99 Infos zu Olya Raskina
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9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Meet Pro Rider Olya Raskina | Windsurfing News | …Meet Olya Raskina in the clip below. After a hard year of training and organizing Windsurf Beauties camps she had a little fun in the end. The clip is filmed in Hawaii, Mauritus and South Africa, in some of the best windsurfing spots on Earth, by her close friends Lena Bam, Lars Petersen, Christian Gobel, Sergey, Ivan and Zan Zanz.
[Live Fotos] Baby-G BGA A von Olya Raskina - CasioFan ...casiofanmag.com › Baby-G Live Photos· [Live Fotos] Baby-G BGA A von Olya Raskina ... Olga Raskina, die russische Botschafterin, schickt traditionell Grüße aus den sonnigsten ...
Olya Raskina. Free in the sea. - Windsurf Journal www.windsurfjournal.com › article,news,olya-raskin...· Olya Raskina. Free in the sea., article publié sur Windsurfjournal.com le
Baby-G BGA A by Olya Raskinasunniest parts of the world. baby-g-bga a-by-olya-raskina-. Share: Rate:.
5 Bilder zu Olya Raskina

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Olya Raskina | FacebookStrava-Profil für Profi-Läufer | Olya RaskinaActivities for Dec 6, Dec 12, · Clubs · Goals · Social Stats · Olya Raskina's Stats.
Portrait: Olya RaskinaStartseite 〉 People 〉 Olya Raskina. Seite 1. Seite 2. Seite 3. Seite 4. Seite 5. Seite 6. Wir kennen dich als Freestylerin. Wie kam es dazu, dass du nun in die Welle gehst. Trainierst du seit langem in der Welle? Ich hatte das Gefühl ein wenig zu lange in Dahab steckenzubleiben.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Olya Raskina Sylt PWA Super Grand Slam - Reno SUP ChallengeSail World - The world's largest sailing news network; sail and sailing, cruising, boating news
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Olya Raskina / Обо мнеОльга Раскина Профессиональный виндсерфер Спонсоры: RedBull, Roxy, JP-Australia, NeilPryde Любимые места катания: Дахаб, Маврикий, Южная Африка
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Paradise on earth. photo cr: Olya Raskina - Picture of ProCenter...ProCenter Rhodos, Rhodes Picture: Paradise on earth. photo cr: Olya Raskina - Check out Tripadvisor members' 15 candid photos and videos.
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Olya Raskina - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
Olya Raskina - video DailymotionWindsurfbeauty Olya Raskina
Windsurf avec Olya Raskina - Vidéo DailymotionUn an d’entraînements, de trips à travers le monde et d’organisation des Windsurf Beauties Camps, Olya Raskina nous livre un édit vidéo de sa « dure » vie de...
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Windsurf World Cup – WikipediaSant Pere ... Polen Polen. 10, Olya Raskina, Russland Russland,
Back on track :D – Eva Oude Ophuis ~ (wind)surfingLots of sleeping! That's what I loved last days. First my plan was to stay a few days in Tenerife after the competetion and try to sell my gear. When I was...
Olya Raskina. Free in the sea | Windsurfing Forums, page 1Olya Raskina. Free In The Sea and other windsurfing discussion in the Seabreeze general forums, page 1
From Russia with love - Windsurf beauty Olya Raskina has had an...Windsurf beauty Olya Raskina has had an incredible year travelling to some of the finest spots on the planet..
67 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Olya Raskina - Celebrity - The Handbookwww.thehandbook.com › influencer › olya-raskinaOlya Raskina Agent and Management Contact Details @(olyaraskina). How can I contact 's management team or agent details?
Olya Raskina Free in the sea | WINDSURFERSAttraktive und herausragende Windsurferin auf Mauritius - mehr Klischee geht nicht!
Vidéo: Olya Raskina, la belle est "free in the sea"Vidéo: Olya Raskina, la belle est "free in the sea" Comptant parmi les meilleures freestyleuses au monde, la belle russe Olya Raskina mène une vie de rêve durant laquelle elle passe le plus clair de son temps à l'île Maurice en Egypte et aux Canaries lorsqu'elle n'est pas sur le PWA World Tour.
Olya Raskina - Surfmagazinwww.surfmagazin.sk › znacka › olya-raskinaOlya Raskina ; Najrýchlejšie vlny na svete – legendárny Maurícius mája :53 · Foto ; Mauritius wave riding po rusky marca :39 · Sup & Surf ...
Windsurfing with Olya Raskina | Windsurfing Video …Windsurfing with Olya Raskina. Uploaded By: bogdan. 0. Rate it! Tweet. Windsurfing with Olya Raskina. Also Related. Starboard Photoshoot Robby Naish - Gentleman Surfer. Robby Naish Rips It in Hawaii. Ricardo Campello Q&A
Olya Raskina | WindsurfMoveswww.windsurfmoves.com › riders › olya-raskinaOlya Raskina. November ; Olya Raskina. November SOMWR 10 x Marignane PWA Grand Slam - Day 6 ; August Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam ...
Olya Raskina with free surfing in the ocean | RIWmagKirill Umrikhin: ”Wake up early in the morning to check the weather and going to the beach. The wind and the ocean, the life of a professional windsurfer as Olya Raskina (2from the PWA Freestyle Fuerteventura 2014) traveling all year long for competitions PWA and train in spots as Mauritius, Egypt, Canary ...
Olya Raskina | U-ride.netRéalisée par JB Messiaen et Nico Martin, Enjoy the moment est une vidéo qui sortira en janvier prochain dont le thème principal est de vous faire découvrir ce joyau qu'est l'île de Madagascar. Accompagné du kiter Louis Hutter et des windsurfers Olya Raskina et Thomas Traversa , ils sont partis à la ...
Taming The Black Sea w. Olya Raskina - Boardseeker W...One of the southern most points of Russia this wouldn't be the most obvious choice for big wave sailing but when Olya Raskina released her video from the ...
Windsurf Magazineolya raskina Archiveswww.windsurf.co.uk › tag › olya-raskinaOlya raskina Spread_Waves-e x213 · Featured Articles · ADDICTED TO WAVES. Good 'ol Wikipedia says that 'a wave is a disturbance or ...
Olya Raskina. Black sea stormWindsurf.Me Homepage
Flaka - Olya Raskina | Continentsevenwww.continentseven.com › flaka-olya-raskina· Flaka by Russian windsurfer Olya Raskina at Sotavento in Fuerteventura. video.
Hot Russian Woman Windsurfer, Olya Raskina (Pics!)Olya began competing professionally just 2 years ago, but she's already becoming well known in the windsurfing world. Plus, she recently created the first...
Windsurfer Olya Raskina in South Africa kirill umrikhinwww.kirillumrikhin.com › windsurfer-olya-raskina-i...CONTACTS. Windsurfer Olya Raskina in South Africa for Red Bull. Windsurfer Olya Raskina in South Africa for Red Bull.
Olya Raskina - dailydose.deOlya Raskina ist seit auf der PWA Freestyle World Tour am Start und belegte in diesem Jahr den 4. Platz. Auch in dicken Wellen ist die Russin zu Hause,...
ninja bichler by olya raskina mauritius 3 - Strapless Kitesurfing ...www.straplesskitesurfing.com › › ninja-...ninja bichler by olya raskina mauritius 3. October 24, Comments/by ju Airju. Comments. 0 Comments. Sort by. Newest, Oldest. Facebook Comments Plugin.
Olya Raskina - NeilPrydewww.neilpryde.com › blogs › national-team › olya-...· Olya Raskina. Country. Russia. Current place of residence: Dahab, Egypt. Sail No: RUS 14. DOB: Sponsors:.
Olya Raskina. Free in the sea. | Continentseven“Free in the sea” is a pretty nice video recap on Olya Raskina's year filmed by her boyfriend & photographer Kirill Umrikhin and Lena Bam. Olya is a former professional snowboarder and competes now on the PWA Worldtour in the disciplines Freestyle and Wave. And with success. She made it on the ...
Olya Raskina. Free in the sea. - TotalWindwww.totalwind.net › Videos· The wind and the ocean direct the life of a professional windsurfer Olya Raskina, who travels all year to PWA competitions and training ...
Olya Raskina Archives - Windsurf PressWindsurf Presswindsurfpress.com › tag › olya-raskinaRiders: Olya Raskina, Alex Zlobinskiy and Seva Shulgin Directed by Olya Raskina and Lena Bam Edited by Lena Bam Music by I break Horses – Winter Beats.Dauer: 4:00Gepostet:
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