79 Infos zu Nicole Ostländer

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten


Nicole Ostlaender. Thursday, June 30, Room: FINTRY, Presenter. 14:00, Making INSPIRE work: an investigation on two major Dutch innercity projects to ...


Nicole Ostländer (1) and Lars Bernard (2) (1) Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI), University of Münster, Germany (2) Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Nicole Ostländer aus Detmold

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LinkedIn: Nicole Ostländer | LinkedIn

Nicole Ostländers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Nicole Ostländer ...

LinkedIn: Nicole Ostländer | LinkedIn

Visualizza il profilo professionale di Nicole Ostländer su LinkedIn. LinkedIn è la rete professionale più grande al mondo utilizzata dai professionisti come Nicole ...

Nicole Ostländer | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › author

Semantic Scholar profile for Nicole Ostländer, with 32 highly influential citations and 18 scientific research papers.

4 Projekte

Re: [Fwd: [deegree-users] Coordinate Systems] | deegree

Thank you very much and best regards, Nicole Andreas Poth schrieb: > Nicole Ostländer schrieb: > >> Hi, >> >> I have a similar question to the one raised by ...

deegree-users Mailing List for deegree

Dear Andreas, indeed, those are the codes, thank you and best regards Nicole Andreas Poth schrieb: > Nicole Ostländer schrieb: > >> Hi, >> >> a while ago I send a message to this list about the coordinate >> reference systems, described by INSPIRE. Do you know by now if the 3D >> CRS can be supported ?

Thread: [Fwd: [deegree-users] Coordinate Systems] | deegree

Thank you very much and best regards Nicole Ostlaender Muenster Germany Ursprüngliche Nachricht Betreff: [deegree-users] ...

[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [deegree-users] Coordinate Systems]] | deegree

Nicole Ostlaender Institute for Geoinformatics (IfGI) -28 D Muenster Fon.: + Fax.: +

7 Bücher zum Namen

Geo-information for Disaster Management | E-kirja | Ellibs...

Ellibs E-kirjakauppa - E-kirja: Geo-information for Disaster Management - Tekijä: Fendel, Elfriede M. - Hinta: 251,90€

Climate Change and Globalization in the Arctic: An Integrated...

Figure 1.1 Simplified diagram depicting multiple-level impacts on adaptive capacity Source: Figure courtesy of Nicole Ostländer. 30 climate change and ...

Geo-information for Disaster Management - Google Books

768 Nicole Ostländer and Lars Bernard Nicole Ostländer and Lars Bernard.

GeoSpatial Semantics: Second International Conference, GeoS 2007,...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics, GeoS 2007, held in Mexico City, Mexico, in...

9 Dokumente

Ostlaender, Nicole [WorldCat Identities]

View works by Nicole Ostlaender Publications about Nicole Ostlaender Publications by Nicole Ostlaender off 0 Publications by Nicole ...

Nicole Ostlaender - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

1 Service composition Roberto Lucchi joint work with Anders...

Slide 11 Service composition Roberto Lucchi joint work with Anders Friis-Christensen, Michael Lutz and Nicole Ostlaender European Commission – DG Joint...

Cross-language Information Retrieval in Geoportal LEMAgaston.lema.arch.ulg.ac.be › research

Nicole Ostländer, Hong Cao, Ioannis Kanellopoulos. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment & Sustainability. 3rd Workshop ...

18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht Institut für...

Lök. Nicole Ostländer, Dipl.-Forstwirt Martin Stöcker. Veröffentlichungen: Senkler, K., and Stöcker, M.: Geoservices für das integrierte Logistikkonzept 'Forst ...

dblp: Nicole Ostländer

List of computer science publications by Nicole Ostländer

Search results for "Anders Friis-Christensen" – FacetedDBLP

Anders Friis-Christensen, Nicole Ostländer, Michael Lutz, Lars Bernard: Designing Service Architectures for Distributed Geoprocessing: Challenges and Future Directions.

Feierliche Promotionen

wissen.leben - Die WWU Münster - eine renommierte Hochschule in einer sympathischen Stadt.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

GeoSpatial Semantics | SpringerLink

... Framework for the Composition of Geographic Information Services. Michael Lutz, Roberto Lucchi, Anders Friis-Christensen, Nicole Ostländer. Pages

GEOSSServiceFactory < Geoprocessing < TWiki

Laura Díaz, Nicole Ostlaender and Sven Schade. Supporting content publication for INSPIRE INSPIRE Conference Edinburgh 27 June - 1 July.

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Energy Modelling Platform — Europe May meeting - Open data -...

“Raising awareness in model-based energy scenario studies — a transparency checklist”. Energy, Sustainability and Society. 6: 28–47. ISSN doi: s z. Open access. Doldirina, Catherine, Anders Friis- Christensen, Nicole Ostlaender, Andrea Perego, Alessandro Annoni, ...

Toward a community view on open data licensing - Open data - Open...

Doldirina, Catherine, Anders Friis-Christensen, Nicole Ostlaender, Andrea Perego, Alessandro Annoni, Ioannis Kanellopoulos, Massimo ...

31 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Nicole Ostländer | LinkedIn

View Nicole Ostländer's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Nicole Ostländer discover ...

1 Service composition Roberto Lucchi joint work with Anders ...slideplayer.com › slide

1 Service composition Roberto Lucchi joint work with Anders Friis-Christensen, Michael Lutz and Nicole Ostlaender European Commission – DG Joint Research ...

A Rule-Based Description Framework for the Composition of ...

Authors: Michael Lutz, Roberto Lucchi, Anders Friis-Christensen, Nicole Ostländer Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Published in: GeoSpatial Semantics » Get access to the full-text ...

Artikelarchiv - gispoint.de

Beate Stollberg, Michael Lutz, Nicole Ostländer, Lars Bernard. Geodateninfrastrukturen bestehen heute vor allem aus GI-Diensten, die Basisfunktionen wie Geodatenrecherche, -zugriff und -visualisierung anbieten. Dadurch werden Geodaten zwar leichter nutzbar, die Verknüpfung von Diensten für die bedarfsgerechte Analyse von Geodaten wird aber noch nicht unterstützt. …

A Rule-Based Description Framework for the Composition of Geographic...

SDIs offer access to a wealth of distributed data sources through standardised service interfaces. Recently, also geoprocessing capabilities are offered as...

ACHI Program

Sven Shade, Nicole Ostländer, Carlos Granell, Michael Shulz, Daniel McInerney, Gregoire Dubois, Lorenzino Vaccari, Michele Chinosi, Laura Díaz, Lucy Bastin, Richard Jones. One Click Focusing: An SQL-based Fast Loop Road Extraction Method for Mobile Map Services Daisuke Yamamoto, Hiroki Itoh, ...

(PDF) Addressing vagueness in Volunteered Geographic Information...

By Nicole Ostlaender in Climate Change and Service Oriented Architecture. The stakeholders that are directly affected by the climate change might become an ...

Andrea Perego

... Raphaël TroncySemantic Web Journal (2017)URL: http://www.semantic-web- journal.net/content/best-practices-publishing-retrieving-and-using-spatial-data- web-0; Describing models in context – A step towards enhanced transparency of scientific processes underpinning policy makingNicole Ostländer, Tom Bailly- Salins ...

ECA Journal BIG DATA & digital audit - Nederlandse ...www.denederlandsegrondwet.nl › ...

... Pisa on digitalisation and audit standards; and Jiri Hradec, Charles Macmillan and Nicole Ostlaender from the EU's JRC on the use of language processing for ...

EU conference on modelling for policy support: experiences,...

The Competence Centre on Modelling of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is organizing the EU Conference on Modelling for Policy support.

D-Lib Magazine

... of California, Irvine https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm. [5] Granell, G., Laura Díaz, Sven Schade, Nicole Ostländer, and Joaquín Huerta.

Describing models in context – A step towards enhanced transparency...

Describing models in context – A step towards enhanced transparency of scientific processes underpinning policy making

GEOProcessing 2012, The Fourth International ThinkMindwww.thinkmind.org › ...

Sven Shade, Nicole Ostländer, Carlos Granell, Michael Shulz, Daniel McInerney, Gregoire Dubois, Lorenzino Vaccari, Michele Chinosi, Laura Díaz, Lucy Bastin, ...

List of Reviewers - PDF Free Download - KUNDOC.COMkundoc.com › ...

... Alan Murray Shailesh Nayak Doug Nebert Zorica Nedovic-Budic David O'Sullivan Nancy Obermeyer Joseph Oppong Nicole Ostlaender Tonny Oyana Antonio ...

How to communicate

An ongoing personal sampling of the universal recorded-knowledge base

PPT - The INSPIRE Geoportal PowerPoint Presentation, free download -...

The INSPIRE Geoportal. Ioannis Kanellopoulos, Bertrand de Longeville, Gianluca Luraschi, Nicole Ostlaender, Steve Peedell Cathal Thorne Spatial Data...

The 3rd ISDE Digital Earth Summit, Nessebar, Bulgaria, June ...cartography-gis.com › html_css

Bertrand De Longueville, Alessandro Annoni, Sven Schade, Nicole Ostlaender. Digital Earth's nervous system and Volunteered Geographic Information ...

GEOProcessing Program

Sven Shade, Nicole Ostländer, Carlos Granell, Michael Shulz, Daniel McInerney, Gregoire Dubois, Lorenzino Vaccari, Michele Chinosi, Laura Díaz, Lucy Bastin, ...

DBLP: Anders Friis-Christensen

Michael Lutz, Roberto Lucchi, Anders Friis-Christensen, Nicole Ostländer: A Rule-Based Description Framework for the Composition of Geographic Information ...

orchestra: an open service architecture for risk management

Author: N.K. Dewey. Author: I. Smith. Author: Gerald Schimak. Author: Anders Friis-Christensen. Author: Nicole Ostlaender. Author: Michel Millot.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nicole

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Nicole; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; Information zur männlichen Form Nikolaus:; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

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