93 Infos zu Natalia Juristo
Mehr erfahren über Natalia Juristo
Infos zu
- Software Engineering
- Politécnica de Madrid
- Universidad Politécnica
- Moreno
- Spain
- Basics of Software
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Bilder zu Natalia Juristo

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Natalia Juristo | FacebookLinkedIn: Natalia Juristo | LinkedInVer el perfil profesional de Natalia Juristo en LinkedIn. LinkedIn es la red de negocios más grande del mundo que ayuda a profesionales como Natalia Juristo a ...
LinkedIn: Natalia Juristo | LinkedInAbstract Although the aim of empirical software engineering is to provide evidence for selecting the appropriate technology, it appears that there is a lack of ...
LinkedIn: Natalia Juristo | 领英 - LinkedIn查看Natalia Juristo的完整档案。注册完全免费! 加入领英,找找同事同学,结识业界同行,与全球500,000,000 位职场人士一起驰骋职场。 查看Natalia的完整档案 ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Natalia JuristoRESEARCH INTERESTS. Empirical Software Engineering; Usability; Requirements Engineering; Software Testing. HIGHLIGHTS. Coordinator at the European ...
26 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: : Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation -...Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation by Juristo, Natalia; Moreno, Ana M. at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: ISBN 13:
Asuncion Gomez Natalia Juristo Cesar Montes Juan Pazos - AbeBooksNATALIA JURISTO-CESAR MONTES-JUAN PAZOS and a great selection of ...
Natalia Juristo (Author of Basics of Software Engineering ...www.goodreads.com › show ›Natalia Juristo is the author of Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation (3.33 avg rating, 3 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2001), Lecture Notes on...
Lecture Notes on Empirical Software Engineering by Natalia Juristo ...foundations for developing any discipline. As far as software ...
5 Dokumente
Natalia Juristo presentations | SlideShareView all of Natalia Juristo's Presentations.
PROMISE keynote JuristoUse and Misuse of the Term Experiment in MSR Research Natalia Juristo University of Oulu & Technical University of Madrid PROMISE September 7th …
[ ] A Dissection of the Test-Driven Development Process:...... It Really Matter to Test-First or to Test-Last? Authors: Davide Fucci, Hakan Erdogmus, Burak Turhan, Markku Oivo, Natalia Juristo. (Submitted on 18 Nov 2016).
Proceedings of the International Workshop on - CEUR …Natalia Juristo (Editors) Title: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development (I-USED 2008)
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Introductory paper: Reflections on Conceptual Modelling -...Dr. Natalia Juristo is Professor with the Computer Science School at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Since she is the Director of the two Master ...
dblp: Davide FucciList of computer science publications by Davide Fucci
Search results for "Natalia Juristo Juzgado" – FacetedDBLPNatalia Juristo Juzgado(114) Ana María Moreno(30) Sira Vegas(27) Oscar Dieste(17) Silvia Teresita Acuña(13) Óscar Dieste Tubío(11) Natalia Juristo ...
dblp: Natalia Juristo JuzgadoList of computer science publications by Natalia Juristo Juzgado
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation | SpringerLinkBasics of Software Engineering Experimentation is a practical guide to experimentation in a field which has long been underpinned by suppositions, assumptions,...
BOE.es - BOE-A Resolución de 11 de diciembre de 2001, de...BOE-A Resolución de 11 de diciembre de 2001, de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, por la que se hace pública la composición de las Comisiones...
ICSE – OpenresearchNatalia Juristo, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. Conference Chair: Oscar Dieste, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. Program ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Accepted Papers – PROFES 2018Full Papers: Vitalii Ivanov and Kari Smolander: Implementation of a DevOps Pipeline for Serverless Applications Adrian Santos Parrilla, Markku Oivo and Natalia...
38 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Natalia Juristo - Академия GoogleUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid - цитирований - Empirical Software Engineering - Requirements Engineering - Testing - Usability
Natalia Juristo - Google ScholarUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid - citazioni - Empirical Software Engineering - Requirements Engineering - Testing - Usability
Natalia Juristo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. - ppt download Testers should apply technique strictly as prescribed but, in practice, conformance to the prescribed strategy varies Does tester contribute to testing...
Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation door Natalia Juristo -...Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation is a practical guide to experimentation in a field which has long been underpinned by suppositions, a… -...
Dr. Ana M. Moreno - BooksAuthors: Natalia Juristo, Ana M. Moreno. Editors: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, ISBN: A Software Process ...
Dr. Ana M. Moreno - JournalsNatalia Juristo, Ana M. Moreno, María I. Sánchez-Segura IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2007; Emphasizing human capabilities in software ...
SE Online Madrid Editorial Board Meeting January ppt download2 2 SE-Online Editorial Board l Natalia Juristo, l Al Davis, l Ana Moreno, l Barbara Russo, l Carol Woody, l Didar Zowghi, l Don Boyer, l Fernando Naveda, l Marco Torchiano, l Martina Ceschi, l Michael Mattsson, l Oscar Dieste, l Paul ...
DBLP: Natalia Juristo JuzgadoNatalia Juristo Juzgado, Sira Vegas: Using differences among replications of software engineering experiments to gain knowledge. ESEM 2009:
Seminar Testing Today Moderne Techniken und Tools Praktikermeinungen...Praktikermeinungen zur Testausbildung Problemstellung
Natalia Juristo : tous les produits | fnacwww.fnac.com › Natalia-JuristoNatalia Juristo (Auteur). -5% livres en retrait magasin. Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation is a practical guide to experimentation in a field which ...
Noticias etiquetadas con 'natalia juristo' - La CercaListado de artículos etiquetados con “natalia juristo.
ingenieria conocimiento de asuncion gomez-natalia juristo-cesar...INGENIERÍA DEL CONOCIMIENTO de Juristo, Natalia / Gómez, Asunción / Montes, César / Pazos, Juan y una selección similar de libros antiguos, raros y ...
Fraunhofer-Publica :: Search2014 Reporting experiments to satisfy professionals' information needs Jedlitschka, Andreas; Juristo, Natalia; Rombach, H. Dieter Journal Article Product-focused software process improvement. 13th International Conference ...
Impact of Usability on Software Requirements and Design |...Like any other quality attribute, usability imposes specific constraints on software components. We have empirically corroborated that software
OurPublications < SE < Wiki - Freie …... Wiki - SE Web - ResearchHome - OurPublications ... Publications of the Software Engineering Research Group Natalia Juristo, Aziz Nanthaamornphong ...
REFSQ’07 » Programme CommitteeREFSQ’07 - International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
Über Software-Psychologen und Software-Architekten |Wie sich Software-Psychologen und Software-Architekten ergänzen.Ein Software-Architekt definiert, was bei der Weiterentwicklung einer Software möglich ist und...
Dr. Ayşe Tosunwebsite
Applying Metrics to Machine-Learning Tools: A Knowledge Engineering...Applying Metrics to Machine-Learning Tools: A Knowledge Engineering Approach
CESI 2015CESI website
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Natalia
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch): Natalia; die an Weihnachten Geborene; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); natalis = der Geburtstag; noël = die Weihnachten (Französisch); Information zur männlichen Form Noel:; vom lateinischen Ausdruck 'dies natalis' (Tag der Geburt), welcher im Christentum als der Geburtstag Christi verstanden wird; Bedeutung deshalb 'der am Geburtstag Christi (Weihnachten) Geborene; 'noël' ist zugleich das normale französische Wort für Weihnachten
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