96 Infos zu Nico Wulffraat

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Novartis' ACZ885 Helps Reduce Steroid Use In 45% Of Childhood...

Dr Nico Wulffraat, one of the study investigators and pediatric immunologist at Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, University Medical Center in ...

JIA: Absetzen von MTX nach sechs vs 12 Monaten bei Kindern in...

Dirk Foell, MD; Nico Wulffraat, MD; Lucy R. Wedderburn, MD, PhD; Helmut Wittkowski, MD; Michael Frosch, MD; Joachim Gerß, PhD; Valda Stanevicha, MD; ...

Novartis International AG: Novartis Phase III study shows ACZ

Novartis International AG / Novartis Phase III study shows ACZ885 helped substantially reduce steroid use in 45% of patients with serious form of childhood...

Randomisierte Studie mit Tocilizumab bei systemischer juveniler...

... M.D., Rosa Merino, M.D., Rik Joos, M.D., Alexei Grom, M.D., Ph.D., Nico Wulffraat, M.D., Zbigniew Zuber, M.D., Francesco Zulian, M.D., Daniel Lovell, ...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Nico Wulffraat | Facebook

LinkedIn: Nico Wulffraat | LinkedIn

Bekijk het professionele profiel van Nico Wulffraat op LinkedIn. LinkedIn is het grootste zakelijke netwerk ter wereld en stelt professionals als Nico Wulffraat in ...

Facebook: Nico Wulffraat Profile | Facebook

Profile der Personen mit dem Namen Nico Wulffraat auf Facebook anzeigen Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Nico Wulffraat und anderen Nutzern, die du vielleicht ...

Nico Wulffraat - Loop Frontiersloop.frontiersin.org › people › overview

Profile picture. Nico Wulffraat. Professor. University Medical Center Utrecht. Utrecht, Netherlands. View All. mini profile avatar Nico Wulffraat.

3 Hobbys & Interessen


... Roche, Novartis, SOBI, M Harjacek: None declared, Nico Wulffraat: None declared, Nicolino Ruperto Grant/research support from: The Gaslini Hospital, ...

Evidence-based recommendations for genetic diagnosis of familial...

Gabriella Giancane,1 Nienke M Ter Haar,2 Nico Wulffraat,1 Sebastiaan J Vastert,1. Karyl Barron,3 Veronique Hentgen,4 Tilmann Kallinich,5 Huri Ozdogan,6.

Gene therapy allows boy to leave bubble | News, Sports, Jobs -...

Amsterdam, Netherlands ? The remnants of lunch were on Wilco Conradi's rosy cheeks when the 2-year-old grabbed a large ice crea

1 Business-Profile

Nico Wulffraat director information. Free company director check.

Nico Wulffraat - free Company Director Summary including all company appointments. Instant free Director Report for Risk Scores, County Court Judgements,...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Infection and Immunity Wulffraat, Nico

Nico Wulffraat. Professor. Nico Wulffraat. · LinkedIn. Professor of pediatric Rheumatology ...

Jong-en-Reuma.nl / Reuma & UMC Utrecht / Team

Team Als je voor je behandeling het Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis of het UMC Utrecht bezoekt zijn de volgende personen bij je behandeling betrokken. Wilhelmina...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Geef patiënten een stem in onderzoek | medischcontact

Patiënten moeten meer betrokken worden bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit bepleit prof. dr. Nico Wulffraat, hoogleraar…

10 Bücher zum Namen

Design and acceptance of RheumatesWork a combined internet-based and...

Wineke Armbrust, Joyce J. F. J. Bos, Jeannette Cappon, Marion A.J. J. van Rossum, Pieter J. J. Sauer, Nico Wulffraat, Veera K. van Wijnen and Otto T. H. M. Lelieveld

Open Access - Ghent University Academic Bibliography

Chantal Job-Deslandre,17 Nico Wulffraat,18 Daniel Alvarez,19 Chuanbo Zang, 19. Joseph Wajdula,19 Deborah Woodworth,19 Bonnie Vlahos ...

Statistics – Person profile – Nico Wulffraat – Medical University of...

Nico Wulffraat - No profile photo - a placeholder image with a symbolic silhouette of a. Nico Wulffraat. Expert menu.

Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology E-Book - James T. Cassidy, Ross E...

Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology examines the full spectrum of rheumatologic diseases and non-rheumatologic musculoskeletal disorders in children and...

7 Dokumente

ENCA Genoa - Nico Wulffraat

Patient participation in Utrecht and PRES

Phenotypic Variability and Disparities in Treatment and Outcomes of...

Background: The characteristics and burden of childhood arthritis have never been studied on a worldwide basis. We aimed to investigate prevalence of disease ca

Nico WULFFRAAT - Personal Appointments (free information from ...beta.companieshouse.gov.uk › app...

Search. Please press ENTER to search. Nico WULFFRAAT. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1.

Nico Wulffraat biosketch - Instyle Events

Nico Wulffraat is professor of pediatric Rheumatology at the department of pediatrics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. He obtained his MD ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Chapter 19 Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT) for Drug...

Ismé de Kleer, Bas Vastert, Mark Klein, Gijs Teklenburg, Ger Arkesteijn, Gisella Puga Yung, Salvo Albani, Wietse Kuis, Nico Wulffraat, and Berent Prakken.

Restoration of the Immune Balance by Autologous Bone Marrow Trans...:...

Eveline Delemarre, Sarah Roord, Nico Wulffraat, Femke van Wijk and Berent Prakken*. Department of Pediatric Immunology, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, ...

Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile...

Swart and Nico Wulffraat contributed equally to this work. Affiliations. IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Clinica Pediatrica e Reumatologia, PRINTO ...

Pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients treated...

· Joost Swart & Nico Wulffraat. IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Clinica Pediatrica e Reumatologia, PRINTO, Via Gaslini, 5Genoa, ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A three minute- screening tool for temporomandibular joint...

Gabriella Giancane (1); Michiel Hendrik Steenks (2); Harriette Willemijn van Bruggen (2); Rob de Leeuw (3); Nico Wulffraat (1). Author Affiliations. 1. Department ...

19. Sendenhorster Advents-Symposium

Prof. Dr. Nico Wulffraat, Pediatrische Immunologie und Kinderrheumatologie, UMCU Utrecht, 10:50 Uhr Pause

The Dutch version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional...

· Nico Wulffraat, Joost F. Swart, Sebastiaan Vastert & Pieter Van Dijkhuizen. Department of Paediatric Rheumatology/Department of Rheumatology ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Nico Wulffraat: Overview of Transplantation in SJIA - TR-camtr-cam.com › video › nico-wulffra...

Nico Wulffraat giving an overview of transplantation in SJIA patients at the Next Gen therapies in SJIA & MAS conference. Nico Wulddraat's session MSCs in ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Interview met Nico Wulffraat, kinderimmunoloog | Reuma Patienten...

kinderimmunoloog, jeugdreuma, reuma, reumafonds, gewrichten

General information for patients and carers considering...

... Riccardo Saccardi ,; Tobias Alexander ,; Montserrat Rovira ,; Basil Sharrack ,; Raffaella Greco ,; Nico Wulffraat ,; John Moore ,; Majid Kazmi ...

Stem cells in pediatrics: state of the art and future perspectives |...

· ... edited by Nico Wulffraat, is the clinical outcome of stem cell transplantation for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases.

Stem cells in pediatrics: state of the art and future perspectives |...


46 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Orphanet: Dr N M Nico WULFFRAAT

The portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs

Nico Wulffraat » Linkos.cz

Publikované texty autora na Linkos.cz.

prof. dr. N.M. (Nico M.) Wulffraat - UMC Utrechtwww.umcutrecht.nl › research › researchers › wulffr...

Biography. Nico Wulffraat is professor of pediatric Rheumatology at the department of pediatrics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. He ...

Nico Wulffraat - Planet Healthwww.planethealth.nl › ... › Nico Wulffraat

· This allows us to give you a personalized experience and to tailor the adverts presented. You can accept the Full Experience, or choose how you ...

43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (DGRh) -...

... in der Rheumatologie national Christian Kneitz, Rostock Status quo: Impfmoral in der Rheumatologie international Nico Wulffraat, Utrecht, ...

GMS | 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie,...

Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 25. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung ... Nico Wulffraat - University ... der Deutschen ...

Orphanet: Pr N M Nico WULFFRAAT

Das Portal für seltene Krankheiten und Orphan Drugs

Worcester Translational Research Conference

events in bioscience and medicine

PHARMACHILD: A European collaboration on long term outcome and...

... on long term outcome and pharmacovigilance for biologics used in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis a PReS/ Printo project Nico Wulffraat, ...

Safety and Immunogenicity of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus...

... Claudia Saad Magalhães, Virginia Ferriani, Hella Pasmans, Rutger Schepp, Fiona van der Klis, Sytze de Roock, Nico Wulffraat, Gecilmara Salviato Pileggi ...

45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für GMSwww.egms.de › static › meetings › dgrh2017

... Tübingen; Nico Wulffraat - University Medical Centre Utrecht, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Immunology, Utrecht, ...

A Randomized Trial of Parenteral Methotrexate Comparing an ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Nicolino Ruperto , Kevin J Murray, Valeria Gerloni, Nico Wulffraat, Sheila Knupp Feitosa de Oliveira, Fernanda Falcini, Pavla Dolezalova, Maria Alessio, Ruben ...

Cyclosporine A in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Results of the...

... Olga Voygioyka, Zsolt Balogh, Loredana Lepore, Eva Macejkova, Nico Wulffraat, Sheila Oliveira, Ricardo Russo, A. Buoncompagni, Maria Odete Hilário

Design and acceptance of Rheumates@Work, a INFONAwww.infona.pl › resource › bwmeta1.element.spring...

Wineke Armbrust, Joyce J. F. J. Bos, Jeannette Cappon, Marion A.J. J. van Rossum, Pieter J. J. Sauer, Nico Wulffraat, … [ more ].

Does Mmr Vaccination Aggravate Disease Activity in Children with ...acr.confex.com › acr › webprogram › Paper4926

gecilmara pileggi1, marloes Heijstek2, Jan J. Net, van der2, Esther Hoppenreijs3, Wineke Armbrust4, Evelien Zonneveld2, Nico Wulffraat, MD2.

Cyclosporine A in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Results of the ...experts.umn.edu › publications › c...

... Loredana Lepore, Eva Macejkova, Nico Wulffraat, Sheila Oliveira, Ricardo Russo, A. Buoncompagni, Maria Odete Hilário Show 47 others

Een eigen medicijn voor ieder kind met jeugdreuma • ReumaNederland

Nico Wulffraat is professor en arts: “Door de beperkingen van de ziekte, maar ook door bijwerkingen van medicijnen, is het voor jeugdreumapatiënten moeilijk ...

Efficacy and safety of open-label etanercept on extended ...moh-it.pure.elsevier.com › efficac...

... Zuber, Richard Mouy, Ingrida Rumba-Rozenfelde, Luciana Breda, Pavla Dolezalova, Chantal Job-Deslandre, Nico Wulffraat, Daniel Alvarez, Chuanbo Zang

The Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation ...www.scholars.northwestern.edu › fingerprints

Nicolino Ruperto*, Angela Pistorio, Angelo Ravelli, Lisa G. Rider, Clarissa Pilkington, Sheila Oliveira, Nico Wulffraat, Graciela Espada, Stella Garay, ...

The burden of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis for patients and ...research.vumc.nl › publications › the-burden-of-syst...

... Ivan Foeldvari, Andrew Zeft, Kathleen G. Lomax, Jill Gregson, Tineke Abma, Sarah Campbell-Hill, Jeffrey Weiss, Dony Patel, Nina Marinsek, Nico Wulffraat.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nico

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Nico; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Nico Wulffraat und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.