146 Infos zu Oren Knopfmacher
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- Founder
- Avails Medical
- Hammock
- Mallory
- Zhenan Bao
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- Basel
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NWJV aktuell - Nordrhein-Westf lischer Judo-Verband e.V. Duisburgalt.nwjv.de › ...· Oren Knopfmacher, Baden. ber 100 kg: 1. Fred Finzelberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2. Ferdi Filiz, W rttemberg 3. Nils Kopke, JC K nigswinter/ ...
2023 USA Judo Senior National Championships - Coaches Loginusajudo.sport80.com › public › events › entriesOren Knopfmacher. Club. San Francisco Judo Institute. Name. Adrian Konoval. Club. Becerra Judo & Jujitsu Club. Name. Glenn Koyama.
Jetzt Schwarzgurt-Träger - Rheinfelden - Badische ZeitungMathias Kappler und Oren Knopfmacher bestanden Prüfung. Verlinken. GRENZACH-WYHLEN (alg). Ehrgeiz eines Judokas ist es, nicht nur im Wettkampfsport zu ... › jetzt-schwarzgurt-traeg...
EPILEPSY FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES SHARK TANK PRIZE ...news.cision.com › epilepsy-foundation › epilepsy-fo...Oren Knopfmacher, PhD, received $75,000 for an in-home, non-invasive device that monitors anti-seizure drug levels in saliva developed by Avails Medical, ...
1 Bilder zu Oren Knopfmacher

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
mendeley-parser/electrical-and-electronic-engineering-g.csv at mastergithub.com › wannadie › blob › master › output › e...... Graphene transistors are insensitive to pH changes in solution Wangyang Fu, Cornelia Nef, Oren Knopfmacher, Alexey Tarasov, Markus Weiss, Michel Calame.
Dr. Mathias Wipf – Nanoscale Hybrid Electronic SystemsWebpage of Michel Calame research group in Basel. Fields of research: MCBJ, graphene, ISFET, silicon nanowires, molecular junctions
Knopfmacher Thesis PaperMasar Belady | Official Website
Zhenan Bao | AIChEOren Knopfmacher · Zhenan Bao AIChE Annual Meeting. (45c) Surface Functionalization Of Mesoporous Sorbents For Post-Combustion CO2 Capture.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Avails Medical announces the commencement of PR Newswirewww.prnewswire.com › news-releases › avails-medi...· Oren Knopfmacher, CEO of Avails Medical. Contact: . About Avails Medical Inc. Avails Medical, Inc., a privately held ...
Seven Years of USB @ Butan Club Wuppertalwww.virtualnights.com › magazin › seven-years-of-usb-butan-club-wuppertalOren Knopfmacher [USB Camp / Tel Aviv]. Seemann [Tor 3 / Union Rave]. DJ Sascha D. [Nightbeats / Apwood Rec.] DJ Waschi [Brachial Drum ...
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Oren Knopfmacher - MarketVisual Knowledge MapCurrent Affiliations. General Employment. SUPD leadership team secretary at Stanford University Postdoc Association. From: Judo referee at USA ...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Oren Knopfmacher's Email & Phone - Avails Medical, Inc. - ContactOutcontactout.com › Oren-PhDOren Knopfmacher works in the Medical Device industry. About Oren Knopfmacher. Summary. Founder in residence @ StartX Med From November ...
Avails Medical is paving the way for real-time diagnostic guided ...availsmedical.com › aboutOren Knopfmacher, PhD. Co-Founder & CEO. Oren Knopfmacher, PhD, is a nanotechnology and biochemical sensor expert with over 10 years experience in the field ...
セッションの概要 | 日米医療機器イノベーションフォーラム神戸www.fbri-kobe.org › kbic › forum › aboutOren Knopfmacher. CEO & Co-Founder, Avails Medical Inc. プレゼンテーション資料. Amr Salahieh. Founder & CEO, Shifamed LLC. プレゼンテーション資料. 八木 雅和.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Oren Knopfmacher - Bao Group - Stanford Universitybaogroup.stanford.edu › people › oren-knopfmacherDr. Oren Knopfmacher. Years in group: Currently: Founder, Avails Medical, Inc. Ph.D. Institution & Major: University of Basel, Switzerland; ...
1 Projekte
RTD Projects: NanowireSensor - Nano-Terawww.nanotera.ch › projectsWangyang Fu, Oren Knopfmacher, Alexey Tarasov, Mathias Wipf, Michel Calame, Christian Schonenberger Advanced Nanowire Array System for Optical and ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
J. B. Pendry | 1 Publications | 291 Citations | Related Authorstypeset.io › Author DirectoryNernst limit in dual-gated Si-nanowire FET sensors. Oren Knopfmacher 1, Alexey Tarasov 1, Wangyang ...
Magnetic - Speak Valuespeakvalue.com › Resources › BooksOren Knopfmacher, PhD. CEO at Avails Medical. Magnetic helps understand conditions for successful communication in a practical and easy way. Chantal Paulson.
Understanding the Electrolyte Background for Biochemical Sensing with...Understanding the Electrolyte Background for Biochemical Sensing with Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors | Tarasov, Alexey; Wipf, Mathias; Stoop, Ralph L.;...
[PDF] Nanoscale - RSC Publishingpubs.rsc.org › content › getauthorversionpdf9 Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, and Kazuhiko Matsumoto, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 2010, 132, Wangyang Fu, Cornelia Nef, Oren Knopfmacher, Alexey.
4 Dokumente
Uncle California AcceleratorUncle California bridges Budapest with the Silicon Valley.
Silicon‐Based Ion‐Sensitive Field‐Effect Transistor Shows ...chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs· Silicon-Based Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Shows Negligible Dependence on Salt Concentration at Constant pH. Dr. Oren Knopfmacher,.
Electronic Readout Enzyme‐Linked Immunosorbent Assay with Organic...Mallory L. Hammock , Oren Knopfmacher , Tse Nga Ng , Jeffrey B.-H. Tok ,. and Zhenan Bao *. Dr. M. L. Hammock, Dr. O. Knopfmacher,. Dr. J. B.-H. Tok, Prof.
NIS 2017Oren Knopfmacher, Avails Medical, Palo Alto (CA), USA. 09h h40. Chemical and magnetic characterization of goethite nanoparticles by means of X-ray ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Science Slam - Wissenschaft mit Spassfaktor – ZWP online – das...Neun Wissenschaftler der Universität Basel und der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz - vom Studierenden bis zum Professor - werden gegeneinander antreten und ihre...
Science Slam: Wissenschaft mal anders - SWI swissinfo.ch— Den Vogel aber schiesst Oren Knopfmacher vom Swiss Nano Science Institute ab. Er zieht das Publikum mit seinem rasanten Vortrag Biochemische ... › ger › science-slam--wissensc...
Science Slam – was ist das? - Frei-denken.chfrei-denken.ch › news › science-slam-was· Ed Constable und Gewinner war Oren Knopfmacher vom Swiss Nanoscience Institute. Die ersten Science Slams in Basel und wurden ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Oren Knopfmacher | PubFactsOren Knopfmacher
Budo-Club Karlsruhe e.V.: Judo > Die MannschaftOren Knopfmacher. Geboren: ; Judo: seit 1989; Graduierung: 2.Dan; Beruf: Doktorand der Physik ; Matthias Zimmermann. Geboren: ; Judo: seit 1987;
mallory l hammock | PubFactsmallory l hammock
Avails Medical - Wiki | Goldengolden.com › wiki › Avails_Medical-BWWDDKPThe company was founded by Meike Herget, Naama Stauber Breckler, Nancy Isaac, Oren Knopfmacher, and Robert Fisher in 2013, in San Francisco, California, ...
14 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Jonathan Romanowsky on Twitter: "Congrats to Oren Knopfmacher ...mobile.twitter.com › jmeabr › statusCongrats to Oren Knopfmacher, my. @StartX. co-neighborhood lead, on Avails Medical's recent raise from #omronventures. Solutions to tackle #AMR and #sepsis ...
Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for...In recent decades, the susceptibility to degradation in both ambient and aqueous environments has prevented organic electronics from gaining rapid traction for...
GoodPeople: Rocktoberfest, Oren Knopfmacher Spotlight | Modernist -...GoodPeople: Rocktoberfest, Oren Knopfmacher Spotlight. Wednesday, September 27, 2017; 8:00 PM 11:00 PM 20:00 23:00. Google Calendar ICS. Share.
Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor Naturewww.nature.com › nature communications › articles· Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment. Oren Knopfmacher,; Mallory ...
78 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Oren Knopfmacher, PhD'S Postlinkedin.comCongratulations Oren Knopfmacher, PhD – I'm so excited to witness all the support Avails Medical, Inc. gets to identify and fight infections! Like.
Oren Knopfmacher, PhD | LinkedInView Oren Knopfmacher, PhD's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Oren Knopfmacher, ...
Dr. Oren Knopfmacher - Google Scholarscholar.google.is › citations利用不可. 助成機関の要件に基づく. フォロー. Dr. Oren Knopfmacher. Avails Medical. 確認したメール アドレス: availsmedical.com. 論文引用先オープン アクセス ...
Epilepsy Foundation Announces Shark Tank Prize Winners for ...Oren Knopfmacher, PhD, received $75,000 for an in-home, non-invasive device that monitors anti-seizure drug levels in saliva developed by ...
Oren Knopfmacher | The Explorer Groupwww.theexplorergroup.com › tag › oren-knopfmac...Home Posts tagged "Oren Knopfmacher". Avails Medical, a pioneer in automated, accelerated antibiotic susceptibility testing for septic patients announced ...
Epilepsy Foundation to Hold Fourth Annual "Shark Yahoo FinanceOren Knopfmacher, PhD, received $75,000 for an in-home, non-invasive device that monitors anti-seizure drug levels in saliva developed by ...
Oren Knopfmacher - JAPAN PRODUCTSjapan-product.com › img_speaker_pm_b_01_p02Return to Japan-US 6th Annual Medtech & Healthtech Innovation Forum Kobe. Oren Knopfmacher. By JAPAN PRODUCTS | Uploaded | Full size is 290 ×
Oren Knopfmacher | Swiss Nanoscience Institute› › oren-knopfmacher
Graphene Transistors Are Insensitive to pH Changes in Solution -Nano Letters DOI: nl c
Oberberg-Heute.de / Politik / Engelmeier-Heite bei den Maccabi Games...Regionales Internet Magazin
AVAILS MEDICAL, INC. Top 13F Holdings - Whale Wisdomwhalewisdom.com › filer › avails-medical-incOREN KNOPFMACHER, subscription required. EXECUTIVE OFFICER DIRECTOR. NANCY ISAAC, subscription required. DIRECTOR. MICHAEL LAUFER, subscription required.
Avails Medical - Company Info , Employees & Competitors - CIENCEwww.cience.com › company › avails-medicalRevenue: $25 Million to 50 Million; Oren Knopfmacher CEO: Oren Knopfmacher. Email · phone no Phone. industries-icon Industry: Medical Devices.
Avails Medical - Redefine Venturesredefineventures.com › PortfoliosFounders. Meike Herget, Naama Stauber Breckler, Nancy Isaac, Oren Knopfmacher, Robert Fisher. Website. availsmedical.com. Avails Medical, Inc. is an in ...
Avails Medical Careers | Wellfound (formerly AngelList Talent)wellfound.com › company › avails-medicalAvatar for Oren Knopfmacher. Founder & CEO of Avails Medical, Inc. • Worked at @Novartis • Studied at @Stanford University & Basel • Nanotech (biochemical ...
Avails Medical Menlo Park CA, – Manta.comContact Is this your business? Claim This Profile. Avails Medical, Inc. Phone: (650) Web: www.availsmedical.com. Name: Oren Knopfmacher.
Avails Medical, Inc. - CAGE.reportcage.report › CAGEPOC, OREN KNOPFMACHER. Phone, Address, ADAMS DR MENLO PARK, SAN MATEO, CA UNITED STATES
Avails Medical, Inc. Company Contact Information - Adapt.iowww.adapt.io › company › avails-medical--inc-Oren Knopfmacher. Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. +1******90. Naama Breckler. Co-Founder.
Altmetric – Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor...Oren Knopfmacher, Mallory L. Hammock, Anthony L. Appleton, Gregor Schwartz, Jianguo Mei, Ting Lei, Jian Pei, Zhenan Bao. Abstract.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen GesellschaftElectrolyte Gated Silicon Nanowire FETs — •Oren Knopfmacher, Michel Calame, and Christian Schönenberger — University of Basel, Department of Physics, ...
Buchumschlag - LUX LeuphanaHima Shah [VerfasserIn]. Victoria Yuan [VerfasserIn]. Elizabeth Botbol-Ponte [VerfasserIn]. Adrian Hoyos-Urias [VerfasserIn]. Oren Knopfmacher [VerfasserIn]. › vufind › DOAJ
Verwandte Personensuchen
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Personensuche zu Oren Knopfmacher & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Oren Knopfmacher und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.