271 Infos zu Paul Cayard
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- America's Cup
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- Ocean Race
- Robertson's Sailing Podcast
- San Francisco
- Sports
48 Aktuelle Nachrichten
CNN.com - Cayard laments Oracle move - Dec. 11, 2002American sailor Paul Cayard is second only to veteran campaigner Dennis Conner when it comes to experience in the America's Cup.
US yachtsman Cayard witness to prevalence of plastic in seas ...MILAN (AP) — A life on the seas, including two circumnavigations of the globe, has given U.S. yachtsman Paul Cayard a first-hand view of the ...
VELA | VOLVO OCEAN RACE: Paul Cayard: Paul Cayard, la bestia...El navegante estadounidense, ganador de la edición de como patrón del EF Language, es un icono de liderazgo y uno de los grandes patrones de la...
L'analisi di Paul Cayard - VIDEO - Altri sport - RaiSportL'analisi di Paul Cayard. ContentItem-3cd6a112-f220-4b96-8dd1-24cb8f8fcc67 L'analisi di Paul Cayard
43 Bilder zu Paul Cayard

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Paul CayardFacebook: Paul Cayard - FacebookFacebook: Cristiana Capotondi and Paul Cayard. - One Ocean ...www.facebook.com › photos › cris...1975 El Toro North Americans with Paul CayardEl Toros are eight foot long sailboats. I was 16 years old, and Paul Cayard, to the right, was 15. My El Toro is on top of my mother's car to the right ...
26 Hobbys & Interessen
Paul Cayard reports from the 93rd Bacardi Cup - Day 1www.yachtsandyachting.com › newsPaul Cayard reports from the 93rd Bacardi Cup - Day 1. by Paul Cayard 3 Mar 12:51 GMT. Paul Cayard at the Bacardi Cup, day 1 © Martina Orsini ...
Stars and Stripes with Paul Cayard (3rdL) at the h Pictures ...www.gettyimages.it › detail › fotografie-di-cronaca › st...Stars and Stripes with Paul Cayard (3rdL) at the helm heads for the mark in a tight race against Young America ... Fuechse Berlin v Bergischer HC - Bundesliga.
Paul Cayard: vi racconto tutto - Repubblica.itPaul Cayard: vi racconto tutto. A quattro mesi dall'America's Cup tra delusioni e tragedie, il velista californiano più famoso in Italia si racconta.
Paul Cayard becomes first sailor inducted into Bay Area ...www.sail-world.com › news › Paul...The Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame (BASHOF) announced today that local sailor Paul Cayard will join its induction class this May. In doing ...
4 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Paul Cayard | St. Francis Sailing Foundationwww.stfsf.org › staff › paul-cayardHaving started sailing at the age of seven, Paul Cayard has become one of the best known American sailors of his time. He is a long-time ...
Spring Silver Star in Miami, Paul Cayard reports | www.pressmare.it/The final series of the Star winter racing is happening on Biscayne Bay, today through Sunday
America's Cup 35 Day 4: the Paul Cayard commentary | www ...www.pressmare.it › cayard-sailingIt isn't that the Kiwis are doing exceptional things. They are sailing consistently and they make high percentage decisions.
Cayard Sailing | www.pressmare.it/enPress releases and editorials provided by Cayard Sailing | www.pressmare.it
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Paul Cayard's Profile - Cayard Sailingcayardsailing.com › paul-cayards-pro...Paul Cayard is one of America's most recognized and accomplished sailors. Cayard, a seven time world champion, seven time America's Cup competitor, has twice circumnavigated the world, becoming the first American to win the Whitbread ... 含まれない: Viersen" | 含めて検索: Viersen"
Paul Cayard | St. Francis Sailing Foundationbest known American sailors of his time. He is a long-time ...
10 Bücher zum Namen
Paul Cayard (Introduction of Yacht Clubs of the World)Paul Cayard is the author of Yacht Clubs of the World (4.20 avg rating, 5 ratings, 1 review, published 2011)
"AeroSail Anemos" Technical DetailsHe competes for the SC Berlin Grünau and works for Aerosail as a Sports ... Cup project, and he already has two idols in mind: John Franklin and Paul Cayard.
Cruising World - Jan Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitevolvo o Round the world 2001–206 o ** T WAS IN FORT LAUDERDALE, of Americans step up/ PAUL CAYARD was stuck N CAR TRAFFIC on THE Approach To ...
Yachting - Google BooksSailed by Jorgen Sundelin, the Swedish boat was only a point ahead of Paul Cayard's runner-up St. Francis IX. Close behind was Scoundrel, a new ...
1 Dokumente
Category:Paul Cayard - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org › wikiMedia in category "Paul Cayard". The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total. Cayard-Koch-Melges.jpg 3,043 × 2,048; MB.
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Paul Cayard - WikidataAmerican yacht racer
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Paul Cayard on The Moorings Sailing Catamaran ...▶ 3:24Paul Cayard is a seven-time sailing world champion, a seven-time America's Cup veteran and two-time ...
VELA : Il punto di Paul Cayard - LA7.itVIDEO LA7: Il punto di Paul Cayard
VELA : Risponde Paul Cayard - LA7.itVIDEO LA7: Risponde Paul Cayard
Paul Cayard: "Ho avuto tanto dal mare, ora voglio restituire...Lo skipper del Moro di Venezia, testimonial per One Ocean, sposa la battaglia per la salvaguardia degli ambienti marini.
15 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Paul Cayard — WikipédiaPaul Cayard, né le 19 mai à San Francisco, est un skipper américain Amsterdam • Los Angeles • Berlin • Londres • Helsinki ... Nationalité: Américain
Wikipedia: Paul Cayard - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia librePaul Cayard (San Francisco (California), 19 de mayo de 1959) es un regatista estadounidense. Actualmente es el director del equipo Artemis Racing. Es fehlt: eisenach thür
Interview with Paul Cayard - Yachting WorldPaul Cayard has joined the Amer Sports One team for leg 4 of the Volvo Ocean Race. At a press conference in Auckland he explains the ...
Interview with Paul Cayard on his own Sailing History ...sail1design.com › interview-with-p...a strong 6 min. interview with Paul Cayard going back in time. He's relaxed and engaging as he tells some inside stories about his early days in ...
107 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Paul Cayard - President - Cayard Sailing LLC | LinkedIncommunity. Paul has 2 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Paul Cayard | LinkedInPaul Cayards berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Paul Cayard dabei hilft, ...
ACWS - SF - Update from Paul Cayard - KSSSksss.se › nyheter › nyheter › acws-...ACWS - SF - Update from Paul Cayard 5 oktober Yesterday was the first day of the America's Cup World Series, San Francisco. It was a true SF day.
America's Cup: Iain Percy löst Paul Cayard bei Artemis ab ...Der Schwede entmachtete damit den bisherigen Chef Paul Cayard, der den finanziell üppig ausgestatteten Challenger of Record sehr ...
Ambiente, Paul Cayard: "Inquinamento è sfida per tutti" - Sport -..."Io amo l'oceano e vorrei lasciarlo nelle mani delle prossime generazioni": questo il messaggio che il velista statunitense Paul Cayard ha portato al One Ocean ...
Biografia di Paul CayardStoria della vita di Paul Cayard, velista statunitense. Anima nel vento. Leggendo questo profilo biografico puoi conoscere anche la bibliografia, l'età e la...
Calvi Network punta su Paul Cayard per il finale di stagione | Vela...Si avvia verso la conclusione la stagione agonistica di Calvi Network che, in vista della tappa finale dell'Alcatel J/70 Cup e del Campionato Mondiale di San
America's One The best sailor in the U.S., Paul Cayard, may ...vault.si.com › vault ›This is Paul Cayard's vision: A quarter of a million people havetheir eyes turned toward the huge natural amphitheater that isSan Francisco Bay ...
Ep5 - Paul Cayard Shirley Robertson's Sailing podcastListen to Ep5 - Paul Cayard and five more episodes by Shirley Robertson's Sailing Podcast, free! No signup or install needed. Ep6 - Russell ...
PAUL CAYARD REPORTS FROM STAR Doyle Sailswww.doylesails.com › news › paul...PAUL CAYARD REPORTS FROM STAR EUROPEAN CHAMPS. May 22nd, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. After five days of racing with 12 races, 4 of which ...
Paul CAYARD - Olympic Sailing | United States of Americawww.olympic.org › paul-cayardOfficial profile of Olympic athlete Paul CAYARD (born 19 May 1959), including games, medals, results, photos, videos and news.
Paul Cayard - ZimbioA zine about Paul Cayard, with news, pictures, and articles.
Paul Cayard : "It is fantastic to have Loïck [Peyron] join Artemis...Artemis Racing, Challenger of Record Record #sailingrecord for the 34th America's Cup America's Cup #AmericasCup , announced today that French multihull legend...
Paul Cayard - AfricaBriefPaul Cayard explained : “On the last downwind we all gybed early and I went left ... par l'orchestre philharmonique de Berlin que dirigeait une fois encore Daniel ...
Paul Cayard Archives | Yacht Racing LifeThe latest episode of Shirley Robertson's Sailing Podcast sees her sit down with US sailing legend Paul Cayard, for an honest and truthful hour of chat with one ...
Paul Cayard Quotations (13 Quotations) | QuoteTabDiscover 13 Paul Cayard Quotations: Paul Cayard: 'It has been a strange start, to have to fly the boat to Cape Town.'
Stars Sailors League Paul Cayard - Stars Sailors LeaguePaul Cayard. United States of America Team #1 with Phil Trinter. Club :San Francis Yacht Club. Date Of Birth : Place Of Birth :San Francisco. Height: 189 cm Weight: 90 kg
Nyfiken på... Paul Cayard - BLURFler bra intervjuer från våra vänner på Search Magazine. Den här gången hänger de med Paul Cayard som väl inte behöver någon närmare ...
Paul Cayard - The Ocean RaceThe Ocean Race is the world's premier offshore race, an exceptional test of sailing prowess and human endeavour, which started over 37 years ago as the...
Paul Cayard in Leg Four of the Volvo Ocean Race - boats.comThe Nautor Challenge Volvo Ocean Race team announced that Paul Cayard, skipper of the winning yacht EF Language in the last Whitbread race, will join the crew...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Paul
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Paul; der Kleine, der Jüngere; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); paulus = klein; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; verbreitet als Heiligenname, vor allem des hl. Apostels Paulus; bisher trugen 6 Päpste den Namen Paul
Personensuche zu Paul Cayard & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Paul Cayard und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.