124 Infos zu Olaf Isken

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

How Cells Protect Themselves Against Genetic Mistakes | Science 2.0www.science20.com › news_releases › how_cells_pr...

· Along with Maquat, the study was authored by post-doctoral associates Olaf Isken, Yoon Ki Kim and Nao Hosoda under the auspices of the Medical ...

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Olaf Isken | Facebook

Facebook: Olaf Isken | Facebook

LinkedIn: Olaf Isken | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Finden Sie heraus, welche gemeinsamen Kontakte Sie haben; Lassen Sie sich vorstellen; Kontaktieren Sie Olaf Isken direkt. Olaf Iskens vollständiges Profil ...

LinkedIn: Olaf Isken - Research Scientist - University of Luebeck | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Olaf Isken auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job Job ist im Profil von Olaf Isken aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Olaf Isken - Patents

Olaf Isken - bibliographic patent references Recent bibliographic sampling of patent applications for Olaf Isken listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO

[PPT] Upf1 Phosphorylation Triggers Translational Repression during ...www.cell.com › cell › ppt

Olaf Isken, Yoon Ki Kim, Nao Hosoda, Greg L. Mayeur, John W.B. Hershey, Lynne E. Maquat. Cell. Volume 133 Issue 2 Pages (April 2008). DOI: j ...

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Olaf Isken - MarketVisual Knowledge Map

Current Affiliations. Non-Corporate Leadership. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at University of Rochester. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at University of Rochester ...

1 Business-Profile

Olaf Isken Universität zu Lübeck · Institut für Virologie und Zellbiologiewww.researchgate.net › Universität zu Lübeck

Olaf Isken currently works at the Institut für Virologie und Zellbiologie, Universität zu Lübeck. Olaf does research in Infectious Diseases, ...

1 Projekte

Dr C McCormick: 'Temporal and co-ordinated processing of the ...www.southampton.ac.uk › research › projects › dr-c...

Olaf Isken,. Norbert Tautz,. John McLauchlan,. & Christoper J. McCormick. Journal of Virology , DOI: JVI Type: article. The ...

8 Bücher zum Namen

A conserved NS3 surface patch orchestrates NS2 protease stimulation,...

Information about the open-access article 'A conserved NS3 surface patch orchestrates NS2 protease stimulation, NS5A hyperphosphorylation and HCV genome...

Just a moment...

› A...

Die Bedeutung eines viralen-zellulären RNP-Komplexes für den...

Olaf Isken pages. 0 Reviewshttp://books.google.com/books/about/ Die_Bedeutung_eines_viralen_zellul%C3%A4ren.html?id=F-MmcgAACAAJ ...



9 Dokumente

Protein synthesis initiation factors from human HeLa cells and rabbit ...pubs.acs.org › doi

· Olaf Isken, Yoon Ki Kim, Nao Hosoda, Greg L. Mayeur, John W.B. Hershey, Lynne E. Maquat. Upf1 Phosphorylation Triggers Translational ...

Towards a Precise NMR Quantification of Acute Phase Inflammation ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › anie

· Olaf Isken (University of Lübeck, Germany) for granting us access to the facilities and equipment at the Institute of Virology. We also ...

…ction: A Conserved NS3 Surface Patch Orchestrates NS2 Protease...

The following information is missing from the Funding section: HR and BDL were funded by United States’ Public Health Service Grant R01 AI

Riboproteomics of the Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosomal Entry Sitepubs.acs.org › doi › abs

· Olaf Isken, Martina Baroth, Claus W. Grassmann, Susan Weinlich, Dirk H. Ostareck, Antje Ostareck-Lederer, Sven-Erik Behrens. Nuclear factors ...

13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Olaf Iskengepris.dfg.de › gepris › person

Dr. Olaf Isken, Institut für Virologie und ZellbiologieLübeck.

Cell | Vol 133, Issue 2, Pages (18 April 2008) |...

Olaf Isken, Yoon Ki Kim, Nao Hosoda, Greg L. Mayeur, ... Lynne E. Maquat. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article CASK Functions as a ...

Olaf Isken - Universität zu Lübeckresearch.uni-luebeck.de › persons › olaf-isken

Foto von Olaf Isken. Scopus-Profil. Olaf Isken. PostDoc, Institut für Virologie und Zellbiologie. Telefon+ ; -luebeck.de ...

GEPRIS - Charakterisierung funktioneller Domänen in der NS gepris.dfg.de › gepris › projekt

... Sachbeihilfen. Mitverantwortlich Dr. Olaf Isken. Zusatzinformationen. © DFG Kontakt / Impressum / Datenschutz. Textvergrößerung und Kontrastanpassung. »

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

NIH Public Access - BioMedSearch

assay; Jiashi Wang for initial BAG5 mRNA assays; and Olaf Isken and Michael Gleghorn for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NIH GM (L.E.M.) and an Elon Huntington … Graduate. Student Fellowship (C.G.). References. 1. Gong C, Kim YK, Woeller CF, Tang Y, Maquat ...

Quality control of eukaryotic mRNA: safeguarding cells from abnormal...

scientific article

Review of Rapamycin-insensitive mTORC1 activity controls eIF4E:4E-BP1...

Read a pre-publication review of Rapamycin-insensitive mTORC1 activity controls eIF4E:4E-BP1 binding on Publons.

2 Meinungen & Artikel

The multiple lives of NMD factors: balancing roles in gene and genome...

von O Isken · · Zitiert von: 318 — The multiple lives of NMD factors: balancing roles in gene and genome regulation. Olaf Isken &; Lynne E. Maquat. Nature Reviews Genetics volume 9, ... › nrg2402

The multiple lives of NMD factors: balancing roles in gene Naturewww.nature.com › ... › review articles

The multiple lives of NMD factors: balancing roles in gene and genome regulation. Olaf Isken & ... Olaf Isken & Lynne E. Maquat. Currently at the Department of ...

70 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar. Other languages: German: English: French; Inventor: Sven-Erik Behrens: Olaf Isken: Claus W Grassmann: Robert T Sarisky ...

1. Define, with examples, the following: a) Exon Splicing Enhancer b)...

Olaf Isken and Lynne E. Maquat. Nature Reviews Genetics, Vol 9, September 2008: Kashima et al, Human Molecular Genetics, 2007, Vol 16, no24: ...

News: Researchers discover critical detail of cellular ...

Along with Maquat, the study was authored by post-doctoral associates Olaf Isken, Yoon Ki Kim and Nao Hosoda under the auspices of the Medical Center.

Dr. olaf isken - General physician | Book Appointment at Prescripson ...www.prescripson.com › doctor › olaf-isken

Book your doctor appointment for olaf isken at your nearest clinic through prescripson.com. Get clinic list, nearest dates, appointment details and doctor ...

The Pioneer Round of Translation: Features and Functionsslideplayer.com › slide

The Pioneer Round of Translation: Features and Functions Lynne E. Maquat, Woan-Yuh Tarn, Olaf Isken Cell Volume 142, Issue 3, Pages (August 2010) DOI: /j ...

LIVIVO - Search results -

LIVIVO - The Search portal for Life Sciences

Olaf Isken's lab | Universität zu Lübeck - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › lab › Olaf-Isken-Lab

Olaf Isken currently works at the Institut für Virologie und Zellbiologie, Universität zu Lübeck. Olaf does research in Infectious Diseases, especially focusing ...

Claus W. Grassmann, Olaf Isken, Sven-Erik Behrensscholar.archive.org › work

Grassmann, Olaf Isken, Sven-Erik Behrens Journal of Virology. Preserved Fulltext. fulltext thumbnail · Web Archive Capture PDF (2.6 MB) · https://web.

Telomeric RNAs as a novel player in telomeric integrity Olaf Isken 1...

Published: 26 November Faculty of Ltd Telomeric RNAs as a novel player in telomeric integrity Olaf Isken 1 * and Lynne E Maquat 2 Addresses: 1 Institute of ...

19. Fußball-Knabenturnier | Fußball-Knabenturnier des...

... Olaf Isken (Vorwärts Frankfurt) Bester Abwehrspieler: Peter Harder (Hansa Rostock) Bester Angriffsspieler: Denny Pruchowski (Vorwärts Neubrandenburg) ...

A novel NS3/4A protease dependent Microbiology Society

von T Walther · — A novel NS3/4A protease dependent cleavage site within pestiviral NS2 No Access ; Barbara Bruhn ; Olaf Isken ; Norbert Tautz · ORCID icon. › ...

The role of a viral/cellular ribonucleoprot... ID:7802

Dr. Olaf Isken Finanzierung: Bund; bis The project is aimed at identifying and functionally characterizing cellular proteins that are ...

Abschlussbericht Teilprojekt Kompetenznetz Hepatitis

Olaf Isken, Sven-Erik Behrens, Wolfram Gerlich. I. Aufgabenstellung und Zielsetzung. Die Aufgabenstellung des Projektes war es, zelluläre Proteine zu ... › downloads

Replication Studies Using Genotype 1a Subgenomic Hepatitis C Virus...

Replication Studies Using Genotype 1a Subgenomic Hepatitis C Virus Replicons Baohua Gu, 1 * Adam T. Gates, 1 Olaf Isken, 2 Sven-Erik Behrens, ...

19. Fußball-Knabenturnier | Drupal

Best Singleplayer: Olaf Isken (Forward Frankfurt) Best defender: Peter Harder (Hansa Rostock) Best Forward: Denny Pruchowski (forward Neubrandenburg) Best Technician: Ricky Hafke (Union Berlin) Top scorer: Jörg gl… (Lok Leipzig) Sympathy Prices: Henry Bloch (BFC Dynamo) & Riccardo Baich (Tractor Friedland).

- Document - A conserved NS3 surface patch orchestrates NS2 protease...

Title: A conserved NS3 surface patch orchestrates NS2 protease stimulation, NS5A hyperphosphorylation and HCV genome replication. Author(s): Olaf Isken, ...

Alumni - Maquat Lab - University of Rochester Medical Centerwww.urmc.rochester.edu › ... › Lab Members

Olaf Isken, PhD (Professor, Institute of Virology and Cell Biology, University of Lübeck, GERMANY); Collynn F. Woeller, PhD (Assistant Professor, Department ...

A conserved hydrophobic NS3 surface patch consisting of residues...

A conserved hydrophobic NS3 surface patch consisting of residues Y105, P115 and L127 is important for NS2-activation by NS3.

List of co-cited articles - CoCites

Quality control of eukaryotic mRNA: safeguarding cells from abnormal mRNA function. Olaf Isken, Lynne E Maquat. Genes Dev › coCitedArticles

CiteSeerX — Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Genome Modulates Translation...

BibTeX. @MISC{Rna99bovineviral, author = {Viral Rna and Haiying Yu and Olaf Isken and Claus W. Grassmann and Haiying Yu and Olaf Isken and Claus W.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Olaf

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Englisch): Olaf; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); anu = der Vorfahre, der Urahn; leifr = der Nachkomme, das Erbe; alter skandinavischer Name, Bedeutung in etwa 'Nachkomme des Urahns'; 'Olaf' ist ein alter norwegischer Königsname; König Olaf II. (12. Jh.) ist der Schutzheilige Norwegens

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