201 Infos zu Mirko Witzki
Mehr erfahren über Mirko Witzki
Lebt in
- Herne
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Director
- Regisseur
- Cinematographer
- Arch Enemy
- Visions
- Given
- Music
- Catching Glimpse
- Caliban
- Storm
- Filmemacher
- Musikvideo
- Graphics
44 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Kursaal to release short film 'Catching Glimpse' by Mirko WitzkiKursaal, a division of Redfield Records, is proud to announce its first film release! 'Catching Glimpse', the debut work by famously known video artist Mirko Witzki, is a short film that is …
Arch Enemy launches video for new single, „In The Eye Of The …Directed by Mirko Witzki, the video premiere for „In The Eye Of The Storm“ is set for 9AM PT//12PM ET//6PM CET today at: https://youtu.be/AO6qLvHAuVU.
OBSCURA - release brand new video for 'Heritage' - Nuclear Blast6 Dec · As with their previous video for 'The Neuromancer', the video for 'Heritage' was filmed by Mirko Witzki (Arch Enemy, Powerwolf, Kreator) at the famous Kupfersaal in Cologne, …
OBSCURA - release video for 'The Neuromancer'!5 Sep · 'The Neuromancer' was filmed by Mirko Witzki (Arch Enemy, Powerwolf, Kreator) at the famous Kupfersaal in Cologne, Germany in August The theatre was built in and …
8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Mirko WitzkiFacebook: R#3 mit Filmemacher Mirko Witzki | Witzki Visions - Mit ...Facebook: Mirko WitzkiLinkedIn: Mirko Witzki – Director – Witzki VisionsLinkedIn
Mirko Witzki. Director // Cinematographer // Filmmaker. Witzki VisionsFachhochschule Dortmund. Recklinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
5 Hobbys & Interessen
Aaargh Festival in leutkirch, FestivalAAARGH ...Within the first six months of the band’s existence they teamed up with Marc Görtz of Caliban, Benjamin Richter and Mirko Witzki to write, produce and shoot the first songs and singles.
TOS Videodreh im SkateparkHey Leute wir von The Ocean Screams werden einen neuen Song von uns als Video verfassen Diesmal professionell Ihr habt die...
Lena Conzendorf - SchauspielerinProfil von Lena Conzendorf auf dem Castingportal Schauspielervideos
Das kollektiv stellt vor #2 – Mirko Witzki Event EndedAllEvents.in— Das kollektiv stellt vor #2 – Mirko Witzki . Event starts on Friday, 26 July and happening at kollektiv drei, Wuppertal, NW.
6 Persönliche Webseiten
ImpressumMirko Witzki Recklinghausen Deutschland. Kontakt: UST.-Ident.Nr. DE Haftung ...
witzki.graphics - mirko witzki graphics. – Filmemacher ...bitverzo.comwitzki.graphics - mirko witzki graphics. – Filmemacher, Cinematographer, Weddingfilm, Musikvideo.
Miwi-Graphics.de - Erfahrungen und BewertungenFinden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Miwi-Graphics.de. Diese Domain steht zum Verkauf!. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen zu Miwi-Graphics.de.
Impressum – witzki visionsBetreiberinformationen. Mirko Witzki Am Rottfeld Herne Deutschland. Kontakt: UST.-Ident.Nr. DE ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Schauspieler Tristan Bumm auf StagePoolProfessioneller Jungschauspieler mit Kinoerfahrung und bekannt im russisch-chinesischen Filmmarkt. In meiner Zeit in Norwe...
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Mirko WitzkiMirko Witzki started his career under the name of Mirko Witzki Graphics. With his first music video for the band Any Given Day, he reaches over ten million ...
Mirko Witzki Songs, Albums, Reviews, Bio & More | AllMusicExplore Mirko Witzki's discography including top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about Mirko Witzki on AllMusic.
1 Songs & Musik
Filme von Mirko Witzki bei iTunesWeitere Einkaufsmöglichkeiten: im Apple Store, unter oder bei einem Händler in deiner Nähe. Deutschland. Copyright © Apple Inc. Alle ...
1 Dokumente
User talk:Mirko Witzki - Wikimedia Commonsregistration. They explain how to customize the interface (for ...
11 Video- & Audioinhalte
Portrait Film - Mirko Witzki Year Anniversary... Mirko Witzki Filmed by Merlin Morzeck & Jonas Grote with additional B Roll by Merlin Morzeck, Jonas Grote, Jonas Sommer, Fabian Renner, Alen ...
Cypecore - I'll Be Back (2023)'I'll Be Back' music video by Cypecore. Premiered on August 24, Directed by Mirko Witzki.
Making Of: BEYOND THE BLACK - 'Human' | Am Set mit Mirko ...Making Of: BEYOND THE BLACK - 'Human' | Am Set mit Mirko Witzki. 2.7K views · 4 years ago ...more. Marius Milinski K. Subscribe.
OBSCURA Streams Groovier, Obviously Techy New Single ...Obscura is now streaming the groovier single "Evenfall" alongside a music video directed by Mirko Witzki (Arch Enemy, Powerwolf, Eskimo Callboy). "With ...
10 Meinungen & Artikel
Ad Infinitum - Videos - Metal Storm6 Dec · Directed by: Mirko Witzki Album: Abyss Produced by Witzki Visions. Makeup by Kami Zero. Choreographer: Joséphine Remy. Assistant choreographer: Nyota Bolongo. …
Doro - 'Children Of The Dawn' Single Premieres - Metal Storm16 Oct · Doro has dropped a Mirko Witzki-directed official video for "Children Of The Dawn", the fourth single and opening track of the upcoming album Conqueress: Forever Strong And …
Kissin' Dynamite - Launch 'Raise Your Glass' Single13 Mar · As part of their newly announced studio album Back With A Bang, due out July 5, 2024, German rockers Kissin' Dynamite present a Mirko Witzki-directed official video for the …
Twitter-Nachrichten: ObscuraTwitter— Check out the official "Behind the Scenes" video with statements from the band and producer Mirko Witzki: https://youtu.be/2TvkQCUFq0U ...
106 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Mirko WitzkiPlay Mirko Witzki on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
Mirko WitzkiMirko Witzki is mainly known as a music video director since he began filmmaking in With his first work for the german metalcore band Any Given Day.
Mirko Witzki (@witzkivisions)691 Followers • 838 Threads • Director - Cinematographer - Filmmaker #witzkivisions #filmmaker // commissions: . See the...
Mirko Witzki (@witzkivisions) • Instagram photos and videosDirector - Cinematographer - Filmmaker #witzkivisions #filmmaker // commissions: . youtu.be/_HFdYT2bQaY.
ERDLING – Wieso Weshalb Warum (Official Music Video ...Try watching this video on www.youtube.com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Directed Mirko Witzki Graphics. Schreibe einen Kommentar ...
BRAINSTORM unleash music videofor new single ‚Garuda (Eater Of …12 Dec · The track is complemented by a music video in which the band, together with producer Mirko Witzki, takes its followers deeper into the world of Indian myths, whose …
Catching Glimpse – witzki visionsCrew: Writer / Director / Producer / DoP / Editor: Mirko Witzki Assistant Director: Sandro Geißler, Malvina Witzki Soundtrack: Andy Posdziech, Dennis Broszka Mastering: Timo Bonner Make …
MEDIA - GODSNAKE1 May · Go to the GODSNAKE YouTube Channel here. Produced by Mirko Witzki / Witzki Visions. Produced by Ingo Spörl / Hard Media. Produced by David Bagaric / Morbid Film …
Official Website - Tragedy Of MineWith the visual implementation, they get prominent support from the producer and director Mirko Witzki, who has already helped Caliban, Emil Bulls and Any Given Day, among others, and …
Portfolio – witzki visionsThe Cinematography of Mirko Witzki. All; Fashion; Image; Music Videos; Travel; Director, DoP, Screenwriter and Editor Franziska von Harsdorf, Tristan Bumm Björn Dorstewitz München, DE …
TAG MY HEART • Official WebsiteWithin the first six months of the band’s existence they teamed up with Marc Görtz of Caliban, Benjamin Richter and Mirko Witzki to write, produced and shoot the first songs and singles. …
Mirko WitzkiMirko Witzki. Viser 1 til 1 (av 1). Any Given Day: My Longest Way Home - Rise To Success (UK-import Kjøp. Any Given Day: My Longest Way Home ...
Mirko Witzki - Catching Glimpse - BluRay (2019)MerchbarRegisseur Mirko Witzki schafft mit seinem Kurzfilmdebüt Catching Glimpse ein emotionales Drama, das sowohl Lächeln, als auch Gänsehaut erzeugt.
Mirko Witzki Archivemetal-heads.deVerschlagwortet: Mirko Witzki. Machete Dance Club 0 · News November Machete Dance Club kündigen ihr Debütalbum an.
Mirko Witzki Music Video Credits by DepartmentIMVDbMusic Videos credits for Mirko Witzki, sorted by Department. Directorial (4).
Mirko Witzki | IMVDbhttps://imvdb.com/n/mirko-witzki Im Cache Music video credits for Mirko Witzki. Three Kings by Harasai (2013).
▷ Mirko Witzki Graphics, Herne, Bands & Musiker - Telefon ,...Telefon , Adresse , Öffnungszeiten für Mirko Witzki Graphics, Bands & Musiker, Herne
Mirko Witzki Graphics at ,This page contains an information about Mirko Witzki Graphics ( Photographic Services & Equipment,Bands & Musicians ) in Herne , ...
Mirko Witzki | MetalNerdmetalnerd.netTag Archives: Mirko Witzki ; Arch Enemy premiere video for “In the Eye of the Storm”. “'In the Eye of the Storm' is a song that was built around a hypnotizing ...
Artist Search for "mirko witzki" | AllMusicFind information about
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mirko
Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Mirko; Altslawisch (Zweigliedriger Name); meri = bedeutend, berühmt; mir = der Friede; slava = der Slawe, der Ruhm; alter slawischer Name, als Wortzusammensetzung; das erste Namenselement 'meri' wurde volksetymologisch umgedeutet zu 'mir' Mirko, auch Mirek, ist ein männlicher Vorname slawischer Herkunft und kommt in fast allen west- und südslawischen Sprachen vor. In den letzten Jahrzehnten breitete sich der Name auch in nichtslawische Gebiete aus. Mirko ist, wie auch Miro, eine Kurzform von Miroslav. Miroslav setzt sich zusammen aus "Mir" (Friede) und "Slava" (Ruhm, Ehre). Der entsprechende weibliche Vorname zu Mirko oder Mirek ist Mirka – die Kurzform von Miroslava.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Michael Amott
- Marius Milinski
- Benjamin Richter
- Nivan Ergüzel
- Enrico Tammert
- Gina Wild
- Patrick Chodera
- Thomas Witzki
Personensuche zu Mirko Witzki & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Mirko Witzki und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.