246 Infos zu Niels Trannois
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- Galerie Chez Valentin
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- Alina Vergnano
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22 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Le Dauphiné Libéré— Niels Trannois expose jusqu'au 15 janvier. Photo Le DL /B.M..
AltertuemLiches.atNiels Trannois. Niels Trannois · STAGE Bregenz ist eröffnet: „Regionaler Kunst-Treffpunkt von internationaler Qualität“ Messe vom 22. bis im ...
Lausanne musées... Niels Trannois, Helena Uambembe, Léonie Vanay, Caroline Ventura, Gaïa Vincensini, Baker Wardlaw, Manon Wertenbroek, Shirin Yousefi, Myriam Ziehli. Infos ...
STAGE BregenzWindhager von Kaenel, CH (Niels Trannois) Efremidis, DE (Aura Rosenberg) Castiglioni Fine Arts, IT (Giulio Bonfante) Galleria Doris Ghetta, IT (Sophie ...
6 Bilder zu Niels Trannois

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: SALTS - Niels Trannois, 'La Mue (Singe est nu FacebookFacebook: Niels Trannois | FacebookLinkedIn: Niels Trannois | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Niels Trannois auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Niels Trannois hat folgende Hochschule besucht: ESAA Duperré, Paris, France. Sehen Sie sich das vollständige Profil von Niels Trannois an, um sich zu vernetzen und ähnliche Jobs und Personen zu finden.
LinkedIn: Niels Trannois | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Niels Trannois (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
6 Hobbys & Interessen
Niels Trannois | FacebookIlija Wyller, Niels Trannois, Alina Vergnano at StudioloIlija Wyller Niels Trannois Alina Vergnano Curated by Maria Chiara Valacchi Opening Thursday January 18th pm
Niels Trannois | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Niels Trannois. ArtSlant is the #1 Contemporary Art Network with comprehensive information on artists and events ...
Niels Trannois | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Niels Trannois is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
workmaster.chNiels Trannois est né en en France. Il a suivit une formation à l'ESAA Duperré (Paris), puis à la Villa Arson (Nice) avant ...
Team - Universität der Künste BerlinTobias Daniel Reiser, Musiktheater Niels Trannois, Artist in Residence. top © UdK Berlin | Kontakt | Impressum und Datenschutz | Sitemap | Druckversion .
2 Persönliche Webseiten
HESGEhttps://www.hesge.ch › directoryContact Niels TrannoisContact Niels Trannois ... This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Emmanuelle Castellan... Niels Trannois, CCA Andratx, Majorca, ; Dévider le réel, Museum les Abattoirs, Toulouse, Her solo exhibitions include Black Box, Le Manoir ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Artsyhttps://www.artsy.net › artist › niel...Niels Trannois - CVBack to Niels Trannois. Solo shows. This artist has no solo shows yet. Group shows. This artist has no group shows yet. Fair booths. This artist has no fair ...
CV – Sylvain Gelewski*1991 Nyon, CHLives & works in Geneva, CH Education2019 MFA, Work.Master, Contemporary Art Practices, HEAD–Geneva, CH2018 Erasmus, Malerei, Painting...
2 Projekte
Drawings - MER.Drawings Niels Trannois SC pages / 27,5 x 21 cm. Published by. MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language FR / EN Authors
Drawings - MER.www.merpaperkunsthalle.org › viewNiels Trannois SC pages / 27,5 x 21 cm. Published by. MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language FR / EN Authors Clara Guislain, Guillaume Ollendorff
6 Bücher zum Namen
navigart.frOeuvre en 3 dimensions, Installation. Niels Trannois a travaillé la notion d'apparition et de diffraction de l'image ...
Les Collections des FRACundefined © Niels Trannois. Niels TRANNOIS. d'elle je ne peux rien dire, © Niels Trannois. Oeuvre en 3 dimensions. Florian ...
AbeBooks: : Niels Trannois: Drawings: AbeBooksNiels Trannois: Drawings bei AbeBooks.de - ISBN 10: ISBN 13: MER - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Softcover
Niels Trannois. Drawings. by Trannois, Niels:: Gut (2014) |...AbeBooks.com: Niels Trannois. Drawings.: 71 S. Text auch englisch. - Agiter l'horizon à la verticale CLARA GUISLAIN -- Be nice to me -- Démence à escient
3 Dokumente
NIELS TRANNOISNiels TRANNOIS is a Basel based artist working in the extended field of painting. His work can be understood as frag- ments of the fictional scenario of Seiten·91 KB
Salts.chJosep Maynou, Alan Schmalz, John Smith and Niels Trannois ... The artworks are by Nina Canell, Rochelle Feinstein, Louise Lawler, Marie Matusz, Josep. Maynou, ...
Moulin, Ginette [WorldCat Identities]... Pietro Roccasaiva, Markus Schinwald, Niels Trannois, Tatiana Trouvé, Ulla Von Brandenbourg, Andro Weka by Ginette Moulin( Book )
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: bol.comNiels Trannois (Paperback). «drawings» est une publication de l'artiste Niels Trannois. Construite comme une lecture des modes opératoires de l'artiste; ,00 €
Kunsthalle BaselNiels Trannois. Noemi Pfister. Sofia Durrieu. KUNST. KREDIT. Kunsthalle Basel ... Die Porzellanplatten, welche Niels Trannois als Träger für seine Malerei ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Niels Trannois: Above Sea Level Kind of Things / Galerie Chez...Galerie Chez Valentin innaugurated the exhibition Above sea level kind of things by artist Niels Trannois on April 26, in Paris. Trannois engages with...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Due mostre a Milano Luca Reffo da galleria Rubin e Niels...Questa settimana a Milano tra le varie mostre inagurate ne consiglio in particolare due: la personale di Luca Reffo, Close to me, presso la galleria Rubin a...
Niels Trannois | Sottoosservazione's BlogTag: Niels Trannois. This entry was posted on febbraio 24, at 8:41 pm and is filed under inquadrature. You can follow any responses to this entry through ...
Art Fairs Open Tomorrow in London | Art Resources ProjectTomorrow is the start of a long weekend of art fairs around London, the most prominent being the Frieze fair. Frieze runs from October 11th through Sunday,...
178 Webfunde aus dem Netz
HESGEhttps://www.hesge.ch › annuaire › n...Niels Trannois - HEAD GenèveNiels Trannois. Téléphone direct + · Portrait de Niels Trannois. © HEAD – Genève, ...
Instagram · nielstrannois60+ „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 9 MonatenNiels Trannois | ''Küngold and the Pale Knight ...Photo by Niels Trannois on May 29, May be an image of sculpture.
Art ViewerArtists: Nina Canell, Rochelle Feinstein, Louise Lawler, Marie Matusz, Josep Maynou, Alan Schmalz, John Smith, Niels Trannois.
Artist Pension TrustARTWORK DETAILS ; Title: Suhail Al Muhlif ; By: Niels Trannois ; Date: ; Media: Oil, fabrics and threads on silk ; ...
ArtlandNiels Trannois is a mid-career contemporary visual artist, who originates from France, like other well-known artists such as Dominique Dehais, Marie Raymond ...
ArtribuneEventi dedicati a Niels Trannois ; Wyller | Trannois | Vergnano · STUDIOLO · Milano; · ; Nobody home... A PALAZZO GALLERY · Brescia;
ArtsuppTitle: A,K,Y. Author: Niels Trannois. Date: Technique: Displayed in: Swiss Institute. In the Exhibition: I, I SEE YOU ...
Borgerhoff & LamberigtsNiels Trannois. Niels Trannois. Kunstenaar. Contact. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts NV. Burgstraat 18K, Gent. BTW BE BE
Contemporary Art LibraryDocumentation of Niels Trannois featuring works by Felicia Atkinson, Quintana E., Polina Moroz, Sylvia Sleigh at Villa du Parc, Geneva is available at ...
Contemporary Art SwitzerlandExhibition View Niels Trannois Solo Show «KERNING; view on Il y a eu une noria toute la nuit, 2022, oil on laser engraved porcelain paper, 36,5 x 25,5cm» at ...
Daily Art FairArtist : Niels Trannois | Daily Art Fair is the International modern and contemporary art galleries for Current, Past and Futur Galleries exhibitions all ...
Daily LazyIlija Wyller, Niels Trannois, Alina Vergnano at Studiolo / Milan, Italy · Studiolo is pleased to present the group show of artists Ilija Wyller, Niels · Modulated
GALERIE DES GALERIESBorn in in Flers, France. Lives and works in Berlin. Niels Trannois' paintings tend towards sculpture in the way they highlight the irregularities of the ...
Lafayette AnticipationsD'une composition abstraite mettant seulement en relief les veines brutes du bois du support, Niels Trannois fait émerger des membres ...
Mrac OccitanieAccueilNiels TRANNOIS. Retour. Niels TRANNOIS. "La vie dans l'espace" Exposition de collection. Exposition Du
MutualArtView artworks for sale or loan by Niels Trannois (German, 1976) on MutualArt along with auctions, exhibitions and articles featuring the artist.
My Art GuidesSupportico Lopez presents “K.J. (lethal psy ritual)”, a solo show featuring the new body of work by the artist Niels Trannois.
NERO EditionsNiels Trannois. is a French artist based in Switzerland. Current exhibitions include Hunter of Worlds at SALTS, Basel and Ich, Ich Sehe Dich at Istituto ...
Perimeter DistributionDrawings by Niels Trannois is conceived as a lecture of the different operating modes of the artist. It displays how Trannois' ...
Villa du ParcNiels Trannois, né en à Flers, a étudié à la Villa Arson à Nice. Il est actuellement enseignant à la HEAD, Genève.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Niels
Männlicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Niels; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus
Verwandte Personensuchen
Personensuche zu Niels Trannois & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Niels Trannois und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.