293 Infos zu Nikita Kadan
Mehr erfahren über Nikita Kadan
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- R.E.P
- Zhanna Kadyrova
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31 Aktuelle Nachrichten
tranzit.at / news / artist-talk---art-in-a-state-of-crisisFriday, 29 January 2016, 6– pm. Academy of Fine Arts ViennaVienna, Sitzungssaal Nikita Kadan created In the ...
Nikita Kadan - Galerie Jérôme Poggi› artistes › news › nikita-kadan
Juxtapoz Magazine - "Procedure Room" by Nikita Kadan"Procedure Room" by Nikita Kadan. May 22, View Gallery. "This project is about police torture, a widespread practice in contemporary Ukraine. One could ...
NIKITA KADAN. LIMITS OF RESPONSIBILITY - kunstaspekteNIKITA KADAN. LIMITS OF RESPONSIBILITY. Nikita Kadan. Preview FreitagUhr Den Ausgangspunkt der Werkreihe „Limits of ...
63 Bilder zu Nikita Kadan

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
pinterest.com: Nikita Kadanvk.com: Nikita Kadan | VKNikita Kadan, Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from НАИИА (НАОМА) in Log in or sign up to contact Nikita Kadan or find more of your friends.
Nikita Kadan im Literaturhaus StuttgartNikita Kadan im Literaturhaus Stuttgart. Autor. Kunst im Protest: Vier Positionen Samstag Uhr. Kunst im Protest: Vier Positionen Freitag
Nikita Kadan – ArtsEverywhere› ni...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Artist Talk - Art in a State of Crisis. Nikita Kadan in conversation with ...Opening exhibition Nikita Kadan, Gazelka | Art and the Struggle of...Opening exhibition Nikita Kadan, Gazelka | Art and the Struggle of Ideologies, Galerie Transit, Zandpoortvest 10, Mechelen, Belgium. Sun Aug at 03:00...
Nikita Kadan | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Nikita Kadan is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
HOME : НІКІТА КАДАН NIKITA KADANfeaturing a young generation of Ukrainian artists, including Yevgenia Belorusets, Nikita Kadan, Zhanna Kadyrova, Mykola Ridnyi & Serhiy Zhadan, Artem ... Es fehlt: flashlight
contacts : НІКІТА КАДАН NIKITA KADANНІКІТА КАДАН/ NIKITA KADAN. Роботи/Works; Процедурна кімната/ Procedure room · Постамент/ Pedestal · Будиночок велетнів/Small house of giants ... Відсутні: Kaltenborn b Adenau"
4 Projekte
Victor Pinchuk Supports the Ukrainian Pavilion at Venice Biennale -...The PinchukArtCentre, with the support of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, will organize the Ukrainian pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale.
Nikita Kadan -> Bedtime reading on demand› projects
basis wien - Nikita Kadanbasis wien | Kunst Information und Archiv
Victor Pinchuk Foundation - PinchukArtCentre: Photogallery“Fear and Hope”, group exhibition including: Zhanna Kadyrova, Nikita Kadan and Artem Volokytin. Artem Volokitin, artist. Artem Volokitin, artist.
6 Bücher zum Namen
Nikita Kadan (Author of The Book of Kyiv)Nikita Kadan is the author of The Book of Kyiv (4.43 avg rating, 7 ratings, 1 review)
Nikita Kadan - Announcement - art & books (SKU: )› ephemera
R.E.P. Revolutionary Experimental Space | The Green BoxThe publication presents the work of the Ukranian artist group Revolutionary Experimental Space ... Nikita Kadan, Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Zhanna Kadyrova, …
Project of ruins: Nikita Kadan - Google Books› about
2 Dokumente
Lab Garage Presentation EngLabGarage Gallery Kiev
[PDF] solo guide - Free Download PDFDownload solo guide...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Sound of Silence: Art during Dictatorship | Office for Anti-PropagandaSound of Silence: Art during Dictatorship. Posted on 25. May by admin Artists: Project Antibrainwash, Nikita Kadan, Alexander Komarov, Denis Limonov ...
Nikita Kadan - Wikidata› wiki
4 Video- & Audioinhalte
Nikita Kadan (Ukraine), one of 21 artists nominated for the Future...Nikita Kadan (Ukraine), one of 21 artists nominated for the Future Generation Art Prize Repost · Travel ...
FLACC: artists: Nikita Kadan› kunstenaars
Kyiv-based artist Nikita Kadan speaks about his project for ...› video
Bienal de Estambul RTVE.esDe Nikita Kadan (Ucrania) “El refugio” (2015): los museos de Historia Natural y sus animales silenciosos sobreviven melancólicos a la ...
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Кадан Микита Вікторович — ВікіпедіяПримітки[ред. | ред. код]. ↑ Перейти до: CV_ua : НІКІТА КАДАН/ NIKITA KADAN. nikitakadan.com (en). Процитовано
Interview with Nikita Kadan - PinchukArtCentre› kadan
'A Catastrophe is Unfolding': Nikita Kadan on the Situation ...› article
Arterritory - «War Has Come to Visit Me»— In the Visual Arts category the prize was awarded to the artist Nikita Kadan for his solo exhibition 'Stone Hits Stone' and Tiberiy Silvashi for ... › interviews
157 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Nikita Kadan - Google Arts & Culture› asset › nikita-kadan
Difficulties of Profanation - Nikita Kadan — Google Arts & CultureA traditional showcase, in its form and material referring to showcases from the Soviet Union, accumulates materials that Nikita Kadan has collected in eas...
Auctions for artworks by Nikita KADAN: hammer prices and sold lots...Nikita KADAN: prices at auctions for artworks by Nikita KADAN. the artist's market and their works' prices and indices.
Nigerian gives political edge to Venice Biennale - Yahoo ...... a sort of historic museum," one of the artists, Nikita Kadan, told AFP Insane Navy Seal Flashlight Selling Out Fast NPA G700 Flashlight ...
Nikita Kadan / WORK OVERVIEW / Campagne PremièreNikita Kadan, artist, is represented by gallery Campagne Première in Berlin.
Nikita KADAN (1980) : Auction sales, auction prices, indices and...Nikita KADAN: worldwide auctions of art categories: Painting. The artist's market, biography, price levels and indices of his/her artworks.
"Nikita Kadan" Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser►
"Nikita Kadan. Project of Ruins" / Mumok, Wien » CREATIVE AUSTRIA –...Nikita Kadan arbeitet mit Objekten, Skulpturen und Installation, ebenso wie mit Zeichnungen, Malerei und Fotografie. Der Künstler erweist sich ...
24/03▷ – BABI BADALOV & NIKITA KADAN – GALERIE JÉRÔME POGGI...24/03▷ – BABI BADALOV & NIKITA KADAN – GALERIE JÉRÔME POGGI PARIS ... Dans un second temps, Nikita Kadan (né en 1982, à Kiev), figure ... Visit Us On Instagram Visit Us On Pinterest Visit Us On Linkedin.
Collection - Nikita Kadan - Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw› artysci › nik...
Die 40 besten Bilder von NIKITA KADANBabooshka. Ensuring mausoleum : НІКІТА КАДАН/ NIKITA KADAN. Babooshka (Ensuring mausoleum) Concrete, glass, bread This work is dedicated to the Soviet epoch people, the creators of the most powerful non-capitalistic modernization of the past century, the last mediums of historical consciousness. Senior ...
(PDF) The Double Bind of History. Introduction to Nikita Kadan first...The Double Bind of History. Introduction to Nikita Kadan first monographic book "Yesterday, Today, Today". Silvia Franceschini. Loading Preview. Sorry, preview ...
Art | Nikita Kadan's "Procedure Room" Banned by Chinese Government |...Nikita Kadan's
Artist : Nikita Kadan | Daily Art FairArtist : Nikita Kadan | Daily Art Fair is the International modern and contemporary art galleries for Current, Past and Futur Galleries exhibitions all around...
NIKITA KADAN. Branch (2018) | Artists at Risk (AR)› nikita-kadan
Artist-run space | Space | Nikita Kadan | ATP DIARYContemporary Art Magazine
Nikita Kadan Artworks for Sale on Artsy› nikita-kadan › works-for-sale
Nikita Kadan - Bio, Artworks, Exhibitions and more - ArtlandFind the latest art for sale, exhibitions and biography by Nikita Kadan.
Buy Nikita Kadan - 1 Original Artworks for SaleAt times of political upheaval it is essential to have artists capable of exposing the truth, like Nikita Kadan. His practice includes installations,...
Nikita Kadan - Afterall› nikita-ka...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nikita
Männlicher Vorname (Russisch): Nikita; unüberwindlich; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); aniketos = unüberwindlich; nikao = erobern, überwinden; lateinische Form des griechischen Namens 'Aniketos'; bekannt durch den hl. Anicetus, einem der ersten Päpste (2. Jh.); die italienische Variante 'Aniceto' ist heute in Italien aktuell als Vorname in GebrauchWeiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Nikita; unüberwindlich; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); russische Form des griechischen Namens 'Aniketos'; dieser in Russland klar männliche Name wird in den USA auch weiblich verwendet
Verwandte Personensuchen
Personensuche zu Nikita Kadan & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Nikita Kadan und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.