145 Infos zu Patricia Maccormack

Mehr erfahren über Patricia Maccormack

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10 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Guardian: Weekender: Dr Patricia MacCormack, academic, 38 | Life and style |...

'I can find a goth club in any city I'm in'

Chaos Magick to Save the World - Patricia MacCormack in ...www.treadwells-london.com › events-1 › chaos-magick-to-save-the-world-...

· IN PERSON & ONLINE. Patricia MacCormack, a leading Continental philosopher, champions queer chaos magick in the current apocalyptic era.

Ursula Mayer and Patricia MacCormack | Moderna Museet i Stockholmwww.modernamuseet.se › stockholm › event › ursul...

Patricia MacCormack is a professor of philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, and author of the book Posthuman Ethics: Embodiment and Cultural Theory ...

New Publication: Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st-Century Film • Popular...

... Adrian Ivakhiv, Kylie Jarrett, Selmin Kara, Julia Leyda, Patricia MacCormack, Lev Manovich, Ruth Mayer, Michael O’Rourke, Patricia Pisters, Alessandra Raengo, ...

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Patricia MacCormack - Why Desire Matters - Facebookwww.facebook.com › media › set

LinkedIn: Patricia MacCormack - Professor - Anglia Ruskin University | LinkedInuk.linkedin.com › patricia-maccormack-2b230b37

Patricia MacCormack · Professor at Anglia Ruskin University · View mutual connections with Patricia · Welcome back · Activity · Experience · Education · More activity ...

LinkedIn: Patricia MacCormack - Reader in Continental Philosophy - Anglia ...

View Patricia MacCormack's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Patricia has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Patricia's connections and jobs at similar companies.

Bloomsbury - Patricia MacCormack - Patricia MacCormack

Patricia MacCormack is Reader in English, Communication, Film and Media at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK. She is the author of, Patricia MacCormack is...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Why Desire Matters - Patricia MacCormack - Facebook

Patricia MacCormack, Posthuman ethics - PhilPapers

Posthuman theory asks in various ways what it means to be human in a time when philosophy has become suspicious of claims about human subjectivity. Those...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

patricia maccormack - Summit, NJ Real Estate Agent | realtor.com®

Find real estate agent & Realtor® patricia maccormack in Summit, NJ on realtor.com®, your source for top rated real estate professionals.

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Patricia MacCormack

Self, Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape

Patricia MacCormack - Rotten Tomatoeswww.rottentomatoes.com › celebrity › patricia_mac...

Patricia MacCormack. Highest Rated: 100% Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide (2010). Lowest Rated: 100% ...

1 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Patricia MacCormack (unknown-1937) - Memorials - Find a Gravewww.findagrave.com › memorial › patricia-maccor...

Patricia MacCormack ; Birth: unknown ; Death: 17 Jun New Ross, County Wexford, Ireland ; Burial. St. Mary's Church of Ireland Cemetery. New Ross, County ...

30 Bücher zum Namen

Ahuman Manifesto (Paperback) by Professor Patricia Maccormackwww.abebooks.com › Ahuman-Manifesto-Paperbac...

37,02 $Professor Patricia Maccormack. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, ISBN 10: ISBN 13: Price: US$ Convert ,02 $ Professor Patricia Maccormack. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, ISBN 10: ISBN 13: Price: US$ Convert ...

Patricia MacCormack ( of #Akzeleration) - Goodreadswww.goodreads.com › author › show › Pa...

Patricia MacCormack's Books · The Ahuman Manifesto by Patricia MacCormack The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene · Deleuze and the ...

Ecosophical Aesthetics - Patricia MacCormack - Bokklubbenwww.bokklubben.no › anvendt-oekologi › produkt

Ecosophical Aesthetics. Art, Ethics and Ecology with Guattari. Patricia MacCormack Colin Gardner. Gi vurdering. Ecosophical Aesthetics. «A ...

Ahuman Manifesto - Patricia MacCormack - Bokkildenwww.bokkilden.no › miljoevernideologi › produkt

Activism for the End of the Anthropocene. Patricia MacCormack. We are in the midst of a growing ecological crisis. Developing technologies and cultural ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

bol.com: bol.com | Ms Patricia MacCormack artikelen kopen? Kijk snel!

Op zoek naar artikelen van Ms Patricia MacCormack? Artikelen van Ms Patricia MacCormack koop je eenvoudig online bij bol.com ✓ Gratis verzending vanaf 20,-

The Queer Ethics of Monstrosity | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › Speaking of Monsters

The Queer Ethics of Monstrosity. Patricia MacCormack. Chapter Accesses. 4 Citations. 1 Altmetric. Abstract. Teratology is Most Importantly Informing ...

e-flux publications

As the editorial collective explained, "(t)his first presentation of e-flux journal in Berlin (was) a prototype for what a small art space such as The Building can do with this system." Easterling, Bruno Latour, Ursula K. Heise, Gean Moreno, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Diedrich Diederichsen, Rasmus Fleischer, Jon Rich, Geert Lovink, Brian Kuan Wood and Joana Hadjithomas / Khalil Joreige, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Julian Assange, Metahaven, Benjamin Bratton, and Patricia MacCormack.

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

Ahuman Manifesto — Patricia MacCormack - Vimeovimeo.com › Konstfack › Videos

· Ahuman Manifesto — Patricia MacCormack. Follow. from Konstfack. 3 years ago — via Parallel ...Dauer: 57:54Gepostet:

Patricia MacCormack - "Death Activism: A Joyful Apocalypse"www.youtube.com › watch

· Patricia MacCormack will be giving a free lecture on September 28th, 18:30 CET, as part of SMR ...Dauer: 1:30:25Gepostet:

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: School of Materialist Research (SMR) on X: "Patricia MacCormack's ...mobile.twitter.com › school_smr › status

· Patricia MacCormack's Open Seminar: "Death Activism: A Joyful Apocalypse" is live now on YouTube! youtube.com. Patricia MacCormack - "Death ...

Wikiquote Zitate: Patricia MacCormack - Wikiquoteen.wikiquote.org › wiki › Patricia_MacCormack

Patricia MacCormack is an Australian scholar who lives and works in London. Currently she is Professor of Continental Philosophy in English and Media at ...

Interdisciplinary and International Conference: „The American Weird:...

Interdisciplinary and international Conference:

73 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Philosophy For Our Times

Philosophy for our Times is a free philosophy podcast bringing you the latest talks and debates from the world’s leading thinkers. We host weekly episodes on...

(PDF) Prof. Patricia MacCormack – The daemonic vulva | David Lukewww.academia.edu › Prof_Patricia_MacCormack_T...

Dr Patricia MacCormack (30th November, 2010) – The daemonic vulva. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, ...

Mystic Queer | 6 | Posthuman Ethics | Patricia MacCormack | Taylor & Fwww.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › mystic-queer-pa...

Mystic Queer. DOI link for Mystic Queer. Mystic Queer. ByPatricia MacCormack. BookPosthuman Ethics. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st ...

Patricia MacCormack | Anglia Ruskin University - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Patricia MacCormack - MUBImubi.com › cast › patricia-maccormack

Patricia MacCormack's films include Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape.

Patricia MacCormack - Queer Death Studies Networkqueerdeathstudies.net › tag › patricia-maccormack

Patricia MacCormack (Anglia Ruskin University, UK). We are thrilled to hold several local, hybrid and online … Continue reading ...

Patricia MacCormack - The School of Materialist Researchschoolofmaterialistresearch.org › Patricia-MacCorma...

Patricia MacCormack · Patricia MacCormack is Professor of Continental Philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. She has published extensively on ...

Patricia MacCormack | BFIwww.bfi.org.uk › greatest-films-all-time › all-voters

Patricia MacCormack. Professor Of Continental Philosophy, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge UK/Australia. Voted for ...

Patricia MacCormack | CUNTemporarycuntemporary.org › tag › patricia-maccormack

Patricia MacCormack. PERFORMING THE OCCULT – SYMPOSIUM DOCUMENTATION. We have released video documentation of the symposium PERFORMING THE OCCULT: Magick, ...

Patricia MacCormack | Spike Art Magazinespikeartmagazine.com › patricia-maccormack

Speakers at "Finding the Body: The Last Transgression" From left: Evan Ifekmya, Hannah Black, Cadence Kinsey, Patricia MacCormack, Giulia Smith, ...

Patricia MacCormack's research works | Anglia Ruskin University ...www.researchgate.net › scientific-contributions › Pat...

Patricia MacCormack's 17 research works with 60 citations and reads, including: Embracing Death, Opening the World.

Patricia MacCormack: Цитаты на английском языкеru.citaty.net › Авторы › Patricia MacCormack цитаты

Patricia MacCormack - Quotes in English · Patricia MacCormack is an Australian scholar who lives and works in London, Eng…

Patricia Maccormack - Top podcast episodeswww.listennotes.com › top-podcasts › patricia-macc...

Patricia MacCormack is an Australian scholar who lives and works in London, England. Currently she is Professor of Continental Philosophy in English and ...

Patricia Maccormack: Most Up-to-Date Encyclopedia, News & Reviewsacademic-accelerator.com › Encyclopedia

Bewertung 4,9 (1.098) Get the latest Patricia Maccormack research reviews, science news & scholar articles. View the most complete encyclopedia by Academic Accelerator. Bewertung 4,9 (1.098) Get the latest Patricia Maccormack research reviews, science news & scholar articles. View the most complete encyclopedia by Academic Accelerator.

The Ahuman Manifesto by Patricia MacCormack | Issue 152philosophynow.org › issues › The_Ahuman_Manife...

The Ahuman Manifesto by Patricia MacCormack. Stephen Alexander is against a work against humanity. The full title of MacCormack's book is The Ahuman ...

The Animal Catalyst Patricia Maccormack - broché - Achat Livre - Fnacwww.fnac.com › The-Animal-Catalyst-Patricia-Maccormack

40,72 € Auf LagerThe Animal Catalyst Patricia Maccormack. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . 40,72 € Auf Lager The Animal Catalyst Patricia Maccormack. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction .

Deleuze and the Animal | Edited by Colin Gardner and Patricia...

Deleuze and the Animal - By Edited by Colin Gardner and Patricia MacCormack from Oxford University Press Canada

GL : Rosi Braidotti – Posthuman Feminist Theory – Podcast...

Patricia MacCormack. Shulamith Firestone. Paul Rabinow. Roberto Esposito Podcast Kombinat. Podcast Feeds. Zentrum für Gender Studies und feministische ...

Heksen Patricia MacCormack til Drammen Pride - Blikkblikk.no › drammen-drammen-pride-pride › heksen...

· Patricia MacCormack er professor i Continental Philosophy ved Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. Hun har vært praktiserende okkultist i 35 år, ...

Higher Seminar: Patricia MacCormack on Occult Ahuman Pedagogyposthumanitieshub.net › › higher-semin...

· Patricia MacCormack is Professor of Continental Philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. She has published extensively on philosophy, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Patricia

Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Patricia; die Vornehme; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); patricius = von vornehmer Herkunft; Information zur männlichen Form Patrick:; Vorname mit lateinischer Herkunft; bekannt als Name des hl. Patrick, des Apostels und Schutzheiligen Irlands (4./5. Jh.)

Personensuche zu Patricia Maccormack & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Patricia Maccormack und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.