28 Infos zu Olaf Schmithüsen
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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
E R Deul | AceMapSchirmer, J P Dietrich, O Cordes, Lutz Haberzettl, Marco Hetterscheidt, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Olaf Schmithuesen Gabods The Garching Bonn Deep Survey Iv Methods For The Image Reduction of Multi Chip Cameras Demonstrated on Data ...
1 Bücher zum Namen
Search for Tidal Streams in Disk and Halo - Olaf SchmithüsenGoogle BooksBibliographic information ; Title, Search for Tidal Streams in Disk and Halo ; Author, Olaf Schmithüsen ; Published, ; Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...
4 Dokumente
Bochum, Institute der Ruhr-Universität: Astronomisches ...NASA/ADS... Olaf Schmithüsen, Christian Urban Personelle Veränderungen Ansgeschi eden: Dr. Markus Nielbock ( ), Dr. Andreas Schröer ( ). Zum nahm ...
Bochumastronomische-gesellschaft.de(KTS)), Olaf Schmithüsen [23460] (ab ), Elisa Merkel-Ferreira [ ] ... Olaf Schmithüsen (bis ). Page Bochum: Astronomisches Institut.
Star Formation History of the WLM and NGC Using ...AIP.ORGvon O Schmithuesen · — Olaf Schmithuesen. £ and Dominik J. Bomans. £. £Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universitaet BochumBochum,. Germany. Abstract.
ASTRO-WISE WORKSHOP November Lorentz ...... Netherlands) Anna Romano (Napoli, Italy) Olaf Schmithuesen (Bochum, Germany) Teffie Schneider (Groningen, Netherlands) Geert Sikkema ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
GaBoDS: the garching-Bonn deep surveyTU DortmundOlaf Schmithüsen. RUB Icon. ,; Peter Schneider,; Patrick Simon,; Erik Deul,; Richard N. Hook,; Nick Kaiser,; Mario Radovich,; Christophe Benoist,; Mario Nonino ...
Scientific Papers - LandOfFreelandoffree.comSay what you really think. Scientific Papers. Olaf Schmithüsen. Astronomy and Astrophysics – Astronomy. Scientist. [ ] – not rated yet Voters 0 Comments
LandOfFree - Scientist - Olaf SchmithuesenCheck out Olaf Schmithuesen. Rate and share your experience with other people.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Rat Deutscher Sternwarten - Astronomische GesellschaftYUMPU— (KTS)), Olaf Schmithüsen [23460] (ab ), Elisa Merkel-Ferreira [ ], Dominik. Rosenbaum [ ], Miroslava Savković (bis ) ...
The LUCIFER Control Software : the core system, instrument ...LBTO WikiBurggraf, Tim Falkenbach, Susanne Hüttemeister, Olaf Schmithüsen, Kerstin Weis and. Klaus Weißbauer, I thank for all the years of great colleagueship. All ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
IRAF: Segmentation fault when using mkpkg - iraf.netFrom: Olaf Schmithuesen &-uni-bochum.de> To: Mike Fitzpatrick &> Subject: Re: IRAF: Segmentation fault ...
15 Webfunde aus dem Netz
RUB-Repository - Search for tidal streams in disk and haloRuhr-Universität Bochumvon O Schmithüsen · — Olaf Schmithüsen. This work deals with the search for ... Additional Services. Share in Twitter Search Google Scholar. Metadaten. Author: Olaf SchmithüsenGND.
(PDF) The LUCIFER control softwareAcademia.eduOlaf Schmithüsen, Dr. Eva Jütte, Birgitta Burggraf, Dr. Janine van Eymeren, and Dr. Nicola Bennert, although this list is definitely not complete. Finally ...
Agenda - Astro-Wiseastro-wise.org... Olaf Schmithuesen (Bochum, Germany) Teffie Schneider (Groningen, Netherlands) Geert Sikkema (Groningen, Netherlands) Roberto Silvotti (Napoli, Italy) Merijn ...
Martin Brennscheidt's research worksResearchGateClemens Trachternach · Lukas Arnold; [...] Olaf Schmithüsen · Cite · Request full-text · Results of Hands-on ...
Star Formation History of the WLM and NGC Using STIS ...AIP.ORGStar Formation History of the WLM and NGC Using STIS Photometry. Olaf Schmithuesen;. Olaf Schmithuesen. *Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr‐Universitaet ...
Search for (Tidal) streams in disks and halosRuhr-Universität Bochum— Olaf Schmithüsen. RUB Icon. ,; Dominik J. Bomans. RUB Icon. ,; Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar · ORCID. RUB Icon in Formation and evolution of galaxy ...
Star formation history of the WLM and NGC using STIS ...Ruhr-Universität Bochum— Olaf Schmithüsen. RUB Icon in The evolution of starbursts, Pages Details Cite. Title and contributors. Title: Star formation ...
AIRUB Beobachtungspraktikum QuellenRuhr-Universität Bochum, Menschlich - Weltoffen - Leistungsstark
Schmithüsen, Olaf Social Networks and Archival ContextArchival Collections 1. creator of; referenced in. Schmithüsen, Olaf,. Search for tidal streams in disk and halo / von Olaf Schmithüsen. Unknown (ISIL:GyGoGBV) ...
The Messenger Hetterscheidt... [3,6], Olaf Schmithuesen [3], Clemens Trachternach [3], Christian Wolf [4], Klaus Meisenheimer [5], Alberto Micol [7], Francesco Pierfederici [8].
Transport of cosmic rays in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253Radio halos require the coexistence of extra-planar cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Because cosmic rays are injected and accelerated by processes related to...
Probing the Universe Using a Mostly Virtual Survey: The Garching-Bonn...1 Probing the Universe Using a Mostly Virtual Survey: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey Marco Hetterscheidt Patrick Simon Th...
Probing the Universe Using a Mostly Virtual Survey: The Garching-Bonn...... Jörg P. Dietrich,8 Hendrik Hildebrandt Oliver Cordes Tim Schrabback Lutz Haberzettl 3,6 Olaf Schmithuesen 3 Clemens Trachternach 3 Christian Wolf 4 Klaus ...
draaiboekAnis Rojbi (Paris, France) 8.tutor Ronald Vermeij (Groningen, Netherlands) Olaf Schmithuesen (Bochum, Germany) Teffie Schneider (Groningen, Netherlands)
分类标题翻译 · Search for tidal streams in disk and halo [Elektronische Ressource] / von Olaf Schmithüsen. 作者, Schmithüsen, Olaf. 关键词翻译. 主题词翻译. 部门翻译.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Olaf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Englisch): Olaf; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); anu = der Vorfahre, der Urahn; leifr = der Nachkomme, das Erbe; alter skandinavischer Name, Bedeutung in etwa 'Nachkomme des Urahns'; 'Olaf' ist ein alter norwegischer Königsname; König Olaf II. (12. Jh.) ist der Schutzheilige Norwegens
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