113 Infos zu Nataša Rogelja

Mehr erfahren über Nataša Rogelja

Infos zu

2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Living On and Off the Sea: In memory of...Sched

Nataša Rogelja This paper will investigate how people and fish interact with the maritime heritages of the north Adriatic, how they co-create these ... › ...

Virtual exhibition “Coastal Transformations” - Newspomorskimuzej.si

— Nataša Rogelja Caf and Dr. Martina Bofulin, acting as curators of the exhibition. The exhibition was officially opened on 26 June in the ... › news

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

کتاب های نویسنده Nataša Rogeljaketabkoo.com

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People | FisherCoast

Nataša Rogelja. Research Fellow. Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. . Research Expertise: ...

People | Lifestyle Migration Hub | Tampere Universities

Nataša Rogelja Caf, Research fellow, Research Centre of the Academy of Science and Arts, Slovenia KEYWORDS: liveaboards in Mediterranean, new forms of ...

1 Business-Profile

Natasa Rogelja Research Centre of the Slovenian ...ResearchGate

› Na...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Other - disemination activities | POOSHpoosh.eu

... Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers – International conference (Eds. Nataša Rogelja, Kristina Toplak; Ljubljana: ZRC Publishing House). › about › ot...

lifestyle migration hub meeting in ljubljana - WordPress.comWordPress.com

Organisational board: Nataša Rogelja (Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU), Michaela Benson (Goldsmith University), Mari Korpela (University of Tampere), ... › ...

35 Bücher zum Namen

Nataša Rogelja (Author of Trinajsti mesec)Goodreads

› show

Fish on the Move: Fishing Between Discourses and Borders in the...

This book analyses the relation between different discourses and actors through an ethnographic approach, showing not only how fishermen in Slovenia

Fish on the Move - Nataša Rogeljabokklubben.no

› pro...

The sea: place of ultimate freedom? Ethnographic ...Directory of Open Access Journals

Ethnographic reflection on in-between places and practices. Nataša Rogelja. Affiliations. Nataša Rogelja. Journal volume & issue ... › article

4 Dokumente

People and nature: an introduction to human ecological ...Wiley

von N ROGELJA · — People and nature: an introduction to human ecological relations by Moran, Emilio F. NATAŠA ROGELJA. › ...

natasa rogelja - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Dwelling on and with water – materialities, (im)mobilities and ...Manchester Metropolitan University

von BOL Bowles · · Zitiert von: 17 — Benjamin O. L. Bowles, Maarja Kaaristo, Nataša Rogelja Caf: Dwelling on and with water – materialities, (im)mobilities and meanings: Introduction to the ... › ...

September 16LMU München

von A LIFE-WORLDS · — Nataša Rogelja (Ljubljana):. What Can Fishing Tell us About. Ethnicity? 9:00 –11:00 room F Topic V: Rijeka – European. Capital of Culture. › ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Contesting the Foreshore: Tourism, Society and Politics on ...JSTOR

Nataša Rogelja. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46mz6g.16. I remember how several years ago I watched some slides with my friends back home from my summer ... › stable

Dediščinjene med središči in obrobji: Šavrinizacija ...uni-lj.si

Nataša Rogelja Caf, dr. Špela Ledinek Lozej in dr. Martina Bofulin iz ZRC SAZU s predavanjem Dediščinjene med središči in obrobji: Šavrinizacija istrskega ... › node

The Sea: Place of Ultimate Freedom?Uni Graz

von N Rogelja · Zitiert von: 8 — Nataša Rogelja. Abtract. As a result of the rapid developmentof navigation and communication technology. , boat building technology. › mcsj › titleinfo › full

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Fish on the Move | SpringerLink

This book analyses the relation between different discourses and actors through an ethnographic approach, showing not only how fishermen in Slovenia respond to...

Copy of fishercoast kick-off conferenceuit.no

Organization Committee: Ajit Menon, Nataša Rogelja Caf, Martina. Bofulin, Nicholaus Baute, Nitya Rao, Balasubramanian Dhandapani ... › uploads › sites ›

Fish on the Move - Springer Linkspringer.com

von N Rogelja · Zitiert von: 11 — Nataša Rogelja,; Alenka Janko Spreizer. Nataša Rogelja. Slovenian Migration Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, ... › book

Nataša Rogeljawikidata.org

› wiki

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Lov na turiste // Fishing tourists - Nataša Rogelja - YouTubeYouTube

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natasa rogeljaVimeo

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4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Nov 16, 2019Twitter

— , myself and Nataša Rogelja Caf coming soon to a computer near you. (And it'll be #openaccess.) — ... da ji največkrat ne pripisujemo velike pozornosti." O vsem, kaj hoja v resnici je, Nataša Rogelja Caf & Špela Ledinek Lozej (obe. › status

Wikipedia: Rogelja - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedijaWikipedia

Nataša Rogelja Caf, kulturna antropologinja (migracije v Sredozemlju). Glej tudiUredi. priimek Rogelj; priimek Rogel; priimek Roglič; zaščitena kmetija Rogelja ... › wiki › R...


... Convenors Ben Bowles (SOAS/LSE) Maarja Kaaristo (Manchester Metropolitan University) Nataša Rogelja (Slovenian Academy of Sciences ...

Dwelling on water: Mobilities, immobilities and metaphorsForum Vies Mobiles

Ben Bowles (SOAS/LSE) Maarja Kaaristo (Manchester Metropolitan University) Nataša Rogelja (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts). › print

50 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Fishing Between Discourses and Borders in the Northern AdriaticGoogle

Nataša Rogelja · Alenka Janko Spreizer. ফেব ২০১৭ · MARE Publication Series বই 11 · Springer. ৫.০star. ১টি রিভিউ. ই-বুক. › details

Avtor Nataša Rogelja | Dobra knjigadobreknjige.si

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Etnolog: Nataša Rogelja Cafetno-muzej.si

› natasa...

Iskanje rezultatov za: 'nataša rogelja'cangura.com

› result

Nataša Rogelja - oglejte si vse knjige na Emka.siemka.si

› wcs › emkasi

Nataša Rogelja - MARE People and the Sea X

Check out what Nataša Rogelja will be attending at MARE People and the Sea X

Nataša Rogelja: Trinajsti mesec - Izšlo je (podcast)Listen Notes

› nat...

Nataša Rogelja: Trinajsti mesecmimovrste.com

› we...

dr. Nataša Rogelja – Barka je bila njeni družini domval-navtika.net

› article

Nataša Rogelja | Slovenski etnografski muzej

Etnolog: Nataša Rogelja. Etnolog 7 (1997) · Šavrinka kot oseba in simbol · Nataša Rogelja Deli. Kontaktni podatki. Slovenski etnografski muzej

Nataša Rogelja | trans-making

Nataša Rogelja studied at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and received her B.A. degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of ...

Fish on the Move - Alenka Janko Spreizer,Nataša Rogelja eBookNumilog

› Fish-...

Fish on the Move - Rogelja, Natasa EBOOK ( )allegro.pl

Fish on the Move (2017) Alenka Janko Spreizer, Nataša Rogelja ... Fish on the Move (2017) Alenka Janko Spreizer, Nataša Rogelja. zamknij ... › oferta › fish-o...

NATASA ROGELJA CAF (About)Association of Critical Heritage Studies

› ...

Nataša Rogelja CafCOBISS.net

› researcher

Trinajsti mesec | Nataša Rogelja - Knjigarna ...bukla.si

› jadranje › t...

Špela Ledinek, Nataša Rogelja: Potepanje po poteh Šavrinke ...ljudmila.net

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Fish on the Move door Nataša Rogelja - Managementboek.nl

- Managementboek.nl - Onze prijs: 118,71

Trinajsti mesec - Portreti morskih nomadov: Nataša Rogelja:...

Zelo priporočljivo za tiste, ki še niste odjadrali v neznano. Nujno za vse tiste, ki te... *Hitra in zanesljiva dostava, plačilo tudi po povzetju.*

Nataša Rogelja | Relais Culture Europecommuniteam.eu

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