103 Infos zu Mirijam Zickel

Mehr erfahren über Mirijam Zickel

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Paper List - CAA 2023

Authors: Mirijam Zickel (University of Colgne)*; Astrid Röpke (University of Cologne); Martin Kehl (University of Cologne). Type: Paper, paper number:

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Mirijam Zickel

LinkedIn: Mirijam Zickel - Universität zu Köln - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › mirijam-zickel a216

Mirijam Zickel · PHD bei Universität zu Köln · Berufserfahrung · Sehen Sie sich Mirijam Zickels vollständiges Profil an, um.

Twitter Profil: Janina Nett (@BoeskenJanina) / X

Please have a chat with our fantastic PhD student Mirijam Zickel #ECS about her exciting research in the #CaparthianBasin at #EGU24 Wednesday afternoon at Pico ...

TobiasGlaubach’s gists · GitHub

GitHub Gist: star and fork TobiasGlaubach's gists by creating an account on GitHub.

3 Business-Profile

Mirijam ZICKEL | PhD | University of Cologne, Köln - ResearchGate

Mirijam ZICKEL, PhD | Cited by 38 | of University of Cologne, Köln (UOC) | Read 14 publications | Contact Mirijam ZICKEL

Mirijam Zickel | University of Cologne, Köln | UOC | Institute of ...

Mirijam Zickel of University of Cologne, Köln (UOC) | Read 4 publications | Contact Mirijam Zickel.


ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. Connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs and conferences. All for free.

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Human Ecology | Scholars Portal Périodiques

Mirijam Zickel. Source d'information de l'article. Février 2023, Volume51(Numéro1)Pages, p.89à Résumé. The Zambezi Region of Namibia is known for its ...

Praehistorische Zeitschrift

Mirijam Zickel · Tanja Zerl. Source Information. September 2024, Volume99(Issue2)Pages, p.702To Abstract. Core drilling has been used successfully in ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

heiBIB - Literaturliste HCE

... open paleoenvironmental GIS data / Christian Willmes, Daniel Becker, Jan Verheul, Yasa Yener, Mirijam Zickel, Andreas Bolten, Olaf Bubenzer, Georg Bareth.

Floating Economies von Michael J. Casimir - eBook | Scribd

Lesen Sie Floating Economies von Michael J. Casimir mit einer kostenlosen Testversion. Lesen Sie Millionen von eBooks und Hörbüchern im Internet, mit iPad,...

Floating Economies: The Cultural Ecology of the Dal Lake in Kashmir,...

In the Himalayas of the Indian part of Kashmir three communities depend on the ecology of the Dal lake: market gardeners, houseboat owners and fishers....

heiBIB - Literaturliste HCE - Heidelberg

... Mirijam Zickel, Andreas Bolten, Olaf Bube… , S. In: International journal of spatial data infrastructures research, ISSN (2017) ...

6 Dokumente

Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geoarchäologie

von J Birk · — [32] Mirijam Zickel (Köln) , MARTIN KEHL, JÜRGEN RICHTER, ILIR GJIPALI. Blazi Cave, Albanien – Mikromorphologische Untersuchung der ...


Mirijam Zickel, Institute of Geography/ Archaeobotany Laboratory, Department of. Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne, Germany. Florian Steininger ...

Nomaden auf Zeit – Bilder einer Familie aus Marokko

... Mirijam Zickel. Begleitpublikation: Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum St.Gallen und Kantonsarchäologie St.Gallen (Hg.), Nomaden auf Zeit, 2020, erschienen ...

Publikationsliste | Dr. Sarah Leib

Carmen Romera, Christoph Walser und Mirijam Zickel: „Arehhal“ – ein ethnoarchäologisches Pilotprojekt zum Nomadismus der Ait Atta in. Marokko. SLSA ...

11 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Geoarchaeology from Mediterranean Areas to Arid Margins

— Hannah Parow-Souchon, Mirijam Zickel, Heiko Manner. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article The palaeoenvironmental potential of ...

Hum Ecol (2017) 45: CrossMark

von HP Vehrs · · Zitiert von: 16 — Special thanks to Mirijam Zickel, Marius. Linnartz, and Vera Krieger for their constructive support. Compliance with Ethical Standards.

dblp: Mirijam Zickel

List of computer science publications by Mirijam Zickel

Mirijam Zickel

List of computer science publications by Mirijam Zickel.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Can Environmental Injustices be Addressed in ...

von HP Vehrs · · Zitiert von: 7 — Mirijam Zickel Accesses. 5 Citations. 3 Altmetric. Explore ... Mirijam Zickel. Authors. Hauke-Peter Vehrs. View author publications.


Astrid Röpke, Mirijam Zickel, Christine Pümpin,. Renate Gerlach und Erich Claßen Der Alte Burgberg bei Kreuzweingarten – neue. Forschungen an einem ...

Volume 51, Issue 1 | Human Ecology

Mirijam Zickel. OriginalPaper Open access 11 February Pages: Humans and Vultures: Sociocultural and Conservation Perspective in Northern India.

Field Diary

— Special thanks to Vera Krieger, Mirijam Zickel, and Marius. Linnartz for adding their perspectives to mine and for constantly challenging my ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

FOSS4G Bonn - Video recordings

:00, Fireplace Room, Christian Willmes, Daniel Becker, Jan Verheul, Yasa Yener, Mirijam Zickel, Andreas Bolten, Olaf Bubenzer, ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Publikationen | a glimpse of archaeology - WordPress.com

... Mirijam Zickel: „Arehhal“ – ein ethnoarchäologisches Pilotprojekt zum Nomadismus der Ait Atta in Marokko . SLSA Jahresbericht – Rapport annuel – Annual ...

42 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Abstract EGU Copernicus.org

Mirijam Zickel et al.,,, 1 Institute of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany () 2 Department of Prehistoric …

Team - Collaborative Research Center TRR 228

Mirijam Zickel. University of Cologne. Globe Envelope. A05 Future Roads » See Project Page. Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth. University of Cologne Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger . University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner . University of Cologne Pro ...

Mirijam Zickel | University of Cologne - Academia.edu

Mirijam Zickel, University of Cologne: 19 Followers, 11 Following, 21 Research papers. Research interest: Geography.

Mirijam Zickel ( ) - ORCID

Mirijam Zickel. University of Cologne: Cologne, NRW, DE to | Student research assistent in micromorphology, geoarchaelogical fieldwork (Ethnoarchaelogical research in Morocco) (Archaeobotany laboratory, Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology) Employment. Show more detail. Source: Mirijam Zickel.

dblp: International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research,...

Bibliographic content of International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, Volume 12

(PDF) An Open Science Approach to Gis-Based ...

An Open Science Approach to Gis-Based Paleoenvironment Data. Profile image of Mirijam Zickel Mirijam Zickel , ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote ...

A04 Future Conservation - Collaborative Research Center ...

portrait image of mirijam zickel. Mirijam Zickel. University of Cologne. Globe Envelope. Uni Bonn Logo.

dblp: Daniel Becker 0005

List of computer science publications by Daniel Becker

Accumulation, herd management, and land-use patterns in a ...

von M Bollig · · Zitiert von: 11 — for taking up the tiresome work to collect GPS data at each household, and Mirijam Zickel for the spatial presentation. The turn of wealthy ...

62 nd Annual Meeting April 6-8, at the invitation of the...

... Israel) 13:40 14:00 Hannah Parow-Souchon, Mirijam Zickel & Heiko Manner Palaeolithic sites and where to find them. A predictive modelling approach to ...

Alex Brandsen

Together with Mathias Bellat, @a_eleftheriadou and Mirijam Zickel, we're organising a session on #MachineLearning in #Archaeology, looking forward to many ...

DataCite Searchsearch.datacite.org › works › sfb806

Daniel Becker, Jan Verheul, Mirijam Zickel & Christian Willmes. Dataset published via CRC806-Database. The here documented GIS map and dataset contains ...

Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici

- Thomas REITMAIER, Mirijam ZICKEL, Thomas WOLTER: Podomorphic petroglyphs in the Moroccan High Atlas – Ethnoarchaeology and Aït Atta nomadism (p. 344)

Die Abschnittsbefestigung Erberich

Titelzusatz, architektonische Details mikromorphologischer Analysen ; Verantwortlich, Astrid Röpke, Mirijam Zickel, Christine Pümpin, Renate Gerlach und Erich ...

Just a moment...

mirijam zickel · Mirijam Kriens - Studentin Download · mirijam kriens studentin angewandte informatik · Mirijam Buhr - Personalmanagerin, Standortenwicklung ...

EGU General Assembly 2024

Mirijam Zickel, Janina J. Nett, Astrid Röpke, and Tony Reimann. The interdisciplinary project, titled 'Living together or apart? Unravelling the development ...

Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart | fatcat!

Mirijam Zickel, Marie Gröbner, Astrid Röpke, Martin Kehl | Eiszeitalter ... Mirijam Zickel, Andreas Pastoors, Erich Claßen | Eiszeitalter und ...

DataCite Search

Daniel Becker, Jan Verheul, Mirijam Zickel & Christian Willmes. Dataset published via CRC806-Database. The here documented GIS map and dataset ...

Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geoarchäologie - PDF Kostenfreier...

... LUKAS WERTHER (Jena) Der Quellenwert (geo-)archäologischer Sedimente und die Frage ihrer Archivierung ein Diskussionsbeitrag [3] Mirijam Zickel (Köln)  ...

PaleoMaps: SDI for open paleoenvironmental GIS data | Semantic Scholar

... Willmes and Daniel Becker and Jan Verheul and Yasa Yener and Mirijam Zickel and Andreas Bolten and Olaf Bubenzer and Georg Bareth}, year={2017} }.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mirijam

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Mirijam; Verbitterung (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); mirjam = die Bitterkeit, die Verbitterung (Aramäisch); mry = der Geliebte (Ägyptisch); als Name der Mutter Jesu Symbol für reine und tiefe Liebe; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt; eine Möglichkeit: 'Verbitterung'; eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein ägyptischer Ursprung und eine Ableitung von 'mry' (die/der Geliebte, im Sinne von: die, welche geliebt wird/der, welcher geliebt wird); 'Maria' ist die griechische/lateinische Ursprungs-Form, 'Mirjam' die ältere aramäische/hebräische; wohl der am weitesten verbreitete christliche weibliche Name

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