79 Infos zu Nils Mandischer

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Nils Mandischer – Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter – IGMRLinkedIn · Nils Mandischer350+ Follower

Nils Mandischer. Increasing Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction. IGMR - RWTH Aachen University RWTH Aachen University. Aachen, Nordrhein ...

LinkedIn: LinkedIn · Nils Mandischer430+ FollowerNils Mandischer – Forscher (Postdoktorand)

Augsburg, Bayern, Deutschland · Forscher (Postdoktorand) · Universität AugsburgNils Mandischer. Increasing Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction | Postdoc @ Augsburg University. Universität Augsburg RWTH Aachen University ...


The Radar Normal Distributions Transform (RaNDT) SLAM developed by Maximilian Hilger and Nils Mandischer at RWTH Aachen University for use in the German Rescue ...

Loop | Research Network

Nils Mandischer. Doctorate. Post Doctoral Researcher. University of Augsburg. Augsburg, Germany. View All. mini profile avatar Nils Mandischer.

1 Business-Profile

Nils MANDISCHER | Research Assistant | M. Sc. RWTH | RWTH Aachen...

Nils MANDISCHER, Research Assistant | Cited by 28 | of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen | Read 25 publications | Contact Nils MANDISCHER

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Universität Augsburg

Dr.-Ing. Nils Mandischer. Wisschenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter. Lehrstuhl für Mechatronik. Telefon: +

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Non-Contact Safety for Stationary Robots Through Optical Entry ...Semantic Scholar

Non-Contact Safety for Stationary Robots Through Optical Entry Detection With a Co-Moving 3D-Camera · Nils Mandischer, Carlo Weidemann, +1 author. B. Corves ...

13 Bücher zum Namen

Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of ...google.co.uk

... Bezrucav, Nils Mandischer and Markus Schmitz 3D Application for Modeling of Involute Gear Manufacturing as the Assistance Solution for TMM Training ...

Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of ...google.ro

805 Burkhard Corves, Mathias Huesing, Stefan Octavian Bezrucav, Nils Mandischer and Markus Schmitz 3D Application for Modeling of Involute Gear ...

Handbook Industry 4.0: Law, Technology, Societygoogle.co.uk

... Nils Mandischer, Markus Schmitz, Amirreza Shahidi, Tobias Haschke, Carlo Weidemann, and Tobias Huhn Digital Twins in the Product Life Cycle of Additively ...

Handbook Industry 4.0: Law, Technology, Societygoogle.ro

471 Burkhard Corves, Mathias Hüsing, Stefan Bezrucav, Michael Lorenz, Nils Mandischer, Markus Schmitz, Amirreza Shahidi, Tobias Haschke, Carlo Weidemann, ...

7 Dokumente

arXivhttps://arxiv.org › csSituational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Firefighting Squads in ...

von N Mandischer · — Title:Situational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Firefighting Squads in Indoor Search and Rescue. Authors:Nils Mandischer, Frederik Schicks, ...


NILS MANDISCHER, SCIENTIFIC EMPLOYEE, RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY. Nils Mandischer M.Sc. is a scientific employee of four years at the Institute of Mechanism.

Burkhard Corves - Home - ACM Digital LibraryACM Digital Library

Burkhard Corves ; Hannah Dammers · July 2023HCI in Business, Government and Organizations ; Nils Mandischer · January 2023Procedia Computer Science, Volume 217, ...


... Lauwigi, Michael Lorenz, Nils Mandischer, Markus Schmitz und. Amirreza Shahidi Digitaler Zwilling im Produktlebenszyklus additiv gefertigter. Komponenten

13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Nils Mandischer M.Sc. RWTH - IGMR-RWTH Aachen UniversityIGMR-RWTH Aachen University

— Foto von Nils Mandischer © IGMR. Digitale Visitenkarte herunterladen. Person. Nils Mandischer. M. Sc. RWTH. Lehrstuhl und Institut für ...


Stefan-Octavian Bezrucav, Nils Mandischer, Burkhard Corves. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article Federated Learning as a Privacy Solution ...

DBLPhttps://dblp.org › PersonsBurkhard Corves

Nils Mandischer , Ruikun Hou, Burkhard Corves: Multiposture leg tracking for temporarily vision restricted environments based on fusion of laser and radar ...

RWTH Aachen University

BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N;CHARSET=ISO :Mandischer;Nils;;;M.Sc. FN;CHARSET=ISO :Nils Mandischer ORG;CHARSET=ISO :RWTH - Lehrstuhl und Institut für ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


von B Corves · — Burkhard Corves, Mathias Huesing, Stefan Octavian Bezrucav, Nils Mandischer & Markus Schmitz. Authors. Burkhard Corves. View author ...


... Nils Mandischer at Universität Augsburg. Nils Mandischer · Universität Augsburg · Carlo Weidemann at RWTH Aachen University. Carlo Weidemann · RWTH Aachen ...


— Firefighting is a complex, yet low automated task. To mitigate ergonomic Nils Mandischer, et al. ∙. share.

Institut für Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

— Tobias Haschke, Nils Mandischer, Christian Mirz, Amir Shahidi, Carlo Weidemann, Jan Wiartalla. MENSCH UND ROBOTER: JEDER MIT SEINEN ...

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

How to tell robots the location of objects on the shop floor ...

In this video, Nils Mandischer, Scientific Employee at the Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics of the RWTH Aachen ...

Introducing a Modular Framework for Human Tracking with ...

Die Medical and Service Robotics Conference (MESROB) fand kürzlich statt. Nils Mandischer stellte das Projekt „Robot Companion“ vor und gab ...

Situational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Firefighting Squads ...

... Nils Mandischer, Frederik Schicks, Burkhard Corves Abstract: Firefighting is a complex, yet low automated task. To mitigate ergonomic and ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · igmr_rwthvor 2 JahrenIGMR - RWTH Aachen University

Introducing a Modular Framework for Human Tracking with Inhomogeneous Sensor Systems“. Nils Mandischer stellte das Projekt „Robot Companion“ ...

27 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Nils Mandischer on LinkedIn: Exploration of Automated Capability...

Nils Mandischer Increasing Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction | Post-Doc @ University of Augsburg 5mo Report this post In our #humanrobot teaming ...

Nils Mandischer’s Post - LinkedIn

Nils Mandischer Head of Human-Robot-Teaming Research Group @ IGMR | Making Human-Robot Collaboration autonomous and self-sufficient in manufacturing and collaborative rescue

LinkedIn · Nils Mandischer430+ FollowerNils Mandischer - Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany · Postdoctoral Research Scientist · Universität AugsburgView Nils Mandischer's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Nils has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Nils Mandischer on LinkedIn: #eusipco23 #autonomous ...www.linkedin.com › posts › nils-mandischer_eusipc...

Nils Mandischer's Post. View profile for Nils Mandischer. Nils Mandischer. Making human-robot interaction autonomous and self-sufficient in manufacturing and ...

Nils Mandischer on LinkedIn: Exploration of Automated Capability ...www.linkedin.com › posts › nils-mandischer_explor...

· Nils Mandischer's Post. View profile for Nils Mandischer. Nils Mandischer. Increasing Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction. 5d. Report this post

Google Scholar

Nils Mandischer. University of Augsburg, Germany. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei uni-a.de - Startseite · Human-Robot TeamingHuman-Autonomy ...

Nils MandischerGoogle Scholar

Nils Mandischer. RWTH Aachen University. Verified email at igmr.rwth-aachen.de. human-robot collaborationhuman-robot teamingcapability ...

Nils Mandischer ( ) - ORCID

1. März · Nils Mandischer Fähigkeitsorientierte Aufgabenzuordnung für die Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration in sicherheitskritischen Einsatzsituationen Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Nils Mandischer, Tobias Huhn, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard CorvesInternet Archive Scholar

Nils Mandischer, Tobias Huhn, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves Sensors. Preserved Fulltext. fulltext thumbnail · Web Archive Capture PDF (8.0 MB) · https ...

5th Workshop on Long-term Human Motion Prediction

Nils Mandischer (RWTH Aachen University); Frederik Schicks (RWTH Aachen University); Burkhard Corves (IGMR, RWTH Aachen University), Situational Adaptive ...

8. Workshop Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in ...GI Digital Library

tät Paderborn) sowie Nils Mandischer, Marius Gürtler, Mathias. Hüsing und Burkhard Corves erforschen neue Konzepte des Ro- boter-Einsatzes in Menschenrettung ...

Articles citing this articleITM Web of Conferences

Literature Review on Recent Trends and Perspectives of Collaborative Robotics in Work Carlo Weidemann, Nils Mandischer, Frederick van Kerkom, et al.

MDPIhttps://www.mdpi.com › scifeed_d...Create a SciFeed alert for new publications

By following authors. Markus Schmitz. Florian Menz. Ruben Grunau. Nils Mandischer. Mathias Hüsing. Burkhard Corves. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly ...

Artificial Intelligence Task Planning of Cooperating Low ...OUCI

Authors: Stefan-Octavian Bezrucav, Nils Mandischer, Burkhard Corves. Funders. Horizon 2020; European Commission; Horizon Framework Programme. List of ...

Medical Robotics Week

... Nils Mandischer. Augmented reality based surgical navigation of the periacetabular osteotomy of Ganz - A pilot cadaveric study: Florentin Liebmann. Multimodal ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

von N Mandischer · · Zitiert von: 7 — Efficient and Consumer-Centered Item Detection and Classification with a Multicamera Network at High Ranges. Nils Mandischer,*† Tobias Huhn,† ...

Find and explore academic papersConnected Papers

Nils Mandischer, S. C. Eddine, Mathias Huesing, B. Corves , IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics. S2 logo Semantic ...

Rise of AI

Nils Mandischer. April 20, :28 pm Published by Juliane … 52 Next ». Search. roai_svg_logo_white. WRITE US: .

Semantic Scholar

... Nils Mandischer +4 authors. Cyryl Garus. Engineering, Environmental Science. Robotics This literature review presents a comprehensive analysis of the use ...

Situational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Paper Readingpaperreading.club

Situational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Firefighting Squads in Indoor Search and Rescue :56:55. Nils Mandischer, Frederik Schicks, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nils

Männlicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Nils; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

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