antecedents of Satisfaction ...Margo Buchanan-Oliver. and Roderick J. Brodie (2000). “Retail Service Branding in Electronic. Commerce Envimnmcnts." Journal qucrvr't'e Research,. 3. (2) Dc Ruyter. Ko. Martin Wet/els and Mirella Kleijnen (2001). "Customer Adoption of eSei'vice: An Experimental. Study," Intro-notional Journal of Service Int/um):.
Experience and Inspiration in the Customer Journey (A )proceedings.emac-online.org › ...... University of Manchester; Gianluca Scheidegger, University of St.Gallen, Institute of Retail Management; Mirella Kleijnen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Journal of Interactive Marketing | Mobile Marketing |...Charles F. Hofacker, Ko de Ruyter, Nicholas H. Lurie, Puneet Manchanda, Jeff Donaldson. Download PDF. Article preview. Mobile Shopper Marketing: Key Issues, Current Insights, and Future Research Avenues. Original research article: Pages Venkatesh Shankar, Mirella Kleijnen, Suresh Ramanathan, Ross Rizley ...
dblp: Mirella KleijnenList of computer science publications by Mirella Kleijnen
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: An exploration of consumer resistance to innovation and...By Mirella Kleijnen, Nick Lee and Martin Wetzels; Abstract: Although firms are faced by a large number of market introduction failures, research ...
Call for SERVSIG Christopher Lovelock Career Contribution Award— ... Kimmy Wa Chan (Hong Kong Polytechnic); Steve Baron (Liverpool U); Mirella Kleijnen (Vrije Universiteit Amersterdam).
Mobile commerce : technology, theory, and applications (Buch, 2003)...Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Mobile commerce : technology, theory, and applications. [Brian E Mennecke; Troy J Strader;]
European Journal of Marketing: Vol. 44 Iss | Emerald InsightEuropean Journal of Marketing - Volume 44 Issue
4 Meinungen & Artikel
[JMR] How Association with Physical Waste Attenuates Consumer...— Anna de Visser-Amundson, John Peloza, Mirella Kleijnen. First Published September 8, Research Article.
Most viewed marketing analytics blog posts of 2018analyticdashboards.wordpress.com ›— Brilliant professors Mirella Kleijnen, Charles Hofacker, Dina Mayzlin, Venky Shankar, Yakov Bart and John Deighton of course!
Customer Experience | National Affairsnationalaffairs.com › blog › findings-a-daily-roundup— Anna de Visser-Amundson, John Peloza & Mirella Kleijnen Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming. Abstract:
CX en EX: living apart together - Blog hoogleraar Customer Experience...Customer experience heeft in recente tijden een enorme vlucht genomen. Geen bedrijf dat de kans heeft laten liggen om zich uit te laten over hoe bezorgd ze...
45 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Astrid Dickinger - Citações do Google AcadémicoCoautoresVer tudo… Arno Scharl,; Jamie Murphy,; Brigitte Stangl,; Mirella Kleijnen,; Albert Weichselbraun,; Amata Ring,; Horst Treiblmaier,; Hermann Stern , ...
Mobile SHOPPER MARKETING Venky Shankar, Suresh Ramanathan, Mirella...Mobile SHOPPER MARKETING Venky Shankar, Suresh Ramanathan, Mirella Kleijnen, Ross Rizley, Shawn Morrissey, and Steven Holland.
Mirella Kleijnen | letstalkaboutservice - Wix.comltas2016.wixsite.com › letstalkaboutservice › mirella...Dr. Mirella Kleijnen is Associate Professor of Marketing at the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Mirella Kleijnen obtained her PhD from the Faculty ...
Mirella Kleijnen (born August 18, 1976), Dutch economics professor |...Mirella Kleijnen, Dutch economics professor.
mirella kleijnen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
KLANTWAARDE EN WAARDE PROPOSITIE PROF. DR. MIRELLA KLEIJNEN - PDF...MIRELLA KLEIJNEN. 2 Agenda Marketing Management Waarde Propositie Klantwaarde Business Model Canvas Klantwaarde Perspectieven Drijvers Concepten ...
Mirella Kleijnenvxworldtour.com › SprekersMirella Kleijnen obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
Academic board - The Next Organizationthenextorganization.com › academic-boardMirella Kleijnen. Mirella Kleijnen is hoogleraar Customer Experience Management en tevens actief in het bestuur van de School of Business and Economics aan de ...
Alkmini Mouratidou winnaar SWOCC Scriptieprijs 2021www.swocc.nl › NieuwsJurylid Mirella Kleijnen (Professor of Customer Experience Management – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): “Een vernieuwend onderwerp met heel concrete ...
Consumer Value of Context Aware and Location Based Mobile Services:...Consumer Value of Context Aware and Location Based Mobile Services: ch012: Context aware services have the ability to utilize...
Customer adoption of e-service: an experimental study - ProQuestwww.proquest.com › scholarly-journals › docviewMirella Kleijnen: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The authors would ...
Differential Effects of Patient and Expert Ratings on Physician Choicerepository.tudelft.nl › islandora › objectPart of collection. Institutional Repository. Document type. journal article. Rights. © A. Kranzbühler, Mirella Kleijnen, P.W.J. Verlegh, M. Teerling.
Effects of psychological and functional barriers in a lack of content ...hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › halvon M Antioco · · Zitiert von: 158 — Michael Antioco, Mirella Kleijnen. Consumer adoption of technological innovations : Effects of psychological and functional barriers in a lack of content ...
Exertion and Food Choice Healthiness in Field Settings | ACRwww.acrwebsite.org › volumes › volumesvon A Tal · — Aner Tal, Amir Grinstein, Mirella Kleijnen, Joshua Ackermann, and Brian Wansink (2016) ,"Heavy Choices: Exertion and Food Choice Healthiness in Field ...
Challenges of e-Service Adoption and Implementation in Nigeria:...Challenges of e-Service Adoption and Implementation in Nigeria: Lessons from Asia
Innovations and Technology in Cancer Carecancer.jmir.org › themes › innovations-and-te...Matthijs de Wit, Mirella Kleijnen, Birgit Lissenberg-Witte, Cornelia van Uden-Kraan, Kobe Millet, Ruud Frambach, Irma Verdonck-de Leeuw.
MHP Kleijnen — Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamMirella Kleijnen is professor of Customer Experience Management at the marketing department of the School of Business and Economics.
Man as a success factor in the digital transformation - Nienke Bloemwww.nienkebloem.nl › de-mens-als-succesfactor-in-de-digitale-transformatieThe programme was nicely put together with as starting speaker the only professor of Customer Experience in the Netherlands; Mirella Kleijnen.
Mandatory use of technology-based self-service: does expertise ...research.wur.nl › publications › mandatory-use-of-t...von MJ Reinders · · Zitiert von: 46 — Mandatory use of technology-based self-service: does expertise help or hurt? Machiel J. Reinders, Ruud Frambach, Mirella Kleijnen. Consumer and Chain.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mirella
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch): Mirella; Provenzalisch (Wortzusammensetzung); mirar = bewundern; französische Form von provenzalisch 'Mirèio'; bekanntgeworden durch die Verserzählung 'Mirèio' (1859) von F. Mistral
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