84 Infos zu Nicolas Bettenburg
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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wie meldet man Software-Fehler korrekt?, Universität des Saarlandes,...Universität des Saarlandes, Wenn ein Computerprogramm plötzlich abstürzt, sollte man dies dem Hersteller melden, damit er den Fehler beheben kann. D...
Wie meldet man Software-Fehler korrekt? – Innovations ReportNicolas Bettenburg promoviert an der Queen's Universität in Kanada, Adrian Schröter an der Universität Victoria in Kanada und Cathrin Weiss ...
Friday Foto – Kingston Newsrain, downpour, Nicolas Bettenburg Just as I was figuring out how best to start today's post, a man without any footwear walked by my office ...
Quantropi to present quantum communication breakthrough at IEEE...· Nicolas Bettenburg and I are very excited to be presenting two cornerstone research papers at QCE20," said Quantropi's Co-Founder and Chief ...
2 Bilder zu Nicolas Bettenburg

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Hey I just setup a flickr group. Maybe Nicolas BettenburgFacebook: Got Married - Nicolas Bettenburg - FacebookLinkedIn: Nicolas Bettenburg - Canada | LinkedInView Nicolas Bettenburg's (Canada) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Nicolas ...
Twitter Profil: Nicolas Bettenburg (nicbet)1 Hobbys & Interessen
Quantropi to present quantum communication Markets Insidermarkets.businessinsider.com › news › stocks › quant...· [Chief Technology Officer] Dr. Nicolas Bettenburg and I are very excited to be presenting two cornerstone research papers at QCE20," said ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Cloudy with a Chance of Pull RequestsPersonal Page of Nicolas Bettenburg, Ph.D.
8 Bücher zum Namen
Workshop Papers - Publications - Software Engineering Chair (Prof....by Valentin Dallmeier, Andrzej Wasylkowski, Nicolas Bettenburg ...
Changes and Bugs: Mining and Predicting Software Development...Software development results in a huge amount of data: changes to source code are recorded in version archives, bugs are reported to issue tracking systems,...
Making Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe It - Andy...Many claims are made about how certain tools, technologies, and practices improve software development. But which claims are verifiable, and which are merely...
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI Workshops,...73 Michael Stieghahn and Thomas Engel On the Central Role of Mailing Lists in Open Source Projects: An Exploratory Study Emad Shihab, Nicolas Bettenburg, Bram Adams, and Ahmed E. Hassan A Proposal of TIE Model for Communication in Software Development Process .
5 Dokumente
Nicolas Bettenburg, Founder, kuy.io inc. at Kuy.io inc. | SlideShareView all of Nicolas Bettenburg's Presentations.
SCHATTENBLICK - FORSCHUNG/080: Wie meldet man Software-Fehler...Nicolas Bettenburg promoviert an der Queen's Universität in Kanada, Adrian Schröter an der Universität Victoria in Kanada und Cathrin Weiss ...
An Empirical Study on the Risks of Using Off-the-Shelf ...An Empirical Study on the Risks of Using Off-the-Shelf Techniques for Processing. Mailing List Data. Nicolas Bettenburg. Emad Shihab. Ahmed E. Hassan.
EBSCOhost | | What Makes a Good Bug Report?Thomas Zimmermann, Member, IEEE, Rahul Premraj, Nicolas Bettenburg, Member, IEEE,. Sascha Just, Member, IEEE, Adrian Schrцter, Member, IEEE, and Cathrin Weiss. Abstract—In software development, bug reports provide crucial information to developers. However, these reports widely differ in their quality.
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Latifa GuerroujList of computer science publications by Latifa Guerrouj
dblp: Nicolas BettenburgList of computer science publications by Nicolas Bettenburg
Mining Software Archives - Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof....Software Engineering Chair, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany.
What Makes a Good Bug Report? (Revision 1.1) - Publications ...www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de › bettenburg-tr-2008by Nicolas Bettenburg, Sascha Just, Adrian Schröter, Cathrin Weiss, Rahul Premraj, Thomas Zimmermann. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Management of community contributions | SpringerLinkIn recent years, many companies have realized that collaboration with a thriving user or developer community is a major factor in creating innovative techn
On the Central Role of Mailing Lists in Open Source Projects: An...Mailing lists provide a rich set of data that can be used to improve and enhance our understanding of software processes and practices. This information allows...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Publications | Adrian's BlogIn IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering (May/June 2011) Thomas Zimmermann, Rahul Premraj, Nicolas Bettenburg, Sascha Just, Adrian Schröter, and ...
Extracting Structural Information from Bug Reports“Extracting Structural Information from Bug Reports” by Nicolas Bettenburg, Rahul Premraj, Thomas Zimmermann, and Sunghun Kim. In MSR 2008: 5th Working ...
Sunghun Kim's PAG publicationsby Nicolas Bettenburg, Rahul Premraj, Thomas Zimmermann, and Sunghun Kim. In MSR 2008: 5th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, (Leipzig, Germany), May 10
38 Webfunde aus dem Netz
asergrp - Mining Dynamic TracesAdrian Schröter, Nicolas Bettenburg, Rahul Premraj. Do Stack Traces Help Developers Fix Bugs? MSR Susan Horwitz, Ben Liblit, and Marina Polishchuk.
Thomas Zimmermann - Google AcadêmicoSr. Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond - Citado por - Software Engineering - Empirical Software Engineering - Mining...
Lectures/Readings - Software Evolution and Repository Mining[Oct 21, Yueqi, (↓Slides(JDT), ↓Slides)] Nicolas Bettenburg, Sascha Just, Adrian Schröter, Cathrin Weiss, Rahul Premraj, Thomas Zimmermann. What Makes a Good Bug
Walid Ibrahim, Nicolas Bettenburg, Emad Shihab and Ahmed Hassan...PostgreSQL
www.Fearly.de - Nicolas Bettenburg — PhD Student at SoftwareIn Deutschland, rangiert Fearly.de , mit geschätzten < 300 Besuchern im Monat. Klicken Sie hier um mehr Informationen zu dieser Webseite zu...
Nicolas Bettenburg / hoist · GitLabgitlab.com › nicbet › hoistRecursively render all liquid template files in a directory tree to stdout. Used for portable k8s manifests when you don't want to go all the way to Helm.
Curriculum Vitae[pdf]; Nicolas Bettenburg and Andrew Begel. Deciphering the Story of Software Development through Frequent Pattern Mining. In the Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Research Track, San Francisco, CA, USA. May [pdf]; Anja Guzzi, Andrew Begel, ...
Generated from Twitterwww.grammarware.net › twits › WCRE0914 Oct, 22:07 @akuhn: Nicolas Bettenburg uses Beanplots (rather than boxplots) to compare distributions of data, jstatsoft.org (via @leonmoonen #wcre09) ※ ...
History - MSR 2014Nicolas Bettenburg, Meiyappan Nagappan, and Ahmed E. Hassan; Green mining: A methodology of relating software change to power consumption
CrystalShards.orgContributors. your-github-user Nicolas Bettenburg - creator, maintainer. nicbet/amber-dynamic-routes-example UNLICENSED License ...
One moment, please...Co-Chair (with Alberto Bacchelli, Nicolas Bettenburg, and Sonia Haiduc) of the 3rd International Workshop on Mining Unstructured Data (MUD'13) collocated ...
Nicolas Bettenburgtriasbogor.com › nicbetNicolas Bettenburg. Nicolas Bettenburg. Suggestions. Jessica William. Graphic Designer. John Doe. PHP Developer. Poonam. Wordpress Developer. Bill Gates.
On the Central Role of Mailing Lists in Open Source Projects: An ...www.springerprofessional.de › on-the-central-role-o...Authors: Emad Shihab, Nicolas Bettenburg, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Published in: New Frontiers in Artificial ...
Mining Challenge - MSR 2014Gabriele Bavota, University of Sannio, Italy. Nicolas Bettenburg, Queen's University, Canada. Oscar Callau, University of Chile, Chile. Joshua Campbell, University of Alberta, Canada. Georgios Gousios, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Latifa Guerrouj, Concordia University, Canada.
Andrew Begel — Home PageA theme for faculty profile page
Predicting method crashes with bytecode operations | Semantic ScholarSoftware monitoring systems have high performance overhead because they typically monitor all processes of the running program. For example, to capture and...
Untitled DocumentNicolas Bettenburg, Weiyi Shang, Walid Ibrahim, Bram Adams, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan. An Empirical Study on Inconsistent Changes to Code Clones at ...
What Makes a Good Bug Report? · It Will Never Work in Theory· Nicolas Bettenburg, Sascha Just, Adrian Schröter, Cathrin Weiss, Rahul Premraj, and Thomas Zimmermann. What Makes a Good Bug Report?
Mining development repositories to study the impact of collaboration...Mining Development Repositories To Study the Impact of. Collaboration on Software Systems. Nicolas Bettenburg. Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL).
Weiyi Shang's web homeWeiyi Shang, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan. Using Pig as a Data Preparation Language for Large-Scale Mining Software Repositories Studies: An Experience Report, Journal of System and Software PDF. Nicolas Bettenburg, Weiyi Shang, Walid Ibrahim, Bram Adams, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan. An Empirical Study on ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nicolas
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Nicolas; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Bram Adams
- Valentin Dallmeier
- Walid Ibrahim
- Adrian Schröter
- Cathrin Weiss
- Melanie Jatta
- Susanne Bettenburg
Personensuche zu Nicolas Bettenburg & mehr
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