95 Infos zu Nives Ogrinc

Mehr erfahren über Nives Ogrinc

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

February 23, Nives Ogrinc will present the seminar: “The application...

On February 23, at 11:00, at Meeting Room – Via Piccard, 54 – OGS, Santa Croce, Nives Ogrinc - Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute, ...

Workshop for stakeholders: Application of stable isotopes for...

Nives Ogrinc and prof. Sonja Lojen presented the potential and examples of application of stable isotopes for the determination of the origin ...

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Nives Ogrinc | Facebook

LinkedIn: Nives Ogrinc - Researcher - Cosylab | LinkedIn

View Nives Ogrinc's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Nives has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

LinkedIn: Nives Ogrinc | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Nives Ogrinc auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Nives Ogrinc hat 2 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen ...

LinkedIn: nives ogrinc - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Biotechnology ...

View nives ogrinc's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. nives' education is listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

4 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact FoodTraNet

We're here to answer your questions. Contact us using the details below.

IASWS - International Association for Sediment & Water Science

The IASWS was convened in to ensure the tri-annual symposium continues to be held to address the environmental concerns of sediment and water.

Management & Staff - ISO-FOOD

Scientific coordinator · WP3 (Research and Education): Assoc Prof Nives Ogrinc · WP4 (Networking and Transfer of knowledge): Assist Prof Barbara Koroušić Seljak ...

Key Researchers - ISO-FOOD

Assoc. Prof. Nives Ogrinc (Female, DES), PhD in chemistry, scientific counsellor with experience in stable isotope geochemistry, application of stable isotopes of ...

2 Projekte

Food » IJS Environment

Contact: Prof. Nives Ogrinc. The food-related research conducted in MASSTWIN is focused to following topics: Understanding the appearance and migration of ...


NIB- Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo

17 Bücher zum Namen

bokus.com: Nives Ogrinc - Böcker | Bokus bokhandel

Köp böcker av Nives Ogrinc: Interactions Between Sediments and Water;

Books by nives ogrinc, jadran faganeli, brian kronvang - Dymocks

Find the latest nives ogrinc, jadran faganeli, brian kronvang books and products at Dymocks online bookstore.

Karbonatno ravnotežje in izvori raztopljenega anorganskega ogljika v...

Karbonatno ravnotežje in izvori raztopljenega anorganskega ogljika v različnih vodnih okoljih: doktorska disertacija. Front Cover. Nives Ogrinc. N. Ogrinc,

The Interactions Between Sediments and Water - Google Books

This book focuses on sediments as a pollutant in natural freshwater and marine habitats, and as a vector for the transfer of chemicals such as nutrients and...

4 Dokumente

Ogrinc, Nives [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Nives Ogrinc. The interactions between sediments and water by Brian Kronvang( Book ) 18 editions published between and ...

Nives Ogrinc - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Goldschmidt Abstracts: Abstract Details

Nives Ogrinc View all 2 abstracts at Goldschmidt2018 View abstracts at 9 conferences in series. Cite as: Krajnc B, Tamše S & Ogrinc N (2018) Goldschmidt ...

Pots and lipids: molecular and isotope evidence of the food...

Pots and lipids: molecular and isotope evidence of the food processing at Maharski prekop. Nives Ogrinc, Marinka Gams Petrišič, Dušan Žigon, Andreja Žibrat ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

RUL - iskanje

Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani: diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela Univerze v Ljubljani.

dblp: Nives Ogrinc

List of computer science publications by Nives Ogrinc

The impact of the humans on Lake Bohinj has been catastrophic for...

Nives Ogrinc) and the CNRS and LSCE institutes from France) was searching for the answer to this question deep down at the bottom of Lake Bohinj in ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 17, Issue 7 - Springer

Nives Ogrinc, Jadran Faganeli Pages Download PDF (810KB) View Article. ISEB 2015: Biogeochemical Dynamics of Sediment-Water Systems: ...

Food matrix reference materials for hy…, carbon, nitrogen,...

By: Arndt Schimmelmann, Haiping Qi, Philip J.H. Dunn, Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Doris Potocnik, Nives Ogrinc, Simon Kelly, James Carter, Aiman Abrahim ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte



3 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Ogrinc - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija

... novinar, publicist, prevajalec; Nives Ogrinc (*1964), kemičarka (IJS); Venčeslav Ogrinc (*1955), brigadir SV; Viljem Ogrinc (1845—1883), pravnik in publicist o ...

Sources of mercury in deep-sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea as...

· Sources of mercury in deep-sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea as revealed by mercury stable isotopes. Nives Ogrinc,; Holger Hintelmann, ...

Tag - Nives Ogrinc ebook - Mon premier blog

Author: Brian Kronvang,Jadran Faganeli,Nives Ogrinc Number of Pages: 319 pages. Published Date: 19 Nov Publisher: Springer Publication Country: ...

46 Webfunde aus dem Netz

23 febbraio, Nives Ogrinc terrà il seminario “The application of...

Il 23 febbraio alle ore 11:00 presso la Sala Riunioni di Via Piccard, 54 – OGS – Santa Croce, Nydia Nives Ogrinc - Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef  ...

Dr. Nives Ogrinc

You are here: IMEKO · TC23 · Members Dr. Nives Ogrinc. Dr. Nives Ogrinc. Contact. Position: TC23 Deputy Chairperson. Address: Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) ...

Nives Ogrinc - Odsek za znanosti o okolju, Institut - VideoLectures.NETvideolectures.net › nives_ogrinc

Home · Browse Lectures · People · Conferences · Academic Organisations · EU Supported · About Us. Nives Ogrinc. search externally: Google Scholar, Springer, ...

Nacionalni portal odprte znanosti

Nives Ogrinc. Video in druga učna gradiva. Oznake: chemistry;environment. Stabilni izotopi lahkih elementov (C, H, O, N, S) so učinkoviti naravni sledilci, ...

Nives Ogrinc | Dnevnik

Članki z oznako Nives Ogrinc

Nives Ogrinc | Jozef Stefan Institute | Slovenia

She is a working as an associate Professor in Department of Environmental Sciences at Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.  Her international experience inclu..

Nives Ogrinc

Že v antičnih časih so oljčno olje ponarejali in danes nič drugače. Oljčno olje ostaja tudi v sodobnem svetu najpogosteje potvorjeno živilo, sledijo mu ...

Nives Ogrinc s.p.

Izobraževanje, Nives Ogrinc s.p., ,Drugje nerazvrščeno izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje

Nives Ogrinc - Svetovni dan hrane 2020danhrane.ecpd.si › › nives-ogrinc

· Nives Ogrinc. Življenjepis: Rojena v Postojni, študij kemije na Univerzi v Ljubljani, magistrski študij na ...

Prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc prejela Zoisovo nagrado - MPS - Mednarodna ...mps.si › o-nas › aktualno › prof-dr-nives-ogrinc-pre...

· NIVES OGRINC PREJELA ZOISOVO NAGRADO. za vrhunske dosežke na področju rabe stabilnih izotopov v interdisciplinarnih raziskavah.

Nives Ogrinc » IJS Environment

Nives Ogrinc / Assistant Head of Department, Head of Research Group. Telephone + ; . Location Reactor Center Podgorica.

Prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc: Pri svinjini trgovcem še ne moremo dokazati,...

“Pri živilih ne moremo natančno vedeti, od kod so, saj ni mogoče vprašati: Ej, ti, česen, si iz Slovenije ali iz Italije?« je pred časom poudaril...

Seminars Prof. Nives Ogrinc | Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche,...

Prof. Nives Ogrinc. Dept. Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Seminario N.1. Carbonate system in different ...

RUNG - Iskanje

Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Novi Gorici: diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela Univerze v novi Gorici.

"The CO2 consumption potential during gray edu › geo_papers

By Lixin Jin, Nives Ogrinc, Tiffany Yesavage, et al., Published on

"The CO2 consumption potential during gray shale weathering: Insights...

Lixin Jin · Nives Ogrinc · Tiffany Yesavage · Elizabeth A. Hasenmueller · Lin Ma · Pamela L. Sullivan · Jason Kaye · Christopher Duffy ...

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_display

Nives Ogrinc. Russell Frew. Marijan Nečemer. Lidija Strojnik. Tea Zuliani. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...

Diagenesis and benthic fluxes of nutrients and metals during...

Neža Koron 1 Nives Ogrinc 2 E. Metzger 3 Bettina Riedel 4 Jadran Faganeli 5. Détails. 1 MBS-NIB - Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology.

CSIRO PUBLISHING | Marine and Freshwater Research

Marine and Freshwater Research is an international journal publishing high-quality research and review articles in aquatic science

ARRSProjekti Stabilni izotopi pri študiju vpliva naraščajoče...

Nives Ogrinc Milena Horvat David Kocman Marko Štrok Ingrid Falnoga Doris Potočnik Katarina Vogel Mikuš. Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Morska biološka ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nives

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Nives; Unbekannt (Wortzusammensetzung);

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Nives Ogrinc und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.