97 Infos zu Neele Engelmann

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

— Zu den erfolgreichen Absolventen am OSZ gehören Josefine Behrendt, Jana Deterling, Sophia- Marie Dohrmann, Neele Engelmann, Maya Falkenberg ...

University of Oxford

... Neele Engelmann (Georg-August Universität Göttingen), Joshua Kertzer (Harvard University), Bernhard Leidner (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Jeff ...


— Markus Kneer. TBA Coffee break Neele Engelmann. Is lying morally different from misleading? An ...

"The Experimental Philosophy of Morality & Causation", 13 Jun 2017,...

Keynote speaker: Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh) Invited speakers: Neele Engelmann (University of Goettingen) Joachim Horvath ...

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Neele Engelmann - I´m selling a ticket for Friday the 8th.... | Facebook

Facebook: Neele Engelmann - Neele Engelmann hat In Mein Zimmer...

Facebook: Neele Engelmann - Würd so gern kommen, proben aber. Toi...

LinkedIn: LinkedIn · Neele EngelmannCa. 70 FollowerNeele Engelmann – Postdoctoral Researcher – Max-Planck-Institut ...

Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland · Postdoctoral Researcher · Max-Planck-Institut für BildungsforschungNeele Engelmann. Cognitive Scientist | MPI for Human Development, Berlin | Psychology, Human-AI interaction. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung ...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

'Der Teufel hat sich schick gemacht' - Überlegungen zum...

Zschäpe das von Rassenhass zerfressene Monster die Diddl Maus der NSU die Nazi Braut die braune Witwe das Oma Ki...

Foucaults Verrat an der Aufklärung , Vortrag und Diskussion mit...

Infos folgen

1 Business-Profile

Neele ENGELMANN | PostDoc Position | Dr. rer. nat. - ResearchGate

Neele Engelmann currently works at the Center for Law, Behaviour, and Cognition at Ruhr-University Bochum as a postdoctoral researcher. Neele does research in Cognitive Science.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Engelmann, Neele | Max Planck Institute for Human Development

© , Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Web-View Print Page

3 Persönliche Webseiten

Neele Engelmann

Neele Engelmann · Cognitive Scientist · Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin), Center for Humans and ...

Neele Engelmann | Neele Engelmann

Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Law, Behaviour, and Cognitionat Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. I obtained my Ph.D. in Psychology from Georg-August-University Göttingen in 2022, with a project focusing on the role of causal representations in moral judgment(advisor: Michael R. Waldmann).

How causal structure, causal strength, and Neele Engelmann

Causal strength and causal structure are two independent properties of causal models that may affect moral judgments. We investigated whether the length of a causal chain between acts and accidental harms, a structural feature of causal relations, affects people’s moral evaluation of action and agent.

5 Bücher zum Namen

VUB bibliotheek

LinkedData · siteindex · Neele Engelmann. Name. Neele Engelmann. Id Works. Book From Lying to Perjury : Linguistic and Legal ...

Google Books

Neele Engelmann. Contributors, Michael R. Waldmann, Johannes Rakoczy. Publisher, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote ...

Diversity and Universality in Causal Cognition - Google Books

York Hagmayer and Neele Engelmann Section 3: Methodological issues Causal inferences about others' behavior among Frontiers in Psychology 4 December ...

9 Dokumente

Wiley Online Library

— Neele Engelmann's work was additionally supported by a travel grant from Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung. Ivar Hannikainen's work was supported by the ...


Author(s) Ivar Rodríguez Hannikainen (Universidad de Granada) - . Neele Engelmann (Ruhr-University Bochum) - .de.


Neele Engelmann neeleengelmann.com .de. ORCiD: Current Position. Postdoctoral researcher. Berlin, Germany. Max ...

Simon Stephan

Neele Engelmann. . Michael R. Waldmann -goettingen.de. Question. Do people integrate knowled- ge ...

15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Engelmann, Neele — Deutsch

. Kontakt Institut für Psychologie Abteilung Kognitionswissenschaft und Entscheidungspsychologie Göttingen …


von GFCF Almeida · · Zitiert von: 28 — Neele Engelmann d e , Alex Wiegmann d , Marcelo de Araújo f g. Show more. Add ... Neele Engelmann: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft ...

A causal proximity effect in moral judgment — Deutsch

Neele Engelmann and Michael Waldmann (2021) A causal proximity effect in moral judgment. Kognitionswissenschaft und Entscheidungspsychologie. Forschung Team Lehre Aktuelles …

Machine+Behavior Conference

Mengchen Dong — reviewer. Neele Engelmann — reviewer. Fabian Baumann — reviewer. Ali Alhosseini — reviewer. Joanna Olejnik. Yvonne Bialek. Gabija Vilkaitė.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Neuroethics & Law Blog

— Neele Engelmann (Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences - Max Planck Institute for Human Development), Guilherme Almeida ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · neele_engelmannCa. 10 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 8 Monatenneele engelmann

neele engelmann · @neele_engelmann. Happy to contribute a chapter on people's moral evaluation ...

KTR Solutions

The authors, Guilherme F. C. F. Almeida, José Luiz Nunes, Neele Engelmann, Alex Wiegmann, and Marcelo de Araújo, employ methods from the field of psychology to ...

Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security

16: : min presentations (Mani Tajaddini, Terence Dores Cruz, Ines Terrucha, Neele Engelmann, Zoe Purcell). 19:45. Dinner. Day : :00.

Unterschriftenliste | transbashback

40 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Neele Engelmann. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. Center for Humans and Machines. Email được xác minh tại mpib-berlin ...

Google Scholar

Neele Engelmann. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. Center for Humans and Machines. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei mpib-berlin ...

Time Speaker Title

10: :45 Neele Engelmann & Lara Kirfel Norms and Causation —Current Empirical Findings 10:45-11:00 Coffee at the venue 11: :45 Pascale Willemsen Omissions and Causal …

Xhttps://x.com › statusneele engelmann

— neele engelmann · @neele_engelmann. There's an awesome conference on causation ...


Neele Engelmann (Goettingen) Joachim Horvath (Cologne) Lara Kirfel (London) Stefan Magen (Bochum) Albert Newen (Bochum) Karolina Prochownik (Krakow) Alex Wiegmann (Goettingen)

Underline Science

Neele Engelmann. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. 1. presentations. SHORT BIO. I'm a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Cognitive and Decision Sciences at ...


... Neele Engelmann Juli 2023•Fahrradfahren · Peter Poitzsch Februar 2023•Wandern. 3,6(11)   Rezensionen werden von der Google Suche nicht überprüft


York Hagmayer, Neele Engelmann. Abstract. Cognitive psychological research focuses on causal learning and reasoning while cognitive anthropological and social ...

Ex Libris Group

an empirical investigation / Alex Wiegmann, Neele Engelmann -- "I was only quoting" : shifting viewpoint and speaker commitment / Ronny Boogaart, Henrike ...


von Y Hagmayer · · Zitiert von: 50 — Neele Engelmann. Institute of Psychology, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany. Cognitive psychological research focuses on causal ...

GitHub Pages

04a Multiple Regression 01: Beispiel Prüfungsleistung. Neele Engelmann, Sharky Engelmann, Simon Stephan, Einstein Stephan. Übersicht. In dieser Sitzung ...

Jagiellonian Center for Law, Language and Philosophy

Neele Engelmann. Is lying morally different from misleading? An empirical investigation Susan Ehrmann Provenzano. Questioning Hearsay's Formalism.


von I Ziano · · Zitiert von: 7 — Neele Engelmann, Michael R. Waldmann (2022). How causal structure, causal strength, and foreseeability affect moral judgments. Cognition,

National Genomics Data Center

The perceived dilution of causal strength. Simon Stephan, Neele Engelmann, Michael R Waldmann. Cogn Psychol. 02, : Print-Electronic.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

von N Engelmann · · Zitiert von: 16 — Authors. Neele Engelmann , Michael R Waldmann. Affiliations. 1 Department ... Electronic address: . 2 Department of ...

OSFhttps://osf.io › resourcesLying and AI

von M Mizumoto · — This registration has no resources. Contributors. Masaharu Mizumoto, Alex Wiegmann, Neele Engelmann, and. Yu Izumi. Description. Our key research question here ...

OSFhttps://osf.io › uktnaCausal selection in chains

Contributors: Neele Engelmann · Lara Kirfel. Date created: :09 AM | Last ...

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › ...Cognition

Neele Engelmann, Michael R. Waldmann. https://doi.org j.cognition · , Cognition, p Scopus. WoS. Crossref citations: 4.

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › ldOpzDk4Exploring the psychology of LLMs' moral and legal reasoning

Authors: Guilherme F.C.F. Almeida, José Luiz Nunes, Neele Engelmann, Alex Wiegmann, Marcelo de Araújo. List of references. Bubeck; Bricken, Towards ...


Scopus Publications. Exploring the psychology of LLMs' moral and legal reasoning. Guilherme F.C.F. Almeida, José Luiz Nunes, Neele Engelmann, Alex Wiegmann, and ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Neele

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Neele; Deutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen auf '-nella' oder '-nelia', wie z.B. Cornelia, Petronella

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Engelmann

- weitergebildete Kurzform des Rufnamens Engelhardt- Engelman (um 1170), Engelman (um 1487)

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