91 Infos zu Oded Sobol
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- Berlin
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- Thomas Böllinghaus
- Unger
- Wolfgang
- Bundesanstalt
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- Materialforschung
- Andrea Koerdt
- Annie
- Drexler
- Energy
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Zugangsdaten DPG Senior Expert Netzwerk Dr. Oded Sobol …Web20 de oct. de · Zugangsdaten DPG Senior Expert Netzwerk Dr. Oded Sobol Magnus-Haus Berlin Veranstaltungen
News and Events - wmrifs jimdo page!www.wmrif.org › wmrif-home › news-and-eventsWMRIF Early Career Scientist Workshops ; Oded Sobol - BAM. WMRIF_ECSS_2018_Sobol.pdf · 2.2 MB ; Roberta Verrelli - ICMAB-CSIC. WMRIF2018_Verrelli.pdf · 2.2 MB.
Hortwalde: Neue Metalle für Wasserstoff-Behälter schneller prüfenwww.maz-online.de › Lokales › Teltow-flaeming· Oded Sobol vom Wasserstoff-Kompetenzzentrum der BAM wird mit diesen Sätzen zitiert: „Als Teil des TransHyDE-Projekts Norm wollen wir mit ...
Wasserstoff - Materialeigenschaften und Kompatibilität - BAMDr. rer. nat. Oded Sobol, Abteilung Komponentensicherheit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und. Kontakt Dr. rer. nat. Oded Sobol. › Content › Themen › Energie › w...
5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Oded SobolFacebook: Oded Sobol | FacebookLinkedIn: Oded Sobol | LinkedInOded Sobols berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Oded Sobol dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Oded Sobol | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Oded Sobol (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
BAM koordiniert Projekt zu schnellerem Prüfverfahren für Metalleidw-online.de › news· ... der ISO standardisiert und breitflächig von Prüflaboren eingesetzt werden kann“, so Oded Sobol vom Wasserstoff-Kompetenzzentrum der BAM.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Oded SobolDr. / Postdoctoral Researcher / Berlin / Rasterelektronenmikroskopie, Metallurgy, Teaching / , Ben-Gurion University
9 Bücher zum Namen
DNB, Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothekportal.dnb.de › opac › showLastRecord › anyTitel, Real Time Imaging of Deuterium in a Duplex Stainless Steel Microstructure by Time-of-Flight SIMS / Oded Sobol, F. Straub, Thomas Wirth, G. Holzlechner, ...
Oded Sobol | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Oded Sobol. Results. Microstructural Evolution of Cr-Rich ODS Steels as a Function of Heat Treatment at 475 °C Springer Science+Business ...
Materials for Energy Infrastructuregoogle.ru... Holzlechner, Oded Sobol, Thomas Böllinghaus and Wolfgang Unger vii Environmental Stability of Organic Semiconductors for Use in Optoelectronic Devices ...
Materials for Energy Infrastructurebooks.google.co.il › books63 Gerald Holzlechner, Oded Sobol, Thomas Böllinghaus and Wolfgang Unger vii Environmental Stability of Organic Semiconductors for Use in Optoelectronic ...
6 Dokumente
High Resolution ToF-SIMS Imaging of Deuterium Permeation and Cracking...Fundamental understanding and elucidation of hy… assisted degradation and trapping mechanisms is dependent on sufficient imaging techniques for respective
SIMS XXI. 21 International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass...125 Tue OA3 Oral Observations of the deuterium distribution and the structural changes in standard and lean duplex stainless steels by ToF- SIMS and EBSD Oded Sobol 1, Gert Nolze 1, Dan Eliezer 2, Thomas Boellinghaus 1, Wolfgang E.S. Unger 1 (1) BAM Federal institute for materials research and testing, Berlin, ...
Influence of Activated Fluxes on the Bead Shape of A-TIG Welds on...The article presents results of comparative A-TIG welding tests involving selected unalloyed and fine-grained steels, as well as high-strength ...
[PDF] Programme - zummitcdn.zummit.com › ...Dr Oded Sobol. Bundesanstalt für. Materialforschung und -prüfung. 11: :00. Material testing and modelling for safe design.
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Corrosion Science | Vol 180, March | ScienceDirect.com by...Biwen Annie An, Eric Deland, Oded Sobol, Jizheng Yao, ... Andrea Koerdt. Article : Download PDF. Article preview. select article On oxide formation on ... › vol
Program | Materials Testing Institute | University of StuttgartWebDr. Oded Sobol Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Berlin, Germany
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Imaging ToF-SIMS as a Chemical Metrology Tool to Support Material and...Authors. Gerald Holzlechner · (5); Oded Sobol (5); Thomas Böllinghaus (5); Wolfgang Unger (5). Author Affiliations.
Comprehensive insights into competitive oxidation/sulfidation...von C Stephan-scherb · Zitiert von: 1 — by Christiane Stephan-scherb, Juho Lehmusto, Florian Falk, Oded Sobol, Bruce A Pint. Publication Type. Journal. Journal Name. Corrosion Science. › publication
Microstructural Evolution of Cr-Rich ODS Steels as a Function of Heat...In the current research, the effect of heat treatment on the morphology of the dispersoids and their phase composition were investigated in three Cr-rich f
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Evolution of Hydrocarbons from Impure Titanium Getters - Naturewww.nature.com › lettersIn-situ ToF-SIMS analyses of deuterium re-distribution in austenitic steel AISI 304L under mechanical load. 27 February Andreas Röhsler, Oded Sobol, …
53 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Oded Sobol's Postlinkedin.comOded Sobol's Post. View profile for Oded Sobol · Oded Sobol. Projekt coordinator in the field of Materials Compatibility and Properties for ...
Oded Sobol | LinkedInView Oded Sobol's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Oded Sobol discover inside ...
Zvi Foxman, Oded Sobol, Malki Pinkas, Alex Landau, Peter Hähner ...› ...
Oded Sobol - OCLCid.oclc.org › worldcat › entityOded Sobol. Description. Entity Subtypes. person... instance of. 2 references. Significant Dates Date of Birth. 2 references. External Sources.
搜索页_Oded+Sobol - 中国地质图书馆www.cglhub.com › auto › search作者:Oded Sobol ; Eyal Gadot ; Yifeng Wang ; Ira A. Weinstock ; Louisa Meshi. 刊名:Inorganic Chemistry. 出版年:
Sobol, Oded: د Z-Library مفت الکترونیکی کتابتونZvi Foxman, Oded Sobol, Malki Pinkas, Alex Landau, Peter Hähner, Vladimir Krsjak, Louisa Meshi. مجله: Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis. › ...
OPUS 4 | First use of data fusion and multivariate analysis of...Oded Sobol, Gerald Holzlechner, Markus Holzweber, H. Lohninger, Thomas Böllinghaus, Wolfgang Unger. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and ...
עודד סובולכל המידע ברשת על עודד סובול, דוח מידע מלא, מידע גלוי מהרשת, מידע מרשתות חברתיות, רכילות, קטעי וידאו ועוד.
All I20 Publications (both branchlines) - - Diamond Light Sourcewww.diamond.ac.uk › Instruments › SpectroscopyYayun Pu, Veronica Celorrio, Joerg M. Stockmann, Oded Sobol, Zongzhao Sun, Wu Wang, Matthew J. Lawrence, Jorg Radnik, Andrea E. Russell, ...
Imaging ToF-SIMS as a Chemical Metrology Tool to Support Material and...Aus dem eBook: Materials for Energy Infrastructure von Gerald Holzlechner, Oded Sobol, Thomas Böllinghaus, Wolfgang Unger: As a chemical metrology tool ...
DIU: Wasserstofftechnik - Dresden International Universitywww.di-uni.de › studium-weiterbildung › wasserstofftechnik-und-wirtschaftDr.-Ing. Oded Sobol - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Berlin. Prof. Dr. Frithjof Staiß - Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied des ...
Environmental conditions affect the corrosion product composition of ...www.ucviden.dk › publications › activitiesBiwen Annie An, Eric Deland, Oded Sobol, Jizheng Yao, Torben Lund Skovhus, Andrea Koerdt. Research Centre for Built Environment, Energy, Water and Climate ...
Addressing a “Black Box” of Bottom-Up Synthesis - FigshareOded Sobol. EG. Eyal Gadot. YW. Yifeng Wang. IW. Ira A. Weinstock. LM. Louisa Meshi. CATEGORIES. Biophysics · Biochemistry · Space Science · Medicine ... › collections › Addressing_a_Black...
Ergebnisse 95. Strausseeschwimmen Strausbergwww.strassenlauf.org › va_ergebnisseErgebnis download ; 1, Mattes Engelmann, SV Berolina ; 2, Gunnar Splittgerber ; 3, Oded Sobol, Wasserfreunde Spandau
Addressing a “Black Box” of Bottom-Up Synthesis: Revealing OUCIPublisher: American Chemical Society (ACS). Authors: Oded Sobol, Eyal Gadot, Yifeng Wang, Ira A. Weinstock, Louisa Meshi. Funder Israel Science Foundation ... › works
Articles citing this article - EDP Sciences JournalsAndreas Röhsler, Oded Sobol, Hannu Hänninen and Thomas Böllinghaus Scientific Reports 10 (1) (2020) DOI: s › ...
Figure 3 from Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry ( ToF ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › figure... author={Oded Sobol and Gerald Holzlechner and Gert Nolze and Thomas Dr. Wirth and Dan Eliezer and Th. Boellinghaus and Wolfgang E. S. Unger}, ...
Group memberstzin.bgu.ac.il › ~louisa › groupMembers2), Former MSc students: Yakov Krimer (Air force), Liron Jan, Oded Sobol (Germany), Lior Natovitz (Elbit), Adir Hazan (IDF), Oksana Moshka, Zvi Foxman, ...
Oded's Phone Number and Address in Be'er Sheva - from Israel Phone...IsraelPB.com has Oded's phone number in Be'er Sheva! Israel Phone Book is Israel's only phone directory in English. Find all of your relatives and friends!...
Imaging ToF-SIMS as a Chemical Metrology Tool to Support Material and...Autoren: Gerald Holzlechner, Oded Sobol, Thomas Böllinghaus, Wolfgang Unger. Verlag: Springer Singapore. Erschienen in: Materials for Energy Infrastructure.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Thomas Böllinghaus
- Torben Lund
- Wolfgang Unger
- Michael Rhode
- Andreas Röhsler
- Andreas Drexler
- Jörg Radnik
- Gerald Holzlechner
- Alex Landau
- Florian Falk
- Carlo Tiebe
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