55 Infos zu Nils Hoeller
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Lebt in
- Luebeck
Infos zu
- Information Systems
- Christoph Reinke
- Volker Linnemann
- Sven Groppe
- Jana Neumann
- Christian Werner
- Dirk Kukulenz
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Bilder zu Nils Hoeller

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Nils HoellerFacebook: Nils Hoeller
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1 Infos zur Ausbildung
classmates: Nils Hoeller, Class of Williamette Christian School - ClassmatesNils Hoeller graduate of Williamette Christian School in Eugene, OR is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Nils Hoeller and other high school alumni from Williamette Christian School.
1 Projekte
xsparql-notify Mailing List for xsparqlgglkhr2008, - Author =3D {Sven Groppe and Jinghua Groppe and Volker Linneman and Dirk K= ukulenz and Nils Hoeller and Christoph Reinke}, - Booktitle =3D ...
6 Bücher zum Namen
oDOBS - Author page: Volker LinnemannDirk KUKULENZ, Nils HOELLER, Sven GROPPE, Volker LINNEMANN: Optimization of Bounded Continuous Search Queries Based on Ranking Distributions. ...
Communication and Networking | E-kirja | Ellibs E-kirjakauppaEllibs E-kirjakauppa - E-kirja: Communication and Networking - Tekijä: Chang, Alan Chin-Chen - Hinta: 97,90€
Communication and Networking: International Conference, FGCN/ACN...... Christoph Reinke, Nils Hoeller, and Volker Linnemann Weaknesses and Improvements of Kuo-Lee's One- Time Password Authentication Scheme XIV Table ...
Open and Novel Issues in XML Database Applications: Future ...books.google.gr › booksLübeck,.Germany Jinghua Groppe University.of.Lübeck,.Germany Christoph Reinke University.of.Lübeck,.Germany Nils Hoeller University.of.Lübeck,.Germany ...
1 Dokumente
References - Hal-Inriahal.inria.fr › file › index › docid › filename[GGL +08]Groppe2008 Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Volker Linnemann, Dirk Kukulenz, Nils Hoeller, and Christoph Reinke. Embedding SPARQL into ...
17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dienstorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung für ...Neumann, Jana, Nils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke und Volker Linnemann; Analysis and Comparison of Atomic Commit Protocols for Adaptive Usage in Wireless ...
Efficient XML data and query integration in the wireless sensor n...:...Nils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke, Jana Neumann and Sven Groppe. Institute of Information Systems, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany. Christian Werner.
dblp: Dirk KukulenzList of computer science publications by Dirk Kukulenz
Nils Hoeller - dblpdblp.org › PersonsChristoph Reinke, Nils Hoeller, Volker Linnemann: Adaptive atomic transaction support for service migration in wireless sensor networks.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Adaptive Quality-Aware Replication in Wireless Sensor Networks |...Typical sensor network deployments are usually built for long-term usage. Additionally, the sensor nodes are often exposed to harsh environmental influences....
International Journal of Web Information Systems: Vol. 6 Iss www.emerald.com › insight › issnNils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke, Jana Neumann, Sven Groppe, Christian Werner, Volker Linnemann. In the last decade, XML has become the de facto standard ...
Optimization of Bounded Continuous Search Queries Based on Ranking...A common search problem in the World Wide Web concerns finding information if it is not known when the sources of information appear and how long sources will...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Re: Problem Starting Nutch (Tutorial like) - Nils Hoeller -...Hey Michael,. from which Date is your nutch-nightly? I used the 2 days ago build version. The crawler is running fine in this moment and ...
19 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Nils Hoeller - researchr aliasAdaptive atomic transaction support for service migration in wireless sensor networksChristoph Reinke, Nils Hoeller, Volker Linnemann. wocn 2010: 1-8 [doi].
TDGS - "Nils Hoeller""Nils Hoeller" ... Nils Hoeller · Mobile Data ManagementFetch | Report | Google · Efficient XML data and query integration in the wireless sensor ...
'Nils Hoeller ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Nils Hoeller <nilshoeller () arcor ! de>' (20 msg) [1] use of Luke s getHighFreqTerms lucene-us [1] ...
Mr. Nils Hoeller /As it was said before, we do not take money for Company placement at our Catalogue. Obligatory: Company is switched in Catalogue only after Operator`s ...
AICT08 ProgramA Competency-Oriented Modeling Approach for Personalized E-Learning Systems Mihaela Brut, Sabin Buraga, Sergiu Dumitriu, Gheorghe Grigoras, and Marta Girdea. Web Contents Tracking by Learning of Page Grammars Dirk Kukulenz, Christoph Reinke, and Nils Hoeller. Automatic Generation of Web User Interfaces in ...
Adaptive Quality-Aware Replication in Wireless Sensor ...www.springerprofessional.de › ada...Authors: Jana Neumann, Christoph Reinke, Nils Hoeller, Volker Linnemann. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Published in: Communication and ...
'nutch-developers' list - MARC[1] [Nutch-dev] ParseData Object nutch-dev Nils Hoeller [2] [Nutch-dev] Re: Different Number of Doc in Index and nutch-dev Nils Hoeller 166.
Journal of Networking TechnologyThe International Journal of Neural Systems> is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural systems.
Development of Fuzzy Logic for Concurrency Control in Computer Aided...Development of Fuzzy Logic for Concurrency Control in Computer Aided Design Database
HTML - Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer ScienceSven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Volker Linnemann, Dirk Kukulenz, Nils Hoeller & Christoph Reinke (2008): Embedding SPARQL into XQUERY/XSLT.
Program - DMSN'09dmsn09.ethz.ch › programNils Hoeller (University of Luebeck, Germany), Christoph Reinke (University of Luebeck, Germany), Jana Neumann (University of Luebeck, Germany), Sven ...
Group about Intel IXP NP | Motherboard ForumsHi, i will start working on the Intel IXDP Platform. I guess there ll be times, when i need help. so my question :
SAMON - C: Sensor Access and Monitoring in Cloud Environment |...SAMON - C: Sensor Access and Monitoring in Cloud Environment
The 11th International Conference on Information Integration ...www.iiwas.org › iiwas2009 › awards... XPath Evaluation in Wireless Sensor Networks Nils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke, Jana Neumann, Sven Groppe, Christian Werner, Volker Linnemann Germany ...
W I S E | Main / AcceptedPapers browsewise2007.loria.fr › pmwiki › pmwikiDirk Kukulenz, Nils Hoeller, Sven Groppe and Volker Linnemann. Development process of the operational version of PDQM Angelica Caro ...
WICON EUDL... 4th International ICST Conference on Wireless Internet; Nils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke, Jana Neumann, Sven Groppe, Daniel Boeckmann, Volker Linnemann ...
[R] Integration + Normal Distribution + Directory Browsing Processing...Nils Hoeller mail at nhoeller.de. Sun Jan :27:35 CET Hi everyone, I am new to R, but it's really great and helped me a lot! ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nils
Männlicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Nils; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus
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