57 Infos zu Otto Johs
Mehr erfahren über Otto Johs
Infos zu
- Annie
- Ceramics
- Denmark
- Museum
- Artist
- Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond
- Danish Art Foundation
- Design
- Fonde
- Generalagentur
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Cranbrook Academy of Art Appoints New Head of CeramicsIn 2005, he received the Anni and Otto Johs. Detlef's Award for young, experimental ceramic artists from the Museum of Art and Design in Denmark, ... › news › Cranbro...
Morten Løbner Espersen solo exhibition— In he won the Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs Ceramic Prize. A parallel exhibition of this Danish ceramicist's work will be presented ... › news › mo...
1 Bilder zu Otto Johs

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Otto Johs Inh. Cornelia Nees AXA Generalagentur | FacebookFacebook: AXA Versicherungen Generalagentur Otto Johs Inh FacebookFacebook: Solrød Kommune - Torsdag var Annie og Otto Johs. Detlefs ...1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
proff: Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond - Proff› solrød-strand
1 Business-Profile
degulesider.dk: Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Almennyttige Fond - De Gule Sider› firma
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
The Royal Danish Ballet | DET KGL. TEATEROur gratitude to Annie og Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Fonden - OJD for their contribution to the development of The Royal Danish Ballet. › about-us › arts
2 Persönliche Webseiten
About - Mariko Wada2017 VERSUS' group exhibition TALISMAN – Magical Objects awarded by the Danish Arts Foundation VERSUS group awarded by Anni & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Ceramics ... › ab...
Bente Skjöttgaard - Pierre Marie GiraudAnnie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Ceramics Award. The Danish Art Foundation. Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation of The Danish Art Workshops, ... › files › skb_cv
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Adreß- u. Einwohnerbuch der Stadt Kassel sowie sämtlicher ...Otto Johs. Perlstein L Co. Pukatz Karl Franzgraben 22 Resow Berta Schuhmacher Ackermann Gg. Moritzstr ... › viewer › fulltext
1 Traueranzeigen
nicholas johs obituary - Staten Island Advance - Legacy.comResults of 10 — Cherished grandson of Doris Rassi, Dorothy and Will Gamper and the late Fred Rassi and Otto Johs. Also survived many aunts, ... › name
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Otto Johan Appelroth ( ) - Genealogy - Geni.com— Otto Johs. Appelroth in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Book... Otto Johs. Appelroth. Added :49: by Private ... › people › O...
1 Projekte
Marie Herwald Hermann (Danish, born ) - ArtnetHermann was awarded the Kresge Artist Fellowships, the Danish Art Foundation 3-year grant in and 2009, the Annie and Otto Johs. › biography
2 Bücher zum Namen
Deutsche Apotheker-ZeitungSchmidt , Heinrich Otto Johs . Keck , Philipp , Mainburg Kempter , Friedrich , Kittler , Moritz Richard , Dresden . Klavehn , Friedrich , Demmin .
Oo - Oz - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite1614 Otto, Johs., Ulrich v. Hutten. Ein Säculardrama. Festgabe für das deutsche Volk zur Erinnerung an die 400jähr. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages Ulrich's v.
3 Dokumente
Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Fonde› sites › default › files › agenda
Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl Denmark b Taste ContemporaryAnnie and Otto Johs. Detlefs' Foundation, Denmark. Aller Media, Denmark. Many Private Collections. Selected Exhibitions | Solo. › Martin-Bod...
Soloist at Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe - Alba NadalAnnie and Otto Johs. Detlefs Foundation Grant for “Artistic development” (2018). ✓ Alberts Gaubiers og Poul Waldorffs Foundation Grant (2017). › ...
34 Webfunde aus dem Netz
AXA Generalagentur Otto Johs Inh. Cornelia Nees› axa-gener...
AXA Versicherungen Generalagentur Otto Johs Inh. Cornelia ...› axa-versicherungen-generalagent...
Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond› firma
Axa Generalvertretung Otto Johs + Co.› Axa_Generalvertretung_Ott...
Otto Johs. Detlefs & Annie Detlefs' Almennyttige Fond skifter ...› firmaer › otto-joh...
Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond (LEI LEI Lookup› record
Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond - LEI Register› leicert
Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs´ Almennyttige Fond | Analyser› analyser
Otto Johs on The Session› members
#holdttale hashtag on Instagram • Photos and VideosJeg har i dag modtaget Annie og Otto Johs. Detlevs' Keramikpris rejselegat. #holdttale for min #kjære #farfar Hvil i fred! Savner deg. › top
Anders Ruhwald - Officine SaffiThe Anni and Otto Johs. Detlefs' award for young experimental ceramic artists st. Prize, The Biennial, The Danish Museum of Decorative Arts, › artist
Artist Statement - Martin Bodilsen KaldahlIn January Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl received the prestigious Annie and Otto Johs Detlefs Ceramics Prize, awarded to ceramicists of extraordinary ... › a...
Bente Skjøttgaard - Ceramics NowAnnie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Keramikpris – The Danish Art Foundation – Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af – Ole Haslunds Kunstnerfond › be...
CC - Copenhagen Ceramics... The Danish Arts Foundation; Holstebro Art Museum, DK; Erik Veistrup Collection at Museum of International Ceramic Art, Denmark; Annie and Otto Johs. › ...
Design Museum Danmark | Forbo Flooring Systems - ArchelloThe project was made possible by a DKK 25 million donation from the private foundation Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs Fonde. Material Used :. › project › des...
Designmuseum Danmark - CobeClient: Designmuseum Danmark and Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Fonde. Program: New plaza, museum entrance and café. Size: 685 m² plaza and 95 m² café, ... › place › designmu...
Fond sætter "pris på" keramikken - Danske KunsthåndværkereAnnie og Otto Johs. Detlefs' Fond uddeler kr. til danske keramikere. Priserne uddeles lørdag den 20. januar på CLAY Keramikmuseum i Middelfart. › fond-saetter-pris-...
Garden at Christian's Have Nursing Home - Helle Nebelong... a herb garden, a patio and even a kissing bench has been made possible by a generous donation of DKK million from Annie and Otto Johs. › ...
Klira - CampusKlira (Otto Johs. Klier GmbH) was a German string instrument manufacturer, from until Starting with the classic violin family of instruments, ... › ...
Klira - profilpelajar.comKlira (Otto Johs. Klier GmbH) was a German string instrument manufacturer, from until Starting with the classic violin family of instruments, ... › article
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Otto
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch): Otto; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); ot = der Besitz, der Reichtum, das Erbe; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen beginnend mit 'Ot-', wie z.B. Ottmar; im Mittelalter beliebt als Name von deutschen Königen, Herzögen und Grafen
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