36 Infos zu Nicole Perterer

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: nicole perterer – Project Leader – KTM E-TECHNOLOGIES GmbHat.linkedin.com › nicole-perterer-865b97b6

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von nicole perterer im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von nicole perterer sind 3 Jobs angegeben.

Nicole Perterer | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Nicole Perterer, with 5 highly influential citations and 25 scientific research papers.

Nicole Perterer – Center for Human-Computer Interaction

› person › pert...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Automotive User Interfaces | E-kirja | Ellibs E-kirjakauppawww.ellibs.com › book › automotive-user-interfaces

Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Sandra Trösterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Manfred Tscheligi. 8. The Influence of Non-driving-Related Activities on ...

Automotive User Interfaces: Creating Interactive Experiences in the...

Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Sandra Trösterer, Alina Krischkowsky and Manfred Tscheligi Abstract When designing interfaces for a vehicle, ...

COOP 2016: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the...

Contextual Collaboration: Where Automation and People Meet Nicole Perterer, Verena Fuchsberger, Manfred Tscheligi, Astrid Weiss, Volker Wulf, ...

Designing Socially Embedded Technologies in the Real-World - Google...

... Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria Nicole Perterer Centre for Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Computer ...

1 Dokumente

WoZ Way: Enabling Real-Time Remote Interaction Prototyping ...www.wendyju.com › publications › CSCW2017-Martelaro

Nicole Perterer, Petra Sundström, Alexander. Meschtscherjakov, David Wilfinger, and Manfred. Tscheligi Come Drive with Me: An Ethnographic.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Alexander Meschtscherjakov

List of computer science publications by Alexander Meschtscherjakov

dblp: Nicole Perterer

List of computer science publications by Nicole Perterer

dblp: Manfred Tscheligi

List of computer science publications by Manfred Tscheligi

dblp: David Wilfinger

List of computer science publications by David Wilfinger

21 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Nicole Perterer - researchr alias

Publications by 'Nicole Perterer'. Publications; Advised. Viewing Publication from 15.

Nicole Perterer (nicolegridling) – Profil | Pinterest

› nicolegridling

Perterer, Nicole: la bibliothèque numérique gratuite Z-Library

Perterer, Nicole: la bibliothèque numérique gratuite Z-Library | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books

AutomotiveUI 2015

AutomotiveUI runs from September 1 – September 3, Nicole Perterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov and Manfred Tscheligi; 12: :15: Lunch: West ...

AutomotiveUI Auto UIwww.auto-ui.org › proceedings

Nicole Perterer, Petra Sundström. Alexander Meschtscherjakov, David Wilfinger, Manfred Tscheligi. Exploring Car-to-Car Communication in Traffic Jam: ...

Automotive Hmi Test Package Youtube - Otosection

... automotive hmi test package: an exploitable approach to study in car hmisauthors:david wilfinger, alexander meschtscherjakov, nicole perterer, ma. › automotiv...

Follow Me: Exploring Strategies and Challenges for Collaborative...

... and Challenges for Collaborative Driving. Nicole Perterer, Susanne Meerwald-Stadler, Sandra Trösterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi.

Automotive User Experience Design Patterns - MOAM.INFO

Automotive User Experience Design Patterns: An Approach and. Pattern Examples. Alexander G. Mirnig, Tim Kaiser, Artur Lupp, Nicole Perterer,. › download

CSCW '16 Companion- Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on...

Safety through Collaboration: A New Challenge for Automotive Design. Nicole Perterer. Designing Computer Supported Collaborative Applications for ... › toc › cscw

Related Work - Human-Computer Interaction Groupwww.andreasriener.com › literature

[5], Nicole Perterer, Christiane Moser, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Alina Krischkowsky, and Manfred Tscheligi Activities and Technology Usage while ...

IARIA Journals

Nicole Perterer, Christian Doppler Laboratory for ”Contextual Interfaces”, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg, Austria › inte...

The Neglected Passenger-How Collaboration in the Car Fosters Driving...

... in the Car Fosters Driving Experience and Safety. Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Sandra Trösterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Manfred Tscheligi.

Measuring Sound Experience with In-Vehicle Speaker Systems —...

David Wilfinger, Nicole Perterer, Arno Laminger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi. Publikation: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › Peer-reviewed. Alexander Mirnig, Nicole Perterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Alina Krischkowsky, Katja Neureiter, Arno Laminger, Manfred Tscheligi. › publications › mea... › ...


Alexander G. Mirnig, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Daniela Wurhofer, Elke Beck, Arno Laminger, Manfred Tscheligi. › AwardsPA...

Paper sessions | Game-Changing Design

Nicole Perterer, Christine Moser, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Alina Krischkowsky, Manfred Tscheligi. To See or Not to See – The Effect of Object Recognition ... › pa...

Program - Cognitive Load and In-Vehicle Human-Machine ...

David Wilfinger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer and Manfred Tscheligi. 4:45, Discussion: next steps (Moderator: Andrew Kun). › program-2

The Neglected Passenger—How Collaboration in the Car ...

Autoren: Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Sandra Trösterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Manfred Tscheligi. Mehr anzeigen. Erschienen in: Automotive User ... › the-neglected-pas...

The Neglected Passenger—How Collaboration in the Car ...

Publisher: Springer International Publishing. Authors: Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Sandra Trösterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Manfred Tscheligi ... › works

ThinkMind(TM) Digital Library - Thinkmind.org.

Tim Kaiser, Alexander G. Mirnig, Nicole Perterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, and Manfred Tscheligi keywords: design patterns; pattern identification and ... Alexander G. Mirnig, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Alina Krischkowsky, Daniela Wurhofer, Elke Beck, Arno Laminger, and Manfred Tscheligi › ...

Day 3 – AutomotiveUI '18, Toronto, ON, Canada

— Nicole Perterer, Susanne Meerwald-Stadler, Sandra Trösterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi. › program › day3

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nicole

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Nicole; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; Information zur männlichen Form Nikolaus:; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

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