74 Infos zu Naghmeh Khosrowabadi

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9 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Mensch oder Maschine - wer kann besser planen?Ibusiness.de

— An der Studie beteiligt waren Naghmeh Khosrowabadi im Rahmen ihrer Doktorarbeit, sowie Kai Hoberg und Christina Imdahl, beides Professoren ...

Im Gespräch mit Prof. Kai Hoberg (Kühne Logistics University) …

Web27. dub · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi: Um es greifbar zu machen: Wir können im Kopf rechnen, aber wir verwenden Taschenrechner. Wir können große Karten mitnehmen, um …

Careers in Education and Research - KLU CompassKLU Compass

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. Patrick Moder. Navid Mohamadi. Dung Nguyen. Bhawani Sahoo. Dr. Mojtaba Salem. Elizaveta Savchenko. Johanna Schnier. Mahyar Taheri. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. Patrick Moder. Navid Mohamadi. Dung Nguyen. Bhawani Sahoo. Dr. Mojtaba Salem. Elizaveta Savchenko. Johanna Schnier. Mahyar Taheri.

Digitalgipfel, Programmplazz AG

— Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, PhD Candidate Kühne. Logistics University. 17:00 NEUE PERSPEKTIVEN DURCH GENERATIVE. KI - KI UND DIE PLANETAREN GRENZEN — Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, PhD Candidate Kühne. Logistics University. 17:00 NEUE PERSPEKTIVEN DURCH GENERATIVE. KI - KI UND DIE PLANETAREN GRENZEN.

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Naghmeh KhosrowabadiFacebook

LinkedIn: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi – Kuehne Logistics UniversityLinkedIn · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi400+ Follower

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD, Business Data Scientist. Kuehne Logistics University. Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD, Business Data Scientist. Kuehne Logistics University. Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland.

LinkedIn: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi – Kuehne Logistics UniversityLinkedIn

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD candidate at Kühne Logistics University. Kuehne Logistics University. Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Follower:innen ...

فهرست مطالب «Naghmeh KhosrowabadiMagiran

فهرست مطالب naghmeh khosrowabadi. انتخاب همه. Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using Data Mining. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh Ghousi*, Ahmad ... فهرست مطالب naghmeh khosrowabadi. انتخاب همه. Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using Data Mining. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh Ghousi*, Ahmad ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Mensch, vertrau der Maschine! KI liefert bessere ...Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

— Naghmeh Khosrowabadi: . Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg: . Weitere Informationen: •. Download — Naghmeh Khosrowabadi: . Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg: . Weitere Informationen: •. Download ...

1 Business-Profile

Kai HOBERG | Professor of Supply Chain and Operations ...ResearchGate

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi · Kai Hoberg · Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi · Kai Hoberg · Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Contacts & Directory · KLU - Kühne Logistics Universityklu.space

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD Candidate. Tel: + View profile. Profile image. Manijeh Komeili. PhD Candidate. Tel: + Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD Candidate. Tel: + View profile. Profile image. Manijeh Komeili. PhD Candidate. Tel: +

2 Bücher zum Namen

Naghmeh KhosrowabadiCSAuthors

Erdős number of five. Bibliography Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. ,. Kai ... Erdős number of five. Bibliography Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. ,. Kai ...

International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production ...دانشگاه علم و صنعت

Search published articles. Showing 1 results for Khosrowabadi. Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using Data Mining. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh ... Search published articles. Showing 1 results for Khosrowabadi. Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using Data Mining. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh ...

8 Dokumente

Targeted Automation of Order Decisions Using Machine ...Social Science Research Network

von C Imdahl · · Zitiert von: 3 — Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg, View more.

H pdfsid.ir

von F Sabo — Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. , Iran University of Science & Technology; ngineering. E ndustrial. I, student. MSC. 1 .

2022 cors/informs international conferenceCanadian Operational Research Society

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Christina Imdahl. We study planners' adjustments to AI-generated demand forecasts and use a large dataset from a leading AI provider. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Christina Imdahl. We study planners' adjustments to AI-generated demand forecasts and use a large dataset from a leading AI provider.

IFORS VirtualMETU - Middle East Technical University

von G Karakaya · — ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg, Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) and ma- chine learning (ML) ... von G Karakaya · — ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg, Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) and ma- chine learning (ML) ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Kai HobergDBLP

https://dblp.org/rec/journals/eor/KhosrowabadiHI22 · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg , Christina Imdahl : Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI ... https://dblp.org/rec/journals/eor/KhosrowabadiHI22 · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg , Christina Imdahl : Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI ...

European Journal of Operational Research | Vol 303, Issue ...ScienceDirect.com

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg, Christina Imdahl. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article Evaluating the performance of supply chain risk ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg, Christina Imdahl. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article Evaluating the performance of supply chain risk ...

Naghmeh KhosrowabadiDBLP

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg , Christina Imdahl : Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg , Christina Imdahl : Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting.

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

European Journal of Operational Research - EconPapersRePEc

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg and Christina Imdahl; Evaluating the performance of supply chain risk mitigation strategies using network data envelopment ...

42nd International Symposium on ForecastingInternational Institute of Forecasters

Presenter: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. Co-authors: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi;Kai Hoberg;Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) ... Presenter: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. Co-authors: Naghmeh Khosrowabadi;Kai Hoberg;Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) ...

Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for ...EconPapers

By Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg and Christina Imdahl; Abstract: Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) ... By Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg and Christina Imdahl; Abstract: Various advanced systems deploy artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) ...

Research statementChristina Imdahl

cast Recommendations” (co-authored with Naghmeh Khosrowabadi and Kai Hoberg, work in progress) we focus on which specific item characteristics contribute to ...

35 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi on LinkedIn: #klu #kinaxisLinkedIn · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi90+ Reaktionen · vor 4 Monaten

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi's Post. View profile for Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, graphic. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD, Business Data Scientist. 3mo. Report ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi's Post. View profile for Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, graphic. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. PhD, Business Data Scientist. 3mo. Report ...

Rouzbeh GhousiGoogle

AM Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh Ghousi. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research 30 (2 …,

Lee, Yun ShinGoogle Sites

... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi and Kai Hoberg. "Stock Market Reactions to Supply Chain Disruptions and Recovery from the Shanghai Lockdown," with Kyunghee Song Naghmeh Khosrowabadi and Kai Hoberg. "Stock Market Reactions to Supply Chain Disruptions and Recovery from the Shanghai Lockdown," with Kyunghee Song ...

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi (PhD Candidate) - Kühne Logistics …

WebNaghmeh Khosrowabadi joined Kühne Logistics University as a PhD Candidate in the field of Supply Chain Management under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg in May …

Digital Summit Business 4.0 BW & Wirtschaft Digital BW

WebNaghmeh Khosrowabadi, PhD candidate at Kühne Logistics University Hamburg; Dr. Katharina von Knop, Founder & CEO atDigital Trust Analytics GmbH; Sabrina Kraft, …

Digitalgipfel Wirtschaft 4.0 BW & Wirtschaft Digital BW

WebNaghmeh Khosrowabadi, PhD candidate an der Kühne Logistics University Hamburg; Dr. Katharina von Knop, Gründerin und CEO von Digital Trust Analytics GmbH; Sabrina …

KI entscheidet bei Logstikfragen besser als der Mensch

Web7. pro · Nun, Antworten auf diese Fragen will eine aktuellen Studie der KLU unter der Ägide der Wissenschaftler Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Prof. Kai Hoberg und Prof. …

A mesterséges intelligencia jobban dönt logisztikai ...logisztikaihirek.hu

Nos, ezekre a kérdésekre választ ad a KLU által Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Kai Hoberg és Christina Imdahl (Eindhoven University of Technology) tudósok ...

Application Portal is openKühne Logistics University

... Robin Kabelitz-Bock · Eda Kalayci · Mohammad Kaviyani-Charati · Vahid Khodaee · Naghmeh Khosrowabadi · Manijeh Komeili · Niklas Kühsel · Tamara Lojo ...

Archive of SID در لجستیک بحران یابی مراکز تسهیالت امدادی ...SID

von F Sabo — Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. , Iran University of Science & Technology; ngineering. E ndustrial. I, student. MSC ; hnology; . von F Sabo — Naghmeh Khosrowabadi. , Iran University of Science & Technology; ngineering. E ndustrial. I, student. MSC ; hnology; .


Naghmeh Khosrowabadi Hamburg. Bestellübersicht. Dies ist keine Rechnung. Bestelldatum: x 32-Baghali Polo (7%). Naghmeh Khosrowabadi Hamburg. Bestellübersicht. Dies ist keine Rechnung. Bestelldatum: x 32-Baghali Polo (7%).

Christina Imdahl's research works | Eindhoven University of ...ResearchGate

Mar Naghmeh Khosrowabadi · Kai Hoberg; Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial ... Mar Naghmeh Khosrowabadi · Kai Hoberg; Christina Imdahl. Various advanced systems deploy artificial ...

Cooperation between AI and human plannersLabelvisor

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi explains, "We were interested in learning why planners revised AI-generated forecasts. As a result of our findings, planners ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi explains, "We were interested in learning why planners revised AI-generated forecasts. As a result of our findings, planners ...

Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using ...Semantic Scholar

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, R. Ghousi, A. Makui; Published 10 June · Published 10 June 2019; Engineering, · Engineering, Environmental · International Journal of ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, R. Ghousi, A. Makui; Published 10 June · Published 10 June 2019; Engineering, · Engineering, Environmental · International Journal of ...

Decision Support Approach to Occupational Safety Using ...سیویلیکا

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi - M.Sc., Department of Systems Optimization, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, ... Naghmeh Khosrowabadi - M.Sc., Department of Systems Optimization, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, ...

International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production ...iust.ac.ir

Decision Support Approach on Occupational Safety Using Data Mining. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, Rouzbeh Ghousi, Ahmad Makui, Volume 30, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2019).

Ph.D. Candidates - Kühne Logistics University

WebMeet all our PhD candidates at Kühne Logistics University! See their profile pages here.

Jan FransooTilburg University Research Portal

• Naghmeh Khosrowabadi ( ) (second supervisor) • Juan Esteban Muriel (Deakin University Melbourne) ( ) (External Research Supervisor) • J ... • Naghmeh Khosrowabadi ( ) (second supervisor) • Juan Esteban Muriel (Deakin University Melbourne) ( ) (External Research Supervisor) • J ...

KI liefert bessere Entscheidungen - ElektronikpraxisElektronikpraxis

Naghmeh Khosrowabadi: „Mit den Ergebnissen unserer Studie können Unternehmen Geld und Zeit sparen. arrow back Image Zoom. Naghmeh Khosrowabadi: „Mit den ...

مقالات حاوی کلیدواژه "crisp" - جویشگر علمی فارسی ...elmnet.ir

crisp ; F. Moslehi ، A.R. Haeri * ، A.R. Moini ، ; حبیب زارع احمد آبادی ، احسان حقانی ولی پور ، ; نجیمه سعدالهی اسرمی ، افشین سلاجقه ، ; Naghmeh Khosrowabadi ، ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Naghmeh

Naghmeh bedeutet melodie.

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