102 Infos zu Paul Bakaus
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- Frankfurt
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- Developer Advocate
- Dextrose
- Zynga
- Games
- Advocate at Google
- DevTools
- Ideas
- Accessibility Forum Frankfurt
12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Browserspielehersteller Zynga kauft Mainzer Dextrose AG | heise onlineDie US-Amerikaner, bekannt für Spiele wie FarmVille, betreten mit der Übernahme der Dextrose AG das Feld der Spieleentwicklung auf Basis von HTML, CSS und...
Zynga übernimmt Dextrose - deutsche-startups.deDextrose-Gründer Rocco Di Leo leitet künftig als Country Manager die neu gegründete Zynga Game Germany GmbH in Frankfurt am Main. Mitstreiter Paul Bakaus kümmert sich im neuen Unternehmen – wie zuvor bei Dextrose – als CTO um die Softwareentwicklung. Das kleine Dextrose-Team arbeitete in ...
Traubenzucker für Zynga: Social-Games-Riese eröffnet deutsche...Kaufpreis ist unklar. Das Unternehmen firmiert künftig als Zynga Germany und zieht nach Frankfurt um. Znyga Germany ist die erste ... Mitgründer Paul Bakaus wird Zyngas deutscher Technikchef, Rocco Di Leo übernimmt als Country Manager für Zynga Deutschland. Innerhalb Europas ist Zynga mit einem reinen ...
Die International PHP Conference präsentierte Konferenz-Programm...Pressemitteilung von Software & Support Media GmbH ✅ Die International PHP Conference präsentierte Konferenz-Programm mit Experten und Keynotes rund um...
24 Bilder zu Paul Bakaus
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4022/4566898966_146dfcb9a1_s.jpg)
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2055/2509491651_bf43185303_s.jpg)
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5527/25343721919_7656d07411_s.jpg)
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5682/30862800112_9bb43faf41_s.jpg)
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1547/26201110601_7f14a20032_s.jpg)
![Bild zu Paul Bakaus](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4086/5176173875_7032c31548_s.jpg)
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Paul Bakauspbakaus (Paul Bakaus) · GitHubpbakaus has 23 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Paul Bakaus – Featured Author | Inautilo · Hotspots for Online...developer: 'Why is everyone inviting me to these meetings?'” Paul Bakaus. About Us. Inautilo · Hotspots for Online Professionals. What your peers in the web industry talk about next. Our Mission. “I always wanted to stay up-to-date with the evolution ...
Paul Bakaus - Movies, Biography, News, Age & Photos | BookMyShowFilmography & biography of Paul Bakaus . Checkout the movie list, birth date, latest news, videos & photos on BookMyShow
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Paul Bakaus - Developer Advocate, Google Chrome - Google | XINGBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Paul Bakaus direkt bei XING.
3 Persönliche Webseiten
The Sea of Ideas – The personal homepage of Paul Bakaus.The Sea of Ideas - The personal homepage of Paul Bakaus.
Paulbakaus : The Sea of Ideas – The personal homepage of Paul Bakaus....Paulbakaus at WO. Get the complete website information of paulbakaus.com including website worth,daily income,pr,backlink,traffic detail,directory listing
User Paul Bakaus - Stack OverflowAdvocacy Lead & Web Advocate at Google • Previously: Zynga (CTO), jQuery UI ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Frames Per Second - Paul Bakaus - Fluent Conference 2014: JavaScript...Compilation [Video]
Learning JQuery 1.3: Better Interaction and Web Development with...This book begins with a tutorial to jQuery, followed by an examination of common, real-world client-side problems, and solutions to each of them making it an...
Stunning CSS3: A project-based guide to the latest in CSS - Zoe...CSS3 adds powerful new functionality to the web’s visual style language to help you create beautiful and engaging designs more easily than ever. With CSS3, you...
The Web Game Developer's Cookbook: Using JavaScript and HTML5 to...of behavior in projects such as Pascal Rettig's “Quintus” game engine, which exposes rendering APIs for DOM, canvas, and SVG, and Paul Bakaus's “domvas, ” which enables you to render an arbitrary piece of the DOM in a canvas element ...
1 Dokumente
Paul Bakaus, Cto at Dextrose ag | SlideShareView all of Paul Bakaus's Presentations.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
WordPress › Profiles » Paul BakausGoogle earlier… 12 months ago. Paul Bakaus's profile was updated. 12 months ago.
Twitter Flight AMPlifying the Web by Paul Bakaus : Twitter Dev...initiative, bringing publishers and technology companies ...
Nifty Corners with jQueryNifty for jQuery is a modified and optimized version of Nifty Corners Cube. The new one has been programmed by Paul Bakaus Simple. Just Javascript and ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
English Google AMP & PWA office-hours with Paul Bakaus – Google...Join us for a technical overview of using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to build Progressive ...
Paul Bakaus from Google: The Illusion of speed - improving the...Paul Bakaus from Google: The Illusion of speed improving the perceived speed of websites Paul Bakaus Developer Advocate at Google and Open Source AMP project...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Living In A Mobile World: Interview with Google's Paul Bakaus on AMPAMP enables the easy creation of consistently fast, beautiful, and high-performing sites. We talked to Google's Paul Bakaus about the future of the project.
Awwwards Interviews - Paul Bakaus, Developer Advocate at GoogleTime for the third round of Awwwards Interviews, this time with Paul Bakaus, currently working for and with Google as Developer Advocate on the Google Chrome...
Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web – Paul Bakaus |...Google Tech Talk - June 11, Paul Bakaus is the CTO of the Germany-based startup Dextrose AG, and his corporate work mostly focuses on UX, UI and tricky...
Mocha Sauce for JavaScript Unit Tests, Created by Paul Bakaus | Sauce...created jQuery UI and the Aves Engine, created Mocha Sauce for ...
35 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Paul Bakaus - Developer Advocate - Google | LinkedInberuflichen Netzwerk. Paul Bakaus hat 11 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Paul Bakaus und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
Themengebiete › Webkongress Erlangen 2018Die Vorträge werden nach folgenden Themenbereichen aufgeteilt: Technologie Im Schwerpunkt
The Illusion of Speed by Paul Bakaus · Fronteersbang on time, which is good, because Paul Bakaus, who you may know as a ...
[JSConfEU 2011] Paul Bakaus: HTML5 Game Engine developmentThis talk is from jsconf.eu. For reuse of this video under a more permissive license please get in touch with us. The speakers retain the copyright for...
Paul Bakaus from Google: The Illusion of speed - improving the...Paul Bakaus Developer Advocate at Google and Open Source AMP project shares clever tricks and psychology to improve perceived speed in mobile site performance....
dessert.philipp-soehnlein.de » paul bakausSmall, sweet webpieces.
Presentations by Paul Bakaus - Speaker Deck2015 by Paul Bakaus · Thumb_slide_ Feb 28, by Paul Bakaus ...
Learn about AMP & PWA from Google #xtremefreelance...Paul Bakaus.
Google AMP & PWA office-hours with Paul BakausLearn about AMP and PWA in this video - Google AMP & PWA office-hours with Paul Bakaus.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) with Google’s Paul Bakausadvocate at Google, as well as Lullabot senior developer (and AMP ...
AUTHORS.txt | searchcodeAUTHORS.txt in ihk located at /pipeline/map/ui/development-bundle
Awwwards Conference Barcelona Review | Welance ENAwwwards Conference Review Paul Bakaus shared useful insights during his presentation. For instance, how the DevTools will be extended in the future.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) with Google’s Paul Bakaus | Lullabotadvocate at Google, as well as Lullabot senior developer (and AMP ...
Awwwards Conference Barcelona Review | WelanceInternational experts shared their secrets at one of the most important events about web design. This is our review of the Awwwards Conference February
Confreaks TV | Presenter Paul Bakausis Aves Engine: High Performance Browser Games which has ...
First Decoded Chat of the year: Paul Bakaus on AMP | Christian...the format :). There are quite a few changes that happened to ...
HTML5 : aucun problème de performance selon Paul Bakaus | W3C -...de problème de performance avec le HTML5 Le HTML5 n'a aucun problème de ...
Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2016· Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit Paul Bakaus (Developer Advocate, Google) gave a talk titled, From AMP to PWA - The Best of Both Worlds.
pod|fanatic | Podcast: Lullabot Podcast | Episode: Accelerated Mobile...advocate at Google, as well as Lullabot senior developer (and AMP module creator) Matthew Tift to talk all things Accelerated Mobile Pages.
Paul Bakaus - FITCDevTools, AMP and Games. He assists developers, designers, and filmmakers ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Paul
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Paul; der Kleine, der Jüngere; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); paulus = klein; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; verbreitet als Heiligenname, vor allem des hl. Apostels Paulus; bisher trugen 6 Päpste den Namen Paul
Personensuche zu Paul Bakaus & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Paul Bakaus und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.