74 Infos zu Nana Sadowsky

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

2 Bücher zum Namen

The Sharks of North America - Jose I. Castro - Google Books

Which species of sharks live within 500 nautical miles of North American shores, and what do we know about them? Jose I. Castro's The Sharks of North America...

The Sharks of North America - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite

Synonyms Sphyrna tudes Jordan and Evermann, (type of Sphyrna media), Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Identification This hammerhead is characterized by a ...

3 Dokumente

Interest to Fisheries

Synonymy : Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, FAO Names : En - Scoophead; Fr - Requin-marteau écope; Sp - Cornuda cuchara. Field Marks: A small hammerhead with a ... › ...


Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, None. FAO names: En - Scoophead; Fr - Requin-marteau écope; Sp - Cornuda cuchara. › WCAidSheets


Mrs. Nana Sadowsky. IAG. Tilo Schoene, Saskia Esselborn, Feipeng Zhang. The SEAVAR project aims at the recovery of consistent time series of sea level ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Head of the group: - itp.tu-berlin.de

Nana Sadowsky Heidrun Gleisberg Bastian Arlt Stefan Fruhner Stefan Grandner Consultants: Dr. Axel Kilian PD Dr. Martin Kröger Secretaries: Kristina Ludwig

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen - Yumpu

a shear flow — •Nana Sadowsky, Patrick Ilg, and Siegfried. Hess — Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Berlin,. Hardenbergstr. › plenarvortrage-dpg-tagungen

Hamerhaai - frwiki.wiki

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, IUCN staat van instandhouding. DD : onvoldoende gegevens. Geografische distributie. › wiki › Requi...

Kavanah b'Teva - Temple Chai

— in memory of Ethel Nana Sadowsky (GDF). Gluskin, Lawrence. – for the yahrzeit of Myra Kaluzna (RBDF). Golan, Scott & Deborah. › uploads › › Chai...

Панамо-карибская молот-рыба - wiki-org.ru

— Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Ареал. Охранный статус. : неверное или отсутствующее изображение. Недостаточно данных › wiki › Панамо-...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Requin-marteau écope — Wikipédia

Synonymes. Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Statut de conservation UICN. DD : Données insuffisantes. Répartition géographique. Description de l'image ... Es fehlt: verkehrsgesellschaft ‎hilden ‎mbh

Wikipedia: Schepkophamerhaai - Wikipedia

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Afbeeldingen op Wikimedia Commons · Schepkophamerhaai op Wikispecies. (en) World Register of Marine Species ... › wiki › Sc...

Wikipedia: Sphyrna media - Wikipedia

Kahenera: Sphyrna. Espesye: Sphyrna media. Siyentipikinhong Ngalan. Sphyrna media. Springer, Laing Ngalan. Sphyrna nana Sadowsky,

Wikipedia: Панамо-карибская молот-рыба — Википедия

Международное научное название. Sphyrna media Springer, Синонимы. Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Ареал. изображение. Охранный статус. Es fehlt: verkehrsgesellschaft ‎hilden ‎mbh

57 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, 1965

Sadowsky 1965; Catalogue of Life as Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, 1965; Integrated  ...

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, 1965

· Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, AphiaID (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:​taxname: ). Classification. Biota; Animalia (Kingdom) ...

Species Sphyrna nana - Nomenclature & Taxonomy - The Taxonomicon

Authorship, types, synonyms, homonyms, common names, taxonomic positions and number of subtaxa of Species Sphyrna nana Sadowsky,

Schepkophamerhaai - Wikiwand

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Afbeeldingen op. Wikimedia Commons · Schepkophamerhaai op. Wikispecies. (en) World Register of Marine Species ... › Sche...

'sadowsky () aei-potsdam ! mpg ! de (Nana Sadowsky)' posts - MARC

Viewing messages posted by 'sadowsky () aei-potsdam ! mpg ! de (Nana Sadowsky)' (1 msg) [1] w83782d question lm-sensor ...

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, [=Sphyrna media Springer, 1940]

checklist. Remember that you can also check the GBIF view on Sphyrna nana by  ...

ION: Index to Organism Names

Welcome to Index to Organism Names.

Catalogue of Life : Annual Checklist : Sphyrna nana Sadowsky,...

The Species ITIS Catalogue of Life : Annual Checklist is a comprehensive index of all known plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms It...


Nana Sadowsky. Institut f. Theoretische Physik PN7-1. TU Berlin, Berlin. Germany. -berlin.de. Andreja Sarlah.

FAMILY Details for Sphyrnidae - Hammerhead, bonnethead, or scoophead...

Family Sphyrnidae - Hammerhead, bonnethead, or scoophead sharks Order: ... Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, synonym: junior: original: 2: Sphyrna couardi Cadenat,

(Sphyrna Rafinesque, 1810) Род МОЛОТ-РЫБЫ, АКУЛЫ-МОЛОТЫ видов

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, 1965, Панамо-карибская молот-рыба, Панамо- карибская акула-молот, Панамо-карибская молотоголовая акула, Лопатоголовая ...

'w83782d question' - MARC

[prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: lm-sensors Subject: w83782d question From: sadowsky () aei-potsdam ! mpg ! de (Nana Sadowsky) ...

Hammerhead, bonnethead, or scoophead sharks - FishBase

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, synonym, junior, original. Sphyrna couardi Cadenat, accepted, senior, original. Zygaena tudes (non Valenciennes, 1822). › summary

MZUSP | Typecatalog | Shark-References

Sphyrna nana SADOWSKY, · Squatina occulta VOOREN & DA SILVA, · Home | About Copyright © Jürgen Pollerspöck. Support us!

All (in this database) Fish list (Scientific names)

see Brycinus nurse; nana Sadowsky, (Sphyrna), see Sphyrna media; nana Taki, (Guttigadus), see Laemonema nana · nanae Mead, (Aulopus) ...

Martin Kroger homepage

GER, Nana Sadowsky Modelling the dynamics of ferrofluid droplets in magnetic fields and shear flows. S. Hess, GER, Sebastian Gumbel › ...

Nominal Species List - FishBase

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, 1965, Sphyrna media · Cestracion oceanica Garman, 1913, Sphyrna lewini · Squalis pictus Blainville, 1816, Sphyrna zygaena ... › Nominal...

California (CA): Caller ID for #### - Caller-search.netcaller-search.net › ...

, Nana Sadowsky - Lott St , El Toro,California (CA) , Ludie Dryden - Varsity Ct , El Toro,California (CA).

Report: Sphyrna media - ITIS

Synonym(s):, Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Common Name(s):, cornuda cuchara [Spanish]. scoophead [English]. Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: valid. › SingleRpt

Requin-marteau ecope

Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Statut de conservation IUCN : DD : Données insuffisantes. Répartition géographique. Sphyrna media distmap.png. Sphyrna nana Sadowsky, Statut de conservation UICN : DD : Données insuffisantes. Répartition géographique. Sphyrna media distmap.png. › frwiki

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