133 Infos zu Nico Josuttis

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: Lose Kopplung ist die Vererbung der Serviceorientierung |...

Als ich Ende Januar über die OOP und im speziellen auch über die Heilsversprechen von SOA berichtete und dabei die OOP-Vorträge von Nico Josuttis und Adam Bien ...

Heise.de: parallel 2013: Nur noch wenige Tickets verfügbar | heise online

Die von heise Developer, iX und dpunkt.verlag ausgerichtete Konferenz zu Parallel Programming, Concurrency und Multicore-Systemen findet vom 15. bis 17. Mai in...

Every attendee gets a free copy of "C++17 - The Complete Guide" by...

Nicolai Josuttis, one of our speakers and workshop instructors, is particularly well known as the author of the bestselling 'The C++ Standard Library'. As well...

NTP’s fate hinges on ‘father time’ – OSnews

How did this happen? At the 31C3 Nico Josuttis arranged an Interview with Julia Angwin who writes for ProPublica.

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

draft/N3338.html at main · cplusplus/draft · GitHub

C++ standards drafts. Contribute to cplusplus/draft development by creating an account on GitHub.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

c++ - boost::aligned_storage copying NON-POD objects like a POD type...

05 Aug minor update (Nico Josuttis) * 20 Jan STLport fix (Beman Dawes) * 29 Sep Initial Revision (Nico Josuttis) * * Jan ...

address of c++ template function - Stack Overflow

See this defect report where they designed the wording, the example by "Nico Josuttis" and their final example. There is another rule that the wording enforces but

1 Projekte

Boost Version History

Array Library: Minor updates, from Nico Josuttis. Config Library: major redesign with much improved and

4 Bücher zum Namen

Bernd Oestereich | InformIT

... Requirements Engineering, Software Architecture and Software Management areas. He's also a partner in System Bauhaus (network of German OO consultants) with Nico Josuttis

Developing Software with UML: Object-oriented Analysis and Design in...

This book shows us how to use UML and apply it in object-oriented software development. Part 1 of the book guides the reader step-by-step through the...

Objektorientiertes Programmieren in C+: ein Tutorial für Ein- und...

endl; Bsp.:: Person nico ("Josuttis", "Nicolai"); std.::cout << "Personenanzahl: " << Bsp.:: Person: :anzahl () << std.:: endl; } Die Personenanzahl wird hier ohne ...

The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai M....

... custset.insert(Customer("nico","josuttis",42)); PRINT_ELEMENTS(custset); } The program has the following output: [nico,josuttis,42] Here, the hash_val().

8 Dokumente

Beware of C++17

The devil is in the detail. This also applies to C++17. We get new cool features, but we also get new things to care for and remember. This talk discusses some…


Python hack-a-thon 用資料です。


Apologies, --dan From nico at josuttis.de Thu Apr :03: From: nico at josuttis.de (Nicolai Josuttis) Date: Thu, 10 Apr :03:17 +0200 Subject: GPG ...

CArray.h Source File

39 * 29 Jan minor fixes (Nico Josuttis). 40 * 04 Dec update to synch with library TR1 (Alisdair Meredith). 41 * 23 Aug fix for Non-MSVC ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

GI-Vortrag: Organisatorische Herausforderungen der...

Nico Josuttis: Organisatorische Herausforderungen der Globalisierung in der IT. Beginn: , 18:00 Uhr: Ort: Haus der Wissenschaft, Raum Veolia, :

LCOV - app.info - boost/boost/array.hpp

STLPort [trac #3893] (Marshall Clow) 22 : * 29 Jan c_array() added, BOOST_NO_PRIVATE_IN_AGGREGATE removed (Nico Josuttis) ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Der Termin (Schauspiel frei nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Tom...

Der Termin (Schauspiel frei nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Tom DeMarco), OOP 2000, München, Ein Vortrag von Bernd Oestereich, Peter Huschka, Nico Josuttis ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

The Real Price of Shared Pointers in C++ - Nico Josuttis

Shared pointers play a fundamental part of modern C++ programming. However, they come with a price. The price usually known is the overhead of the control...

60 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: STL-Tutorial

: Nico Josuttis de comp lang c++ In article

Google Groups: Probleme mit PostScrip-Fonts

: Wolfgang Kowarschick .tu-muenchen.de de comp

Google Groups: STL und Member-Funktionen

: Nico Josuttis de comp lang c++ In article

cpp.chat Episode #47 with Nico Josuttis :...

Each week, or thereabouts, Jon and Phil chat with guests from the C++ community about what they're doing, what interests them, and what's ...

47 Webfunde aus dem Netz

4376RE: [xp-forum] Agility Days in Frankfurt - Yahoo Groups

Jutta Eckstein, Martin Fowler, Nico Josuttis und ich waren die externen Referenten im letzten Jahr. Über Vorträge von Freunden soll man nicht urteilen.

Episode 69: Nico Josuttis on SOA (SOA Pt. 3) | Software ...

This Episode is part five in our (probably ongoing) series on service oriented architecture. In this episode we talk to Nico Josuttis, who has recently published a book on this topic. As its title SOA in Practice suggests, it is a very ...

xp-forum : Beitrag: RE: [xp-forum] Agility Days in Frankfurt ...

Jutta Eckstein, Martin Fowler, Nico Josuttis und ich waren die externen Referenten im letzten Jahr. Über Vorträge von Freunden soll man nicht ...

Episode 69: Nico Josuttis On SOA (SOA Pt. 3) Software Engineering...

This Episode is part five in our (probably ongoing) series on service oriented architecture. In this episode we talk to Nico Josuttis, who has recently published a ...

person:nico josuttis

As the title says, every attendee of C++ on Sea will get a free copy of Nico' Josuttis' eBook, “C++17 - The Complete Guide”! Every attendee gets a free copy of ...

ACCU :: accu2007 Speakers

ACCU is an organisation of programmers who care about their profession. ACCU organises a yearly conference and publishes two journals. ACCU also hosts several...

Le C++14 est arrivé • Articles • Zeste de Savoir

Prêts à faire chauffer vos compilateurs ?

Smart Pointers

... Greg Colvin, Sean Corfield, Pete Becker, Nico Josuttis, Dietmar Kühl, Nathan Myers, Chichiang Wan and Judy Ward. During the discussion, ...


* 29 Jan minor fixes (Nico Josuttis) * 04 Dec update to synch with library TR #ifndef BOOST_ARRAY_HPP #define BOOST_ARRAY_HPP #include <cstddef>

array.hpp in trunk/3rd-party/boost/boost – mCRL2 toolset

16, * 29 Jan c_array() added, BOOST_NO_PRIVATE_IN_AGGREGATE removed (Nico Josuttis). 17, * 23 Aug fix for Non-MSVC compilers ...

Talks & Slides

This site represents the services of Markus Voelter, software architect and consultant on language engineering.

C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List

Section: [associative.reqmts] Status: NAD Submitter: Nico Josuttis ... Status : NAD Submitter: Nico Josuttis Opened: Last modified:

C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List

R42: post-Berlin mailing Section: 21 [lib.strings] Status: NAD Submitter: Nico Josuttis Date: 29 Sep Classic iostreams said streambuf::sync flushes pending output and attempts to return unread input ...

C++ Standard Library Defect Report List

R42: post-Berlin mailing. Summary: (The "classic" AT&T implementation used the former interpretation.) Section: 25 [algorithms] Status: CD1 Submitter: Nico Josuttis Opened: Last modified: View all ...

Git Repositories | Swift

STLPort [trac #3893] (Marshall Clow). 21, * 29 Jan c_array() added, BOOST_NO_PRIVATE_IN_AGGREGATE removed (Nico Josuttis), 22, * 29 Jan

Doodle Request for Dates of the 4th OpenPGP Email Summit

So far, we had 3 such events [1], all organized by Nico Josuttis. The last summit is almost two years ago. I'd like to pick up the ball now, and ...

Issue 85: String char types

Section: 21 [strings] Status: NAD Submitter: Nico Josuttis Opened: Last modified: Priority: Not Prioritized. View all other issues in ...

LCOV - coverage.info - boost/array.hpp

STLPort [trac #3893] (Marshall Clow) 23 : * 29 Jan c_array() added, BOOST_NO_PRIVATE_IN_AGGREGATE removed (Nico Josuttis) ...

Mailing List Archive: Python UK conference on a Budget

Gossamer Mailing List Archive

Re: slices ; Stroustrup & libstdc++

... in valarray's specification -- even though I got support from Bjarne, Nico Josuttis (and Howard, I think). That isn't, IMHO, a comfortable attitude.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nico

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Nico; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Nico Josuttis & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Nico Josuttis und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.