37 Infos zu Norah Heinz

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Norah Heinz | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for ,, with 7 scientific research papers.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

fotocommunity: Norah Foto & Bild | portrait, portrait frauen, outdoor Bilder auf ...www.fotocommunity.de › photo › norah-heinz-lukas

Norah Foto & Bild von Heinz Lukas ᐅ Das Foto jetzt kostenlos bei fotocommunity​.de anschauen & bewerten. Entdecke hier weitere Bilder.

1 Dokumente

Hands-on Workshop Density- Functional Theory and Beyond ...th.fhi-berlin.mpg.de › Meeting › h...

P26: Norah Heinz - Lanthanoid(III) and Actinoid(III) Hydration P27: Shreyas Honrao - Thermodynamics and Kinetics of ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Albrecht Berkessel - dblpdblp.uni-trier.de › Persons

Norah Heinz, Michael Dolg , Albrecht Berkessel: A theoretical study of imine hydrocyanation catalyzed by halogen-bonding. J. Comput. Chem. 36(24): ...

dblp: Norah Heinz

List of computer science publications by Norah Heinz

dblp: Michael Dolg

List of computer science publications by Michael Dolg

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Norah Heinz | PubFacts

Norah Heinz

Segel-Club Ville

Norah Heinz: SCV: NW087: 19: 19,0: 23: 23,0: 24 (24,0) 19: 19,0: 61,0: 25 : : Matthias Schmänk: SGBR: NW168: 26: 26,0: DNC (27,0) 20: 20,0: 18: 18,0: 64,0:

21 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Bunsentagung – Poster Prize Winners – PCCP Blog

Norah Heinz, Universität zu Köln, Germany. Max Kauer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum/D. Dr Tilman Kottke, Universität Bielefeld/D. Bastian Kruger, Universität Göttingen/D. Svenja Maria Janke, Universität Göttingen/D. Jessica Luck, Helmholtz-Institut Ulm für elektrochemische Energiespeicherung/D. Dr Hubertus Marbach, Universität Erlangen

A theoretical study of imine hydrocyanation catalyzed by...

A detailed theoretical study of the mechanism and energetics of an organocatalysis based on CN activation by halogen‐bonding is presented for the...

Medzivýsledková listina MS Vaurien OPEN ČTK: Liptovská ...docplayer.sk › Medzivýsledková-listina-...

GER Dirk Pater ger * Norah Heinz ger NED Hella Bouma ned * Berber Humalda ned SVK Brestovský Matej YC LIMAR 49* Mrázová Andrea YC LIMAR GER ...

Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

Xiaoyan Cao, Norah Heinz, Jun Zhang and Michael Dolg. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, DOI: C7CP02861J. Dielectric properties of ...

Quantum chemical study of the autoxidation of ascorbate - PubMed

Reactions involved in the autoxidation of ascorbate have been investigated with quantum chemical first-principles and ab initio methods. Reaction energies and...

Registered competitor's list

filou, GERDirk Pater / Norah Heinz, GER. Trompetenkäfer, GERBruno Riffeler / Janna Riffeler, GER. AUTStefan Jennewein / Robert ...

The first water coordination sphere of lanthanide(iii) motexafins (Ln ...pubs.rsc.org › content › articlelanding

Theoretical studies†. Xiaoyan Cao, ORCID logo *a Norah Heinz,a ...

Quantum chemical study of the autoxidation of ascorbatewww.infona.pl › resource › bwmeta1.element.wiley-...

Full Paper. Quantum chemical study of the autoxidation of ascorbate. Nils Herrmann, Norah Heinz, Michael Dolg, Xiaoyan Cao · Details · Contributors · Fields of ...


302 Jun Zhang, Norah Heinz, Michael Dolg, Understanding Lanthanoid(III) Hydration Structure and Kinetics by Insights from Energies and Wave functions, Inorg ...

Understanding Lanthanoid(III) Hydration Structure and Kinetics by...

posted on , 00:00 by Jun Zhang Norah Heinz Michael Dolg. The hydration of all trivalent lanthanoid (Ln) ions is studied theoretically from two ...

The first water coordination sphere of lanthanide(iii) motexafins...

author={Xiaoyan Cao and Norah Heinz and Jun Zhang and Michael Dolg}, journal={Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP}, year={2017}, volume={19 30}, ...

Altmetric – Understanding Lanthanoid(III) Hydration Structure and...

· Jun Zhang, Norah Heinz, Michael Dolg. Abstract. The hydration of all trivalent lanthanoid (Ln) ions is studied theoretically from two aspects: ...

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