66 Infos zu Oliver Spycher
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- Heilbronn
Infos zu
- E-Voting
- Rolf Haenni
- Internet Voting
- Bundeskanzlei
- Proceedings
- University
- Swiss
- Melanie
- Security
- Volkamer
- Establish Trust
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NZZ: Post prüft ihr E-Voting-System: Hackern winken bis www.nzz.ch › schweiz › post-prueft-ihr-e-voting-system-...«So befassen sich möglicherweise Fachpersonen mit E-Voting, die das sonst nicht getan hätten», sagte Oliver Spycher von der Bundeskanzlei ...
Baloti.ch - une plateforme de vote virtuelle multilingue qui permet...Neuchâtel, le 14 septembre Dès les votations fédérales du 26 septembre prochain, les migrant-e-s auront la possibilité de participer à la...
E-Voting-System der Post - Hacker sollen für Sicherheit SRFwww.srf.ch › News › Schweiz... oder das Wahlgeheimnis zu brechen, sagt Oliver Spycher, stellvertretender Projektleiter für Vote électronique bei der Bundeskanzlei.
DemTech - CodeScannersOliver Spycher, Melanie Volkamer, Reto E. Koenig. Transparency and Technical Measures to Establish Trust in Norwegian Internet Voting. In E-Voting and Identity - Third International Conference (VoteID 2011). Volume of LNCS, Springer, Jordi Puiggalí Allepuz, Sandra Guasch Castelló. Internet Voting System ...
1 Bilder zu Oliver Spycher

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
MySpace: oliver spycher ( )Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
CV: Mihkel Solvak - ETISwww.etis.ee › Mihkel_Solvak › est... David Duenas-Cid, Jörg Helbach, Reto Koenig, Iuliia Krivonosova, Ralf Küsters, Peter Rønne, Uwe Serdült, Oliver Spycher. TalTech Press , 204−
10 Bücher zum Namen
BibSonomyOliver Spycher, Reto E. Koenig, Rolf Haenni, and Michael Schläpfer. Achieving Meaningful Efficiency in Coercion-Resistant, Verifiable Internet Voting.. In ...
Efficient Vote Authorization in Coercion-Resistant Internet Voting |...Some years ago, Juels et al. introduced the first coercion-resistant Internet voting protocol. Its basic concept is still the most viable approach to
Electronic Voting: First International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID...Steven Martin Ronan McDermott Juan Manuel Mecinas Hannu Nurmi Jon Pammett Oliver Pereira Julia Pomares Marco Prandini Josep Reniu Ron Rivest Mark Ryan Peter Ryan Steve Schneider Berry Schoenmakers Carsten Schuermann Uwe Serdült Oliver Spycher Philip B. Stark Robert Stein Vanessa Teague Alexander ...
Ritual and Rhythm in Electoral Systems: A Comparative Legal Account -...’Why do we vote in schools?’ ’What is the social meaning of secret balloting?’ ’What is lost if we vote by mail or computers rather than on election day?’...
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: BibTeX records: Oliver SpycherList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Oliver Spycher
dblp: Oliver SpycherList of computer science publications by Oliver Spycher
dblp: E-Voting and Identity 2011Bibliographic content of E-Voting and Identity 2011
Oliver Spycher - dblpdblp.org › PersonsArdita Driza-Maurer, Oliver Spycher, Geo Taglioni, Anina Weber: E-voting for Swiss Abroad: A Joint Project between the Confederation and the ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Efficient Vote Authorization in Coercion-Resistant Internet Voting |...Some years ago, Juels et al. introduced the first coercion-resistant Internet voting protocol. Its basic concept is still the most viable approach to address...
E-Voting and Identity | SpringerLinkThis volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third Conference on E-Voting and Identity, VOTE-ID 2011, held in Tallinn,...
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
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Oliver SpycherNome e sobrenome Oliver Spycher. Significado do primeiro nome, origem, compatibilidade do nome e sobrenome Oliver Spycher. Todos os serviços on-line.
Oliver Spycher | USENIXwww.usenix.org › evtwote-11 › oli...This site uses cookies. If you use this site, cookies will be stored on your device. Please see our cookie statement for more information. View Cookie Statement.
Spycher - Names EncyclopediaOliver Spycher (1) Pascal Spycher (1) Silvan Spycher (1) Stefan Spycher (1) Hugo Spycher (1) Ueli Spycher (1) Meta Spycher (1) Mathurin Spycher (1) Helena Spycher (1)
Proceedings – E-Voting.CC GmbHOliver Spycher, Reto Koenig, Rolf Haenni, Michael Schläpfer Download PDF Download presentation Video not available. Coercion-Freeness in E-voting via Multi-Party ...
Lecture Notes in InformaticsOliver Spycher, Reto Koenig and Rolf Haenni. Abstract. In traditional voting schemes with paper, pens, and ballot-boxes, appropriate procedures are put in place to ...
14 sept.Bienvenue à l'Université de Neuchâtel.
E-Vote-ID CFPeasychair.org › cfp › evoteid2020Chairs: Oliver Spycher (Swiss Federal Chancellery, Switzerland) and Beata Martin-Rozumilowicz (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, USA).
DataCite SearchA new approach towards coercion-resistant remote e-voting in linear time. Oliver Spycher, Michael Schläpfer, Reto Koenig & Rolf Haenni. Conference Paper published via ETH Zurich. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security.
E-Voting Intrusionstest der Post eine PR-Aktion?Nau.ch - Nachrichten aus der Schweiz und der Welt. Wir versorgen Sie rund um die Uhr mit dem tagesaktuellen Geschehen.
Annex 1 Norway Local elections - Final results from the e-voting in...16: Ms Melanie Volkamer, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany and Mr. Oliver Spycher, Bern University of Applied Science /University of Fribourg, Department of Informatics. -Transparency and Technical Measures to Establish Trust in Norwegian Internet Voting. 16: :15 Mr. Kristian ...
International E-Voting PhD Colloquiumevoting-phd.secuso.orgSeptember Bern, Switzerland (Oliver Spycher) April Kassel, Germany (Philipp Richter) Fall Luebeck, Germany organized by University of ...
Le système de vote électronique de La Poste sous le feu des ...www.letemps.ch › economie › syst...... Denis Morel et Oliver Spycher, responsable du projet de vote électronique respectivement à La Poste et pour la Chancellerie fédérale.
Consultation and Evaluation Practices in the Implementation of...Driza-Maurer, Ardita, Oliver Spycher, Geo Taglioni and Anina Weber "E-voting for Swiss Abroad: A Joint Project between the Confederation and the Cantons." EVOTE2012 Proceedings. Vienna: E-voting.cc. E-voting.cc "Definitions." E-voting.cc. http://www.e-voting.cc/en/it-elections/definitions/ ...
Establishing a Legal Framework for E-voting in Canada – Elections...Volkamer, Melanie, Oliver Spycher and Eric Dubuis "Measures to Establish Trust in Internet Voting." ICEGOV 2011, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, September 26–28, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia. Wolchok, Scott, Eric Wustrow, Dawn Isabel ...
Transparency and Technical Measures to Establish Trust in ...www.springerprofessional.de › transparency-and-technica...Autoren: Oliver Spycher, Melanie Volkamer, Reto Koenig. Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Erschienen in: E-Voting and Identity. » Jetzt Zugang zum Volltext ...
Migrants gain experience in direct democracy - SWI swissinfo.chForeigners in Switzerland, who make up about a fifth of the population, can now have a say on federal issues via the internet, although their ...
Financial Cryptography and Data Security | springerprofessional.deThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data
Werbung durch die E-Voting Promotoren und die POST vs ...www.noevoting.ch › public › downloadable › medien_we...NetzwocheOliver Spycher:'Verifizierbares E-Voting ist möglich', Kommentar. Propaganda-Blog der POST'Mythen und Realität'.
Wie die Security-Branche Vertrauen schaffen will | IT-Marktwww.it-markt.ch › news › wie-die-security-branche-ver...Dies erklärte Oliver Spycher, stellvertretender Projektleiter Vote éléctronique der Schweizerischen Bundeskanzlei, als er den Stand der Dinge ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Oliver
Oliver stammt aus dem lateinischen bzw. generell aus der westlichen Mittelmeerregion um die Zeitenwende und bedeutet schlichtweg "Der Olivenbaumpflanzer".
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